Big Butterfly Count 2020 launches today

 Has nature helped you through the last few months? It’s time to return the favour says Chris Packham

Chris Packham and wildlife charity Butterfly Conservation are launching this year’s Big Butterfly Count today as a chance for the public to give a gift back to nature this summer.

As so many of us have sought comfort, inspiration and hope through spending time in nature during the difficult last few months of lockdown, participating in the Big Butterfly Count is an easy way for us to do something positive to give back and help conserve nature for future generations.

The fine weather of spring 2020 has seen the earliest average emergences of butterflies for the last 20 years and Butterfly Conservation has received thousands of extra enquiries about butterfly and moth sightings made by an ever more nature-loving public.

This year’s Big Butterfly Count, Butterfly Conservation’s annual citizen science event which saw over 113,000 members of the public take part last year, is ready for its biggest year yet. The UK-wide survey simply asks you to spend 15 minutes in an outdoor space counting the amount and type of butterflies (and some day-flying moths) you see.

There were 11,057 counts submitted in Scotland for the Big Butterfly Count last year with overwhelmingly abundant numbers of Painted Lady butterflies spotted, up 7,541% (141,649 spotted) from the previous year, while Green-veined White and Small Copper butterflies saw declines of 56% and 60% respectively.

Chris Packham says: “While so many of us have had a bit more time to appreciate the nature on our doorsteps during the lockdown period, and learning about the natural world has been a mindful distraction from uncertainty, this is a real chance to do something positive and contribute to conserving nature.

“Butterflies and moths are key indicators of the health of our environment and anyone can help contribute to our understanding of these incredible creatures by taking part in in the Big Butterfly Count.

“The sightings you submit will be used to map and measure populations and the geographic spread of species across the UK. We’re asking everyone who have been given a helping hand from nature this year to return the favour.”

Dr Zoë Randle, Senior Surveys Officer at Butterfly Conservation said: “We’re excited to find out the results from the Big Butterfly Count this year. The very sunny spring weather meant that almost all butterfly species have emerged early this summer, so we’re hoping for some interesting data. As our weather patterns change it’s more important than ever for us to be able capture this information.

“We’ve seen an incredible amount of interest from people who have been out and about in their gardens and local areas spotting butterflies for the first time. From children learning about the lifecycle of a butterfly from a caterpillar found in their own back gardens to adults who have spotted a fluttering Red Admiral while exercising outside instead of at the gym.

“Nature has really shown its true value to us this year, but it is still under threat. Now, more than ever, we must all do our little bit to protect it.”

Steve Guy, Outdoor Category Director, B&Q said: “We’re delighted to be supporting the Big Butterfly Count once again. We’re encouraging all B&Q customers to get counting and to create butterfly friendly outdoor spaces.

“Attracting butterflies is simple if you have plenty of nectar to offer them. Plant as many of their favourite flowers – such as Lavender, Delphinium and Salvia – as you can in a sunny, sheltered spot. And you don’t need a big outdoor space – a window box or hanging basket with the right nectar giving plants can make you popular with butterflies.”

David Forbes Nixon, chairman of the DFN Foundation, said: “We are excited to be the official co-sponsor of the Big Butterfly Count from 2020 to 2023 and look forward to working with Butterfly Conservation to identify trends in species that will help us plan how to protect butterflies from extinction.”

“The recent pandemic has brought into even greater focus the need for us to protect the environment and connect with nature in a positive and meaningful way. We now have a huge opportunity to build on this momentum and engage with people of all ages across the country on the importance of butterfly conservation, helping to improve our whole environment for wildlife and enrich the lives of people now and in the future.”

The Big Butterfly Count is open to everyone, from ages from 3 to 103, and provides a real contribution to science and our understanding of butterfly and moth populations in the UK, a key indicator of the health of our environment, including the effects of climate change. 

Simply visit to find out more or download the free Big Butterfly Count app to enter your findings.

Become a Bee Buddy

Wake up to Nature: 9 tips to become a bee buddy

Honeybees are wonders of nature. You may see them buzzing happily from flower to flower at this time of year — but that’s just one pollination pitstop, as honeybees can cover an impressive three miles in one trip foraging for sticky nectar!

Their hard work doesn’t stop there; a strong colony of around 60,000 bees will travel the equivalent distance from earth to the moon every day!1

In turn, honeybees are responsible for pollinating a third of the fruit and vegetables we consume. They produce delicious honey for us to enjoy too, as the UK’s favourite honey brand Rowse knows only too well!

In fact, different flowers produce very distinct flavours, some light and citrussy, others rich and earthy — but all utterly delicious! In their lifetime, 12 honeybees will produce a teaspoon of yummy honey for us to drizzle, spread and ultimately enjoy. Their collective impact on the environment and food production shouldn’t be underestimated.

Sadly however, the UK’s remarkable honeybees have been in long term decline. So, Rowse is passionately spearheading positive change for the bees through Hives for Lives, a program of vital initiatives that protects the bees and improves livelihoods through beekeeping.

The good news is, we can all play a vital role in protecting and saving this incredible species with the following handy hints and tips on how to feed the bees this summer and become a Bee Buddy:

  1. Plant flowering plants from early spring through to winter. Make sure you have loads of different types; that way they’ll be in bloom throughout the seasons and the bees won’t go hungry. Here’s a handy list to tell you which plants will flower at different times of the year
  2. Bees don’t like having to fly too far, so plant different varieties of plants close together
  3. Some plants are more effective than others at attracting bees to your garden, so choose the bright flowers like lavender and borage, or tasty pollen herbs like thyme and marjoram
  4. Bees like plants with varying heights, so planting trees, shrubs and larger plants will help
  5. You don’t need to just plant in your garden – these will work just as well on your patio, window box or even hanging baskets
  6. Bees love weeds! A lawn full of clover and dandelions is a haven for bees, so let a patch of your lawn grow or raise the notches on the mower to lift the cutting blade a few centimetres
  7. Be wild! Some of a bee’s favourite nectar sources can be found in natural hedgerows and areas of wild plants or flowers, including bramble and ivy. Planting patches of these will not only help bumble bees, solitary bees and other pollinators, but will also help create the environments in which berries and seeds are produced, and which other wildlife also depend on
  8. Bees need water, so make sure there is somewhere in your garden for them to drink from. They’re only small so a plate or a small bowl is ideal
  9. If you see a tired or struggling bee, give them a one-off boost with some sugary water. Mix two tablespoons of white sugar and one tablespoon of water, put some of the mixture on the spoon with the bee and it should soon have a drink and become energised to take flight!

The more habitats you have in your garden, the more insects and bees you can attract and the more you’ll be doing to play a part and help nature to boost our natural resources.

Who knows, maybe you’ll even want to become a bee farmer some day!

Find comfort in nature

Tackling anxiety and isolation at home with Butterfly Conservation

As we’re all being encouraged to spend more time in our homes and feeling the worry and anxiety of 24/7 news coverage of the global pandemic, Butterfly Conservation is suggesting a way to look after your mental health by spending time in your garden or outdoor spaces. 

For those who are able to get outside, and who now perhaps have more opportunity to do so than normal, gardens across the UK are waking up to spring and there are plenty of species of butterfly to look out for.

Richard Fox, Associate Director (Recording & Research) at Butterfly Conservation suggests a few top butterfly species to spot: “There are a surprising number of species of butterfly which are coming out of hibernation ready for spring. In just the last few days we have had recorded sightings of Brimstone, Peacock, Small Tortoiseshell and Red Admiral all getting active as the weather is warming.

“The three common White butterflies (Large, Small and Green-veined) have also all been sighted already this year in the UK and before long it will be possible to see Orange Tips and Speckled Wood, both of which are early flying butterflies. We’ve not had any recorded sightings yet, but we’d love to receive one!

“The Holly Blue is the only blue butterfly that people are likely to see in their gardens in suburban or urban areas, which should be flying before too long. There are moths flying at night too, though they are a little harder to see in large numbers before the weather starts really warming up.”

Butterfly Conservation Chief Executive Julie Williams said: “While it’s crucial that we all stay safe and take steps to keep ourselves and others physically well at the moment, it’s also important that we take care of our mental health too.

“Anxiety, isolation and feeling stuck at home can have detrimental effects for our mental health and we’re encouraging anyone who can access an outdoor space to take a break in nature, while respecting the guidance on social distancing.

“There’s so much life waking up for Spring in our gardens and outdoor spaces and many of us might have a bit more opportunity to explore them than usual. It’s a proven fact that spending time in nature can have beneficial effects on your mental health.

“Take some mindful time to watch for our first Spring butterflies, record what you see and share it online. You could also plant some wildflower seeds now, ready for our summer pollinators.”

Stephen Buckley, Head of Information at Mind, the mental health charity, said: “We know being told to stay indoors and avoid others can be a very daunting prospect. There are a variety of things you can do to maintain wellbeing in these circumstances, one of which is engaging with nature and green space.

“For many of us, we don’t have access to our own green space in the form of a garden, so in this time of social distancing, we welcome Butterfly Conservation’s suggestion of taking time to watch for the first Spring butterflies. Even something as simple as going to a local public park or sitting by a window to watch butterflies can be beneficial to our mental health.”

If you’d like to take a break in nature, you can identify the butterflies in your garden on the Butterfly Conservation website.

We’d also love you to share your sightings on TwitterInstagram and Facebook. You can also contribute your sightings online to the Garden Butterfly Survey scheme which is run by the Butterfly Conservation.

Musselburgh kids help safeguard the future of golden eagles

A group of home schooled children from Musselburgh recently took part in the groundbreaking South of Scotland Golden Eagle Project to help safeguard the future of Golden Eagles in the UK.   

Continue reading Musselburgh kids help safeguard the future of golden eagles

Letter: What a wonderful world?

Dear Editor

Great dangers exist for all life on this planet, caused in the main by human activity. This activity is increasingly being moer understood worldwide.

All species of life depend on each other for survival, but it would appear that some authorities – like those in Botswana, Namibia, Zambua and Zimbabwe – have a different view, stating that they intend to allow the shooting of elephants.

Why is such a dreadful thing thought about, let alone acted on? They are also lifting the ban on sales of ivory: it takes very little skill to add two and two together!

These backward steps must be opposed and stopped. NOW!

A. Delahoy

Silverknowes Gardens


The Blue Planet effect: UK Blue Belt extended to protect rare seabirds

UK Government announces two new marine Special Protection Areas and extensions to four other sites to safeguard rare seabirds …

Nearly 150,000 rare seabirds – including the iconic little tern and black-throated diver – will be better protected as the UK’s ‘Blue Belt’ of marine protected areas extends by over 650 square miles, Environment Minister Thérèse Coffey announced today. Continue reading The Blue Planet effect: UK Blue Belt extended to protect rare seabirds