Letter: What a wonderful world?

Dear Editor

Great dangers exist for all life on this planet, caused in the main by human activity. This activity is increasingly being moer understood worldwide.

All species of life depend on each other for survival, but it would appear that some authorities – like those in Botswana, Namibia, Zambua and Zimbabwe – have a different view, stating that they intend to allow the shooting of elephants.

Why is such a dreadful thing thought about, let alone acted on? They are also lifting the ban on sales of ivory: it takes very little skill to add two and two together!

These backward steps must be opposed and stopped. NOW!

A. Delahoy

Silverknowes Gardens


The Blue Planet effect: UK Blue Belt extended to protect rare seabirds

UK Government announces two new marine Special Protection Areas and extensions to four other sites to safeguard rare seabirds …

Nearly 150,000 rare seabirds – including the iconic little tern and black-throated diver – will be better protected as the UK’s ‘Blue Belt’ of marine protected areas extends by over 650 square miles, Environment Minister Thérèse Coffey announced today. Continue reading The Blue Planet effect: UK Blue Belt extended to protect rare seabirds

Napier app aims to unravel the secrets of crab mating

A smartphone app developed at Edinburgh’s Napier University will allow the general public to help Brazilian fishers catch a tasty national delicacy. The ‘Citizen-Science’ app has been created to reinforce research into a sustainable fisheries policy for mangrove crabs along the South American country’s coastline. Continue reading Napier app aims to unravel the secrets of crab mating

Tree-mendous: Game of cones!

School gamers recruited to save Scotland’s forests


With new threats to tree health never far from the news, seven Scottish research institutes have been working with computer game designers to create a freely-available platform on which young players can pit their wits against pests and diseases in the virtual forest. The result is the new survival strategy game CALEDON, which was launched in Glasgow today. The ultimate game plan is to encourage a new generation of much-needed tree health specialists. Continue reading Tree-mendous: Game of cones!

Buzz of excitement as Flora serves up Holyrood honey

Flora Shedden - Scottish Parliament Honey

Great British Bake Off star Flora Shedden brought a buzz of excitement to the Scottish Parliament this week as she joined the Presiding Officer to unveil a specially commissioned bake made with honey from the Scottish Parliament’s beehives. Continue reading Buzz of excitement as Flora serves up Holyrood honey