For one night only: Alice at Craigroyston


Craigroyston Community High School will be staging ‘Alice in Wonderland’ TONIGHT at 7pm.

Marie McGarrol, drama worker at Craigroyston Community High School, said: “Craigroyston Community High School’s senior Drama club is putting on a public performance of Alice in Wonderland at the school tonight at 7pm, adult tickets £2, children’s tickets £1.50. The students involved would really appreciate any external support as the school as not seen a performance of this nature for many years. Please could you pass this email on to your colleagues that work in the area”.

For further information contact Craigroyston Community High School:

Telephone:      0131 477 7801
Web Address:

Granton Primary to stage their very own musical

Granton Primary School will be staging their first full-length musical this week. Everything about YANOMAMO has been created by the children themselves – from songs and set design to production and choreography.

The musical will be performed at the school on Wednesday and Thursday evenings at 7pm with a matinée on Friday (8th). Tickets are £5.

YANOMAMO is very much a first for the Boswall Parkway school, and tickets are understandably selling out fast. If you want to see a unique performance, call the school office on 552 3987 now!