Stepping Stones AGM


Steeping Stones North Edinburgh


Join us at Muirhouse Millennium Community Centre

Thursday 29 October 12:30pm


10 Wardieburn Road, Edinburgh

Telephone 551 1632


AGM poster 2015 (1)


Muirhouse Housing Association AGM tonight

MHa logo

Tonight we host the A.G.M of Muirhouse Housing association in our large hall at Muirhouse Millennium Community Centre (writes James McGinty)

The following invite comes from the Housing Association Website:

Our A.G.M is just around the corner. It will be held on Monday 28 September at 6.30pm at the Muirhouse Millennium Centre. Light refreshments will be served.

The main purpose of the meeting is to present the annual accounts and future plans for the Association. We will also be announcing the winners of the ‘Good Neighbour’ and ‘Best Garden’ contest and all attendees have a chance to win a price.

1 MSP 1 MP in Muirhouse every month


You wait ages for a politician to come along and then two come along at once … I jest: here’s a wee reminder from JAMES McGINTY at Muirhouse Millennium Community Centre … 

Reminder for Friday 4 September 10.30- 11.30am
(Michelle’s first surgery at the Centre:)
Thereafter 1st Friday of each Month


The opportunity to meet 1 M.S.P. and 1 M.P. within four days is a mouth-watering opportunity to discuss anything that is important to you and your neighbourhood with Michelle Thomson MP on Friday (as above) and Colin Keir MSP on Monday!

colin Keir MSP 2

Happy birthday, Muirhouse Millennium Centre

Muirhouse Millennium Community Centre is celebrating a special anniversary today, writes JAMES McGINTY

Flashback: birthday celebrations 2003
Flashback: birthday celebrations 2003

Today’s our BIRTHDAY!! Yes we’re 15 today (sorry, that’s the Millennium Centre, not the average age of our workers – how they wish!!) Yes it’s fifteen years from the day Councillors Maginnis and Hinds officially opened the Centre. Have we changed? Ask our visitors!

YES we have, we’re busier more creative in our activities and projects in our activities than ever.

YES We have also improved our publicity and transparency with our venture into our own website, tweets on Twitter posts on our electronic North Edinburgh News and declaring the number of people who participate in the centre activities each month.

YES 15 years on, roll on the 25th & 50th anniversary! Click onto our website for full report with some nostalgic pictures:

Summer playscheme – then some more!

Preparations are well underway for an absolutely HUGE summer programme for children in Muirhouse (writes JAMES McGINTY).  

Summer Play Scheme Walk

Friday 26 June, leaves from the Centre to Cramond at 1pm


Parents and Walkers can obtain a sponsorship form from the Reception desk at the Centre from Eileen or Peter Airlie (Manager).  Others who do not or cannot walk but wish to donate to the summer playscheme can do so through Eileen or Peter at the Centre.

St Andrews church muirhouse

We would like to thank Helen Fisher on behalf of the Old Kirk & Muirhouse Parish Church for their generous donation towards the Scheme.  The children themselves have been raising money throughout the year by Bag-packing and various other activities.


Prior to the charity walk and the summer play scheme (starts Tuesday 3 July), The Boys Club + jass Groups go on a Residential to Ratho (Mon 29 June – Wed 1 July) on their return the Girls Club + Jass Groups go to Ratho from Wednesday 1 to Friday 3 July.

This is a truly exciting period for the children with a wholesome and varied programme planned for them over the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for three weeks.Towford bothy Nr JedburghAs if doing one residential and running the Play Scheme at the same time would be enough, we are not going to stop there: one of the biggest Residentials we have ever planned will be to take more than 30 children aged 5 years to 12 years away for an experience of their young lives – to Towford Bothy in the Scottish borders for a week of activities delivered by MY Adventure!

To access The My Adventure website click HERE

Connor joins the Muirhouse Millennium A Team!


Yet another young volunteer joins us from the council run Scheme, financially helping 16 & 17 into work or education and volunteering (writes James McGinty).

Young Connor joins our Young Team Chris Paul and Dale doing the many tasks that are required to run a successful Community Centre. Chris is pictured enjoying the morning sunshine and tending to the daffodils, maintaining a bright and cheerful garden for our community to enjoy!

Metafit made easier at Muirhouse Millennium Centre

Ciorcuit Class

The fitness programme previously known as Metafit has changed it’s name and it’s purpose. To allow older people to attend they have made the programme -now called Circuit Class – less intensive for those who cannot manage the more exertive tasks.

The first Circuit Class will take place on 9 April at 6.30pm and will continue weekly every Thursday The cost is £5 per person. Please bring a water bottle (although these will be available in the cafe for 50p).


Participants must be over sixteen years old and should wear suitable clothing and footwear.

James McGinty

Muirhouse cancellations this week

Two cancelled events in Muirhouse this week:


TRIM (Tenants & Residents in Muirhouse)

Our scheduled meeting on Tuesday 11 November has been cancelled. It is unlikely we will have another meeting this year due to the festive period.
We will post a new date once we agree it. Our Facebook, Emails and Phone calls will still continue to be dealt with in the normal way.


Zumba/Fitsteps Activity Please be aware and pass it on to  fellow Zumba friends, David Lowe’s Zumba will not be on this Wednesday but will resume normal dates & times next week (Wednesday 19 November).

See more at:


Community Renewal at Millennium Centre

New Job Club at Muirhouse Millennium starts 27 August

Community Renewal logo

Community Renewal will be present at this centre to assist anyone job seeking on Wednesday afternoons from midday to 2pm. The team will have an up to date list of job vacancies, and assist with CVs, covering letters ad offer general advice on job seeking. This will be a drop in activity with no appointments required.

We hope that our community will take advantage of this free service on their doorsteps, with the centre’s facilities -including our café – at their disposal.

Job Club at Muirhouse Millennium Community Centre starts on Wednesday 27 August.



James McGinty, Muirhouse Millennium Community Centre