Free training opportunity at Granton Library this week

Overcoming Language Barriers for Frontline/Reception Staff

Training Opportunity for Workers in North Edinburgh

 10am – 12pm, Wednesday 29th March 2017

Granton Library, 25 Wardieburn Terrace, Edinburgh EH4 4DT

Learn about:

• Practical ways to remove language barriers in your organization.

• Race equality in Scotland

• Some of the current challenges for BME communities.

The trainer will be Eleanor McKnight from Elite Linguist CIC. Living in Harmony and Muirhouse Library are organizing the training.

Book your free place by contacting Anita on 0131 551 1671 or

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Muirhouse Library celebrates 25 years of Library Link service

A local library success story was shared last week as the Library Link service celebrated it’s 25th birthday. This popular service helps people who have difficulty getting out to access books and other library services. It’s fitting that the celebrations centred on Muirhouse Library, for it’s here that the Link service was first established all those years ago! Continue reading Muirhouse Library celebrates 25 years of Library Link service

Training session: Overcoming language barriers

Overcoming Language Barriers for  Frontline/Reception Staff  –

Training Opportunity for Workers in North Edinburgh

10am – 12pm, Thurs 26th Jan 2017, Muirhouse Library, Pennywell Road

Learn about:

  • Practical ways to remove language barriers in your organization.
  • Race equality in Scotland
  • Some of the current challenges for BME communities.

The trainer will be Eleanor McKnight from Elite Linguist CIC. Living in Harmony and Muirhouse Library are organizing the training.  Book your free place by contacting Adam Farquhar on 0131 551 1671 or emailing

Lorna drums up a day to remember at Muirhouse Library



Muirhouse and Granton libraries held an event with Lorna Liverpool, author of the wonderful children’s book ‘A Dance to Remember’ on Monday. The event is part of the libraries’ celebration of Black History Month which began on the 1st of October and runs until the end of the month.

Lorna demonstrated African drumming and performed stories with arts and crafts for local  primary school children – giving everyone a great opportunity to learn about the African drum’s significance in African culture, and of course to make some noise!

The children were joined by the local Living in Harmony group for Lorna’s session, making it a day to remember for all at Muirhouse Library.

Thanks to Declan McCann, team leader at Muirhouse Library, for the pictures


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Continue reading Lorna drums up a day to remember at Muirhouse Library

Feel the Breeze at Muirhouse Library!

feel the breeze

Mikael Partanen’s ‘Feel the Breeze‘ is the latest community artwork to be displayed on the billboard in front of Muirhouse library.

It’s the third to feature in a series initiated by Shopping Centre-based

Sweet and soothing on a summer’s day?

Bringing life back to Muirhouse Library wall


There’s a scarred, empty wall at the entrance to the Muirhouse Library, where a piece of art used to be … it’s been a blank canvas for a while, but Arcadeum’s Art Billboard project is bringing this empty space back to life! Continue reading Bringing life back to Muirhouse Library wall

Happy Harry celebrates in style

Trebles all round for Muirhouse Library Link member

harry 100

Drylaw centenarian Harry Macdonald doesn’t do things by halves. He’s already celebrated his birthday with a party at Drylaw Church, then followed that up with a family meal in Davidson’s Mains – and now there’s been a third celebration as Harry marked his milestone event with staff and friends from Muirhouse Library’s Link service earlier today!

Muirhouse Library’s Declan McCann said: “Harry has been coming to library link since July 2015, and he has been a lively addition to the group. The Hearts top he is wearing was gifted by the club, has the number 100 on the back and is signed by the players. Today we shared cake, coffee and non-alcoholic bubbly!”