Attempted murder in Muirhouse: man jailed for six years

A 44-year-old man has been jailed for six years in connection with attempted murder in Muirhouse.

Craig McQuillian was sentenced at the High Court in Edinburgh yesterday (Wedneday, 22 May) after pleading guilty the previous day.

McQuillian tried to murder a young boy and man on Sunday, 12 November, 2023 by setting a fire outside the door of their home in the Muirhouse area.

Detective Inspector Gordon Couper said: “This was a targeted attack which not only could have killed two innocent people, but also harmed many others in the building.

“McQuillian will now face the consequences of his deplorable actions.

“I would like to thank all officers involved for their dedication and commitment throughout the investigation as well as those members of the public who assisted with our enquiries.”

Edinburgh’s Growing Together!

Housing estates are in store for a bumper harvest thanks to a number of new and growing community gardens in the Capital. 

The Edinburgh Growing Together project, which began gardening last year after a survey of plots in 2021, has reported a busy summer with new planters and raised beds being built, water supplies linked up and composting facilities installed across community growing areas.

A lot of this work has been conducted by Growing Youth, a social enterprise supported by the council’s Additional Support for Learning Service (ASLS) that educates young people in horticulture and construction. 

Located on City of Edinburgh Council housing land, work has started on three new growing areas in Hutchison, Broomhouse and Muirhouse. These will feature home grown fruit and vegetables alongside flowers. They will offer opportunities for tenants and local people to learn gardening skills, socialise and benefit from sustainable, affordable food. 

At Hutchison, participants will soon start prepping the area for autumn planting of a forest garden, while over in Broomhouse volunteers have been preparing a wildflower garden.  

Opportunities for local communities to enjoy and use space for food growth in greenspaces is part of the Council’s 20-Minute Neighbourhood strategy, which is designed to support people to live well locally and be able to meet most daily needs within a 20-minute walk or wheel.

On a recent visit to the community backgreens, the Council’s Housing Convener Councillor Jane Meagher and the Chair of Edible Edinburgh, Councillor Katrina Faccenda, met with local growers. They were joined by Greig Robertson, Founding Director of Edible Estates, which is delivering the Growing Together initiative of behalf of the council.  

Councillor Jane Meagher, Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Convener, said: “What better way to reinvigorate community council estates and work towards net zero carbon than with these beautiful, edible gardens? 

“Edinburgh really is blessed with stunning greenspaces but this project is about helping local people to connect with nature and neighbours in their own communities. We have 46 community gardens across our council housing estates and, while many of them are thriving, others need a little bit of nurturing. That’s where the Edinburgh Growing Together project comes in. 

“From upskilling local people in gardening to seeing community kitchens set up, our Growing Together project is making a real difference to tenants. It has been fantastic to check in on progress and to meet with volunteers in Hutchison.

“They are doing a tremendous job and I’m sure these gardens will deliver countless benefits for living well locally, in line with our 20 minute neighbourhood approach. Eating good quality nutritious food doesn’t have to cost us, or the earth.”

Councillor Katrina Faccenda, Chair of Edible Edinburgh, said: “These community gardens are a brilliant way to brighten up our estates while helping tenants access nutritious, budget-friendly ingredients.

“It links into the diverse range of work being undertaken by the council, our partners and the third sector to tackle food insecurity and improve the sustainability of food, and it’s a joy to see meet those involved in establishing and nurturing these new gardens. 

“As part of the project, improvements are also being made to six existing gardens which are managed by the council plus nine gardens which are run by local community groups, with support also being provided to the remaining gardens in a variety of ways.”

These projects are being delivered by Edible Estates, funded by the City of Edinburgh Council, with support from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. 

Greig Robertson, Edible Estates’ Founding Director, comments: “Community gardens are a valuable resource to communities, they support individual and community well-being, promote physical activity, create new connections between folk, and of course grow fruit and veg.

“They are a ‘place’ and an activity, and play an important role in the move towards establishing 20-minute neighbourhoods across the city. Amidst news of produce shortages and a cost of living crisis, community gardens provide skills and resources towards more resilient communities.

“The Community Garden Survey highlighted that gold-standard community growing projects can and do exist across Edinburgh, and showcased the potential for many more to develop with the right support provided through the Edinburgh Growing Together project.

“We are looking forward to continuing work with and supporting the fantastic organisations, groups, and volunteers behind each of the gardens, and more so to seeing how each garden develops over the coming years.”

City council’s Twenty Minute Neighbourhood Strategy updated

A key strategy has been updated to help people across Edinburgh live well locally in places that are healthier, greener, more vibrant and inclusive.

The Council’s initial 20-Minute Neighbourhood Strategy was approved by the Policy and Sustainability Committee on 10 June 2021, outlining a vision for a city where everyone can meet most of their daily needs within a short walk, wheel or cycle from their home. A further report on 30 November 2021 gave an update on how the Strategy was being delivered.

This strategy has now been refreshed to provide the latest information on key projects that are being progressed, alongside the overall direction and delivery of the concept in Edinburgh. 

Through the 20-minute neighbourhood approach, the Council is working in partnership with local communities across the capital to help to deliver its strategic priorities of creating good places to live and work, while meeting its targets of ending poverty and becoming net zero by 2030.

The 20-minute neighbourhood approach in Edinburgh focusses on making it easier for people to access daily services and facilities in their local area. It is now being implemented through several key ‘building blocks’:

•    Working with local communities
•    Supporting people to access the services they need locally
•    Providing multiple services and facilities from a single location
•    Delivering mixed-use regeneration and development
•    Making our town and local centres greener, more inclusive and more people-focussed
•    Supporting local economies and businesses
•    Improving sustainable and active travel access to services and facilities

Councillor Val Walker, Culture and Communities Convener, said: “We want to support people across the city to live well locally, and this latest update to our 20-Minute Neighbourhood Strategy shows how we are working to deliver this approach in different parts of Edinburgh. 

“The 20-minute neighbourhood concept is one that many communities already enjoy: ensuring services and facilities are close to residents, enabling walking, wheeling and cycling to be the natural choice for shorter journeys. 

“Now, we are starting to see how all residents throughout Edinburgh can fully enjoy this approach and live in a cleaner, greener and more thriving city that supports communities and brings people together. By putting local people at the heart of everything, each person living in the city can choose to participate in all community, cultural and heritage activities.

“The updated strategy outlines how our support for local living can give more people more choice within their neighbourhood, while also making it easier to travel further to access the services and facilities they need on public transport and by active travel. 

“We know people have strong views on this concept, and we believe engaging and collaborating with communities across the city to understand their needs is essential. That’s why we’re involving communities at an early stage of design projects as a key priority. If we work together, everyone can benefit from healthier, well-connected and thriving neighbourhoods right across the city.”

Read the full 20-Minute Neighbourhood Strategy here.  

Current key projects

These updates show different examples how the 20-minute neighbourhood concept is currently being embedded into key projects across the city.

Following initial engagement with communities earlier this year, proposals are currently being developed to make it easier to access Gorgie Dalry, Portobello and Craigmillar town centres by walking, wheeling cycling and public transport while improving the quality of local streets and public spaces.

Further information on these projects is available on the 20-Minute Neighbourhoods section of the Council’s website.

Pennywell & Muirhouse

The regeneration of Pennywell and Muirhouse is a long-standing objective for the Council and its partners.  Work completed to date includes a new School, medical centre, retail centre, improved public realm and new homes. There will be around 1000 new mixed tenure homes of which over 50% will be affordable.  730 new homes have been delivered to date across several sites in the area.

community hub is also under construction at the local centre. The hub will have an early years centre, library, skills hub, six affordable homes and space for North Edinburgh Arts. 

The hub is being delivered in partnership with North Edinburgh Arts and aims to promote culture, learning, work and wellbeing within the local community. All staff operating from the hub space will follow a ‘No Wrong Door’ approach to make sure citizens can access relevant services in the space or be signposted where necessary.

The NEAT Connections project will deliver improved active travel links to the new local centre, schools and services. 

Granton Waterfront

The Granton Waterfront regeneration will deliver a new coastal town with an ambitious 20-minute neighbourhood vision over the next 10-15 years. The regeneration will deliver around 3,500 new net zero carbon homes (over 35% of them affordable); a primary school, commercial, creative, and community space, and a new coastal park. 

The project will create new employment opportunities, meaning residents of this fast-growing area will be able to access work locally. Partner organisations will deliver substantial new cultural and educational assets over the regeneration timeframe.

Early Action housing projects are well underway at Western Villages, Silverlea and the Demonstrator site at Waterfront Avenue. In March 2023, the Granton Station Square building opened and provides affordable workspace for artists and creative industries. 

New active travel and public transport infrastructure will be created throughout the regeneration area, including new cycle paths and a mobility hub.


Planning permission for a new Liberton High School has been granted, with a GP practice and community facilities a key part of the design. 

The creation of a community campus will deliver a range of services and activities and aims to create a place where multiple services and partners can be accessed that contribute to health, wellbeing and learning of young people and the wider community. 

Aberdeen cannabis cultivations: Two arrested in Edinburgh police swoop

Two men aged 27 and 35 have been arrested following a pre-planned police operation in the Muirhouse and Niddrie areas of Edinburgh yesterday (Tuesday, 22 August, 2023).

Aberdeen officers were supported by colleagues in Edinburgh in this operation.

It resulted in both men being charged in connection with a number of cannabis cultivations discovered in the Aberdeen area between Tuesday, 4 July and Tuesday, 15 August, 2023. They have an estimated street value of over £800,000.

Both men are due to appear at Aberdeen Sheriff Court today.

Detective Inspector Andrew Machray from the CID Proactive Unit in Aberdeen said: “A significant amount of cannabis has been taken off the streets and I hope this operation highlights our determination to tackle drugs activity.

“We will continue to use every tool at our disposal to disrupt those involved in serious and organised crime who are intent on bringing harm and misery to our local communities.

“The majority of cultivations that we uncover come from information given to us from our communities. We rely on the support of the public, so if you have any information or concerns about drug misuse, do not hesitate to contact Police Scotland on 101 or report this anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

No Ruined Stone: Paul Duke’s Muirhouse exhibition opens tomorrow

Paul Duke: No Ruined Stone
26 November 2022 – 19 February 2023
City Art Centre, 2 Market Street, Edinburgh EH1 1DE
Free Admission

This November, the City Art Centre opens a new exhibition of street photography by the artist Paul Duke depicting contemporary life in the Muirhouse area of Edinburgh.

Paul Duke: No Ruined Stone features 38 large-scale black and white photographs documenting the built environment and residents of Muirhouse. It is accompanied by a short film by Julian Ward, in which Paul Duke talks about his work and the experience of creating the series.

This is the first time No Ruined Stone has been displayed as a full-scale exhibition, bringing the photographs back to the artist’s home city.

Paul Duke grew up in Muirhouse, in the north of Edinburgh, between the mid-1960s and early 1980s. He attended the local Craigroyston High School, where his teachers inspired him to consider art as a possible future career. Drawn to photography, he enrolled at Napier College (now Edinburgh Napier University), before gaining a place to study at the Royal College of Art in London. From here, he established himself as a lens-based artist.

In 2015 Duke returned to Muirhouse to develop No Ruined Stone. This series was conceived as the second part of a photographic trilogy by Duke which examines the social climate in modern-day Scotland. It takes its name from the poetry of the Scots writer Hugh MacDiarmid. For No Ruined Stone, the artist spent time meeting local people and talking with them; reconnecting with his roots and exploring how the Muirhouse community had changed since his own upbringing there.

The exhibition at the City Art Centre presents a selection of 38 photographs from No Ruined Stone. It features views of homes and other architectural structures, surrounded by elements of the natural world. Portraits of local residents punctuate the otherwise unpopulated setting, giving a sense of the community’s identity – something that is too often misrepresented in popular culture and elsewhere.

Duke’s understated yet powerful images depict Muirhouse at a time of significant urban regeneration and social flux. While raising issues around social inequality and poverty, No Ruined Stone is underpinned by a message of human resilience, strength of character, and ultimately, hope.

Paul Duke said: “When I started work on No Ruined Stone in 2015, my greatest wish was to create a narrative that gave voice to the residents of Muirhouse – to challenge misrepresentation by portraying the community and local environment with honesty, fairness and dignity.

“I wanted to offer personal insight and in doing so, address pressing questions around social injustice. With millions of people up and down the land dealing with the cost of living crisis, I believe that these photographs have taken on new meaning and are now more relevant than ever.

Curator Dr Helen Scott said: It’s been a real privilege to work with Paul Duke on bringing this exhibition to the City Art Centre.

No Ruined Stone is an important body of work that is both hard-hitting and reflective, socially-engaged and highly personal. There is heart and truth in these photographs, and the images linger with you long after you’ve seen them.

Councillor Val Walker, Convener of Culture and Communities, said: “We are delighted to present Edinburgh’s own Paul Duke: No Ruined Stone at the City Art Centre.

“His wonderful photographs will be on display for the first time as a full-scale exhibition and I’m sure visitors will be captivated by the series on contemporary life in the Muirhouse area of the Capital and the changes in the community.

“The aim of our City Art Centre is to champion historic and contemporary Scottish visual and applied arts, so I’m delighted that we can display Paul’s work in his home city.”

The exhibition is accompanied by the publication Paul Duke: No Ruined Stone (Hartmann Books, 2018).

Paul Duke: No Ruined Stone opens on Saturday 26 November 2022, and runs until 19 February 2023. Admission is free.

Art for Grown-Ups Summer Project: Community Screening at the Filmhouse and visit to Talbot Rice Gallery this Saturday

We’re excited for this Saturday’s screening of animations, films and documentaries made in Muirhouse and Pilton.

Join us @Filmhouse Sat 27 Aug at 11.30am

Free // registration via the link below:


Come and enjoy a programme of short animations, films and documentaries created in Muirhouse & Pilton, followed by a visit and art workshop at Talbot Rice Gallery.

You can book for just the film screening or join us for the whole day (screening & gallery visit).

  • This is a free event but booking is advised.
  • Suitable for adults, families and young people over 9 years old (children under 9 must be accompanied by an adult).
  • Free bus tickets provided when travelling with us.
  • Snacks, treats and drinks provided.

This event, and the Art for Grown-Ups year round programme is supported by Creative Scotland

What to expect:

This screening is the result of Art for Grown Ups recent Summer Project (18th – 25th July) and other creative workshops at North Edinburgh Arts. We will also show work by other local film makers.

The exhibition at Talbot Rice by Celine Conorelli explores transformation, labour, leisure, colour, play and design. You can learn more by clicking here. After visiting the exhibtion we’ll make a bit of our own art too.

Cllr Jane Meagher: Facing up to Edinburgh’s housing challenge by building smart new homes

Councillor Jane Meagher, the city council’s Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work Convener, writes:

After a slowdown during the pandemic, it’s great to see so much work underway to build the new affordable and sustainable homes our growing city needs. 
Last week I had the pleasure of marking the site start for our newest housing development – Western Villages at the new Granton Waterfront. Spanning a site the same size as the New Town, this regeneration of the waterfront really is going to create a brand new coastal community. 
This is growth which will benefit those who already live in the area and the city as a whole and I have to say, it’s incredible to watch the start of construction. There is a team of people working extremely hard so that, over the next decade, we’ll see drastic change and thousands of people move into beautiful new homes.

They will join a 20-minute neighbourhood where they can shop, socialise, and access support. With our partners we’re investing millions in the area, including the fantastic gas works holder, which will become an amazing spectacle; a home for events and a glowing beacon for North Edinburgh below everyone who flies into the city. 
I am strongly committed to doing what I can to secure more affordable homes for Edinburgh. Over 150 households bid for every Council and housing association home that becomes available so that’s why we’re driving forward with building new affordable homes on sites across the city.

Close to Granton, in nearby Pennywell and Muirhouse, new homes and a new civic centre are taking shape. We’re also investing in improving existing homes with major works underway in both multi storey blocks and low-rise housing.   
As the city grows, the demand we are seeing for affordable and social homes is only going to increase. That is a reality we must face, not least with the country in the grip of a cost-of-living crisis and fears of recession on the horizon.

It’s why it’s critical the Council and its partners press ahead with a truly ambitious and forward-thinking housebuilding strategy and it’s why we must continue to make the case for increased investment in this programme to the Scottish Government. Our capital city, after all, is per head the lowest funded local authority in Scotland.
The way we’re building homes is also changing, with innovative measures being used to reduce energy. Western Villages is a great example of that, as Scotland’s largest net zero development. We want the whole city to become net zero carbon by 2030 so we are committing to ‘build smarter’ and create new homes which are greener and use eco-friendly technology.

This construction work is also helping to boost and create new jobs and apprenticeships which will further help us to support people into employment and keep our economy resilient, which is particularly significant after the impacts of Covid. 

The future is challenging, but together with developers and others we are doing everything within our powers to make it fairer on residents and on our environment. We’ll keep working to tackle our housing pressures and deliver these affordable and sustainable new homes.

This article first appeared in the Edinburgh Evening News

“Juliuszek left us the most beautiful memories that will remain in our hearts forever.”

Lukasz Czapla, 41, has been sentenced to at least 23 years in prison following his conviction for the horrific murder of his two-year old son Julius in Muirhouse.

Czapla, who claimed he suffered from poor mental health, murdered his son in a drink and drug-fuelled jealous rage to get back at the child’s mum Patrycja Szczesniak.

The court heard that, on the night Julius died, Ms Szczesniak had told Czapla he was seeing somebody new. 

Passing sentence at the High Court in Edinburgh yeserday, judge Lord Beckett said that Czapla’s use of drink and drugs were no excuse for what he did to Julius.

Lord Beckett said: “Your son will never grow up and his loving mother has lost him forever and will forever be haunted by the truly evil act that you did.

“Your son will never grow up and his loving mother has lost him forever and will forever be haunted by the truly evil act that you did. 

“You acted out of spite to punish his mother for leaving you and getting on with her life.

“Suffice to say you showed considerable determination to ensure that a defenceless child would die in considerable distress. 

“It is no excuse that you were full of drink and drugs. Indeed it is significantly aggravated given that you were being asked to look after a two-year-old.”

Emergency services were called to the family home at Muirhouse Place West in November 2020, where Julius was found seriously injured. He was pronounced dead at the scene a short time later.

The jury heard that Czapla shot Julius three times in the head with a gas-powered air pistol. Three ball bearings were later recovered from the child’s head. Czapla then stabbed the toddler with a metal skewer before smothering him with a pillow.

Detective Inspector Bob Williamson, of Police Scotland’s Major Investigation Team, said: “Julius was a bright, happy young boy and his loss in such horrendous circumstances has been devastating for his mother and his family.

“Lukasz Czapla is now facing the consequences of his actions. The outcome of this case will never bring Julius back but it does bring this aspect to a close. Julius’s family have understandably asked for privacy during this difficult time.

“I would like to thank the local community and our dedicated team of officers, along with our partner agencies, who assisted throughout the duration of the investigation.”

Patrycja Szczesniak, Julius’ Mother, has also released the following statement through Police Scotland and asks her request for privacy to please be respected:

“I only wanted the best for you. If only I could only turn back time to have you in my arms again my child.

“Despite the breakup with Juliusz’s dad, I wanted him to have contact with our son. I never stopped him seeing Juliusz. Julek loved him like every child loves their dad. He trusted him, he trusted him completely.

“Juliusz was murdered only for revenge. His dad wanted me to suffer, he succeeded and achieved his goal, at the cost of my beloved little boy’s life.

“If only I knew what was going to happen. I would have never thought he could do this to my child.

“He was only two and a half.

“Every day I think about Juliusz. I can’t imagine what his little, helpless heart felt that night and I feel his fear and pain every day. He was part of me, part of my heart and soul.

“I wish I could hug him, play with him and watch him grow.

“Every day I ask myself why there is so much evil in this world, why the innocent have to suffer.

“He not only took Juliusz life but my life too.

“That day, the world stopped, not only for me but also for my mother and my sister.

“Juliusz was a very happy child. He lit up the place wherever he showed up. He could put a smile on anyone’s face and always looked forward to calls with his Grandma and Auntie. They managed to build a strong relationship despite the distance in miles between us and enjoyed every minute they had together.

“It is breaking our hearts that we are no longer able to take his hand and lead him through life. To watch him enjoy riding his bike and eating his favourite ice cream. Listen to his giggling and laughing and being amazed by the things he learned every day.

“There was so much we wanted to show him but this chance was brutally taken from us and now the only thing we can do is to prey for the highest possible punishment. We want to believe in the justice system and that justice will be served, although I know there is no sentence that will bring my angel back to life.

“Czapla should not have the right to any defence and we will fight to ensure that monster never leaves prison.

“My suffering and my pain will stay with me for the rest of my life. But the unconditional love I have for my baby; my dearest child Juliusz will never end.

“My family, friends and l will miss him dearly and we will suffer his loss until the end of our days.

“Juliuszek left us the most beautiful memories that will remain in our hearts forever.”

NEAT Connections – Stakeholder meetings in Muirhouse tomorrow

The NEAT Connections project has organised two in-person Stakeholder meetings tomorrow (Friday 29 April).

The first one from 1 to 2pm and the second one from 3 to 4pm.

These meetings will be held in the Old Kirk and Muirhouse Parish Church, 42 Pennywell Gardens, Edinburgh EH4 4PE.

That evening, we will also hold an online meeting from 19:30 to 20:30. You find the link to the Microsoft Teams meeting below.

The aim of these meetings is to inform community stakeholders about the NEAT Connections project and the upcoming engagement activities.

We hope that this information will support you to mobilise your members and the local community to join the engagement activities over the coming weeks to improve walking and cycling infrastructure and green spaces on and around Pennywell Road.

The agenda:

1. Background and aims of the NEAT Connections project            

(Barry Clarke, Senior Project Manager – Active Travel, the City of Edinburgh Council)

2. Engagement activities and results so far                                       

(Barbara Kerr, Project officer – Communities, Sustrans Scotkland)

3. Ideas for improvement                                                                    

(Gert Rijsdijk, Senior Transport officer – 20 Minute Neighbourhoods, the City of Edinburgh Council)

4. Upcoming Engagement activities                                                   

5. Time for questions

Microsoft Teams meeting:

Click here to join the meeting

Gert Rijsdijk

Senior Transport Officer | 20 Minute Neighbourhoods

Thanks for everything, Miss Stewart!

Craigroyston Primary School Head Teacher says goodbye

‘How lucky I am having something that makes saying goodbye so hard’ – Winnie the Pooh

“I leave today with a heart full of love for my school and a community I am proud to have served for over thirty years’ – Craigroyston Head Teacher Lorna Stewart