Lothian MSP supports Hugo’s Law to give cats the same protection as dogs and other animals

Scottish Conservative & Unionist MSP Miles Briggs is supporting calls for ‘Hugo’s Law’ to pass in the Scottish Parliament, making it law that drivers must contact a vet, the police and the RSPCA in the event that they hit a cat.

The calls come after Hugo, a much-loved cat that stalked the streets of Edinburgh’s West End, sadly died last month after being struck by a car. Those who loved Hugo are now leading the calls for a change in the law.

At present, motorists are obliged to inform the authorities if they hit dogs, horses, sheep, pigs, foxes, badgers, mules, cows and goats with their vehicle, under a section of the Road Traffic Act 1988, which applies to England, Scotland and Wales. A vet must also be contacted to look over the animals and treat them for injuries, however this section does not apply to cats.

Mr. Briggs has already written to the Scottish Government requesting a meeting so that discussions around the law change can begin.

Lothian MSP Miles Briggs said: “I wholeheartedly support the campaign for ‘Hugo’s Law’ to change the law on stopping for animals to include cats.

“A cat’s life is worth no less than a dog’s and a change in the law would increase the chances of survival for cats who are struck by vehicles.

“It is imperative we include cats so that more people are not left bereft like Hugo’s family.

“A change in the law would bring comfort to Hugo’s family and other cat owners who will be safe in the knowledge that tragic incidents such as Hugo’s passing can be avoided, and that is why I am seeking a meeting with government officials to push this through”. 

MSPs express ‘serious safety concerns’ over Royal Infirmary overcrowding

LOTHIAN MSPs have spoken out following a critical report on safety issues at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh at Little France. Inspectors reported safety concerns following visits to the hospital’s A & E Department in February and subsequent follow-ups.

Conservative Lothian list MSP Miles Briggs said: “These are very serious concerns in regards to overcrowding at Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh and the fire safety risk it creates.

“The A&E department at the hospital has been running over capacity for a number of years now, with SNP Ministers showing an ability to make any progress.

“Patient and staff safety must be the number one priority at the RIE and urgent improvements must be made.

“I have written to NHS Lothian to ask for further details and a timetable for when these improvements are being made .”

Labour list MSP Foysol Choudhury added: “It is incredibly disappointing and worrying that inspectors raised numerous serious concerns about safety in the A&E department at Royal Infirmary Edinburgh (RIE).

“Constituents in Edinburgh need to be sure that they can safely attend hospital for care and treatment. Instead, patient safety, care and dignity were called into question.

“This is terrifying for those patients in the region who need to be able to rely on and trust the A&E department should they ever need it.

“I’m very concerned that our hardworking NHS staff may also be put in danger by this crisis in the NHS, with concerns raised over staff wellbeing at RIE. Our hospital staff work incredibly hard to provide the best service possible.

“Patients at RIE and their relatives spoke highly of the compassionate care they received from staff. “This makes it all the more disappointing that staff and patients alike are being affected by 16 years of SNP incompetence.

“Staff and patients are crying out for help. Will the new Health Secretary answer their call and reverse years of damage done by Humza Yousaf when he held the post?”

NHS Lothian says the concerns expressed in the report are already being addressed. Alison Macdonald, nurse director at NHS Lothian, told the BBC the HIS visit came at a time of “unprecedented pressure” on the hospital.

She said: “We accept and acknowledge the findings of the HIS report and we sincerely apologise to patients for longer than usual waiting times in the emergency department and a poorer experience of care.

“We had already begun our own improvement work when the inspectors carried out their first visit.

“When they returned for their follow-up, it was clear to see that improvements had already been made, but more was required. We are now focused on our improvement and safety action plans.”


HEALTH watchdog Healthcare Improvement Scotland carried out an unannounced inspection to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, NHS Lothian on Monday 20 to Wednesday 22 February 2023 using our safe delivery of care inspection methodology.

During our inspection, we:

  • inspected the ward and hospital environment
  • observed staff practice and interactions with patients, such as during patient mealtimes
  • spoke with patients, visitors and ward staff (where appropriate), and
  • accessed patients’ health records, monitoring reports, policies and procedures.

As part of our inspection, we also asked NHS Lothian to provide evidence of its policies and procedures relevant to this inspection. The purpose of this is to limit the time the inspection team is onsite, reduce the burden on ward staff and to inform the virtual discussion session.

On Tuesday 14 March 2023, we carried out an unannounced follow-up visit to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh to establish if concerns we raised during our initial visit had been addressed.

On Thursday 16 March 2023, we held a virtual discussion session with key members of NHS Lothian staff to discuss the evidence provided and the findings of the inspection.

As a result of serious concerns about patient safety within the emergency department identified during this inspection we wrote to NHS Lothian to formal escalate our concerns in accordance with level 1 of our escalation process in the Healthcare Improvement Scotland and Scottish Government: operating framework.

A copy of the letter has been published with this report.

Summary of our findings

At the time of inspection, the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, like much of NHS Scotland, was experiencing a significant range of pressures including increased hospital admissions, increased pressures in the emergency department and admission units and reduced staff availability. During our onsite inspections the hospital was operating at over 100% capacity.

In ward areas, senior managers were visible, wards were generally calm and well organised and we observed good leadership and care being delivered. Patients and relatives spoken with described a good experience of care and helpful staff.

During the safety huddles we attended, we observed a strong focus on patient care needs across the hospital. However, serious patient safety concerns within the emergency department were identified during this inspection.

Inspectors raised a number of serious patient safety concerns regarding the emergency department during both our onsite inspection and return visit regarding the delivery of fundamental care for patients, patient safety, care and dignity, the current operating environment, leadership and coordination of care in the emergency department, as well as concerns about staff wellbeing.

Other areas for improvement identified during the inspection include the management of intravenous fluids, medicine administration processes, locked doors policies and procedures, and feedback to staff following incident reporting.

NHS Lothian senior managers responded quickly to concerns raised during the initial inspection. However, during our return visit on 14 March 2023, we remained concerned that the immediate actions put in place by NHS Lothian did not lead to significant improvements in the delivery of safe and effective care within the emergency department.

This resulted in us writing a formal letter of non-compliance to NHS Lothian in accordance with level 1 of our escalation process, setting out the serious patient safety concerns that required immediate action.

NHS Lothian promptly responded to this escalation, providing a detailed plan of improvement action to address each of the concerns. We will seek assurance on progress with planned improvement actions in accordance with our published inspection methodology.

This inspection resulted in five areas of good practice, three recommendations and 13 requirements.

Miles Briggs raises safety concerns over asbestos in Lothian schools

110 schools across Edinburgh contain asbestos

During Education and Skills portfolio questions yesterday at the Scottish Parliament, Lothian MSP, Miles Briggs asked the Cabinet Secretary for Education  and Skills Jenny Gilruth, about the safety of schools in Scotland.

Mr Briggs said how it is critical that this government and councils acts as quickly as possible to remove asbestos from the Scottish schools estate to ensure that pupils, teachers and staff across Scotland are learning and working in a safe environment.

Across the Lothians 241 schools contain asbestos – 110 in Edinburgh (details below), 31 in East Lothian, 18 in Midlothian and 82 in West Lothian. In the last year, 58 schools had asbestos removed – 20 in Edinburgh, 0 in Midlothian, 38 in West Lothian and East Lothian declined to provide the information.

The Scottish Conservatives have previously criticised the SNP for continuing to pass on “savage” cuts to local authorities, meaning schools don’t have the resources to remove asbestos from school buildings.

The Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills of Scotland, herself a former teacher, was asked “what progress has the Scottish Government made in removing asbestos from schools, what impact assessment has been undertaken to look at where currently asbestos is in the school estate and where this will be removed and what timescale will government develop to make sure this happens”.

In response, Ms. Gilruth acknowledged the importance of the issue and said: “Obviously a number of the schools that we are talking about are historically old buildings, I confess that the last building that I worked in, over in Fife, had asbestos in it.

“It is soon to be replaced by a brand new building thanks to this government. I think that’s hugely important as we move forward in improving the school estate, but we will need to recognise some of the challenge here”.

Lothian MSP, Miles Briggs, said: “The danger of asbestos is common knowledge.

“Despite this we still have over 240 schools in across Lothian which still contain this hazardous material.

“It is vital that pupils, teachers and staff across Scotland are learning and working in a safe environment.

“Continued underfunding of local authorities by SNP Ministers makes it extremely difficult for council to carry out the necessary work in our school estates to remove asbestos.”

The TUC has highlighted the dangers of asbestos today, International Workers Memorial Day. Asbestos is the biggest cause of work-related deaths in Britain.

TUC’s Sally Asquith said: “Schools are some of the most likely buildings to contain asbestos, but also the most obvious site for safe removal.

“Many schools desperately need repair or replacing anyway: the Department for Education has admitted a serious risk of collapse in many school buildings. We know more than 90 per cent of schools contain asbestos, and that the rate of mesothelioma diagnoses among former teachers is rising rapidly, so the need for removal is urgent. In the past six months alone, four schools in England had to close after asbestos was disturbed.

“As well as providing adequate support, and research, for those affected, the only real way to prevent asbestos-related illness in the long term is to remove the substance once and for all.

“Only by removing asbestos from all public buildings can we avoid future risk of exposure and stop the thousands of early – and entirely preventable – deaths from this dreadful, fatal illness.”



A total of 110 schools contain asbestos:

Nursery/EYC – 21

Primary – 73

High School – 12

Special – 4

We have removed asbestos from 20 schools since 1st April 2022.

Lothian MSP calls on First Minister to commit to swimming pools fund

Scottish Conservative and Unionist MSP, Miles Briggs, has called on new First Minister Humza Yousaf to commit to additional funding to support leisure centres and swimming pools in Scotland.

The call comes following the UK Government’s decision to release £63 million of investment to support leisure centres and swimming pools in England.

The Scottish Government is set to receive an additional £320 million from the UK Treasury in Barnett consequentials as a result of the latest Budget, with Scottish Swimming among groups calling on the Scottish Government to make extra funding available for the sector.

In Scotland, local councils and leisure trusts operate over 200 swimming pools which are responsible for hosting swimming g lessons for over 106,000 per week.

Public pools in Scotland receive massive support from the public, with a poll in February by JL partners revealing that 94% of Scots backed pools as being good for safety and 93% of Scots agreeing that all children should learn to swim.

Earlier this month, East Lothian sports operators enjoyleisure were handed £40,000 to help cover losses after one of its swimming pools was closed until further notice.

Swimming pools across the region are at risk of closure due to soaring energy costs, with West Lothian Council announcing that every swimming pool is at threat of closure due to the associated cost of running.

Lothian MSP, Miles Briggs said: “The news that the Scottish Government will receive an additional £320m from the UK Treasury is a welcome one.

“However, we now need to see that money spent on real, tangible change for the better of Scotland. Investment in swimming pool across Scotland would be a tremendous use of that money and would benefit both old and young.

“Swimming pools and leisure centres do not just offer recreational opportunities for people; they are a vital way of keeping the nation healthy, both mentally and physically. It is therefore essential that we do whatever we can to prevent their closure.

“That is why I am calling on the new First Minister to commit to new funding for our swimming pools.”

Briggs: NHS Lothian A&E Waiting Times showing no sign of improving

Date ↓% within 4 hours
19 March 202360
20 March 202261.5
21 March 202184.1
22 March 202094.6
24 March 201986.6

Scottish Conservative and Unionist MSP for Lothian Miles Briggs said: “The figures are an embarrassment for Humza Yousaf and are indicative of the extent to which he failed in his role as Heath Secretary.

“It is completely unacceptable that in the space of 3 years the percentage seen withing 4 hours dropped almost 35% from 94.6% to 60% in Lothian.

“Despite being well into the swing of Spring, the figures for Lothian are now worse than at the peak winter times.

“In taking his eye off the ball and doing his best to appease the independence hardliners during the leadership contest, Lothian and Scotland’s figures have deteriorated further.

While as Health Secretary he was clearly unable to find a solution to the mess he created, one of his first priorities as the new First Minister must be to get on top of the situation and find someone who can clear up the disaster that he presided over.”

Lothian MSP supports new Epilepsy and Mental Health Survey

Scottish Conservative & Unionist MSP for Lothian, Miles Briggs, encourages estimated 8108 constituents living with epilepsy to make their voices heard

MILES Briggs is calling on people living with epilepsy in Lothian and across the local authority to take part in a new national survey to understand the affect epilepsy can have on mental health, launched this week by Epilepsy Scotland. 

Epilepsy is defined as the tendency to have repeated seizures which start in the brain and there are an estimated 58,000 people in Scotland living with epilepsy, which is the most common neurological condition. 

This new national survey looks to understand the experiences of people of all ages living with epilepsy across Scotland and seeks to identify which specific support measures should be highlighted.

Miles Briggs said: “I am delighted to support Epilepsy Scotland in promoting this vitally important national survey to understand the specific mental health needs of people living with epilepsy in Scotland. 

“There are an estimated 8108 people living with epilepsy in my region in Lothian, which can have a serious and detrimental impact on their mental wellbeing and general day-to-day activities. 

“Depression and anxiety are just some of the mental health issues that epileptic people are more likely to develop as a result of the condition. 

“I would encourage all my constituents and people across Scotland with epilepsy to make their voices heard through this vital survey.” 

Lesslie Young, Chief Executive of Epilepsy Scotland, added: “We are pleased to have the support of Miles Briggs in promoting our ‘It’s Time to Talk about Epilepsy’ mental health survey to people living in Lothian and across Scotland. 

“Epilepsy can have a significant impact on a person’s mental health and almost every person we support through our national helpline is affected by mental health struggles. 

“To someone living with uncontrolled seizures, there is a significant psychological impact of never knowing when the next seizure is going to happen. For some who have controlled seizures, the medication can have side effects which affect mood and mental health. 

“I would encourage anyone living with epilepsy to share your experiences through our survey, to ensure your voice is heard.” 

The survey will run for six weeks and will close on Monday 13 March 2023.

To complete the survey, please go to:


Briggs ‘deep concern’ over 83 “red flagged” addresses for ambulances across Lothian

Scottish Conservative and Unionist MSP for Lothian, Miles Briggs, has expressed “deep concern” over addresses that have been “red flagged” to ambulance staff across Scotland.

The concern comes amid reports that nearly 450 addresses have been identified as being “red flagged” for ambulance staff – whereby Scottish Ambulance Staff are not allowed to enter without the presence of police.

A Freedom of Information Request submitted by the Scottish Conservatives revealed the shocking statistics.

The highest number of red flagged addresses come with Glasgow and Edinburgh postcodes, with 107 and 83 addresses identified in these areas, respectively.

In the EH postcode area, the freedom of information request revealed that 83 warnings had been identified.

Mr. Briggs has highlighted concerns over the figures and has expressed doubt of how police and ambulance staff may link up, given that, under the SNP, police officer numbers in Scotland are at their lowest level for 15 years.

Mr. Briggs says that one attack on an emergency service worker in Lothian is one too many and more action must be taken to keep them safe.

Scottish Conservative and Unionist MSP Miles Briggs said: “These figures are deeply concerning.

“This is a significant number of addresses that have been red-flagged in Lothian for our dedicated ambulance staff who are putting themselves at risk for others on a daily basis.

“One attack on any ambulance worker in Lothian is one too many.

“This is a direct result of the SNP slashing local budgets and gutting the police service across the country.

“With police officer numbers at their lowest number since 2008 across Scotland, I am also concerned that they may not be able to easily link up with ambulance crews when called upon at a particular address.

“It is clear from the number of addresses that have been red-flagged in Lothian that more needs to be done to keep our ambulance staff safe, which includes handing out hefty punishments to those found to have assaulted them while they are on duty.

“At the very least, frontline staff in Lothian should be reassured that they can go about their work without serious risk of injury from members of the public.”

Miles Briggs: Homeless emergency across Edinburgh and the Lothians

Lothian MSP Miles Briggs, has called on SNP Ministers to declare a homeless emergency across Edinburgh and the Lothians.

At General Questions in the Scottish Parliament yesterday, Miles Briggs MSP asked Ben Macpherson MSP, Minister for Social Security and Local Government “Will he today now act and declare a homeless emergency here in the capital?”

Figures release on Wednesday showed that the number of estimated homeless deaths across Lothian had increased dramatically over the last three years.

Across Lothian estimated homeless deaths have gone from 26 in 2019, to 41 in 2020 to 63 in 2021. [Figures below]

The number of homeless applications has significantly increased over the last three years with 8,165 applications across East Lothian, Edinburgh, Midlothian and West Lothian in the quarter ending 30th September 2021, compared to 6,334 applications for the quarter ending 30th September 2019. [Figures below]

There has been an unprecedented number of children living in temporary accommodation in East Lothian, Edinburgh, Midlothian and West Lothian. Across Lothian 2,990 children were living in temporary accommodation at 31st March 2022, this compares to 2,140 children living in temporary accommodation at 31st March 2019. [Figures below]

Lothian list MSP Miles Briggs, who is the Conservative candidate for Edinburgh Southern, said: “The number of people who have died while homeless here in the capital has increased by nearly 150 percent over the last four years.

“Shelter Scotland have said the situation pointed towards public services failing people and a broken housing system.

“It is simply not acceptable, and Edinburgh City Council do not have the resources to deliver a solution.”

These figures come from the data section of the publication : Homeless Deaths 2021 | National Records of Scotland (nrscotland.gov.uk)

Identified deathsEstimated deathsEstimated death rate (per million population)Identified deathsEstimated deathsEstimated death rate (per million population)Identified deathsEstimated deathsEstimated death rate (per million population) 
City of Edinburgh172151.3283380.13944105.5
East Lothian000.04560.03342.6
West Lothian119.12217.34532.7
Lothian (total)2126 3541 5663  
Table 6a: Open homeless applications by local authority
Back to contents
201920202021Comparing 30 Sept 2020 with 30 Sept 2021
Scotland21,575 21,674 22,458 22,074 22,907 25,650 27,036 25,331 24,835 25,370 26,001-1,035-4%
East Lothian704 688 663 658 676 687 728 733 746 768 789618%
Edinburgh3,350 3,607 3,818 3,859 4,112 4,478 4,732 4,860 4,933 5,132 5,1474159%
Midlothian904 846 878 856 849 862 920 870 810 769 738-182-20%
West Lothian1,035 881 975 821 851 1,023 1,152 1,129 1,216 1,374 1,49133929%

Poppy wreaths vandalised at City Chambers: Briggs speaks out

Miles Briggs MSP commented: “This mindless act of vandalism is an absolutely appalling insult towards our fallen war heroes.

“It is totally disgraceful that less than 24 hours after typically poignant Remembrance Sunday services in the capital that moronic idiots would engage in burning tributes laid for our soldiers.

“It is a show of total disrespect towards those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

“Sadly attacks on war memorials like this are on the increase in Scotland, which is why the Scottish Conservatives are bringing forward plans to impose tougher penalties on those who attack war memorials to ensure they are protected for future generations.”

MSPs praise Cancer Cards at Holyrood

This week, Thursday 3rd November, at the Scottish Parliament Lothian MSP, Miles Briggs, sponsored a Members Debate to highlight the work of Cancer Card, a charity set up to give a single source of information to people who have been diagnosed with Cancer.

Cancer Card was founded by Jen Hardy, an Edinburgh resident who has stage 4 incurable breast cancer.

Jen was diagnosed on 18th October 2017 after having a CT scan to find out the cause of her paralysed vocal cord.

Whilst searching for more cancer support, Jen noticed there was no single place to go that listed the hundreds of different services, support providers, information channels and free gifts.

The aim of cancer card is to assist the NHS by supporting everyone affected by cancer, enabling them to directly access relevant information, services, support and products.

Cancer Card founder Jen Hardy and CEO Ian Pirrie were in the Scottish Parliament to watch the members debate on Cancer Card, describing the debate as a “proud moment” for Cancer Card.

Following the debate, Lothian MSP, Miles Briggs, said: “The significance of a cancer diagnosis on an individual’s life is immense, with the potential to render them feeling lost, frustrated, fatigued, isolated or financially disadvantaged when trying to obtain information of a non-medical, but nonetheless essential, nature.

“At a time when cancer patients and their families need the most support, it can often be difficult to find the right information at the right time, for the right person.

“That is where Cancer Card is so wonderful – it recognises the questions and support needs to reach more than just the person living with cancer – but indeed their partners, families, friends, employers and professionals.”

Cancer Card founder Jen Hardy said: “I can’t thank Miles Briggs MSP enough for securing this debate and bringing Cancer Card to the attention of the Parliament.

“It was wonderful to hear such positive support from Miles, the Cabinet Secretary Humza Yousaf, Kenneth Gibson MSP, Jackie Baillie MSP and Graham Simpson MSP, each recognising the impact of Cancer Card.”

Cancer Card Chief Executive Ian Pirrie said: “Our online support hub gives easy access to reliable, relevant information, all in one place.

“With access to local and national cancer support charities and services, our advanced search and filtering options allow users to create a bespoke search based on their individual needs.

“Cancer Card helps you find the support you need when cancer affects your life.”

Full copy of Miles Briggs’ speech :

Presiding Officer.

Can I start by thanking Members for supporting my Motion for debate today.

I’d also like to invite and highlight to Members the photocall at the bottom of the garden lobby steps at 1:35 following the debate. I hope Members will be able to join us.

Presiding Officer, One of the greatest honours of being an MSP is the opportunity it presents you to meet remarkable people.

One such person is Jen Hardy. And I’m delighted Jen has joined us today in the Public Gallery alongside Ian Pirrie the new CEO of Cancer Card.

I first met Jen back in March 2018 when she successfully campaigned alongside women with incurable breast cancer and the charity Breast Cancer Now to help deliver access to the secondary breast cancer drug – Perjeta.

Jen was diagnosed with stage 4 incurable breast cancer on the 18th October 2017 after having a CT scan to find out the cause of her paralysed vocal cord.

Whilst searching for cancer support, Jen noticed there was no single place or online resource that listed the hundreds of different services, support providers, information channels and free experiences available to people and their families living with cancer.

It was this realisation that prompted Jen (who has an IT background) to work to establish Cancer Card, to help create that single place, single online point of access for anyone affected by cancer to find the help and support they need.

Cancer Card launched in May of this year and provides a detailed index of support services available, helping individuals navigate what can often be a complicated and complex world of cancer.

It’s actually hard to believe that Cancer Card hasn’t existed until now…

I know that it is incredibly hard to have the difficult conversations with someone living with cancer about their treatment journey – and indeed the many and often personal questions a wife, husband, mother, father, sister, brother, daughter, son or friend wants to ask.

That is where Cancer Card is so wonderful – it recognises the questions and support needs to reach more than just the person living with cancer – but indeed their partners, families, friends, employers and professionals.

And is available any time of day or night when questions will be asked or answers and support sought.

It also acts as a directory with key contacts for all UK cancer charities and support services.

Presiding Officer. One in two of us will develop cancer in our lifetimes – that’s    of us sitting in this Chamber right now.  

In my time over the last 6 years as Co-Chair of the Parliament’s Cross-Party Group on Cancer alongside Anas Sarwar and Jackie Bailie it has been a regular ask of many charities and groups to improve access to help make support services more readily available. 

The significance of a cancer diagnosis on an individual’s life is immense, with the potential to render them feeling lost, frustrated, fatigued, isolated or financially disadvantaged when trying to obtain information of a non-medical, but nonetheless essential, nature.

At a time when cancer patients and their families need the most support, it can often be difficult to find the right information at the right time, for the right person.

Cancer Card seeks to address this through an online support hub where those affected by cancer can find valuable insights from the Cancer Card community and access to local and national cancer support charities and services (including access to financial help, exercise classes, counselling, and local support networks).

The advanced search and filtering options allow users to create a bespoke search based on their individual needs.

For those who have not yet had an opportunity to see for yourself or find out more then please visit: cancercard.org.uk

Presiding Officer, I want to take this opportunity to also pay tribute and thanks to all those charities and organisations which provide information, help, and advice to people and families living with cancer. We owe these organisations a huge debt and they are making such a vital difference to people living with cancer and their families right now.

I believe Cancer Card can and will indeed elevate cancer support charities and services and help promote their invaluable offering.

There is no cost to users or charities for the services listed and indeed for local groups this presents a great opportunity to highlight what is available locally in difference parts of the country.

Presiding Officer. To close.

The Scottish Government is currently undertaking work on the new Scottish Cancer Strategy – I believe this presents an opportunity to reset and reconsider how support and advice is provided and how especially during and following the pandemic – how access has shifted online – and I hope the new strategy will embrace Cancer Card and this fresh and new approach to providing information and advice services.

Thank You.