Bid to boost local government

A Bill aiming to strengthen local government in Scotland is to be scrutinised by a Holyrood Committee.

The Scottish Parliament’s Local Government and Communities Committee is seeking views on a Member’s Bill which aims to incorporate the European Charter of Local Self-Government into Scots law.

The Charter, which was created in 1985 by the Council of Europe and ratified by the UK in 1997, sets out 10 principles to protect the basic powers of local authorities, concerning the political, administrative and financial independence of local authorities.

The Bill would allow people and organisations to challenge the Scottish Government in court if its laws or decisions are not compatible with the Charter.

Speaking as the call for views was launched, Committee Convener James Dornan MSP, said: “Local authorities deliver a wide range of services that are a vital part of our daily lives; from social care and public libraries to planning and street cleaning. 

“The aim of this Bill is to strengthen local democracy by increasing the autonomy of local authorities and enshrining support for local government into law. 

“The Committee are interested in hearing from people across Scotland as to whether they feel this Bill will support local government, strengthen the bond between councils and communities and make a practical difference to people’s lives.

“We also want to make sure it would have no unintended consequences. We are keen to hear whether the public supports these measures.

“We also want to gather thoughts on the financial impact of this legislation, and whether this will have a positive impact on equality and human rights.”

The deadline for responses to the call for views is Thursday 17 September 2020.

Putting voters first? Scottish elections to be held every FIVE years


Scottish Parliamentary and local election terms will be extended from four to five years in line with the UK Parliament and other devolved legislatures under changes approved by MSPs.

The Scottish Elections (Reform) Bill, which has now passed its final stage in the Scottish Parliament, increases the election cycle from the current four-year term.

The legislation also enables all 14-year-olds to register ahead of attaining voting age, and bans people from voting in more than one area in local elections – mirroring the law for Scottish and UK Parliament elections.

The legislation gives the Scottish Parliament oversight of the work of the Electoral Commission on Scottish elections for the first time. In order to focus on removing barriers to voting for disabled people, the Commission will report on the assistance provided to disabled people at Scottish elections.

Minister for Parliamentary Business Graeme Dey said: “From the outset, this Bill has been focused on ensuring robust electoral processes, building on the progress of previous legislation, and putting the voter first.

“The integrity and smooth functioning of elections is a cornerstone of any democracy, and these reforms will deliver a real difference.

“We consulted extensively on whether to change election terms for Parliament and local government elections and the majority were in favour of five-year terms. This will reduce voter fatigue and avoid clashes between elections.

“Longer terms provide the opportunity to build upon and develop expertise in Government and Parliament. They should – depending on possible early UK general elections being called – avoid clashes with UK elections.

“We are not alone in making this change – the Northern Ireland Assembly and the Welsh Parliament both moved to five-year terms in 2014.”

Politicians vote to give themselves an extra year … there’s a shock!

Council under fire over ‘undemocratic’ process

Edinburgh campaigners are concerned about the way the Council is operating during the Covid crisis. So far there has been no action to set up accessible virtual meetings of the Council – and Edinburgh East Save Our Services argues that people want an immediate return to a more transparent decision-making process.

“Since mid-March the city council has changed its way of operating,” said Lorna Frost of Edinburgh East Save our Services. “Other organisations have already formulated guidelines for meetings and it is timely for our Council to rethink the way it proceeds during the Covid crisis.

“Our community group wanted to take these issues up with the Council but our attempt to ‘talk about it’ has been rebuffed. In addition, our councillors,  who are our elected representatives, have been told any issues they raise with a council officer must be virus-related, but we think the current crises across our city – in care homes, schools, Lothian Buses and regarding poverty and mental health – are all virus-related.

“It is crucial that the Council re-engages fully with the people of Edinburgh,  their elected representatives,  and voluntary groups immediately.

“Community councils should also be reactivated in a secure way. We need to work together to tackle the severe issues of poverty and inequality arising from the Covid-crisis.”

Edinburgh East Save Our Services emailed council leader Adam McVey on Wednesday:

Dear Convener McVey

We would appreciate clarification on governance concerns, particularly on the following matter.

We have read the minutes of the April EDC LAP meeting and our understanding of: ‘To note that the Chief Executive would report to the first meeting of the Policy and Sustainability Committee in May 2020 on potential options for holding meetings of Full Council‘ is that accessible/transparent meetings of the Council and its committees may or may not go ahead depending on the report of the Chief Executive  tomorrow.

Our opinion is that it is very important that the affairs of the city are conducted in an open way, particularly in this time of crisis, and we want to let the Council know this.From our reading of the minutes it seems this decision has not already been taken, but that it will be taken tomorrow, and that is why we wanted to influence this decision.

You are responsible for and entrusted with the wellbeing of the people of Edinburgh and we are disappointed with your response and also the lack of any additional explanation.

It seems very difficult for residents to interact with their local authority in a meaningful way, if at all.


Lorna Frost (for Edinburgh East Save our Services)

The campaigners also sent the following questions by email:

EESOS submission to EDC PSC 14/5/20

Edinburgh East Save our Services submits the following questions to the meeting of the Policy and Sustainability Committee on Thursday 14th May 2020 at 10am.

The questions relate to the Council’s Interim Political Management Arrangements for 2020 (item 4 Minute of the LAP 23/4/20)

Why have no measures been taken to set up accessible virtual meetings of the Council and its committees since mid-March ?

How long does the Council intend to continue proceeding in this way? ( The Scottish government has already formulated guidelines for meetings.)

Why have restrictions (namely that any issues should be virus- related) been put on our councillors (our elected representatives) raising issues with a council officer?

What exactly are the criteria which define virus-related?

Aren’t the current crises across Edinburgh, in care homes, schools, Lothian Buses, poverty, and mental health virus-related?

Lorna said: “In reply we were told that the council refused to accept our submission. Convener Mcvey says it does not meet the requirements of a deputation as it relates to a decision that was taken in April.

“This is an astonishing response since the decision was not taken through the council’s normal democratic processes.”

Give the cash to our councils, says Briggs

Scottish Conservative Lothian MSP Miles Briggs has hit out against Finance Secretary Kate Forbes’ refusal to pass on £150 million in funding from the UK government for Covid-19 relief.

City of Edinburgh Council, like the other 32 local authorities in Scotland, have been told to use their reserves for dealing with Coronavirus.  On 31 March 2019 Edinburgh had reserves of £243.1 million.

The UK Government announced another £1.6 billion in funding for local councils in England, but SNP Ministers are declining to hand the equivalent money on to cash strapped councils in Scotland.

The Scottish Conservatives have previously criticised cuts to council  budgets before the outbreak of Covid-19 and the withholding of funds to council to fight Covid-19 is a continuation of this trend.

Councils across Scotland have increasingly had to use their reserves to make up the reduction in council funding in the SNP/ Green budget each year, which has depleted their reserves and led to warning from Audit Scotland that Councils are running on empty.

Lothian MSP, Miles Briggs, said: “Edinburgh City Council has an important role to play in tackling Covid-19, but are being hindered by the refusal of SNP Ministers to pass on funding for Council that has been made available to Councils in England.

“Health and Social care services have been amongst the hardest hit by Coronavirus and they will continue to struggle if SNP Ministers to not provide them with proper funding.

“Councils are going to become increasingly important in the management of Covid-19 once lockdown is lifted and measures need to be put in place to limit social distancing and have adequate levels of PPE.

“To be effective they will need the funding to be able put these measures in place, funding which is currently being withheld by SNP Ministers.”

More funding for local government in war on Coronavirus

Communities Secretary Robert Jenrick on the government’s response to COVID-19, additional funding for local government … and Captain Tom:

Good afternoon,

Welcome to the coronavirus press conference from Downing Street.

I’m joined by Steve Powis, national medical director of NHS England.

Steve will provide an update on the latest data on coronavirus shortly.

But, first, let me update you on the steps we are taking to defeat it, and the decisions we have taken today.

Our fight against this virus is happening all across the country, in every home, in every community.

Today’s data shows that:

460,437 tests for coronavirus have now been carried out across Great Britain, including 21,389 tests carried out yesterday

114,217 people have tested positive, that’s an increase of 5,526 cases since yesterday

17,759 people are currently in hospital with coronavirus in Great Britain, down from 18,711 yesterday

And sadly, of those hospitalised with the virus, 15,464 have now died. That’s an increase of 888 fatalities since yesterday.

These are heart-breaking losses for every family affected.

Every part of our government, from Whitehall to your local town hall is working together in this national effort.

And nowhere is that clearer than on the front lines in our communities.

And today as Community Secretary I want to provide an update.

Councils are delivering essential supplies to clinically vulnerable people – those we have asked to shield themselves, paying out financial relief to businesses to enable their local economies to weather the storm as much as is possible, ensuring our bins continue to be collected, ensuring that schools remain open for the children of key workers and vulnerable families are kept in regular contact, and they are helping rough sleepers off the streets to protect them from the virus.

This effort, alongside the endeavours of all our public servants, is making a difference in this fight.

But I know it is our responsibility in government to make sure that those front-line workers have the resources they need to keep up this essential work.

At the beginning of this emergency I told local councils that we would give them the resources they need to do the job. And I meant it.

And that is why today I am providing an additional £1.6 billion of new funding to support councils with the pressures they face as they respond to COVID-19. This funding takes the total amount given to councils to help them through the pandemic to over £3.2 billion.

We are backing councils to ensure vital services such as adult social care, children’s services, support for vulnerable people and waste collection continue despite the increased pressures.

We are also helping councils with inevitable cashflow challenges by deferring £2.6 billion in business rates payments to central government and paying them £850 million in social care grants up front this month.

Working with councils and charities, we’ve made huge progress in protecting the vulnerable during this national emergency.

Our plans to shield the most clinically vulnerable people have progressed well.

Three weeks ago I reported at this press conference that the first government organised boxes of supplies had been delivered by wholesalers to those at highest risk across the country. Today 250,000 have been delivered. The packages include cereal, fruit, tinned goods, teabags, biscuits, toiletries and other essentials.

And this coming week we expect to be delivering 300,000 boxes – all from a standing start just a few weeks ago.

And our call centre is making up to 130,000 calls a day to those who are shielded, to see if they need this service, to see if they still need it or want to move to a priority delivery slot at their local supermarket.

In addition to this, councils are organising their own calls, often led by volunteers, including our 750,000 NHS volunteers, to check in and chat with the shielded.

And they have organised their own efforts to support those who may not have one of the clinical conditions to be shielded but are nonetheless vulnerable or isolated. And there are truly extraordinary efforts underway in this regard, in every village, parish, town, ward, estate and city, the length and breadth of the country.

We have all been humbled by the gestures, large and small, by people across the country to show support for those working so hard to protect the NHS and to save lives. None more so than Captain Tom Moore, who has raised an astonishing £23 million this week for NHS charities.

I can’t think of a more worthy person to be the guest of honour at the opening of the new Nightingale hospital in Harrogate next week – also, fittingly, the county of his birth, Yorkshire. I am sure everyone will join me in thanking Captain Tom for his truly heroic effort.

I have also been proud of the effort of councils to help vulnerable people in their areas, including securing safe accommodation for rough sleepers.

And our plan to protect rough sleepers has resulted in over 90% being offered safe accommodation.

I want to thank all those who have made this possible, including local councils, charities and other organisations and those continuing to help the small number of people still regrettably on our streets today.

Of course, this is not the end of rough sleeping. And there is a great deal of work to be done and my departments and I will be at the heart of that.

I want to also say something about support for our high streets and local businesses by local councils.

I’m delighted that so many cafes, restaurants and other businesses have taken up the opportunity to switch to offering delivery, takeaway and click and collect services. This expands the supply of food available to people alongside the supermarkets, as well as allowing businesses that would otherwise have closed to remain open and keep paying staff.

This simple freedom has been taken up by enterprising people the length across the UK. The same enterprising people whose enguinity, sometimes assisted by government in modest ways like this, will help us to rebuild our economy.

Councils have worked hard to pay out over £1 billion worth of business grants from government.

But it’s vital that we all ensure that all eligible businesses get the support that it needs, and I urge councils who have been slower in making progress to their accelerate efforts in the days to come.

Let me address two other topics that I know are of concern to people.

Firstly, there have been examples of some parks around the country closing.

This cannot be right.

While the virus does not discriminate, we know that the lockdown is much harder for people who don’t have a lot of living space, who don’t have a garden, and who don’t have anywhere for their children to run around.

People need parks.

That’s why I have made it clear to councils that all parks must remain open.

For the health of the nation, people should be able to safely enjoy fresh air and green space.

And, for the health of the nation, people must abide by social distancing rules and not congregate in groups in parks.

Secondly, there have been some reports of mourners being turned away at funerals.

The tragedy of the death of Ismail Mohamed Abdulwahab, a 13 year old boy from Brixton, was compounded by the fact that his family were unable to attend his funeral.

That is not right and it shouldn’t have happened.

For clarity – funerals can go ahead with close family present.

Social distancing measures must be respected, but families must have the opportunity to say a respectful goodbye to those that they love.

We will be publishing more guidance on this shortly. And I’m also asking councils to keep open or indeed reopen cemeteries and graveyards. Not for people to congregate in. That must not happen. But for people to make that private visit. To seek solace in a word at the grave of someone you have loved. Or to privately lay flowers. There have been times in my life when I have needed to do that. I’m certain there are people who need to do it today.

These are small steps. But small mercies can make a big difference.

And local councils, at their best, can help to make life, even in times like this, more liveable and more humane.

They represent and can harness the networks of familiarity and loyalty upon which a society is based.

The sense that we belong together. And that we will stand by each other in a real emergency.

Those relationships can only be built from below, by people, to people, in communities.

To all the unsung heroes of local councils. For all you are doing for us all.

Thank you.

Key Worker status: Usdaw appeals to local authorities

Retail trade union Usdaw has written to the Scottish Government THREE TIMES urging them to clarify that workers in the food and pharmaceutical supply chains are defined as key workers and therefore able to access school childcare provision. 

The union has not received the necessary clarity, so has written to all Scottish local authority leaders directly, pleading with them to allow retail and pharmaceutical workers to make use of the much needed services schools offer, to enable them to go into work and provide the essential services we all rely on.

Stewart Forrest,Usdaw Divisional Officer for Scotland, said: “Usdaw is extremely disappointed with the guidance issued by the Scottish Government on Friday regarding school closures.

“In the rest of the UK, the essential role of food and pharmaceutical workers has been recognised, with these workers rightly prioritised for childcare provision.  This has not been made clear in the guidance for Scotland.

“There is an extraordinary effort being undertaken by workers throughout the supply chain, to keep Scotland fed.  The supply of food and medicine is always an essential service, now more than ever. There should be no question whatsoever that our members in these roles are essential workers and that they need to be prioritised.

“It is very disappointing that we have been forced to write to local authority leaders directly, but we will not let this rest until our members, who are doing essential work in very difficult circumstances, have the correct support that they desperately need.”

Extra funding to help communities affected by Coronavirus

An additional £350 million will go to those most affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Communities Secretary Aileen Campbell announced yesterday.

The funding will be made available to councils, charities, businesses and community groups and designed to be flexible, cutting down on red tape to enable them to respond swiftly and according to local need for people impacted economically or through reduced contact with society, including anyone struggling to access food.

Ms Campbell said allowing a high level of flexibility was the best way to ensure they were most effective: “This pandemic will disrupt lives like never before and cause financial hardship and negatively impact on our wellbeing.

“Be assured, however, that protecting and supporting people during these unparalleled times is the absolute focus of this government.

“Our funding package will be focused on delivery, not bureaucracy or red tape. Local authorities, local businesses, community groups and the third sector know and understand the support needs of their communities the best. Where people and organisations have solutions or ideas, I want to hear them.”

“Unless we work with local partners the impact of our investment will not be felt by those that need it most. So my message today is – if we can help you to help the people of Scotland then we will.”

The emergency funding package will be allocated to existing funding streams through several new funds, with the £95 million package direct to local authorities made up of:

£50 million in Barnett consequentials from the UK Government’s hardship fund is being passed direct to local authorities to support their own local resilience, support and hardship plans.

£45 million will be added to the existing Scottish Welfare Fund which makes Community Grants and Crisis Grants available to those in immediate need. This more than doubles the current £35.5 million fund, which is administered by local authorities. They will be given more flexibility in how it is used to ensure they can fully support people in financial crisis, including workers in the ‘gig economy’.

In addition:

  • a £70 million Food Fund will help organisations in the public, private and voluntary sectors address issues of food insecurity, especially for older people, and families who may not be able to rely on free school meals
  • a £50 million Wellbeing Fund will help charities and others who require additional capacity to work with at-risk people who may be worst affected by the crisis, including homeless people and those experiencing fuel poverty
  • a £40 million Supporting Communities Fund will be used to support the rapidly growing and inspiring community efforts at a local level which will be vital to national resilience, including supporting people at risk because of age, isolation, carers, homeless people and asylum seekers and signposting people to sources of help such as applying for benefits
  • £50 million will go to meet an anticipated increase in applications for the existing Council Tax Reduction Scheme and Scottish social security benefits
  • £20 million will be allocated to a Third Sector Resilience Fund, to help ensure the health and continued viability of the third sector organisations affected by cash flow and other problems, which have a key role to play in our national response
  • £25 million will be kept in reserve to allow swift and flexible responses to rapidly changing circumstances

Green light for Scottish budget

Finance Secretary Kate Forbes has reached an agreement with the Scottish Green Party to ensure the passage of the Scottish Government’s budget.

The final agreement will increased support for young people, police, climate action and local government.

Thanking all who took part in discussions, Ms Forbes said that while she had reached agreement with the Scottish Greens, the budget delivered on key issues raised by all parties in the parliament and called on all MSPs to unite behind the budget today (Thursday).

The agreement which builds on key Scottish Government commitments to invest £15 billion in health and care services, deliver a child poverty payment and to expand early learning and childcare, will:

  • deliver a National Concessionary Travel scheme offering free bus travel for 18s and under. The Scottish Government will undertake work on design and due diligence with a view to introducing such a scheme in January 2021
  • ensure a total uplift for the police service of £60 million in the next financial year with £13 million of additional investment in frontline services and a further £5 million of additional capital investment, on top of the £42 million already committed
  • support local services with £95 million of further funding for local government, taking total additional Scottish Government support for local authorities to £589 million

To further support Scotland’s efforts to end our contribution to climate change a £45 million package of investment in low carbon projects has been agreed including:

  • £25 million of additional investment in local energy efficiency projects
  • £15 million for local authority investment in active travel, taking the total investment in active transport in the next financial year to £100 million
  • £5 million to further develop options for enhanced rail services

As part of the agreement, the Scottish Government has confirmed that the Infrastructure Investment Plan, which will be published later this year, will be aligned with the Infrastructure Commission’s call for all future projects to be compatible with the Scottish Government’s net zero target and the Climate Change Act.

Confirming the agreement, Ms Forbes said: “I am pleased to have reached an agreement to pass the Scottish budget and deliver certainty for communities, businesses and our vital public services – especially in face of the uncertainty created by the UK Government’s decision to delay its budget.

“I want to thank all parties for the constructive way in which they have approached this year’s discussions. While it is not possible to meet every party’s demands in full, I believe in reaching formal agreement with the Green Party, I am also delivering on key asks from every party and I encourage all MSPs to consider giving their support to Scotland’s budget.

“This budget invests a record £15 billion in health and care services, delivers Scotland’s unique child payment to lift our youngest out of poverty, transfers £3 billion of social security spending, supports our efforts to tackle the climate crisis and the creation of a Scottish National Investment Bank.

“The Scottish Government had already backed Police Scotland with a budget increase of £42 million. We will now increase that support to £60 million overall with £50 million of investment for frontline services.

“And we will deliver in full the support Cosla and others have asked for with £95 million for local government.

“We have made significant investments to tackle the climate crisis, with funding for a green deal, low carbon travel and £1.8 billion of low carbon infrastructure.

“To further increase our action to tackle climate change and to support young people across Scotland, we will take steps to introduce a National Concessionary Travel scheme providing free bus travel for Scotland’s 18s and under.

“We will begin the work now to ensure such a scheme is legally compliant and that it meets young people’s needs with the aim of introducing it from January 2021. Alongside the £500 million bus infrastructure fund, this will help deliver a step change in the use of public transport.

“I will also increase funding for walking, cycling and safer streets to £100 million for the first time and boost support for energy efficiency measures as part of our focus on reaching net-zero.

“When I presented the budget I said that every penny had been spent and that remains the case. In the absence of proposals to change spending, this additional investment will be funded through limited amounts of underspend, taking a multi-year approach to issues around non-domestic rates without impacting on local authority revenues, and additional consequentials from the fossil fuel levy. While this increases the financial exposure of the government it ensures that social security payments can be made and public services properly funded.”

The Scottish Greens say free bus travel for young people is a ‘transformational step’ towards tackling the climate emergency.

Young people aged 18 and under are set to get free bus travel in Scotland, thanks to the Scottish Green Party.

The Scottish Government has agreed to work to implement free bus travel for young people in Scotland, in a major win for the Scottish Greens as part of the Scottish budget process.

This means from 2021 young people across Scotland should be able to travel for free on bus routes, in a similar way to the entitlement currently held by over-60s.

The budget deal also puts an additional £95m towards local services across Scotland such as schools and libraries.

Scottish Green co-leader Patrick Harvie said: “Free bus travel for young people is a transformational step towards tackling the climate emergency. This scheme will benefit young people starting college and families, some of whom stand to save thousands of pounds a year, and encourage whole generations of public transport users.

“Buses are the backbone of local public transport and the key to employment and training opportunities for so many of those starting out in life.

“Yet again it’s the Scottish Greens who have engaged constructively in the budget process to deliver for communities in Scotland. 

Clearly, a Green budget would do even more to tackle the climate emergency, but securing this important free bus travel deal for the next generation builds on the powers we won for local councils to take control of local bus services. It is the Scottish Greens who are leading the change.

“And as we have done in every year we have struck a deal, the Greens have prioritised funding for local government, securing an additional £95m for libraries, schools and other local services.”

As part of the deal, Scottish Greens have also secured additional funding for vital low carbon capital projects across Scotland, including commitments to explore reopening the Dunfermline to Alloa rail link and improve the Milngavie rail line, increasing the cycling and walking budget to £100m and £13m for community safety and crime prevention.

Widening free bus travel to those 18 and under is estimated to cost around £60m a year from 2020:  

–    A student travelling from Castle Douglas to study at Dumfries College is set to save around £1,231 per academic year

–    A student travelling from Bathgate to Edinburgh College’s Granton campus is set to save around £1,216 per academic year

–    A student going the Moray campus of the University of the Highlands and Islands from Inverness is set to save around £945 per academic year

–    A family in Edinburgh can save £304 a year on their child going to and from school if they need to take the bus

–    It will save a family of four £22.70 on a trip from Keith to Inverurie Trampoline Park.

Scottish Green MSPs, Alison Johnstone and Andy Wightman, have also hailed the deal struck by the party to deliver free bus travel for young people aged 18 and under as “transformational”.

Alison Johnstone MSP said: “Free bus travel for young people is a transformational step towards tackling the climate emergency. This scheme could save young people and families thousands of pounds a year, and encourage whole generations of public transport users.

“Buses are the backbone of local public transport and the key to employment, training, sports and social opportunities for so many young people.”

The Scottish Greens have also secured an additional £95 million for vital local services, and an additional £13 million for community policing and prevention work.

Andy Wightman MSP added: “Since the 2016 election the Scottish Greens have pushed the Scottish Government to provide councils with a fairer share of funding.

“I’m delighted that this year Greens have been able to deliver over £7.4 million more for Edinburgh, £1.5 million more for Midlothian, £1.8 million more for East Lothian, and £3.2 million more for West Lothian, to help protect vital local services like community centres, and speed up the delivery of much-needed new schools.

While the Greens hail their contribution to tackling climate change, the local government umbrella body COSLA says the budget will do NOTHING to tackle the environmental emergency. 

The Scottish Government’s 2045 Climate Change Targets will not be met as local authorities will be forced to use ageing, high-emission vehicles on a daily basis, councils have warned.

The Scottish Government draft budget falls far short of what COSLA considers a fair settlement for Local Government.  It results in a £95m (£300m real terms) cut to revenue and £117m (£130m real terms) cut to capital budgets. The impact of these cuts will continue to be felt.

COSLA Environment and Economy Spokesperson Councillor Steven Heddle said: “This budget in no way recognises that we are facing a climate emergency nor the role of Local Government in addressing the challenges.

“The risks are clear. This is a budget which heavily impedes our ability to help Scotland meet these targets. If the Government are serious about addressing climate change then protecting services such as school and community transport, waste collection, gritting, and roads maintenance should be top of their agenda.

“Cuts to council budgets means cuts to public transport – forcing more people to travel by car and an end to critical investment in active travel.

“To truly tackle the climate emergency, we need to provide services in a different way, Local Government is eager to be a leader in the fight to tackle climate change, but resources are needed.

“Instead of additional resource to allow investment in emission-reducing infrastructure, energy efficiency measures and digital services delivery, we have seen a cut to the Local Government budget. This must be addressed if we are serious about tackling climate change.

“We are calling on the Government and the Parliament to address these concerns, listen to our asks and allow investment in essential council services which can make a real difference in the fight against climate change.

Edinbirgh SNP MSP Gordon MacDonald has welcomed an agreement to pass the Scottish Government that will see the capital receive an additional £7.43 million in the next year.

Police will benefit from a total uplift of £60 million in the next financial year, with £13m of additional investment in frontline services and a further £5m of additional capital investment, on top of the £42m already committed.

SNP MSP for Edinburgh Pentlands, Gordon MacDonald, said: “This budget invests a record £15bn in health and care services, delivers Scotland’s unique child payment to lift our youngest out of poverty and supports Scotland’s world-leading efforts to tackle the climate crisis.

“The Scottish Government had already backed Police Scotland with a budget increase of £42m.  That will now increase that support to £60m overall with £50m of investment for frontline services.

“Edinburgh will benefit from our share of an extra £95m for local government – with an extra £7.43 millon of investment.

“We have made significant investments to tackle the climate crisis, with funding for a green deal, low carbon travel and £1.8bn of low emission infrastructure.

“The introduction of free bus travel for those aged 18 and under will make an enormous difference to young people – and alongside the £500 million bus infrastructure fund will help deliver a step change in the use of public transport.

“This budget is a good deal for Edinburgh and a good deal for Scotland – and I’m delighted it is now set to receive the support of the Scottish Parliament.”


Capital Coalition votes to slash services

Edinburgh’s ruling SNP-Labour ‘Capital Coalition’ voted though cuts of £35 million to public services last night – and agreed to raise Council Tax by almost 4.8%. Labour councillor Gordon Munro abstained.

And if you think the cuts will end after next year, think again: the Council set a three year budget and plans to make cuts of £87 million over the next three years.

Council leaders say the budget will protect vital services, but opposition parties argue that the scale of the cuts will damage communities.

SNP Cllr Adam McVey, Council Leader, said: “We’ve agreed a bold budget which protects the most vulnerable in society and guarantees a fairer quality of life for future generations. It prioritises those Council services which work to help those who are most in need of our support – protecting our young people, our communities and our planet in the process.

“In the face of growth and a global climate emergency, we’ve outlined plans for the biggest investment ever to be made into new, sustainable and affordable homes in Edinburgh.

“The people of Edinburgh have told us they want their city to be sustainable, to be fair and for frontline services to be protected. That is what we are delivering with a budget which invests in the services our city needs. I’d like to thank fellow Councillors for standing up for a plan which is fair and sustainable.”

Labour Cllr Cammy Day, Depute Leader, said: “The plans passed today support new schools, sustainability and the regeneration of this city and I’m pleased we’ve been able to – yet again – agree a balanced budget, despite the ongoing financial uncertainty we and all local authorities face.

“This forward-thinking approach will provide much greater certainty to residents, to workers and to partners right across the city and will help us tackle poverty in all its forms.

“Under today’s budget, this Council is committing to do all that we can with the resources we have to improve residents’ lives and protect those services which are vital to our most vulnerable citizens. This will be supported by the thousands of new, affordable homes we’ll help to build and the community regeneration we’ve pledged to deliver.

“For too long we’ve turned our back on our fantastic waterfronts and this budget plan will allow us to move forward with our plans to regenerate Granton, providing new homes and a fantastic community for people to work and visit.”

Far from moving forward, Lib Dem councillors Kevin Lang and Louise Young believe the budget is a backwards step.

Commenting last night, the brother and sister councillors for Almond ward said: “We are sorry to say the SNP’s Council budget was passed tonight. We argued strongly for our alternative which avoided the worst of the service cuts but the votes weren’t there.

This means:

 an end to all Council funding for community policing, putting dozens of officer posts at risk.
 removing all 130 teachers from our nurseries.
 a big cut to headteacher school budgets.
 slashing the funding for local sports and leisure centres.
 opening the door to library cuts.

“The SNP also refused to accept our fully costed plan to put more money into road and pavement repairs or into new park playground equipment.

“We always try to be optimistic but there’s no getting away from the fact this is a bad budget for our constituents.”

Earlier this week the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities warned that the Scottish Government’s Budget will hit vulnerable communities the hardest.

COSLA said the Government has not considered successive years of cuts, or rising inflation and demand and have therefore put council services at risk.

Councils have said they believe the budget will have a major impact on the Government’s ability to address the four priorities of inclusive growth, tackling child poverty, wellbeing and climate change, and puts Scottish Government commitments at risk if no further funding is found as part of the Budget Scrutiny process.

COSLA’s view is that taken on its own, the Scottish Government’s announcement of an additional £495m for councils is misleading to communities.

Councils are required to deliver an additional £590m worth of new Scottish Government policy commitments, resulting in a cut to council budgets of £95m. It is vital to note that this doesn’t account for inflation and therefore the real terms cut to the Local Government revenue budget is nearer £300m.

The draft capital budget is equally as devastating. Whilst £54m of new capital money has been announced this is negated by £171m worth of Scottish Government commitments. This leaves a £117m cut to core capital budgets of 17%. Again, if we include inflation the real terms cut to capital budgets is £130m.

This settlement does not address any of the restoration called for in light of many years of cuts.

Speaking ahead of an evidence session at the Scottish Parliament’s Local Government and Communities Committee on Wednesday, COSLA Resources Spokesperson Councillor Gail Macgregor said: “COSLA has campaigned hard in recent months for the Scottish Government to address falling Local Government budgets.

“We called for Scottish Government commitments to be funded, inflation to be accounted for and restoration to the budget to reflect successive years of cuts to Local Government. It is unfortunate that a sphere of government in this country has not been listened to. 

“This draft budget will impact on jobs, frontline services and Local Government’s ability to address inclusive economic growth, child poverty, wellbeing and climate change and does not address the growing demand most councils are facing in relation to services.”

COSLA President Councillor Alison Evison added: “Recent benchmarking statistics have shown that 10,000 FTE jobs have been lost in Local Government since 2010/11. The impact of this on communities is real and cannot continue. 

“We are calling on Scottish Government and the Parliament to address these concerns, listen to our asks and prevent the loss of essential council services which communities rely upon.

“Make no mistake, councils and the services which communities rely upon will be at risk as a result of this budget.”

Councillors voyed to raise Edinburgh’s Council Tax by 4.79%. The tax band levels for Edinburgh in 2020/21 will come into effect on 1 April 2020 and will be:

A – £892.39

B – £1,041.13

C – £1,189.86

D – £1,338.59

E – £1,758.76

F – £2,175.21

G – £2,621.41

H – £3,279.55