Edinburgh Association of Community Councils: Spring Update

After the series of four winter meetings in November, December, January and February — when we approved a new constitution for EACC — we’ve taken a pause before our next ordinary meeting, provisionally scheduled for Thursday 26 May at 7pm on Zoom. 

Please let me know if you want to raise any particular issue at the May meeting. 

In the future, we may resume the special meetings that were a feature of EACC activities in 2020-1, when we covered public spaces management, carbon neutrality, and biodiversity. 

Possible future subjects are local democracy, best practice on making and analysing consultations, and practical approaches to energy efficiency and de-carbonization. We may also include the ‘held-over’ subject of guidance for community council treasurers.

The EACC Appeal (for funding – Ed.) was successful. As of now, we have received at least £700 from some 16 community councils. We hope this will enable us to to pay for a minutes secretary and establish a new website. We will also have a new bank account. 

The edinburghcommunitycouncils.org.uk domain is no longer functional — it always was problematic — so my email address is now Simon.Holledge@gmail.com.


Secretary, Edinburgh Association of Community Councils (EACC)

Local democracy under threat?

Concerns have been expressed in Edinburgh that politicians and city leaders may be cutting corners as crucial decisions are made about our city – all during a time when the press is under increased strain due to falling revenue.
In this conversation with four leading Edinburgh journalists we will explore the threats to local democracy and press reporting during the coronavirus outbreak.

Joining us for this conversation will be Euan McGrory (The Scotsman), Mure Dickie (Financial Times), Phyllis Stephen (The Edinburgh Reporter) and David Bol (The Herald).

Date: Thursday 25 June 2020
Start time: 6pm
Venue: Zoom online (how to join info will be sent to you via email)

Book your free ticket now

We look forward to seeing you on the evening. If you have any questions, please contact us on the details below.

Edinburgh World Heritage
5 Bakehouse Close
146 Canongate


Induction session choice for community councillors

The city council has organised induction sessions for newly-appointed Community Councillors:

Congratulations on your appointment as a community council member. The Council values the commitment and input of community councils and we look forward to working in partnership with you.

The CC elections attracted a high proportion of new members and I am delighted to invite new members to a community council induction session. If spaces remain then this will be opened up to returning CC members. I’d also like to make you aware that support materials are available on the council website.

The induction session aims to provide an introduction to the roles and responsibilities of community councils and community councillors, such as their statutory responsibilities in terms of planning, licensing and community planning.

The same session will be held on the following dates:

Saturday 9 November, City Chambers, High Street from 10 am until 12.30.

Wednesday 13 November, City Chambers, High Street from 6.00 pm – 8.40

Please respond to community.councils@edinburgh.gov.uk  if you are a new member and would like to attend on either of the above dates by Friday 1 November 2019. 

Please let us know of anything you need to help you take part eg large print, disabled access requirements, hearing loop etc.

There will be opportunities at the induction for networking and discussion and putting forward your ideas for future training and support.

Ross Murray

Governance Officer, Strategy & Communications Division CEC

Community Council elections: don’t leave it too late!


Do you want to play your part in making your community a better place to live? If so, get your skates on … community councils are recruiting NOW and the  closing date for nominations is NEXT MONDAY (30 September.) Continue reading Community Council elections: don’t leave it too late!

EACC meets this Thursday

The next meeting of the Edinburgh Association of Community Councils will take place on Thursday (19th September 2019) from 7 pm until 9 pm in The European Room at the City Chambers.

The papers for the meeting can be downloaded HERE or from EACC Documents on the website Continue reading EACC meets this Thursday

Stand and make a difference, say West Pilton West Granton CC

All community council positions become vacant and members need to stand again for election.  I’m providing you with information on what’s involved if you are interested in standing (writes PETER FAASSEN DE HEER)
I would strongly urge you to stand and make a difference.
A strong community council is vital to help our community tackle local problems like crime, litter and bins as well as promoting all the good stuff like our parks, housing improvements, community projects and heritage.  We engage with the police, council and all the wonderful local initiatives in the area.
City of Edinburgh has all the information you need here:
Our Returning Officer is Councillor Jim Campbell from Forth Ward. If you have any questions about the process or what Community Councillors do, you can email Jim at Jim.Campbell@edinburgh.gov.uk
The only requirement for someone to nominate or second is that you are on the electoral roll in the West Pilton West Granton area, and that you can only nominate/second one candidate.  You must be 16 or over.
Key Dates
  • Monday 9 September –  publication of Notice of Election (start of nomination period)
  • Monday 30 September 4pm  –  deadline for nominations (forms to Returning Officer)
  • Monday 30 September 4pm  – deadline for withdrawal of nominations
  • Thursday 10 October – publication of Notice of Poll (if a poll is required)
  • Thursday 31 October – polling day (if a poll is required)
Peter Faassen de Heer
Secretary, West Pilton West Granton Community Council

Granton & District Community Council meets tonight

Please find attached agenda of our next meeting and draft minutes of March meeting.

Our next meeting will take place on:

Monday 29 April 2019, at 6.30pm – 8.30pm

Venue: Royston and Wardieburn Community Centre, 11 Pilton Drive North, Edinburgh EH5 1NF

Looking forward to see you on Monday.

Kind regards

Mizan Rahman 

Secretary, Granton and District Community Council 

E-mail: secretary@grantoncc.scot | Tel: 07930 183352 | www.grantoncc.scot

Like us: www.facebook.com/grantoncc | Follow us www.twitter.com/GrantonCC