Holyrood Committees launch joint consultation on the new Housing Bill 

Focus on Homelessness and Tenants Rights

The Scottish Parliament’s Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee and Social Justice and Social Security Committee have jointly launched a new public consultation on the Scottish Government’s Housing (Scotland) Bill.

The Bill contains six main parts, addressing areas such as rent control, eviction procedures, tenant rights, and homelessness prevention.

It seeks to introduce measures to enhance tenant protections, prevent homelessness, and promote sustainable housing solutions.

Before the Bill was introduced to Parliament, the Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee established a Tenants Panel and a Landlords Panel, representing renters and landlords from across Scotland, to advise the Committee on the key issues within Scotland’s private rented sector.

These panels will now provide feedback on the Bill alongside the responses to the joint public consultation to inform both Committees’ scrutiny of the proposals.

Commenting on the launch of the Committee consultation, Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee Convener Ariane Burgess MSP said: “The new Housing Bill offers an opportunity to enact meaningful reforms that will positively impact the lives of tenants, homeowners, and communities across Scotland.

“Even before the Bill was published, we had already been gathering views from our Tenant and Landlord Panels to learn about what both need from new legislation.

“Now we want to hear from other stakeholders with an interest in Scotland’s housing policies, to ensure that the Bill is responsive to and reflective of the significant challenges facing the sector.”

Collette Stevenson MSP, Convener of the Social Justice and Social Security Committee, which holds the remit on scrutiny of the homelessness and domestic violence aspects of the Bill said:

“Everyone should have a warm and safe place to live and tackling rising levels of homelessness across Scotland should be a priority for us all.

“The proposals in this Bill seek to shift the focus away from crisis intervention and towards homelessness prevention.

“It’s important that we hear from a wide range of stakeholders, including tenants, landlords, advocacy groups, local authorities, and members of the public, to understand if the proposals go far enough to prevent so many people reaching crisis point.”

The Committees want to hear your views on the Housing (Scotland) Bill. The Key areas for feedback include:

  • Rent control mechanisms and affordability measures.
  • Tenant rights to pet ownership and property modifications.
  • Proactive homelessness prevention strategies by local authorities.
  • Enhancements to eviction procedures and tenant protections.

To participate in the consultation and contribute to shaping Scotland’s housing future, individuals and organisations are invited to submit their views through the official Scottish Parliament consultation portal.

Housing (Scotland) Bill Call for Views – Scottish Parliament – Citizen Space

The consultation is now live and will remain open until Friday 17th May 2024.

Minimum Unit Pricing rise supported

Holyrood agrees continuation of policy and increase to 65p

The minimum price per unit of alcohol will increase by 15 pence after the Scottish Parliament approved plans to continue with the public health measure.

As part of a ‘sunset clause’ when Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) legislation was introduced in 2018, it had been due to end on 30 April, however today’s vote by MSPs ensures its continuation.

In addition, a price increase was required to counteract the effects of inflation, with a rise to 65p selected as the Scottish Government seeks to increase the positive effects of the policy.

The increase will take effect on 30 September 2024.

Drugs and Alcohol Policy Minister Christina McKelvie said: “I’m pleased that Parliament has agreed to continue MUP legislation and to raise the level it is set at.

“Research commended by internationally-renowned public health experts estimated that our world-leading policy has saved hundreds of lives, likely averted hundreds of alcohol-attributable hospital admissions and contributed to reducing health inequalities.

“Despite this progress, deaths caused specifically by alcohol rose last year – and my sympathy goes out to all those who have lost a loved one. However, as a letter to The Lancet by public health experts makes clear, it is likely that without MUP there would have been an even greater number of alcohol-specific deaths.

“As we have made clear, the policy aims to reduce alcohol-related harm by reducing consumption at population level, with a particular focus on targeting people who drink at hazardous and harmful levels. 

“We believe the proposals strike a reasonable balance between public health benefits and any effects on the alcoholic drinks market and impact on consumers. Evidence suggests there has not been a significant impact on business and industry as a whole but we will continue to monitor this.”

MSPs join residents to demand a new Winchburgh Train Station

Foysol Choudhury MSP has joined Winchburgh residents outside the Scottish Parliament to deliver a petition addressed to Minister Jim Fairlie, calling on the Scottish Government to name a date for a new train station for Winchburgh.

Winchburgh is an expanding West Lothian community, with Winchburgh Developments Ltd delivering thousands of new homes and some new schools. However, a train station has not been delivered, as a new railway station was not a condition of planning permission.

As a result, homeowners in Winchburgh have been left without commuter links to Glasgow and Edinburgh, leading to a campaign to get the station built.

Foysol Choudhury, Labour MSP for Lothian, has been pursuing the issue on behalf of constituents for almost 2 years and has addressed the issue in the Scottish Parliament with Ministers, as well as making enquiries with other stakeholders such as the Council, local councillors and the Developers.

Yesterday the Labour Lothians list MSP joined the residents of Winchburgh outside the Scottish Parliament to call for action from the Scottish Government and deliver the petition addressed to Minister Jim Fairlie.

Following the rally outside Holyrood, Mr Choudhury said: “Winchburgh community have campaigned for many years for a much-needed train station and I have been raising this for almost 2 years at the Scottish Parliament.

“I was pleased to join the community today in delivering a petition for the Minister-it is time for the Scottish Government to take action, enough is enough.

“The Scottish Government needs to stop passing the buck and take responsibility for ensuring this much-needed and long-awaited station can finally be delivered.

“We must all work together to secure a station for the people of Winchburgh, who were sold homes on a belief it would be a commuter town.

“Instead, the Scottish Government do not seem to be taking these collaborative efforts to solve this important issue of clean and sustainable transport links for Winchburgh seriously.

“I am glad that other stakeholders, including MSPs, local councillors, the local community and the developers Winchburgh Developments Ltd, are instead taking this seriously where the Scottish Government are not.

“I am hopeful this petition and the clear strength of feeling from the community will lead to action from the Scottish Government – let’s get Winchburgh train station sorted!”

Mr Choudhury says he remains committed to continuing to pursue a new Winchburgh train station on behalf of all his constituents and will work with all relevant stakeholders possible to secure the station for his constituents.

Foysol Choudhury MSP’s video on the matter here: 


Violence and threatening behaviour ‘skyrocketing’ in Edinburgh schools

A dramatic increase in the number of violent and threatening incidents in Edinburgh’s schools has been revealed by figures from the city council.

In the 2014-15 academic year, there were 111 violent or threatening behaviour incidents across Edinburgh’s primaries and secondary schools. In the 2022-23 academic year this had skyrocketed to 618.

These figures come after the Scottish Government’s latest Research Report into school behaviour showed that almost 2/3rds of Scottish teachers have experienced verbal abuse and 59% have encountered physical aggression.

The number of incidents is higher in Edinburgh’s primary schools, which saw a leap from 242 for the academic year 2021/22 to 487 in 22/23.

High schools have seen a similarly dramatic jump but from a lower base, seeing an increase from 44 incidents in 21/22 to 131 in 22/23.

Commenting on these figures, Lothians MSP Sarah Boyack said: “The dramatic increase in violent and threatening behaviour in schools is extremely distressing.

“No teacher deserves to face violence or abuse in their classroom.

“The Council and school staff are doing a great job with the resources they have, but its clear more is needed to tackle this issue.

“Investing in pupil support will help us to tackle many of the root issues that cause disruption. We must also ensure that schools equip teachers with the necessary support if they are facing violent behaviour.

“Violence and threatening behaviour are not part of a teacher’s job, and it must be the Education Secretary’s top priority to tackle it.”

The data, acquired by FOI from City of Edinburgh Council is below:

Academic YearPrimary SchoolsSecondary SchoolsTotal number
01/08/2014 to 30/06/20151047111
01/08/2015 to 30/06/20161127119
01/08/2016 to 30/06/20171997206
01/08/2017 to 30/06/201817815193
01/08/2018 to 30/06/201929237329
01/08/2019 to 30/06/2020172441
01/08/2020 to 30/06/20211294133
01/08/2021 to 30/06/202224244286
01/08/2022 to 30/06/2023487131618

The Scottish Government Behaviour in Schools Research Report can be found here:


Scottish Government must do more to engage the public on climate change and Scotland’s climate change targets

The Scottish Government is not doing enough to engage the public on climate change and Scotland’s climate change targets. 

This is the collective view expressed in a report published yesterday by 23 members of the public, selected at random from across Scotland, who recently came together at Holyrood to form a ‘Climate Change People’s Panel’.

The panel was set up to support Holyrood’s Net Zero, Energy & Transport Committee in its post-legislative scrutiny of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009. The Act mandates that the Scottish Government should produce and periodically review a public engagement strategy for climate change.

The panel’s report concludes that the Government has not communicated effectively with the public on climate change saying that it “could be more ambitious, delivering a positive narrative and enabling Scotland to set a standard of excellence.”

The panel also considered that “collaboration with expert local and community led organisations is key” and that there is an “inconsistency in communication, education, evaluation, the allocation of funding and ultimately, that there is an action gap across Scotland.”

The report outlines 18 recommendations which panellists will formally present to the Committee during a broadcast evidence session on Tuesday 16 April 2024.

Panellist Kevin Roarty, an Analyst Programmer living in Paisley said of his experience; “This has been a fantastic experience but at the heart of it all is the most serious topic.

“We felt that there needs to be more truth and honesty from the Scottish Government about the scale of the challenge, and that creating a more compelling vision of the better world we’re all aiming for would help.

“We hope the Committee will accept our recommendations as positive, concrete actions that must be taken forward and that our efforts will make a positive difference to national engagement on climate issues.”

In the report, panellists unanimously recommend, for example, that: – 

  • Climate change should exist as a compulsory subject within the primary to high school curriculum and children should be involved in its development as a subject.
  • Robust, timely and longer-term funding (minimum 3-5 years) should be provided to help expand and adequately resource climate hubs.
  • There needs to be a legal obligation on all local authorities to co-create local climate policy, supported by funding from the Scottish Government.

Edward Mountain MSP, Convener of the Net Zero, Energy & Transport Committee, said; “This report identifies the need for the Scottish Government to lead from the front to bring governments, business, and the public together in a mutual understanding of the shared challenge we all face and the actions that need to be taken to effect change.

“Just last month the Climate Change Committee said that Scotland’s 2030 climate goals are no longer credible. Collaboration on all levels of society will be essential to help drive action forward.

“We look forward to taking evidence from the panellists during next week’s committee meeting and exploring their findings further with them.”

Access the report and full list of recommendations (2MB, pdf)

New Adult Disability Living Allowance will support 3155 people in Edinburgh

Edinburgh Pentlands MSP Gordon Macdonald has said the new Scottish Adult Disability Living Allowance will ensure that up to 3,155 people in Edinburgh will benefit from “an approach rooted in dignity, fairness and respect” with Social Security Scotland providing a total of 15 support payments.

Under the Scottish Government’s proposals, those in Scotland who currently receive the DWP’s Disability Living Allowance – around 66,000 adults – will, from next year, be automatically transferred to the new Scottish benefit. They will then be able to apply for Adult Disability Payment.

Commenting, the SNP MSP for Pentlands said: “Since its inception, Social Security Scotland has set out to support those who need it most, with an approach rooted in dignity, fairness and respect – and I am pleased that more people across Edinburgh will benefit from this progressive approach.

“For the 3,155 people who are currently reliant on the cruel and out-dated DWP, this new benefit will streamline the provision of support and enable them to apply for Social Security Scotland’s flagship Adult Disability Payment.

“This is just one of many examples of the progress that can be made when we have the power to make decisions in the best interests of Scots as we work to build a fairer, more prosperous country.”

Holyrood committee invites views on Disability Commissioner proposal

Should Scotland have a Disability Commissioner? This is what a Holyrood Committee is asking and it now wants to hear from disabled people and those you care, support and live with.

The Disability Commissioner (Scotland) Bill has been introduced by Jeremy Balfour MSP. The Bill would establish a commissioner, who would be expected to promote and safeguard the rights of disabled people.

The Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee will be scrutinising the Bill and want to hear views on the proposals in the Bill before it takes public evidence.

In particular, the Committee wants people to share their views on the proposal to establish a commissioner, the powers that the Commissioner would have and the involvement that disabled people should have in the Commissioner’s work.

The consultation, which opened yesterday, will be open until Friday 17 May. 

Karen Adam MSP, Convener of the Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee, said: “With approximately one fifth of Scotland’s population defining themselves as disabled, our Committee welcomes any discussion on what can be done to ensure that their voices are heard and their rights are protected.

“Our newly opened consultation will help frame our scrutiny of the proposals in the Bill. What we hear from the public will define our evidence sessions and ultimately be reported back to the Parliament. 

“We’re especially keen to hear what Scotland’s disabled community make of the proposals, which is why we are providing our consultation in a range of formats, including Easy Read and BSL.”

“We must improve patient strategy for Brain Tumours” – Foysol Choudhury

Lothian MSP Foysol Choudhury has called for an improved Scottish patient strategy for brain tumours, following his Member’s Business Debate which marked March as Brain Tumour Awareness Month.

Mr Choudhury, whose Member’s Business Motion on Brain Tumour Awareness Month achieved Cross-Party Support this week (26th March 2024) opened the debate on that Motion and shone a light on the importance of increasing funding for brain tumour research and improved patient outcomes, which he says have changed little in over a generation.

One in three people know someone affected by a Brain Tumour and this prevalence of the disease,  Mr Choudhury argues, is why brain tumours must be treated as a clinical and strategic priority by Government, with increased funding for research into brain tumours.

Mr Choudhury said: “Brain Tumours are a cancer of unmet need- despite poor outcomes, funding for brain tumour research remains at just a percentage of research funding for other cancers.

“Money must be ring fenced to support the discovery science that could transform patient outcomes in the field. More investment in research can lead to more clinical trials, new knowledge, and improved options and outcomes for patients.

MSP Choudhury also shared the experience of Rayhan and Theo, who both had to eventually attend A&E where a scan diagnosed their brain tumours after these went unnoticed by GPs.

Mr Choudhury said: “The saddening experiences of Rayhan and Theo are unfortunately not unique-many other patients have to struggle with misdiagnosis or their brain tumours going undetected for some time.

“The Brain Tumour Charity found 41 percent of people suffering from a brain tumour had to visit their GP three or more times before being diagnosed.

“This must change if we are going to achieve early and successful treatment for brain tumour patients.

“That’s why it should be a priority to develop new clinical pathways informed by specialist knowledge and clinical training to identify Brain Tumours.”

Thomas Brayford, Policy and Public Affairs Manager at Brain Tumour Research, said of the debate: “We come together every March to mark Brain Tumour Awareness Month and to raise awareness of this deadly disease, which kills more children and adults under the age of 40 than any other cancer.

“And, only 12% of brain tumour patients survive beyond five years of their diagnosis. These outcomes can and must improve. But this will only happen if the Government prioritises brain tumours and declares them a clinical priority.

Mr Choudhury says that Brain tumours have been left ignored for too long and that following his Member’s Business Debate, he will continue to argue for increased funding and clinical development to tackle the devastating outcomes for brain tumour patients.

Foysol Choudhury MSP’s Member’s Business Debate for Brain Tumour Awareness Month on 26/03/34 can be watched here: https://www.scottishparliament.tv/

Strong support for Assisted Dying Bill, says Dignity in Dying Scotland poll

  • Biggest ever public poll in Scotland conducted on assisted dying confirms every single constituency supports law change
  • More than three-quarters of respondents (78%) said that they would support making it lawful for someone to seek assisted dying in Scotland, with just 15% against
  • Findings released as Liam McArthur MSP’s ‘Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults (Scotland) Bill published in Scottish Parliament (28th March 2024)

The vast majority of constituents in every parliamentary constituency and region in Scotland support a change in the law on assisted dying, according to the largest and most in-depth public polling ever conducted on the issue. The results of the poll are released as Liam McArthur MSP publishes his Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults (Scotland) Bill in the Scottish Parliament.  

The polling was carried out by Opinium Research on behalf of Dignity in Dying Scotland, and canvassed the views of more than 4,000 people across the country. 78% said they would support a change in the law to allow dying adults to access assisted dying.

The polling results were modelled for every constituency and region in Scotland. The highest levels of support are reported in Orkney (82%), Shetland (82%), North East Fife (80%), Banff and Buchan (80%), Moray, Ettrick, Roxburgh and Berwickshire, Caithness, Sutherland and Ross, Mid Fife and Glenrothes, Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch and Inverness and Nairn (all 79%).

Every constituency has at least a two thirds majority in favour.

Constituents of the Party Leaders back Liam McArthur MSP’s Bill:

Humza Yousaf MSP, Glasgow Pollock, 67%

Douglas Ross MSP, Highland and Islands Region, 79%

Anas Sarwar MSP, Glasgow Region, 69%

Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP, Edinburgh Western, 76%

Patrick Harvie MSP, Glasgow Region, 69%

Lorna Slater MSP, Lothian Region, 76%

Ally Thomson, Director of Dignity in Dying Scotland said: “As Liam McArthur MSP’s Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults Bill is published in the Scottish Parliament, the message from constituents to their MSPs is strikingly clear – it is time to change the law and vote to give dying people the choice of safe and compassionate assisted dying.

“In every constituency and region in Scotland there is an unshakeable majority of support for an assisted dying law, with tight safeguards that would benefit and protect dying people and improve end-of-life care as a whole.

“That law is now within our reach.  The Bill published today provides the compassion and choice dying people need and puts safety and protection in place where none currently exists.

“I’ve spoken to countless terminally ill people who are desperate for the peace of mind that this Bill would bring, and to so many who have watched someone they love endure a terrible death and don’t wish anyone else to suffer in a similar way. 

“The publication of the Bill today gives them all hope that needless suffering can be consigned to the past. We call on MSPs not to stand in the way of their choice.”

Liam McArthur MSP said: Currently in Scotland assisted dying is illegal, a situation that I believe is failing too many terminally ill Scots at the end of life.

“It is leaving them facing traumatic deaths that impact not just them, but those that they leave behind. We can and must do better. That is why I am publishing my bill on assisted dying, which is being introduced formally in the Scottish Parliament today.

“For many years, polling has consistently shown overwhelming support for assisted dying. I believe we are now seeing the necessary political support, across all parties, to deliver this long overdue reform.

“The provisions I am proposing would be robustly safeguarded to ensure the process works as intended. Similar laws have been safely and successfully introduced in countries such as Australia, New Zealand and the United States where they continue to enjoy strong public support.

“I hope that as they consider the provisions of the Bill, my colleagues will look at the evidence supporting a change in the law and the wishes of dying Scots and vote to give terminally ill adults the choice they need.”

In the Opinium polling, support for changing the law was consistently high across those who plan to vote SNP (84%), Conservative (72%), Labour (79%), Green (81%) and Liberal Democrat (78%).

The polling also found a strong majority for law change among religious people, with 75% of people who align themselves with Church of Scotland/England and 66% of those who state they are Catholic in favour.

In addition, the polling found that more than half of Scots (55%) would personally consider travelling to Switzerland for an assisted death if they were terminally ill, but 57% would not be able to afford it, with costs skyrocketing to £15,000 in the last five years.

Assisted dying bills are being considered in Jersey and the Isle of Man, an inquiry in Ireland has recently recommended law change, and a bill will be introduced in France this year.

Four hundred million people across Europe, North and South America and Australasia live in jurisdictions that have legalised or decriminalised assisted dying in some form.

Rare surviving Georgian fashions and majestic paintings go on display as The King’s Gallery reopens

A sword made for George IV’s historic visit to Edinburgh and other rare surviving items of Georgian clothing are among almost 100 works from the Royal Collection are now on show as part of Style & Society: Dressing the Georgians. 

It is the first exhibition to open at The King’s Gallery at the Palace of Holyroodhouse, formerly known as The Queen’s Gallery, following an 18-month closure for essential maintenance work.

Throughout the exhibition, the fashions recorded in portraiture are used as a lens to explore the many social, political and technological changes that characterised Georgian Britain. Paintings, prints and drawings by artists including Gainsborough, Zoffany and Hogarth are accompanied by a selection of clothing and accessories to tell the story of fashionable dress from George I’s accession in 1714 to the death of George IV in 1830. 

Style & Society: Dressing the Georgians takes a closer look at George IV’s 1822 visit to Scotland, the first by a reigning monarch in almost 200 years.

Visitors will see the set of accoutrements specially supplied to the King for the visit by George Hunter & Co, purveyors of Highland dress based on Princes Street in Edinburgh, including an ornate broadsword, made of blued steel inlaid with gold and decorated with Scottish emblems, a belt and a dirk.

Also on display is a full-length portrait of George IV by Fife-born artist Sir David Wilkie, showing the monarch in Royal Stewart tartan and wearing the accoutrements. 

The growing textile industries presented artists with fresh challenges as they strived to depict the latest fabrics. A rarely displayed, full-length portrait by Thomas Gainsborough of Queen Charlotte is paired with an embellished Indian muslin sacque gown on loan from Historic Royal Palaces, a close match in shape and style to the delicate white dress that glitters with silk netting and tasselled bunches of gold lace in Gainsborough’s painting.

An essential fabric for centuries in Britain, linen was used in a variety of ways in items from washable undergarments to delicate lace, and even shoes, as demonstrated by a pair of baby shoes which belonged to Princess Charlotte, George IV’s only child. 

The age of Enlightenment saw ideas about childhood evolve, and this materialised in childrenswear becoming more comfortable and practical. Benjamin West’s portrait of three-year-old Prince Octavius, the 13th child of George III and Queen Charlotte, shows him wearing a skeleton suit – a new style of children’s dress inspired by the functional clothing of working-class sailors. With a toy horse on the floor behind him as he carries his father’s cavalry sword, displayed nearby, it is as if the young prince is pretending to be a hardworking king.

Clothes and undergarments such as bonnets and stays were used to teach children good posture or provide protection. An embroidered bonnet thought to have been worn by Princess Charlotte is on display for the first time after being bequeathed to the Royal Collection in 2022 by a descendant of the then young Princess of Wales’s Preceptress (teacher), Miss Mary Hunt.

All four Georgian monarchs took great interest in military clothing, and the 18th century saw a proliferation of uniform styles.

A preliminary work by Sir Joshua Reynolds of Lord Eglinton, a respected military leader and patron of Robert Burns, demonstrates the finesse of 18th-century portraiture, with headdress feathers appearing to flutter in the Highland breeze.

deep blue uniform jacket designed by George IV and captured in the monarch’s portrait by Sir William Beechey shows first-hand the richness of military dress.

Georgian jewellery was often highly personal, and much like clothing, was regularly repurposed – even by the royal family. Pearl-adorned buttons from a dress coat belonging to George III were reused to create an eye-catching necklace for the Duchess of Clarence, later Queen Adelaide, shown alongside items of Queen Charlotte’s impressive jewellery collection.

Anna Reynolds, curator of Style & Society: Dressing the Georgians, said: ‘The 18th century was an incredibly innovative period, and the Georgians were responsible for ushering in many of the cultural trends we recognise today.

“From the rising influence of practical working-class dress to the practice of recycling and reusing fabric wherever possible, fashion from this period tells a broader story about what was happening in society.

“It is fascinating just how much we can learn from the paintings, clothing, and accessories on display. And, thanks to our new scheme of £1 tickets, we are looking forward to sharing it with as many people as possible.’

Following a successful run in London, Style & Society: Dressing the Georgians at The King’s Gallery, Palace of Holyroodhouse is the first Royal Collection Trust exhibition to offer £1 tickets to visitors receiving Universal Credit and other named benefits.

The King’s Gallery will also continue to offer concessionary rates, including reduced tickets for Young People, and the option to convert standard tickets bought directly from Royal Collection Trust into a 1-Year Pass, allowing free re-entry for 12 months.

An accompanying programme of events at The King’s Gallery includes:

  • Style Natters: Free short talks for visitors will be held weekly on Thursdays at 11:00, each taking an in-depth look at a work of art in the exhibition.
  • Powder and Pomade: Exhibition curator Anna Reynolds will give a lunchtime lecture on Friday, 3 May on 18th-century wigs and hairstyles, an essential aspect of Georgian style.
  • Dressing Children in the 18th Century: Assistant Curator Lucy Peter will give a lunchtime lecture on Friday, 21 June exploring new ideas around childhood in the Georgian period, including attitudes towards education and the importance of playing outside.
  • Recycled Fashion: Family Workshop: The King’s Gallery’s Learning team will hold a fun family workshop on Saturday, 10 August exploring embroidery and other fashions in Georgian Britain. Children will have the chance to create a cape inspired by the exhibition, using recycled paper materials.