Holyrood: Industry leaders must ‘take ownership’ in tackling construction challenges

Industry leaders should ‘take ownership’ when it comes to tackling longstanding challenges within the construction industry MSPs on the Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee said today.

The call comes as a result of the Committee’s inquiry into Scotland’s construction sector. Continue reading Holyrood: Industry leaders must ‘take ownership’ in tackling construction challenges

Holyrood committee asks: Are Scotland’s roads properly funded?

The Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee is looking for views from a wide range of road users on the effectiveness of the current approach to road maintenance in Scotland and whether current funding levels are sufficient. Continue reading Holyrood committee asks: Are Scotland’s roads properly funded?

Holyrood Twenty Years On: Donald Dewar’s opening speech

1st July 1999

First Minister Donald Dewar said Scotland should rejoice at the opening of its new parliament and asked that people spare a special thought to peace negotiations in Northern Ireland.

This is the full text of his address in Parliament Hall ahead of the official opening: Continue reading Holyrood Twenty Years On: Donald Dewar’s opening speech

Alcohol and Drug Partnership waiting times must improve, says Briggs

Lothian MSP Miles Briggs has raised concerns with SNP Ministers about waiting times for Alcohol and Drug Partnerships in Lothian, following latest ISD figures for the quarter ending 31st March 2019. Continue reading Alcohol and Drug Partnership waiting times must improve, says Briggs

Happy birthday, Scottish Parliament!

The full line-up has been announced for today’s ceremony celebrating the Scottish Parliament’s 20th Anniversary.

The first part of the day will see Her Majesty The Queen address Parliament.  The Queen will be accompanied by His Royal Highness The Duke of Rothesay.

This will be followed by a fun packed afternoon for all the family.  The doors of the Scottish Parliament will be opened to everyone to explore with a huge range of free events and entertainment.

Her Majesty The Queen’s Address to Parliament: 11.00 am – 12.00 pm

Order of Ceremony

Her Majesty The Queen will be preceded into the Chamber by:

• The Scottish Parliament’s Mace

• Royal Company of Archers.

• The Crown of Scotland borne by the Duke of Hamilton and Brandon, escorted by the Lord Lyon King of Arms and the Captain-General

Fanfare for Elizabeth, Her Majesty The Queen, composed and conducted by John Wallace CBE and performed by the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Brass Ensemble, will play on The Queen’s arrival in the Chamber.

This will be followed by the welcome from the Presiding Officer

Her Majesty The Queen addresses the Scottish Parliament

Performance The Bonnie Banks O’ Loch Lomon’ arranged by D M Gardner
Conducted by Mark Evans and performed by The National Youth Choir of Scotland Chamber Choir.

First Minister responds followed by Ruth Davidson MSP

Poem   THE LONG VIEW written and performed by Jackie Kay, Scots Makar accompanied by Lewis McCaskill, Scottish Youth Theatre performing in Gaelic, Suzanne Bonnar singing and Moira Anne McAuslan performing in BSL (BSL translation by Amy Cheskin)

Richard Leonard MSP responds.

Performance Farewell to Govan composed by Phil Cunningham
Arranged and conducted by John Logan, Head of Brass and performed by Braw Brass accompanied by Phil Cunningham, Artistic Director of Traditional Music and Jenn Butterworth, Lecturer in Practical Studies The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland.

Patrick Harvie MSP responds followed by Tavish Scott MSP

Song  Ae Fond Kiss by Robert Burns arranged by Donald Shaw and Kevin McCrae
Sung by Karen Matheson accompanied by Donald Shaw on piano and the Harvey String Quartet.

The Presiding Officer closes the meeting of Parliament and the Scottish Parliament’s Piper Stuart McMillan MSP plays A Man’s a Man for a’ That by Robert Burns to mark The Queen’s departure.

From 3pm, the Parliament will open its doors to the people of Scotland for an afternoon of celebration and commemoration. Everyone is invited to join the Parliament in marking its 20th birthday at this unique event.

Looking back at two decades of achievements, there will be live music from across the eras, from a wide range of performers; retro games, face painting and lots more.

Looking forward to the next 20 years we will also have a future-focused area showcasing technology of the future and environmental priorities for protecting Scotland’s natural environment.

The event is free and unticketed but you can RSVP on Facebook to stay updated.


Holyrood committee asks: can business finance support be improved?

Holyrood’s Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee is looking for a wide range of views from businesses that have received ‘Regional Selective Assistance’ (RSA) or other financial support from Scottish Enterprise or Highlands and Islands Enterprise over the past ten years.

RSA is Scotland’s main national scheme of financial assistance to industry and has existed since 1970. It is managed and delivered by Scottish Enterprise and offers discretionary grants with the aim of creating and safeguarding jobs.

The Committee is also looking to hear from businesses who have been unsuccessful in their application to RSA or have received financial assistance from another body.

Committee Convener, Gordon Lindhurst MSP (above) said: “Over the last ten years over 960 projects have received £337 million of RSA investment. This has represented a significant attempt to address regional disparities across Scotland.

“The Committee wants to gain an understanding of impact these grants have had and whether grant support could be improved, and I urge businesses who have engaged with this scheme to tell us about their experiences.”

The outcome from this exercise is expected to feed into the upcoming Scottish Government budget plans and policy development.

The key areas that the Committee hopes to find answers to are:

  • Does RSA, and other grants, represent good value for money?
  • Could the £18 million to £34 million spent each year on RSA be better used supporting Scotland’s businesses in other ways?
  • To what extent does Regional Selective Assistance support the Scottish Government’s economic goals, as set out in its Economic Strategy and National Performance Framework?
  • How do RSA, and other grants, contribute to “inclusive economic growth”?
  • How do the enterprise agencies measure the impact of RSA? Views on how RSA and other financial support packages are evaluated by Scottish Enterprise and Highlands and Islands Enterprise.
  • How well do RSA and other grants interact with other SE and HIE interventions?
  • Views on the eligibility criteria, application and approval process;
  • Should RSA change, and if so, how?
  • What due diligence and accountability processes are followed by the enterprise agencies?
  • What progress has been made towards introducing more conditionality? Whether more conditionality should be applied to RSA funding in addition to that announced over the past year.
  • How successful is the claw-back process when investments fail?

Businesses are encouraged to complete a short questionnaire which aims to capture the experiences and views of successful, and unsuccessful, recipients of RSA and other grants. The questionnaire can be found here

Alternatively, you can respond to the call for views which can be found here

The deadline for submitting views is Friday 16th August 2019.

Win tickets to see Her Majesty The Queen address Parliament’s 20th Anniversary

Ten members of the public will have the best seats in the house as they watch Her Majesty The Queen address the Scottish Parliament on Saturday 29th June.
Continue reading Win tickets to see Her Majesty The Queen address Parliament’s 20th Anniversary