Chancellor Rachel Reeves delivers first address to HM Treasury staff

Chancellor of the Exchequer Rachel Reeves’ speech delivered to HM Treasury staff yesterday (Friday 5 July):

Thanks to all of you for being here. It is such an honour to be here today as the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

I know what a responsibility this brings – to guide our economy through uncertain times;

To restore stability in an age of insecurity;

To build prosperity that draws on the talents of working people.

The central mission of this new Government will be to restore economic growth.

During the election that was the Labour Party’s mission.

It is now our national mission.

And it will be for the Treasury to lead that mission.

Not growth for growth’s sake.

But growth for a purpose.

To make every part of our country better off.

To deliver on this mission, I want this to be the most pro-growth Treasury in our country’s history.

That will mean doing what the Treasury does best – building growth on a rock of economic stability.

But it also means taking on new challenges and new responsibilities.

To fix the foundations.

And to rebuild Britain;

To drive growth not just in a few pockets of our country but in every part of Britain.

To meet the challenges and seize the opportunities of the future – including our energy transition.

That is why this Treasury will play its full part in a new era of industrial strategy;

Working hand-in-glove with business, to make sure Britain is truly open to business once again.

And I know that in an uncertain world, if we can deliver the stability, investment and reform that the Prime Minister and I have set out, then Britain can reap the rewards.

But for families at home – I know that this is about more than just lines on a graph.

It is about tackling the causes of the cost of living crisis and making work pay.

Rebuilding our health service and our schools.

And driving opportunity in every part of Britain.

I will always hold in my minds eye the people across our country whose livelihoods, public services and aspirations will rise or fall based on the decisions we make here.

And I ask you to do the same – whether in Darlington, or Norwich, or in this building.

It is also a huge privilege to be the first ever female Chancellor of the Exchequer.

So every young woman and girl watching this:

Let today show that there should be no ceilings on your ambitions.

Your hopes,

or your dreams.

But there is a deeper responsibility too:

To women whose work is too often undervalued.

Who have borne the brunt of inequality.

And whose lives and interests are too often excluded from economic policymaking.

Together, we are going to change that.

Now, I have been a Member of Parliament for fourteen years now.

And if I’m honest, I’ve spent a lot of those years frustrated.

Talking, not doing.

Responding to constituents’ problems, but not being able to get to the root cause of those problems.

So as far as I’m concerned, there is no time to waste.

I will judge my time in office a success if I know that, at the end of it, there are working-class kids from ordinary backgrounds living richer lives, their horizons expanded, and their potential realised;

If we are leaving to the next generation a country that is more prosperous, with more good jobs paying decent wages, and a country better able to thrive in an uncertain world.

I know that a lot has been asked of you in the last few years – and I know, when the chips are down, staff at the Treasury have risen to the occasion, from furlough to energy price support.

I have often disagreed with the political choices that have been taken in this building.

But I have never been in any doubt about the talent, the dedication and the professionalism that Treasury staff have displayed.

I know too that at times it must have been frustrating for you, working under a weight of uncertainty, changes in direction, and without clarity of political purpose.

As Chancellor, I am determined to change that.

All our plans for government will rely on your hard work.

I’m under no illusion about the scale of the challenges we face.

The difficult choices that we will have to make.

I am not promising you that it will be easy.

There is a long road ahead.

It comes with a great weight of responsibility.

I embrace it.

It will demand hard work.

I am ready for it.

The British people have put their trust in this new government.

They have put their trust in us to run their economy.

And to protect their finances.

And that trust must not be squandered.

We’re a team.

It’s a new start.

So let’s get to work.

Thank you very much.

Drivers to save £50 this year as fuel duty cut extended

  • Boost for millions of motorists as 5p cut to fuel duty for petrol and diesel comes into effect.
  • Car drivers to save around £50 this year and £250 since the 5p cut was introduced – a £13 billion tax cut for motorists
  • Follows further tax cuts for working people announced at Spring Budget, rewarding work, boosting growth and helping families with the cost of living. 

Millions of drivers across the UK will continue to be supported at the pumps from today (Saturday 23 March) as the extension to the temporary 5p fuel duty cut for petrol and diesel comes into effect – putting yet more money in people’s pockets.

The Chancellor Jeremy Hunt announced the 12-month extension at the Spring Budget, as well as cancelling the planned inflation increase for 2024/25, saving car drivers around £50 this year and £250 since the 5p cut was introduced – a £13 billion tax cut for motorists overall over three years.

The temporary cut was first introduced in March 2022 to combat high fuel prices after global supply chain issues following the pandemic, as well as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Today’s extension takes effect as the government continues to support motorists with rising costs.

Taken with recent cuts to National Insurance Contributions – to the tune of around £1800 per household – this is putting even more money in people’s pockets. This is only possible because the government stuck to its plan to boost the economy. The economy has now turned a corner and 2024 is set to be the year that Britain bounces back.

In the past year, inflation has more than halved; the economy has recovered more quickly from the pandemic than first thought; and debt is on track to fall. The government is sticking to the plan to deliver the long-term change our country needs to deliver a brighter future for Britain.

Chancellor for the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt said: “Cutting people’s tax bill, while protecting our public services, is a priority.

“We’re already saving drivers £50 a year and the average earner £900 a year – and if we stick to our plan, we will go even further, rewarding work and growing our economy.”

Energy Security Secretary Claire Coutinho said: “We will always stand by UK drivers and today’s fuel duty cut is just one of the ways we are keeping costs down for families.

“Our plans for a new Pumpwatch will make sure motorists are getting a fair price at the pump.”

To mark the extension coming into effect, the Financial Secretary to the Treasury Nigel Huddleston visited an Asda petrol station in Worcestershire where he met staff and saw the supermarket chain’s more fuel-efficient fleet of vans.

Financial Secretary to the Treasury Nigel Huddleston said: “The last few years have been tough but we’re making real progress – which is why we are able to continue to support motorists for another 12 months.

By cutting taxes for working families and sticking to the plan, we can keep building a stronger economy and a brighter future where hard work is rewarded”.

RAC head of policy Simon Williams said: “The Government’s decision to extend the 5p duty cut is certainly a help to cash-strapped drivers, particularly as this week wholesale fuel prices have risen on the back of a higher oil price.

“With the creation of Pumpwatch and a price monitoring body on the horizon, there should soon be more pressure than ever on retailers to price fuel fairly, which will ensure it is only drivers who benefit from the duty cut.”

The government’s support on fuel duty is already available for longer than in many countries including Germany, France, and the Netherlands. A large proportion of countries which lowered fuel duty rates after the energy crisis have now ended their support.

The existing duty rates on road fuel gases, which are lower than the equivalent rates on diesel, will also continue to 2032, giving the haulage industry greater certainty over future tax rates and supports the decarbonisation of the UK transport sector.

Today’s extension to the 5p cut follows more tax cuts for working people announced at the Spring Budget, putting over £900 a year back into the average worker’s pocket thanks to changes at Autumn Statement and a second Employee National Insurance tax cut from 10% to 8% in April. The Chancellor has also committed to abolishing National Insurance altogether – end the unfairness of a double tax on work.

Meanwhile pubs, breweries and distilleries will benefit from a further freeze to alcohol duty until February 2025 – which will also save consumers money on their favourite tipple. The six-month alcohol duty freeze announced at Autumn Statement will be extended until 1 February 2025, benefitting 38,000 pubs across the UK, while reducing inflation this year.

Today’s news follows the government’s ongoing work to make sure drivers are getting a fair price at the pump by improving competition in the road fuel market.

Proposals for a new Pumpwatch scheme announced earlier this year will see the UK’s 41.2 million drivers get the latest petrol station prices at the click of a button, transforming how the UK shops for its fuel.

Under the plans, all fuel stations would be legally required to share live information on their pump prices within 30 minutes of any change in price subject to the outcome of the government’s consultation.

This freely available data will enable tech companies to develop new ways for drivers to search for the cheapest fuel while on-the-go and access to this price comparison technology could see drivers save 3p per litre on fuel, while also helping to drive down prices by reigniting competition.

New measures announced to ‘break the spell’ of fraudsters

The Economic Secretary to the Treasury will today (12th March) publish draft legislation which announces new measures to “break the spell” of fraudsters, as part of the UK Government’s Global Fraud Summit.

Under draft legislation published today, payment service providers such as banks will be given more time to contact customers, police, and other relevant parties when they have reasonable grounds to suspect fraud or dishonesty before they send a payment. This gives them a better chance of stopping money being sent to fraudsters.

This legislation will apply to authorised push payments, subject to limited exceptions. The UK has seen an increase in authorised push payment fraud over the past few years – in 2022 victims lost £485m to these scams.

Push payment fraud involves the fraudster deceiving the victim into initiating and authorising a transaction, such as instances of romance fraud where fraudsters have convinced their victim of a romantic attachment, or investment fraud. 

Until now, payment service providers, such as banks, have generally been required to process payments by the end of the following business day, giving a very limited timeline to investigate and alert relevant parties to possible fraud. 

Today’s legislation will give payment service providers a further 72 hours to investigate payments, but only where there are reasonable grounds to suspect fraud or dishonesty and more time is needed to contact the customer or other parties like law enforcement. The legislation has been designed to minimise any impact on legitimate payments. 

The government intends to lay this legislation before parliament so that it comes into force by October 7th 2024.

Economic Secretary to the Treasury Bim Afolami, said: “Fraudsters spin whole webs of lies and fabricate all sorts of things to convince people to send them money – this legislation will give banks, other payment service providers and law enforcement more time to get in touch with victims and break the fraudster’s spell before money is sent.

“The government is absolutely committed to tackling fraud and recognises the impact of this devastating crime on victims – this legislation is another tool in our arsenal to fight fraud.”

As part of the summit, yesterday (11 March) Home Secretary James Cleverly met with ministers from across the G7, Five Eyes, Singapore and South Korea for the first ever Global Fraud Summit.

Each attending nation agreed to a communique which has committed to more collaboration between law enforcement agencies, to protect the public and fight fraudsters.

The summit continues today, with a series of working level meetings between the private sector, civil society and government officials.

Chancellor champions a Spring Budget for British savers

  • New UK ISA announced at Spring Budget will encourage savers to “Back Britain” and support UK business, helping to build a stronger economy.
  • Generous £5,000 allowance is on top of existing £20,000 annual ISA subscription limit.
  • British Savings Bonds, launching in April, will offer a guaranteed interest rate fixed for three years, increasing the savings opportunities available to consumers.

British savers are set for a boost off the back of the brand-new ISA and National Savings & Investments (NS&I) product the Chancellor outlined at Spring Budget.

The new ‘UK Individual Savings Account’ will give savers an extra £5,000 of tax-free investments that must be invested in UK firms – while the British Savings Bonds product will increase opportunities for people to save for the longer term, whilst encouraging retail demand for government financing. Taken together they will foster cultures of saving and investing in the UK.

The UK ISA will ensure that savers will be able to benefit from the growth of UK businesses. This is part of a number of measures the government is taking, building on Mansion House and Autumn Statement 2023 announcements, to strengthen the UK’s capital markets, boost savings, increase pension fund transparency, and facilitate investment in UK companies.  

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt said: “This boost for British savers also unlocks long-term investment for Britain. We are sticking to our plan to get the economy growing, and it is right that this growth is fuelled by British innovation and enterprise in the areas where our country does it best.”

The Chancellor’s approach to create a new ISA allowance to invest in the UK will avoid disrupting people’s existing portfolios while rightly incentivising those that want to back Britain and save beyond the standard £20,000 limit.

This includes investment in those burgeoning small and medium enterprises in the high-growth sectors of the future in which Britain holds comparative advantage over its European neighbours, like digital technology – including being a clear artificial intelligence superpower in the west – and the life sciences – with the largest sector in Europe.

Meanwhile, the British Savings Bonds, a three-year savings product offered through NS&I, will go on sale in early April and will be available to consumers across the UK, with a minimum investment of £500 and maximum of £1 million. Consumers will benefit from an interest rate fixed for three years that is in line with NS&I’s requirement to balance the interests of savers, taxpayers and the broader financial services sector.

The timing will coincide with the further cuts to National Insurance for 29 million working people – putting over £900 a year back into the average worker’s pocket when combined with the cuts to Employee and Self-Employed National Insurance announced at Autumn Statement.

These represent personal tax cuts worth £20 billion, reduce the effective personal tax rate for a median earner to its lowest level since 1975, and represent the next step towards the government’s long term ambition to end the unfairness that means if you get your income for having a job you pay two types of tax, but if you get it from others sources you only pay one.

A Budget for Long Term Growth?

Chancellor ‘delivers lower taxes, more investment and better public services’ in ‘Budget for Long Term Growth’

‘Budget for Long Term Growth’ sticks to the plan by delivering lower taxes, better public services and more investment, while meeting fiscal rules – taking the long term decisions needed to build a brighter future.

  • Economy turning a corner, with inflation expected to fall to target next quarter, wages consistently rising faster than prices and better growth than European neighbours.
  • Chancellor capitalises on progress with ‘Budget for Long Term Growth’, sticking to the plan by putting over £900 a year back into the average worker’s pocket thanks to changes at Autumn Statement and a second Employee National Insurance tax cut from 10% to 8% in April for 27 million working people.
  • 2 million self-employed also get a second tax cut through a further 2p reduction in the NICs main rate from 8% to 6% – saving the average self-employed worker £650 when combined with cuts at Autumn Statement.
  • Personal tax cuts since Autumn are worth £20 billion, slashes the effective personal tax rate for an average earner to its lowest level since 1975, and will lead to equivalent of 200,000 more full-time workers joining the labour market.
  • High Income Child Benefit Charge to be assessed on a household basis by April 2026, and immediate support for working families by increasing the threshold to £60,000 and halving the rate at which Child Benefit is repaid – representing a £1,260 boost on average for around half a million working families.
  • The NHS in England will receive a £2.5 billion day-to-day funding boost for 2024/25 and £3.4 billion in capital investment over the forecast period to help unlock £35 billion in productivity savings over the next Parliament by harnessing new technology like AI and cutting admin workloads – part of landmark Public Sector Productivity Plan to deliver better public services.
  • The average car driver will save £50 this year as the 5p cut and freeze to fuel duty is maintained until March 2025, while pubs, breweries and distilleries will benefit from a further freeze to alcohol duty until February 2025 – which will also save consumers money on their favourite tipple.
  • New tax reliefs and investments will help establish the UK as a world leader in high-growth industries such as the creative sector, advanced manufacturing and life sciences, while 28,000 SMEs will be taken out of VAT registration altogether – encouraging them to invest and grow.
  • ‘Budget for Long Term Growth’ sticks to the plan by delivering lower taxes, better public services and more investment, while increasing size of economy by 0.2% in 2028-29 and meeting fiscal rules – taking the long-term decisions needed to build a brighter future.

More tax cuts for working people, more investment and a plan for better public services headlined Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s ‘Budget for Long Term Growth’ yesterday, Wednesday 6 March.

With the independent Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) confirming inflation is set to fall to target a year earlier than previously expected, wages rising consistently and the economy outperforming European neighbours, the Chancellor said he would stick to the plan to improve living standards by rewarding work and growing the economy.

Building on the 2 percentage point cut to Employee National Insurance at Autumn Statement, Mr Hunt announced a second 2p cut from 10% to 8% from April. Taken together with the cut to Employee National Insurance at Autumn Statement, this slashes the main rate of Employee NICs by a third and means the average worker earning £35,400 a year will be over £900 better off this year.

The Chancellor also went further with tax cuts for the self-employed, having reduced Class 4 NICs from 9% to 8% and abolished the requirement to pay Class 2 NICs at Autumn Statement. Today he announced a further 2p cut to Class 4 NICs for the self-employed to 6%, meaning the average worker earning £28,000 will be £650 better off compared with last year.

Combined with changes at Autumn Statement, today’s announcements deliver personal tax cuts worth £20 billion and reduce the effective personal tax rate for a median earner to its lowest level since 1975. The OBR says these reductions will lead to the equivalent of around 200,000 extra full-time workers by 2028/29, as people increase their working hours and move into work. This boost is why the Chancellor has prioritised NICs cuts in his ‘Budget for Long Term Growth’ and why he will continue to do so when fiscally responsible. He set out that his long-term ambition is to end the unfairness of double taxation of work.

Mr Hunt also announced that the High Income Child Benefit Charge will be assessed on a household basis by April 2026, with a consultation to come on achieving this.

To ensure working families benefit from increasing their earnings before this change is made, the threshold to start paying back Child Benefit will increase in April from £50,000 to £60,000 – a 20% increase which will take 170,000 families out of paying the charge this year – while Child Benefit will no longer need to be repaid in full until earnings exceed £80,000. This represents a £1,260 boost on average for around half a million working families, rising to nearly £5,000 for some families when combined with tax cuts since Autumn Statement.

This will put an end to the current unfairness, where two parents earning £49,000 a year receive the full Child Benefit while a household with a single earner on over £50,000 does not. The OBR says the immediate changes to the HICBC will lead to an increase in hours worked equivalent to around 10,000 more people entering the workforce on a full-time basis.

The Chancellor also announced a landmark Public Sector Productivity Plan which marks the first step towards returning public sector productivity back to pre-pandemic levels and will ensure taxpayers’ money is spent as efficiently as possible. OBR analysis suggests that raising public sector productivity by just 5% would deliver up to £20 billion of benefits a year.

Backed by £4.2 billion in funding, the plan will allow public services to invest in new technologies like AI, replace outdated IT systems, free up frontline workers from time-consuming admin tasks and take action to reduce costs down the line.

The NHS will receive £3.4 billion as part of this over the forecast period – doubling investment in digital transformation, significantly reducing the 13 million hours lost by doctors every year because of old IT and delivering test results faster for 130,000 patients a year thanks to AI-fitted MRI scanners that help doctors read results more quickly and accurately.

This investment, which comes alongside an extra £2.5 billion cash injection for 2024/25 to support the NHS improve performance and reduce waiting times, means the NHS can commit to delivering £35 billion in productivity savings over the next Parliament, while the £800 million to boost productivity across other public services will deliver an extra £1.8 billion in productivity benefits by 2029.

New tax breaks and investments will help to establish the UK as a world-leader in high-growth industries.

The UK’s creative industries will be backed by over £1 billion, including higher tax reliefs to lower the cost of producing visual effects in high-end TV and film, a 40% relief on gross business rates until 2034 will be introduced for eligible film studios, and a new tax credit for independent British films with a budget of less than £15 million.

Orchestras, museums, galleries and theatres will also benefit from a permanent 45% tax relief for touring productions and 40% relief for non-touring productions, while £26 million will fund maintenance and repairs at the National Theatre.

A £360 million package will support innovative R&D and manufacturing projects across the life sciences, automotive and aerospace sectors – with a further £45 million funding to accelerate medical research into common diseases like cancer, dementia and epilepsy – while the Green Industries Growth Accelerator will be allocated an extra £120 million to build supply chains for offshore wind and carbon capture and storage.

Opportunity will be spread across the country with hundreds of millions in funding to extend the Long Term Plans for Towns to 20 new places and a swathe of cultural projects, while local leaders will also be empowered to improve their communities through more devolved powers and a new North-East trailblazer devolution deal which comes with a funding package potentially worth over £100 million to support the region’s growth ambitions.

The Chancellor also took steps to make the tax system simpler and fairer. The ‘non-dom’ tax regime will be abolished and replaced with a fairer system from April 2025 where new arrivals to the UK pay the same tax as everyone else after four years – raising £2.7 billion a year by 2028/29.

As the oil and gas sector’s windfall profits from higher prices are expected to last longer, the sunset clause on the Energy Profits Levy will be extended by a year to March 2029, raising £1.5 billion while encouraging investment in the UK’s energy security by promising to legislate for its abolition should market prices fall to their historic norm sooner than expected.

Accompanying forecasts by the OBR confirm that the combined impact of decisions taken at Spring Budget and the preceding two fiscal events will increase the size of the economy by 0.7% and increase total hours worked by the equivalent of 300,000 full-time workers by 2028-29 – with the combined impact of government policy since Autumn Statement 2022 reducing the tax burden in the final year of the forecast by 0.6%.

Today’s announcements will reduce inflation in 2024/25, bring the equivalent of over 100,000 people into the workforce by 2028-29 and permanently grow the economy by 0.2% – with borrowing falling in every year of the forecast.

Lower taxes

With the economy turning a corner and debt on track to fall as a share of GDP, the Chancellor delivered further tax cuts for working people – rewarding work, boosting growth and helping families with the cost of living.

  • Following a 2 percentage point cut in the Autumn Statement, the main rate of Employee National Insurance will be cut again by a further 2 percentage points from 10% to 8% in April – a one third reduction in the main rate of National Insurance which means the average worker on £35,400 will receive a tax cut of over £900 compared to last year.
  • Following a 1 percentage point cut in the Autumn Statement, the main rate of Class 4 NICs for the self-employed will be cut by a further 2 percentage points from 8% to 6% from April – saving the average self-employed person on £28,000 over £650 compared to last year when combined with scrapping the requirement to pay Class 2 NICs announced at Autumn Statement.
  • Personal tax cuts worth £20 billion delivered since Autumn, which reduces the effective personal tax rate for a median earner to its lowest level since 1975.
    High Income Child Benefit Charge (HICBC) will be administered on a household rather than an individual basis by April 2026, with a consultation in due course, while around half a million working families will benefit from an increase in the threshold from £50,000 to £60,000 and raising the level at which Child Benefit is fully repaid to £80,000 – worth £1260 per family on average.
  • OBR says combined changes to NICs will lead to the equivalent of around 200,000 new full-time workers joining the labour market by 2028-29 as people increase working hours and move into work, while confirmed changes to the HICBC will bring in the equivalent of an additional 10,000 full-time workers.
  • The main rates of fuel duty will be frozen again until March 2025 with the temporary 5p cut also extended, saving car drivers around £50 this year and £250 since the 5p cut was introduced – a £5 billion tax cut.
  • The six-month alcohol duty freeze announced at Autumn Statement will be extended until 1 February 2025, saving consumers 2p on a pint of beer, 1p on a pint of cider, 10p on a bottle of wine and 33p on a bottle of spirit compared to if the planned rise had gone ahead. This will benefit 38,000 pubs across the UK, while reducing inflation this year.
  • The higher rate of Capital Gains Tax (CGT) on property will be cut from 28% to 24% from April 2024 – firing up the residential property market and supporting thousands of jobs that rely on it.
  • Building on the single biggest investment in childcare in English history, nurseries and preschools will be protected from rising costs through a guarantee that future funding will rise with a combination of inflation, earnings and the National Living Wage – certainty the sector needs to expand and deliver the rollout, which will save some parents using the full 30 hours up to £6,500 a year.
  • The most vulnerable families will receive targeted support through a £500 million extension to the Household Support Fund for an extra 6 months to September 2024, helping local authorities to support people with the cost of essentials, as well as abolishing the £90 fee for Debt Relief Orders so households struggling with problem debts can get the help they need, and extending the maximum period for Universal Credit budgeting advances from 12 to 24 months.

Better public services

While growth is key to delivering high-quality public services, the Chancellor backed the NHS with more funding and outlined the first steps towards getting public sector productivity back to pre-pandemic levels.

  • Day-to-day public spending will increase by 1% higher than inflation on average over the next parliament, as Chancellor confirms spending levels will not be cut.
  • The Public Sector Productivity Plan announced today with a £4.2 billion investment will improve public service delivery and get better value for taxpayers’ money through better tech, freeing frontline workers from time-consuming admin and making earlier interventions to reduce costs later down the line.
  • The NHS will receive an additional £3.4 billion as part of this to invest in new tech and digital transformation, including making the NHS app a single front door for patients, piloting new AI to halve form-filling times for doctors, rolling out universal electronic patient records, and over one hundred upgraded AI-fitted scanners so doctors can read MRI scans more accurately and quickly. This improves patient care and helps unlock £35 billion in productivity savings by 2030.
  • This means the NHS can commit to raising productivity in the NHS to 2% on average by 2028-29, at the upper end of the 1.5-2% ambition in the Long Term Workforce Plan – delivering a health service fit for the future. The NHS also gets a £2.5 billion funding boost for 2024/25.
  • £800 million will be invested to boost productivity across other public services, including £230 million for drones and new technology like facial recognition which will free up police officers’ time for more frontline work and £75 million to roll out the highly successful Violence Reduction Unit model across England and Wales.
  • This investment in non-NHS public services will help deliver up to £1.8 billion of benefits by 2029, with further measures including digitising jury bundles to free up 55,000 working hours spent on admin, creating 200 new children’s social care place to tackle overspends, and expanding the use of AI across government to make it easier to spot and catch those who try to defraud the public purse.
  • Defence spending is expected to hit 2.3% of GDP next year after £11 billion investment announced at Spring Budget 2023.

More investment

Building on recent investments in the UK by Google, Nissan and Microsoft, Mr Hunt announced exciting new investments in key growth sectors and set out plans to support businesses of all sizes to grow.

  • Significant package of support to establish the UK as a world leader in fast-growing industries over the next five years, including over £1 billion in new tax reliefs for creative industries, £270 million in automotive and aerospace R&D projects focusing, and a £120 million top up for the Green Industries Growth Accelerator to help build supply chains for offshore wind and carbon capture and storage.
  • £45 million will fund medical research to develop new medicines for diseases like cancer, dementia and epilepsy, and the UK’s ability to manufacture them will be boosted by plans for a £650 million AstraZeneca investment to build a new vaccine manufacturing hub in Liverpool and expand their footprint in Cambridge – thanks to government support for the life sciences sector.
  • Opportunity will be spread across the country with hundreds of millions in funding to extend the Long Term Plans for Towns to 20 new places, over £240 million to build nearly 8,000 homes in Barking Riverside and Canary Wharf alongside a new life sciences hub, and a new £160 million deal to acquire two site to develop nuclear for our energy security.
  • Local leaders will be empowered, with a new North-East trailblazer devolution deal which comes with a funding package potentially worth over £100 million in support for the region, and powers devolved to Buckinghamshire, Warwickshire and Surrey.
    Draft legislation will be published within weeks to extend full expensing – a £10 billion tax cut for business every year to help them invest for less – to leased assets when affordable to do so, strengthening one of the most attractive capital allowance regimes of any major country.
  • SMEs will be supported to invest and grow through a £200 million extension of the Growth Guarantee Fund, helping 11,000 small businesses to access the finance they need, and an increase in the VAT registration threshold from £85,000 to £90,000 which will take around 28,000 small businesses out of paying VAT altogether.
  • Pensions and savings reforms, including the introduction of a new UK ISA allowing an additional £5,000 annual investment in UK equities tax-free and new British Savings Bonds offering savers a guaranteed rate for 3 years, will deliver better returns for savers.

Sustainable public finances

The ‘Budget for Long Term Growth’ delivers lower taxes, better public services and more investment in a responsible way, the OBR confirming the Chancellor’s fiscal rules are on track to be met.

  • Underlying debt will fall as a share of the economy to 92.9% in 2028/29 – meeting the debt rule with £8.9 billion headroom. Headline debt will fall as a percentage of GDP every year from 2024/25.
  • Public sector borrowing falls in every year of the forecast. The deficit will be 2.7% of GDP in 2025-26 – meeting the second fiscal rule to get borrowing below 3% of GDP three years early – and by 2028-29 it falls to 1.2% of GDP, which is the lowest level since 2001-02.
  • Measures to tackle the tax gap will bring in an additional £4.5 billion a year by 2028/29, saving nearly £10 billion for the public purse when combined with policies announced at Autumn Statement.
  • The ‘non-dom’ regime will be replaced by a simpler system where arrivals have access to a more generous scheme for their first four years of tax residency before paying tax in the same way as everyone else, raising £2.7 billion a year by 2028/29 without deterring investment.
  • The Energy Profits Levy sunset clause will be extended from March 2028 to March 2029 to raise £1.5 billion a year, but legislation in the Finance Bill will abolish the Levy if market prices fall to their historic norm sooner than expected – maintaining investment in our energy security.
  • A duty on vapes will be introduced from October 2026 to protect young people and children from the harm of vaping, alongside a one-off increase in tobacco duty to recognise the role vapes play in helping people to quit smoking. This will raise a combined £1.3 billion by 2028/29.
  • Multiple Dwellings Relief will be abolished from June after showing no evidence of promoting investment in the private rented sector – raising £385 million a year – and the Furnished Holiday Lettings tax regime will be abolished from April 2025, raising £245 million a year while making it easier for local people to find a home in their community.

Chancellor delivers ‘Budget for Long-Term Growth in Scotland’

Secretary of State for Scotland Alister Jack said: “This Budget keeps Scotland and the whole of the UK on the right path for the future, with a clear focus on economic growth, jobs and prosperity.

“The UK Government’s direct investment in Levelling Up projects has now risen to over £3billion and that is fantastic news for communities right across Scotland.

“New measures announced today include £60million for Arbroath, Peterhead and Kirkwall and there is a further cash boost of £12.6million for cultural projects in Dundee, Dunfermline and Perth.

“Hardworking Scottish families will see more money in their pockets with a second National Insurance cut – guaranteeing lower taxes for Scottish workers – and a freeze to fuel duty is great news for motorists.

“The Budget freezes spirits duty for another year to boost our biggest export, whisky, and it also puts Scotland ahead in the new space race, with £10 million made available for Shetland’s SaxaVord spaceport and the exciting prospect of a first satellite launch before too long.  

“On top of this, the Scottish Government will receive an extra £295 million funding, in additon to the largest block grant since devolution began. There can be no excuses for not providing excellent public services in Scotland.”


There we have it. The last desperate act of a party that has failed. 

Britain in recession. 

The national credit card – maxed out.

And despite the measures today, the highest tax burden for 70 years.

The first Parliament since records began to see living standards fall, confirmed by this budget today. 

That is their record. It is still their record.
Give with one hand, and take even more with the other, and nothing they do between now and the election will change that. 

I mean – over 14 years, we have all seen our fair share of delusion from the party opposite.
A Prime Minister who thinks the cost-of-living crisis is “starting to ease”. 

An Education Secretary who thinks concrete crumbling on our children deserves our gratitude. 

The former Prime Minister who still believes crashing the pound was the right path for Britain.
And today – a new entry in this hall of infamy.
The Chancellor, who breezes into this chamber in a recession and tells the working people of this country that everything is on track. 

Crisis, what crisis? 

Or – as the captain of the Titanic and the former Prime Minister herself might have said. Iceberg – what iceberg? 

Smiling as the ship goes down. 

The ‘chuckle brothers of decline’. 

Dreaming of Santa Monica, or maybe just a quiet life in Surrey not having to self-fund his election. 

Whilst the crew behind them scramble around for a GB News lifeboat. 

If only it weren’t so serious. 

Because Madam Deputy Speaker, the story of this Parliament is devastatingly simple. 

A Conservative Party – stubbornly clinging to the failed ideas of the past. 

Completely unable to generate the growth working people need. 

And forced – by that failure – to ask them to pay more and more, for less and less. 

And as the desperation grows they torch, not only their reputation for fiscal responsibility, but also any notion they can serve the country, not themselves. 

Party first, country second. While working people pay the price. 

Food prices – still 25% higher than they were two years ago. 

Rents up 10%. 

An extra £240 pounds a month for a typical family remortgaging this year. 

Because they lost control of the economy. 

They sent interest rates through the roof. 

They made working people pay.
They should be under no illusion – that record is how the British people will judge today’s cuts. 

Because the whole country can see exactly what is happening here. 

They recognise a Tory con when they see it, just as they did in November. 

Give with one hand, take even more with the other.
Madam Deputy Speaker, people have been living through this nonsense for 14 years. 

They know the thresholds are still frozen, dragging more and more people into higher taxes. 

They know that a Tory stealth tax is coming their way in the shape of their next council tax bill. 

The Levelling-up Secretary has told, not just this house, but every house in the country – he is coming for their council tax. 

Give with one hand, Gove in the other.
But most insultingly of all the British people know, that the only cause that gets this lot out of bed is trying to save their own skin.
Take the desperate move, after years of resistance, to finally accept Labour’s argument on the non-dom tax regime.

Has there ever been a more obvious example of a government that is totally bereft of ideas?

And if they are sincere in support for this policy now, then the question they must answer today is – why not do it earlier?

Why did they not stand up to their friends, their funders, and their family? 

Because if they had followed Labour’s example

3.8 million extra operations would have taken place by now.

1.3 million emergency dental appointments.

Free breakfast clubs for nearly 4.5 million children.

But if instead, this is just another, short-term cynical political gimmick then honestly – what is the point of them?

What is the point of a party that is out of touch, out of ideas and nearly out of road.
And we saw it last year as well – when only Labour’s policies on the cost-of-living made the difference.

And for those opposite a little downbeat about another intellectual triumph for social democracy, I say – get used to it. 

Because with this pair in charge – it won’t be long before they ask you to defend the removal of private school tax relief as well. 

But Madam Deputy Speaker, the harder they try with cynical games like this, the worse it will get for them. 

Because the whole country can see exactly who they are. 

Fighting for themselves. Politics not governing. Party first, country second.

And Madam Deputy Speaker, because we have campaigned to lower the tax burden on working people for the whole parliament – and we won’t stop now – we will support the cuts to national insurance today.

But I notice this – in 2022, when the Prime Minister was chancellor, he made this promise –

“I can confirm, in 2024, for the first time the basic rate of income tax will be cut from 20p to 19p.”

Having briefed that all week – that an income tax cut was coming – that promise is in tatters today.

And of course we support the fresh investment in our NHS. 

Although I have to note, that the Chancellor – when he was health secretary 10 years ago – promised to make the NHS paperless by 2018. 

And I know the Prime Minister’s fondness for Elon Musk extends to an enthusiastic embrace of his community notes on fact-checking. So I will say this bit slowly.
Labour supports the fuel duty freeze. That is our policy.
And I look forward to the Prime Minister’s acknowledgement of that in coming days.
We do ask the Chancellor to set out how he will make sure that this policy gets passed on to hard-pressed families at the pump?
Yet Madam Deputy Speaker, for all the fanfare around the tax measures today that straightforward story remains true. 

Taxes – a 70-year high. 

The British people – paying more for less. 

An unprecedented hit to the living standards of working people. 

The first time they’ve gone backwards over a Parliament, and they were cheering that today. 

And the reason is equally simple. There is no plan for growth. How can there be?
He can say “long-term plan” all he likes. We see the results.
Last year he announced 110 growth measures. He said we’ve “turned the corner” – and where are we now, Britain in recession. 

An economy smaller than when the Prime Minister entered Downing Street. The textbook definition of decline. 

That is their record.
I mean, after 14 years, who do they actually think feels better off?
Productivity is flat. 

Mortgages – through the roof. 

Housebuilding – off a cliff. 

Worklessness – rising and rising. 

Homelessness – never higher. 

Crime – virtually unpunished. 

Children who can’t see a dentist. 

Sewage in our rivers. 

Billions and billions of taxpayers’ money wasted. 

£7bn by the Prime Minister on Covid fraud alone. 

£500m on the Rwanda scheme that has achieved precisely nothing. 

I can keep going – a railway line that will never reach our great Northern cities. 

In fact – might not even reach central London. 

Billions upon billions for a white elephant without a trunk!
While today we learn – taxpayers are picking up the bill for the Science Minister’s libel.

And all the time – one thing that is growing – the waiting lists in our NHS now nearly 8 million.

They’ve had 14 years. 14 years. Running out of road.
Madam Deputy Speaker – this is what decline looks like. 

And the complacency they have shown today – it takes your breath away.
Britain deserves better. Britain deserves – a real plan for growth. 

An end to the 14 years of stagnation. 

Wealth creation across the whole of our country. 

Higher living standards for working people. 

This is the mission we need. 
But yet again, what we got was the same tired, old formula. 

The sticking plasters. The chopping and changing. The party-first, country-second politics. 

With no repudiation of the utterly discredited idea that economic growth is something the few gift to the many.
But even then Madam Deputy Speaker – I think his backbenchers are owed an explanation. 

Because when the Chancellor says Britain has grown more quickly than countries like Germany, over the last 14 years, I am sure they will be shocked to learn that this is a statistical sleight of hand.
And when it comes to GDP per capita. In other words – the growth that makes the difference to the pockets of working people. Their record is much worse. 

Indeed, in per capita terms – our economy has not grown since the first quarter of 2022. 

The longest period of stagnation Britain has seen since 1955.
In fact, the Chancellor invited us to look at those figures – the OBR says GDP per capita will be 0.75% lower in 2028 than they forecast in November of last year.

That was the number they said we should watch – 0.75% lower in 2028.

And they can call this a technical recession. 

But there is nothing technical about working people living in recession for every second the Prime Minister has been in power. 

This is a Rishi recession. 

And if the party opposite really wants to know what hides in the Chancellor’s spreadsheets, then they will see that it is only the record levels of migration they have delivered which has prevented an even deeper decline. 

And that is a record they must stand on at the election.
Because – while on these benches we do not demean for a second, the contribution migrants make to a thriving economy – it is high time the party opposite was honest with the British people about the role migration plays in their economic policy. 

Because right now – in terms of growth – that is all they have. There is nothing else.
No plan – to get Britain building again with a reformed planning system. 

No ambition – to invest in clean British power for cheaper bills and energy security. 

No inclination – to move away from insecure, low-paid jobs and strengthen employment rights so we can finally make work pay.
And Madam Deputy Speaker – where is the urgency on affordable housing? 

How can they look at Britain now – and not see this is a massive priority? 

Never again – will they be allowed to pose as the party of home ownership and aspiration.
Although I have to say – given the disaster that has befallen his childcare plans. Perhaps that is for the best. 

Because Madam Deputy Speaker, the cost of childcare is a huge challenge for millions. 

Parents need him to deliver on his promise.
And it seems the Chancellor has been taking lessons on marketing from the Willy Wonka Experience in Glasgow. 

All is not as it seems. 

And with just over three weeks to go he has to came clean.
Because up and down the country – parents need to know. 

Will they get their entitlement in April? 

Or is this just another example of their reckless on governing?

Headlines over delivery. 

Promises without plans. 

Policies that unravel at the first contact with reality.
The lesson – crystal clear, that those who broke our economy cannot be trusted to repair it. 

The Tory credit rating is zero, it is time for change with Labour.
And that is what today’s budget should have been about.

A last chance for the Government to show it understands the economic reality of our volatile world. 

That global supply chains can be weaponised by tyrants like Putin. 

That a sticking plaster approach to public investment will cost Britain more in the long-run. 

And that trickle-down nonsense means working people pay the price.
It could even have been a moment of contrition. A reflection on their fiscal recklessness. 

An apology perhaps. For the ridiculous chaos they inflicted on the businesses, communities and investors in this country. 

And yet still no stable industrial strategy. 

Still no national wealth fund to crowd-in private investment. 

Still no urgency on speeding up critical infrastructure projects.

And no recognition that they have left our standing as a country that always keeps its promises in tatters.
And if they don’t like that accusation. Then look no further than the grotesque spectacle of ducking their responsibility to the victims of the infected blood and Horizon scandals. 

“One of the greatest miscarriages of justice in our nation’s history” – those were the Prime Minister’s words just two months ago. 

Today – justice kicked beyond the general election.
No, Madam Deputy Speaker – Britain can see exactly who they are. 

And the reality is, there is no path to economic stability, no way to a calmer, less chaotic politics, with the party opposite in power. 

Because chaos is now their worldview. A mindset that sees Britain’s problems as opportunities they can exploit.
Whether, like the Chancellor, that’s out of desperation because they can’t solve them. 

Or whether, like the Members for Fareham or South West Norfolk, they have no intention of solving them whatsoever. 

For a party this weak and divided – the end result is always the same.
A vicious downward spiral. 

Chaos feeding off decline. 

Decline feeding off chaos. 

While working people pay the price. 

The British people know – this will not stop. Five more years and it will only get worse. 

There will be no change in direction, without a change of government. 

And that leaves Britain a nation in limbo.
Unable to shake off the Tory chaos that dragged us into recession and loaded the tax burden onto the backs of working people, and maxed out the nation’s credit card.
Britain deserves a government ready to take tough decisions. 

Give our public services an immediate cash injection. 

Stick to fiscal rules without complaint. 

Fight for the living standards of working people. 

And deliver a sustainable plan for growth.
So we say to the Chancellor and Prime Minister. 

It is time to break the habit of 14 years.
Stop the dithering, stop the delay, stop the uncertainty.
And confirm 2 May as the date of the next general election.
Because Britain deserves better.
And Labour are ready.

Spring Budget ‘a betrayal of public services’

Deputy First Minister responds to Chancellor’s statement

The Spring Budget has failed to deliver the funding Scotland needs for public services, infrastructure and cost of living measures, Deputy First Minister and Finance Secretary Shona Robison has said.

The Budget provided less in Barnett consequentials from health than in-year health consequentials of 2023-24, and failed to deliver more capital funding for infrastructure.

The Finance Secretary said: “Today’s UK Spring Budget is nothing short of a betrayal of public services across the UK. Our hope had been the Chancellor would have eased pressures on services – not least by providing more funding for capital. This would have helped support our NHS and the delivery of more affordable housing, but it would also have created jobs and economic growth, as well as helping secure a just transition to net zero.

“When more support is desperately needed for public services and infrastructure, for greater cost of living measures, and for money to aid our efforts to reduce carbon emissions – Scotland has been badly let down by the UK Government.

“Today’s statement provides not a single penny more for capital funding. And the Barnett consequentials from health that were signalled by the Chancellor are actually less than the in-year health consequentials of 2023-24 and less than what is needed to address the pressures we face. I can guarantee that this Scottish Government will not be passing on this UK Government cut to our NHS.

“The National Insurance cut fails to offset the crippling effects of the Cost of Living crisis. There is also little detail of the spending cuts needed to pay for it. Even before today’s Spring Budget the Institute for Government described its spending plans as a ‘fantasy’, with no detail on where cuts will fall.

“Today’s statement merely adds to that: according to the UK Government’s own financial watchdog, the Office for Budget Responsibility, the Treasury may not even have the headroom available that today’s commitments are based on.

“Public services up and down the UK are in real need of investment, and they’re being sacrificed to deliver unsustainable tax cuts.”

A spokesperson for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation said: “Last year nearly 4 million people in the UK experienced destitution, including 1 million children. The number of people experiencing destitution has more than doubled in the last 5 years.

“❌ A 2p cut in National Insurance will not help those who need it the most.”



TUC slams “deeply cynical pre-election gimmicks”

Cutting public services alongside tax cuts is “a political con trick – giving with one hand while taking with another” says union body

Commenting on today’s (Wednesday) budget and OBR report, which shows:

  • Average GDP growth has been just 1.5% since 2010 – the worst for any government since the Great Depression.
  • The UK’s pay crisis continues with this year’s real pay still below the 2008 level.
  • The Conservatives have been the worst government for living standards since records began.
  • Household unsecured debt is expected to rise by £1,600 per household this year.

TUC General Secretary Paul Nowak said: “This is a deeply cynical Budget. The Chancellor knows he won’t have to live with the consequences of the savage spending cuts he’s already imposed across large parts of our public services.

“At a time when our schools, hospitals and councils are on their knees, we needed a serious plan to rebuild Britain. All we got was wishful thinking on productivity and pre-election gimmicks.

“This was the last roll of the dice from a desperate government that has presided over 14 years of economic failure on growth and living standards.

“The Tories’ record speaks for itself.

“The worst real wage squeeze in modern history. The worst growth since the Great Depression. Crumbling classrooms and record NHS waiting lists.

“The country deserves so much better.”

On the cut to NI Paul said: “After 14 years of Conservative misrule millions are worse off.

“We all want to ease the financial pressure on families. But this is a political con-trick – giving with one hand while taking with another.

“No one wants tax cuts at the expense of their local services. We need a proper long-term plan to raise wages for everyone and to restore public services.”

On the Chancellor’s action to make non-domiciled residents pay their fair share of tax, Paul said: “The Chancellor’s action on non-doms is too little too late. People will never forget that when our schools and hospitals were starved of funds, the Tories put the very wealthiest first.

“His failure to act sooner on non-doms cost the exchequer billions in lost revenue.”


Commenting on the overall Spring Budget package. Craig Beaumont, Chief of External Affairs, the Federation of Small Business said: “We’re pleased today to see the Chancellor bring forward positive measures to grow the economy – especially the increase to the VAT Threshold, a particularly key FSB ask for this Budget after a 7-year freeze, and the cut to self-employed National Insurance Contributions (NICs) which is a long-held campaign since FSB was formed 50 years ago this year.

“The Treasury has worked constructively with FSB through the Budget process, and there are several other measures in the full Budget that are welcome, including the extension of the Recovery Loan Scheme as it evolves to create the Growth Guarantee, and a clear direction to HMRC to reduce its administrative burden.

“This builds on positive measures announced in the Autumn Statement on tackling late payment as well as extending the 75% SME Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Business Rates Discount and freezing the small business rates multiplier – decisions that were tough choices given tight public finances, but target resources where they are most needed, and have the biggest bank for their buck – in small businesses right across the country.”

Doug Mutter, Director at VPZ, believes today’s proposed vape tax rise will penalise the most vulnerable in society and damage the UK’s 2030 Smoke Free ambitions.   

He said: “Vaping is the most effective way for people to quit smoking and continues to transform the health and financial wellbeing of smokers throughout the country.   

“From this perspective it is alarming that the Chancellor has announced a consultation for taxation on vaping products in today’s budget.   

“Increasing taxes on vaping will directly penalise and make products prohibitive for the most vulnerable in society at a time when many are doing their best to make positive life choices.   

“The idea of raising tobacco duty to encourage more smokers to switch, whilst at the same time introducing a punitive vaping tax, is fundamentally flawed and will only punish people looking to quit smoking. 

“There is a genuine fear that any move in this direction will further fuel the illicit black market and act as a deterrent for people looking to quit, which will hugely damage the progress we have made in reaching the UK’s 2030 Smoke Free ambitions.

“Rather than exploring increasing taxation, the Government needs to take on board our recommendations and implement a licencing scheme where there are proper enforcement and policing in place to tackle youth uptake and the existing black market,” he added.

Irene Graham OBE, Chief Executive Officer, ScaleUp Institute said: ““The Budget today takes forward a number of important initiatives that should support the scaleup economy across the UK, including the new British ISA and Bond schemes and pension fund disclosures, alongside the skills and sector initiatives such as those linked to AI, Creative and Advanced Manufacturing.

“It is also good to see the announcements on LIFTS partners and the Growth Guarantee scheme, as well as the development of the PISCES initiative; each of which should further support funding towards scaling firms. We look forward to continuing to work with Government and the private sector on the implementation of these.”

A Kraft-Heinz spokesperson said: “We welcome the support this Budget will bring for businesses like Kraft Heinz which are looking to invest more in Britain’s future.

“In particular, the increased investment in GIGA will help us on our path to Net Zero; providing new funding for Hydrogen projects like the one we recently announced at our Kitt Green factory in Wigan.”

Commenting on the Childcare package, Chris McCandless, CEO , Busy Bees in Europe, said: “When the Chancellor announced the expansion of subsidised childcare for working families 12 months ago, we were supportive of the commitment to give more children the best start in life.

“To create the additional capacity, we needed to invest in our staff and centres. For any business that is difficult without funding certainty, so we’re very pleased that the Government has provided this clarity today.

“As the UK’s largest childcare provider, it gives us the confidence to invest to grow our business and support more families, in the knowledge that the funding we receive will rise in line with inflation and other critical fixed costs.”

Commenting on the freeze of alcohol duty from 1 August 2024 until 1 February 2025,Nuno Teles, Managing Director, Diageo GB: “Cheers to the Chancellor for freezing duty and backing both the pub and our homegrown Scotch sector.

“This decision gives drinkers and pub-goers across the country reason to celebrate this summer with a Guinness or Johnnie Walker!”

Commenting on Fuel Duty, Simon Williams, Head of Policy, the RAC said: “It’s positive to see the Chancellor has kept fuel duty low as drivers are still contending with major price increases at the pumps, sparked by the rising cost of oil.

“RAC Fuel Watch analysis shows petrol and diesel prices rose by 4p and 5p-a-litre in February – the largest increases in the last five months…”

With Jeremy Hunt today announcing the extension of the fuel duty relief, Richard Evans, head of technical services at webuyanycar comments: “With drivers set to continue to benefit from frozen fuel duty rates for another 12 months, the government relief will be a welcome boost for many motorists.

“Our research showed that rising motoring costs are unsurprisingly taking a toll, with 4 in 10 drivers (40%) trying to drive less as a result of expensive fuel. 

“Drivers wanting to make the most out of their fuel can take small steps to save on consumption. Keeping their car in a good working condition will ensure fuel isn’t wasted on broken parts, and driving smoothly by accelerating gently and using the correct gear will save as much fuel as possible. These factors can have a big impact on fuel consumption which could end up saving drivers when getting around.

Amidst the fluctuation of fuel prices, it’s important that drivers are aware of the cost to fill up and where they can get the best deal in their local area. Using our fuel cost calculator, drivers can estimate their weekly, monthly (and even annual) fuel spend.”

Ian Johnston, Osprey Charging CEO, said: “Today’s announcement of the spring budget from the Chancellor is a huge missed opportunity to increase access to public EV charging for the UK’s drivers.

“There have been calls from across the industry to lower the VAT rate on public charging from 20% to 5%, in line with that of charging at home, which would be a massive boost for EV drivers, and those considering the switch to electric.

“Osprey itself now has over 1,000 live public EV chargers available across Great Britain, and a vast number of EV drivers rely on the public network – a VAT reduction would have gone a long way in supporting those without access to a domestic charger.

“Here at Osprey, we will continue to advocate for a reduction in VAT on public charging to see an equalisation with the VAT level on domestic charging.

“In 2023, we successfully grew our public charging network by 150% and received a number of consumer accolades for the quality of our charging experience, but it’s imperative that this is supported by the government taking action in scenarios such as today’s budget.”

The Chancellor’s Spring Budget has been slammed as a ‘flop’ that will help drive hard working people and investors out of the UK by the CEO and founder of one of the world’s largest independent financial advisory and asset management organisations.

The comments from deVere Group’s Nigel Green follow Jeremy Hunt delivering his Spring Budget 2024 to Parliament. It was the Chancellor’s fourth fiscal event, coming just over three months after his 2023 Autumn Statement.​

The deVere CEO says: “Going into the Budget, we already knew that the Chancellor would announce a further cut to national insurance and extend a freeze on fuel and alcohol duty in a bid to ease the strain on people’s finances.

“We knew this because it was announced in advance, presumably in an attempt to get as much mileage from the good news as possible with voters who go to the polls this year.​

“But the fact remains that the personal allowance – the amount people can earn before starting to pay tax – and the thresholds for the higher and additional rates – are frozen again. This means that as wages increase, more people will be pushed into higher-rate tax bands.​

“The tax burden in the UK is now to reach the highest levels in 70 years. The Chancellor is dangling the carrot to potential voters by hinting at more tax cuts to come in the next Parliament – but only if the Conservatives win the general election this year.​

“Against this backdrop of increasing tax burdens, and an economy in a deeper-than-expected technical recession, meaning less investment for businesses and jobs, we expect that there will be a growing number of hard-working people across the country looking for work and life opportunities overseas.​

“Being squeezed harder in the UK, it can be reasonably assumed that they will be looking at destinations that offer lower tax liabilities, a lower cost of living, a growing economy, and more career, as well as lifestyle, opportunities.”​

Also, the non-domiciled tax status is to be scrapped by the Chancellor to fund tax cuts.​

“The scrapping of the non-dom tax status is likely to be a ‘push factor’ from the UK, depriving the country of considerable direct and indirect investment as those affected are likely to simply move to more attractive jurisdictions.​

“In many ways the Chancellor’s Spring Budget was lacklustre. ​It was a flop and that which could be a masterclass in the Law of Unintended Consequences as it could push more hard-working people and investors out of the UK.”

Commenting on the measures in the Spring Budget targeted at supporting the Creative Industries, Andrew Lloyd Webber said: “This is a once in a generation transformational change that will ensure Britain remains the global capital of creativity.”

£1.8 billion benefits through public sector productivity drive

  • New plans for public sector productivity will deliver up to £1.8 billion worth of benefits by 2029. 
  • Marks first step in plan to boost productivity, which the OBR say could save up to £20 billion a year by returning to pre-pandemic levels.  
  • Plan will free up thousands of police officer hours spent on admin, to instead help tackle crime, and expand the violence reduction unit model, stopping tens of thousands of violent offences

The Chancellor has today outlined plans to deliver up to £1.8 billion worth of benefits by 2029 by improving public sector productivity, including releasing police time for more frontline work. 

The Chancellor is promoting public sector productivity as an alternative to accepting an ever-increasing bill for public services as the government sticks to its plan to move on from the high spending and high tax approach that was necessary to get the UK through the shocks of Covid and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A new focus is needed on the long-term decisions required to strengthen the economy and give people the opportunity to build a wealthier, more secure life for themselves and their family. 

Covering frontline services, the plan is designed to help public servants get back to doing what is most important: teaching our children, keeping us safe and treating us when we’re sick. 

Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt said: “We shouldn’t fall into the trap of thinking more spending buys us better public services. There is too much waste in the system and we want public servants to get back to doing what matters most: teaching our children, keeping us safe and treating us when we’re sick. 

“That’s why our plan is about reaping the rewards of productivity, from faster access to MRIs for patients to hundreds of thousands of police hours freed up to attend burglaries or incidents of domestic abuse.” 

According to the Office for Budget Responsibility, returning to levels of productivity pre-pandemic could save £20 billion a year. This will help manage the size of the state in the long term, whilst maintaining public service quality and delivering savings for taxpayers.  

Today’s announcement marks the first step towards delivering these savings. Over 130,000 patients a year, including those waiting for cancer results, will receive their test results sooner as a result of over one hundred MRI scanners in England being upgraded with Artificial Intelligence designed to recognise patterns in scans through machine learning which will cut scan times by over a third.  

The government also plans to repeat the success of Violence Reduction Units which together with the Grip hot spot policing programme are estimated to have prevented 3,220 hospital admissions from violent injury and stopped 136,000 violent offences since 2019. We are committing £75 million over 3-years to expand the Violence Reduction Unit model across England and Wales, supporting a prevention first approach to serious violence.  

Plans are also underway to deliver on the Police Productivity Review which found that up to 38 million hours of officer time could be saved every year. If just a fraction of this time, 500,000 officer hours, was saved then police officers in England could attend an additional 250,000 incidents of domestic abuse or over 300,000 burglaries. 

To help get these police officers back to these frontline tasks, over £230 million will fund the rollout of time-saving technology including funding automated redaction of personal information such as name badges in shoplifting incidents, irrelevant faces from body worn cameras and number plates from video evidence.  

Interviewing witnesses and victims via video call to improve speed of service; piloting the use of drones as first responders in some police incidents like traffic accidents, to feed information back to first responders on the seriousness of the incident and the resource required; and using AI to triage 101 calls to get members of the public the right support faster.  

Today’s plan represents a total £800 million investment by 2029 to deliver £1.8 billion worth of productivity benefits.

This includes: 

  • Saving up to 55,000 hours a year of administrative time in the justice system through digitising jury bundles, new software to streamline parole decisions and provide probation officers with more robust data on whether offenders are safe to release. £170 million will be invested into the justice system to support this. 
  • Reducing Local Authority overspends on children’s social care places across England by making 200 additional child social care places available and reducing local government reliance on costly emergency places for children. £165m of funding will be used to create the additional places to help tackle last year’s overspend of £670 million. 
  • Saving £100m for the public purse by reducing fraud thanks to expanding the use of AI across government to make it easier to spot and catch fraudsters, funded by £34m. 
  • Accelerating delivery of DWP’s existing programme to modernise DWP services and move away from paper-based communications. This will be funded through a £17m commitment. 
  • Cutting the time it takes for planning officers to process applications by 30% through a new AI pilot. 
  • Ensuring more children with additional needs get the support they need to thrive through a £105m to fund an additional wave of 15 special free schools. 

Cheers! Tax saving for 38,000 pubs as alcohol duty freeze takes effect

More than 38,000 pubs are set to benefit from six-month freeze to alcohol duty from today

  • The great British pub receives further boost from today as a six-month alcohol duty freeze to 1 August 2024 takes effect.
  • This tax saving will help support around 38,175 pubs to face rising costs.
  • Duty freeze comes in addition to £4.3 billion in business rates cuts and duty protection for pints sold in pubs.

Pubs and hospitality venues have received a tax saving today, 1 February 2024, as a six-month alcohol duty freeze takes effect.

British pubs are a significant part of the fabric of communities across the UK and a further freeze on alcohol duty will help to support the sector while the government continues to bring down inflation while driving growth and investment.

This will impact around 38,175 pubs across the country and was announced as part of a multi-billion support package by Chancellor Jeremy Hunt in his Autumn Statement which also included £4.3 billion business rates relief. 

Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury, Gareth Davies, said: “The great British pub remains a critical part of communities across the country, that’s why we’re helping to keep costs low by freezing alcohol duty, reducing business rates, and supporting on energy costs.

“Our decisive action has also helped to more than halve inflation last year, protecting pubs and other businesses from the higher costs they would have otherwise faced.

“And we need to stick to our plan, so we can deliver the long-term change our country needs to deliver a brighter future for Britain, and improve economic security and opportunity for everyone.”

The six-month duty freeze, from 1 February to 1 August 2024, follows the biggest reform of alcohol duties taking effect last August, where, for the first time in over 140 years the UK’s alcohol duty system simplified so the duty paid reflects the amount of alcohol in it.

These reforms cut duty on pints in pubs by up to 11p when sold in supermarkets. Not increasing alcohol duty in line with inflation has now saved a further 3p to the duty on a typical pint of beer, 2p to a pint of cider, 4p to a glass of whisky, or 18p to a bottle of wine.

Welcoming the decision by the Chancellor to freeze alcohol duty, Nuno Teles, Managing Director, Diageo Great Britain, said: “By freezing duty until August, HM Treasury has listened to the industry’s plea for support and decided to back our homegrown sector, that employs so many people across the UK, and we urge the Chancellor to continue to back pub-goers, hospitality owners and producers.

Andy Slee, Chief Executive of the Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA) said: “While trading has been tough for pubs and independent breweries, the government’s continued support is very welcome. The beer duty freeze for six months provides some certainty for brewers as the new alcohol duty system is embedded.

“As part of this, the government introduced Draught Relief allowing beer destined for the pub to have a lower rate – and already there are signs that this is working to support pubs.”

The duty freeze formed part of a multi-billion pound support package for the alcohol duty industry announced at the Autumn Statement.

Retail, Hospitality and Leisure business rates relief was extended for a fifth year to 2024-25. This means around 230,000 retail, hospitality and leisure properties will receive 75% relief, up to a cap of £110,000 per business, on their business rates bills from the 2024-25 tax year.

This is a tax cut worth nearly £2.4 billion and comes on top of one third of business properties being taken out of paying business rates completely thanks to other government reliefs.

The small business multiplier for business rates was also frozen for a fourth consecutive year, protecting over a million ratepayers from an inflation increase in their bills.

August 2023’s ‘historical’ alcohol duty reforms saved on taxes in three ways:

Firstly, on draught drinks in the pub for all draught products below 8.5% alcohol by volume (ABV) through increasing Draught Relief. This is part of this government’s Brexit Pubs Guarantee commitment for every pint in every pub to pay less duty than their supermarket equivalent.

Secondly, tax was cut on lots of popular drinks in shops like sparkling wines and ready-made drinks.

Finally, the new Small Producer Relief was announced to help small businesses and start-ups create new drinks, innovate and grow.

£1000 National Insurance cut boosts Britain’s paychecks

  • Millions of UK workers see boost in take home pay today as cut to National Insurance shows in January’s payslip as part of plan to reward work and boost growth
  • Progress made on economy means government is able to cut taxes for hard working people
  • Saving worth £450 for an average worker earning £35,400 a year

Millions of workers are going to start seeing a boost to their take home pay today as January’s pay comes into bank accounts across the UK.

With millions of monthly earners getting paid today [Wednesday 31 January 2024], a household with two average earners will be starting to see a nearly £1,000 a year benefit from the Chancellor’s record personal tax cut.

Thanks to the progress made against its economic priorities, the government announced it will cut National Insurance by 2p from 12% to 10% at the Autumn Statement and made sure it took effect within weeks of the announcement, as part of its plan to reward work and grow the economy. The change is a more than 15% reduction in National Insurance, saving £450 this year for the average salaried worker on £35,400.

Millions of people working different jobs across hundreds of industries will now be better off. To a pub landlord that’s £418 a year, a bus driver £328, a nurse £527. A teacher will pay £635 less in National Insurance contributions this year.

Today’s historic NICs cut takes effect with the government having faced the legacy of Covid-19, and global instability with war in Ukraine and the Middle East.

In the past year, inflation has halved; the economy has recovered more quickly from the pandemic than first thought; and debt is on track to fall. The government is sticking to the plan and is building a stronger economy where hard work is rewarded and ambition and aspiration are celebrated.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt said: “I never shied away from making the tough decisions needed yesterday to cut taxes today.

“This January pay boost for hard-working Brits is part of our plan to grow the economy and build a brighter future where hard work is always rewarded, relieving pressure on UK workers by putting around £450 back in their pockets.”

The cut means that for those on average salaries, personal taxes would be lower in the UK for single parents with no children than every other G7 country, based on the most recent OECD data. The UK also has the most generous starting allowances for income tax and social security contributions in the G7.

To mark the tax cut, earlier this month HMRC launched an online tool to help people understand how much they could save in National Insurance this year. 

The tool uses salary information to give employees personalised estimates of how much they could save because of the government’s changes, and is hosted on the government’s cost of living support website on

The last major cut to the current personal tax system of today’s magnitude was when the National Insurance personal allowance increased from £9,880 to £12,570. This was the largest ever cut to a personal tax starting threshold, allowing working people to hold on to an extra £2,690 free from tax whilst last year taking around 2.2 million people out of paying tax altogether.

The cut to National Insurance combined with above-inflation increases to tax thresholds since 2010 means that the average earner will pay over £1,000 less in personal taxes than they otherwise would have done.

The independent OBR says that, by 2028-29 this tax cut will increase the number of people in employment by 28,000 alongside a substantial economic benefit from those in work increasing their hours which the OBR forecast will be equivalent to 79,000 on a full-time equivalent basis. Overall, the OBR says that by 2028-29 this measure will increase the number of hours worked by new and existing employees by 0.3%, or 94,000 in full-time equivalent terms.

At the Autumn Statement the Chancellor Jeremy Hunt announced the biggest package of tax cuts to be implemented since the 1980s. In addition to today’s action, he announced a National Insurance cut for 2 million self-employed people, which will take effect on 6 April 2024 and is worth £350 for the average self-employed person on £28,200.

He also made full expensing permanent, which at £11 billion per year is the biggest business tax cut in modern British history helping businesses invest for less. Over 200 business leaders told the government that it would have the single most transformational impact on business investment and growth.

The OBR says these two measures will increase the number of people in work and grow the economy.

He also announced the biggest ever increase to the National Living Wage, froze alcohol duty for six months and extended cuts to business rates relief for the high street.

Treasury Committee queries public sector organisations over use of Fujitsu

WESTMINSTER’s Treasury Committee has asked His Majesty’s Treasury, and all associated agencies and public bodies, to send them details of any contracts awarded by their organisation to Fujitsu Services Ltd, or any other Fujitsu Global-owned entities, since 2019.

The international technology corporation has faced renewed questions over its role in the Post Office Horizon Scandal in recent weeks.

The Committee aims to understand the extent to which the company has continued to be awarded government contracts with HM Treasury-affiliated organisations since the High Court ruling in 2019. 

Questions include whether the contracts went through a tendering process, the extent to which the company’s role in the scandal was considered as part of the due diligence process and whether they have considered terminating contracts with the company at any stage. 

Treasury Committee Chair, Harriett Baldwin, said: “The public outcry regarding the Post Office sub-postmaster scandal is entirely justified, and I know I speak for the whole Committee when I express my horror at the injustices the victims faced. 

“It’s clear that Fujitsu has questions to answer over its conduct. I think it’s important we can see the extent to which taxpayer money has been spent with Fujitsu since the High Court ruling as they are simultaneously assessed on their fitness to remain a government supplier.” 

New tax credits for British film, TV and video game makers start today

  • New and improved tax credit system for film, TV and video game production companies starts from today
  • An extra £42,500 in relief for children’s TV, animated TV and animated film production
  • £5,000 in relief for high-end TV, film or video game production

British film, TV and video game producers will benefit from new, more generous tax credits that start today (1 January 2024).

To maximise the potential of the UK’s cutting-edge production industry and help incubate unique British talent, the government’s Audio-Visual Expenditure Credit and the Video Games Expenditure Credit replace the previous tax reliefs for film, TV and video games.

All companies will receive more tax relief than they did under the previous system, greater flexibility over production decisions and greater clarity about the amount of credit companies can expect to receive.

Nigel Huddleston, Financial Secretary to the Treasury, said: “We are backing the makers of the next Barbie, Happy Valley and Grand Theft Auto with this new, more generous, tax credit system for British production talent.

“The UK is a world leader in creativity, and we want to ensure that continues well into the future by making it easier for British film, TV and video games to thrive.”

Under the new system, a children’s TV production, animated TV production or film with £1 million of qualifying expenditure will receive an additional £42,500 in relief. A high-end TV production, film production or video game will receive £5,000 in relief. To ensure fairness, the uplift in relief for animation will be extended to include animated films as well as TV programmes.

The credits will be calculated directly from a production or game’s qualifying expenditure, instead of being an adjustment to the company’s taxable profit.

Animation and children’s TV productions will be eligible for a higher credit rate of 39%, a rate increase of 5.5% under the previous reliefs. The 34% credit rate for film, high end TV and video games is roughly equivalent to a rate increase of 0.5% under the previous tax reliefs.

The new system applies to the whole of the UK.

The government has listened to feedback from industry that companies will need sufficient time to adapt to the new expenditure credits. For this reason, productions and games in development on 1 April 2025 may continue to use the previous tax reliefs until they end on until 1 April 2027.

The move to reform tax relief for entertainment productions and video games was announced at the Spring Budget in March 2023. The system implemented today was developed hand in glove with the UK entertainment industry, with consultations on both the policy itself and the draft legislation. It is being legislated as part of the Finance Bill 2023-24.

The UK’s creative industry is already worth £126bn and the UK has the largest video game employee base in Europe, at nearly 21,000 by the last estimate.

Today’s new tax credit system is the latest move by UK Government in support for British creative industries. The Chancellor also announced that full-expensing will be made permanent in 2023’s Autumn Statement, helping creative businesses invest for the less by saving them 25p in every £1 they spend on qualifying equipment and machinery.

At Spring Budget 2023, the Chancellor also extended the rates of relief for theatre, orchestra and museums for two additional years to April 2025.

In September last year, coinciding with a visit by the Chancellor Jeremy Hunt to Warner Bros. Studios in Los Angeles, it was announced that the production giant would expand their studio in Leavesden, Hertfordshire, in 2024. The move is expected to create 4,000 new jobs in the UK and contribute more than £200m to the UK economy.