Quality! Edinburgh College cares



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Edinburgh College has been awarded a national Buttle UK Quality Mark for its commitment to supporting young people from care backgrounds.

The college was given the honour in recognition of its support for young people in and leaving care. Buttle UK – a charity that supports children and families living in poverty – recognises colleges and universities that make exceptional steps in helping young people to succeed in their studies and reach their true potential.

The award coincided with a college event organised by Edinburgh College Students’ Association (ECSA) to support students from care backgrounds. The Care Leavers’ Event underlined the college’s commitment to supporting care leavers and saw current students from care backgrounds take to the stage to share their stories and break the stigma attached to those who have been in the care system.

Two Edinburgh College students and another young person with a care background spoke in front of a large audience including Colin Beattie MSP, senior managers and guests from other local organisations including universities. Colin Beattie sits on the Education and Culture Committee, which was instrumental in passing the Children and Young People Bill that addresses looking after children in care and care leavers.

The event was held in partnership with the young people’s voluntary organisation Who Cares? Scotland, and saw the college and ECSA both sign the Who Cares? Scotland Pledge. This, along with the Buttle award, strengthens the long-term support Edinburgh College will provide to students with care backgrounds.

The Buttle award recognises the quality of the financial, pastoral and educational support Edinburgh College offers to young people in and leaving care. The college’s holistic approach to support, as part of its Transitions for Young People Leaving Care (TLC) project, ensures that additional help is not just offered by student support teams but is also embraced by all teams at the college. This approach, as well as working closely with Edinburgh City Council and ECSA, raises the aspirations of care leavers and gives them equal opportunity.

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Myra McCabe, head of Student Services at Edinburgh College, (pictured above with Kelly Parry) said: “Edinburgh College strives to reach some of the most under-represented and hardest-to-reach groups in our local communities. There is no doubt that the challenges facing young people leaving care are great, which is why we want to offer as much support as possible to give young people the chance to succeed.

“To be recognised by this national charity is a great endorsement of what we have achieved. Together with our recent Times Educational Supplement award in widening participation, we are pleased to be able to offer opportunities to those who need them the most or who would not normally consider college as an option. We are now one of only a handful of colleges in Scotland with the Buttle UK Quality Mark and we are delighted to have received the recognition for the real difference the college makes to our students and the local community.”

Kelly Parry (above), student president of ECSA, said: “I am delighted that the college has been awarded the Buttle UK Quality Mark. Care leavers are one of the most marginalised groups in society and are often overlooked and ignored. Over the last year, Edinburgh College Students’ Association and Edinburgh College have been doing some fantastic work to empower care leavers and give them the same chances and prospects as everyone else.

“The Care Leavers’ Event was unique because it was organised by care leavers for care leavers. By coming together to share stories and successes we send a strong message to other young people in care that they have the potential to achieve in education. This was the first time the students had addressed such a large and influential audience and they did brilliantly, speaking clearly and with passion.

“Signing the Who Cares? Scotland pledge is just the first step for us. We want to keep moving forward and to inspire other colleges and associations as well as wider society to really start delivering for care leavers and start transforming their lives.”

Twenty three-year-old Health and Social Care student Nathan Sullivan (pictured below) was one of the key speakers at the Care Leavers’ Event.

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He said: “I’ve been through many different types of foster care – from foster care to respite to living in a residential home – and the reason for this was because my mum had a number of different illnesses. She passed away when I was 14 years old and at this point I was placed into a residential care unit. I was passed from from pillar to post, was confused, upset and angry because I had no stability in my life at that time.

“I then started studying at Edinburgh College, joined the Edinburgh College Students’ Association and realised that I wanted to be a social worker. I’m doing all that I can to achieve this and, with the support from the college and the Students’ Association, I have now set up a peer group for care leavers to help to support many others like me in the future.”


No joke – 1 April is Edinburgh College Open Day!


Edinburgh College is holding two Open Days to advertise a wide range of courses starting this August.

Tuesday 1 April

Granton and Midlothian campuses, 3 – 8pm

Wednesday 2 April

Milton Road and Sighthill campuses, 3 – 8pm

The Open Days will feature live student performances and demonstrations, course and funding guidance and live August course applications through the Edinburgh College website.

So whether you want to get improve your employment or career prospects, continue your studies or learn new skills, why not call in to find out about the great opportunities available?

For further information go to www.edinburghcollege.ac.uk

or email info@edinburghcollege.ac.uk


Edinburgh College Open Days to highlight New Year courses

Edinburgh College holding open days to showcase new January courses

Edinburgh College is hosting two open days this month to give potential new students first-hand insight into all courses due to start in the new year.

Anyone who would like to learn about more than 100 full-time, part-time, evening and distance courses beginning at the college in January is invited along on 20 and 21 November. The open days are designed to give school leavers, adult learners, people looking for career boosts or changes and anyone else interested in education opportunities the chance to see the college up close and get advice about their options. Among the programmes on offer are access courses that will equip people returning to education with entry-level qualifications allowing them to progress onto college courses beginning next August.

Students will be putting on live music and dance performances as well as demonstrations to showcase their courses, and prospective students will be able to discuss course opportunities, applications and funding with staff. There will also be the chance to enter a free prize draw to win a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2.

Each open day will cover all the college’s course areas across its four campuses, including:

  • Access courses
  • Business
  • Construction and building crafts
  • Creative industries
  • Engineering
  • English as a second language
  • Health, wellbeing and social sciences
  • Tourism and hospitality

The open days take place on:

  • Wednesday 20 November, 3-8pm – Edinburgh College Granton Campus, 350 West Granton Road, EH5 1QE
  • Thursday 21 November, 3-8pm – Edinburgh College Sighthill Campus, Bankhead Avenue, EH11 4DE

Edinburgh College principal Mandy Exley said: “It’s not always easy to know which course is the right one for you and the best way to choose is often to talk to students and lecturers and to get a feel for the environment. By throwing open our doors and inviting everyone in to the college, we’re providing a great way to get a proper sense of how our education opportunities can make a huge difference in people’s lives and give them a platform to achieve.”

For more information about the open days and which courses are available to start in January, go towww.edinburghcollege.ac.uk/opendays



SQA Star Awards for Edinburgh College

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Edinburgh College has won two prestigious prizes at a national education awards ceremony, recognising its strong links with industry and outstanding achievements in innovation.

At the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) Star Awards last night, the East Lothian Hospitality and Tourism Academy – a partnership between Edinburgh College, Queen Margaret University and East Lothian Council – won a Highly Commended Award in the Partnership category. The college also won a Highly Commended Award in the Innovation category for a scheme providing industry mentors for students.

The annual SQA Star Awards honour inspirational achievements and commitment from colleges, schools and training organisations across the country.

The East Lothian Hospitality & Tourism Academy caught the judges’ attention because of its close links with industry partners and the benefits these relationships can bring to young people. The academy has benefited from vital support from large hotel groups such as Marriott, Jurys Inn, Novotel, Mercure and Macdonald hotels and resorts, as well as Edinburgh’s own luxury hotel Prestonfield and the Royal Mile’s Fraser Suites.

The initiative, which is now in its second year, exposes young people to the wealth of jobs in hospitality and tourism industries by giving 16-18 year olds the chance to train at college, university and in industry. The success of its first year attracted government funding of £4.6m, which has seen the initiative expand  to many more schools across Edinburgh and East and Midlothian, and the Scottish Borders and include other areas such as health and social care and creative industries. Queen Margaret University and Edinburgh College are partners in all the new academies.

Ray McCowan, vice principal at Edinburgh College, said: “We are thrilled to have been recognised by the SQA Star Awards. The academy is a pioneering project and has been a great success.

“The academy represents partnership working at its very best. It brings together the vision of two educational organisations and a local council, as well as harnessing industry expertise. The college realises the vital importance of strong links with industry and it’s partnerships like these that give our students the vital experience and skills to succeed in a highly competitive industry.”

In its first year, 30 out of 34 students successfully completed the academy. Of the 30 successful students, 18 continued to study the HNC in sixth year, four moved to Edinburgh College to study the SVQ2 in Professional Cookery and eight took up employment in the industry. There are now 163 students across all of the academies in Edinburgh and the Lothians in the fields of creative industries, health and social care, cookery and food science and nutrition, with a new academy planned for engineering.

The college has a number of successful graduates within the field of hospitality and tourism, including James Thomson OBE, owner of Prestonfield House.

Image 2 SQA Star Awards - Partnership - Edinburgh College2Celebrating Edinburgh College’s other honour, Visual Communication lecturer Helena Good said: “We are absolutely delighted to have won the Highly Commended Award at the SQA Star Awards. Our mentoring programme was established to develop a strong working relationship between our students and industry and it’s brilliant that it has been recognised in this way.

“Before the mentoring programme was introduced, the first contact that students had with industry wasn’t until their end-of-year exhibitions. Now we are introducing our students to the key players in leading design agencies from an early stage. This gives them an invaluable experience in working with professionals throughout their course and an insight into how the industry works.”

Helena added: “Since the mentoring programme began, we have won more than a dozen national and international awards including the Scottish Marketing Student of the Year for a second year in a row and four D&AD (Design and Art Direction) nominations, the creative industry’s flagship awards. One of our student’s work was also commissioned by the music brand Goji and is now being sold on high streets across the UK.

“As the initiative gains success, it has attracted more interest from industry. Our work placement programme has become much easier to manage because so many of our recent graduates have secured good agency positions and are a testament to the employability of the students we produce.”

SQA chief executive, Dr Janet Brown, said: “Once again I have been overwhelmed by the quality our finalists’ achievements. Some have overcome challenging personal circumstances and defied expectations while others have shown incredible initiative and commitment to succeed in their chosen disciplines.

“More than ever, qualifications are an essential component of an individual’s successful progress from education and training into further study and employment. Our Star Awards ceremony is an opportunity to congratulate learners on their achievements but also acknowledge the fantastic work of our centres – schools, colleges, training providers and employers who deliver our qualifications – and the people who give learners the guidance and encouragement they need to realise their potential.”

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Increase in University acceptances

Two per cent more Scots have a place confirmed on exam results day.

graduates22,770 Scots were accepted to Scottish universities on exam results day this year, an increase of two per cent. Figures released by the University and College Admissions Service (UCAS) show 550 more Scots have a place at a Scottish university for 2013-14 than at the same time last year.

Welcoming the increase, Minister for Youth Employment Angela Constance said: “We’ve already delivered access to university based on the ability to learn, not the ability to pay backed up with increased university places. It is great news that some 22,770 Scots are already accepted to a Scottish University to study for a degree on exam results day.

“These students will also be among the first to benefit from the best package of support in the UK when they take up their places. While the additional places we have provided to widen access will ensure more young people from deprived areas are taking their place on our universities campuses next year.

“Of course, some young people will be disappointed today but help is at hand. We guarantee every 16-19 year old the offer of a place in education or training and I’d encourage anyone who is still considering their next steps to call the SDS helpline on 0808 100 8000 for advice.”

Record number of Scots apply for university places

A record percentage of Scottish 18-year-olds have applied to study at university according to figures published today by the University and College Admissions Service (UCAS).

The number of Scots applying to study in Scotland has increased by 1.2 per cent. Overall, there has been a 6.1 per cent rise in the numbers applying to study in Scotland to 111,296.
These increases follow figures published last month by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) that show graduates from Scottish universities are entering professional jobs more quickly and earning higher starting salaries than graduates in the rest of the UK.

Commenting on today’s figures, Education Secretary Michael Russell said: “Scotland’s universities have a reputation for excellence and today’s figures show their appeal is as strong as ever. Of course, Scottish students are safe in the knowledge that access is based on the ability to learn, not the ability to pay and these students will benefit from the best package of support in the UK.

“As the HESA figures demonstrated, the benefits of a Scottish degree are clear. Graduates from Scottish universities are more likely to go on to further study or employment, to have a higher starting salary and to be in a professional occupation than graduates from other parts of the UK.

“The students behind these figures, who are beginning their university journey in Scotland and across the UK, can rest assured that as a Government, we will continue to do all we can to deliver a system of post-16 education that meets their needs, adapts to the challenges of the future and provides the graduates needed to boost our economy.”


Scottish universities ‘leading the way’

Education Secretary Michael Russell has welcomed figures which show graduates of Scottish universities are entering professional jobs more quickly and earning higher starting salaries than graduates in the rest of the UK.

Today’s publication by the Higher Education Statistics Agency outlines 90 per cent of Scottish university graduates go into either employment, further study or a combination of the two after leaving, putting Scotland ahead of England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The figures also show:

  • The average salary for first degree graduates in full time employment in Scotland was £21,000, compared to £20,000 from English universities, £19,000 for qualifiers from Welsh universities and £20,000 for qualifiers from Northern Irish universities.
  • 16 per cent of Scottish university leavers went into further study, compared to 13 per cent in English universities, 15 per cent for Welsh universities and 10 per cent for Northern Irish universities.
  • Six per cent of Scottish university leavers were unemployed six months after graduating, compared to seven per cent from England universities, seven per cent from Welsh universities and eight per cent from Northern Irish universities.

Mr Russell said:

“Today’s figures demonstrate the advantages of a Scottish degree. As these figures show, our universities are leading the way, with graduates more likely to go on to further study or employment, to have a higher starting salary and to be in a professional occupation than graduates from other parts of the UK.

“While I strongly welcome these figures, we recognise the continuing challenges of securing employment and avoiding underemployment.  That’s why we are continually engaging with the higher education sector and employers to improve employment opportunities. For example, we fully support Universities Scotland working closely with small and medium sized businesses to open up more paid work opportunities for graduates. As a Government, our strong message to employers is to make young people your business.

“We have provided over £1 million over the last three years to support high quality, paid graduate placement and recruitment programmes. We fully intend to support the coherent provision of graduate opportunities again this year and will announce our plans in due course.”

Napier University graduates celebrate their awards
Napier University graduates celebrate their awards

Edinburgh College students guaranteed NHS employment

EdCollEdinburgh College Health and Social Care students will soon be guaranteed employment on successful completion of their course, thanks to a new partnership with NHS Lothian.

The NHS NC in Health and Social Care will be delivered at Edinburgh College, where students will learn a high standard of care to be job-ready for employment in the NHS and social care sectors.

The ground-breaking course is the first of its kind at the College to offer a guaranteed position for graduates who successfully complete the course, giving them a head start in the Health and Social Care industry.  Course topics will include psychology and sociology as well as mental health, health promotion and understanding older people.

Mandy Exley, Edinburgh College Principal, says: “This course is yet another example of Edinburgh College’s commitment to producing students who, on completion of their studies, are well trained and highly employable. We are pleased to be working in partnership with NHS Lothian in training the healthcare professionals of the future.”

Melanie Hornett, Nurse Director, NHS Lothian, said: “We are committed to working with communities to support local people into employment. This innovative partnership provides individuals with the opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills needed to compassionately care for the people of Lothian in our hospitals and communities.”

To apply for the course, applicants must have a minimum of four passes at SCQF Level 5 (SVQ2, Intermediate 2 or Credit Standard grade) including English. Adults without formal qualifications will also be considered however they will need to demonstrate their ability to work at Higher Level.

Students who complete the course successfully and have a satisfactory college reference are guaranteed entry level employment within NHS Lothian, as long as they meet the essential criteria of the post.

For further course information, please visit www.edinburghcollege.ac.uk.


New Edinburgh College seeks talent for Board

Influential and inspirational individuals are being invited to help the new Edinburgh College play a key role in defining the future of further education in Edinburgh and the Lothians. Edinburgh College, the product of a merger of Edinburgh’s Telford College, Jewel & Esk College and Stevenson College Edinburgh, is looking to attract the best talent possible to join its Board of Management.

The College,a £60m business and the biggest FE college in Scotland, will accommodate more than 35,000 students – the biggest student body in Edinburgh – when it opens on October 1.

Ian McKay, Chair (Elect) of Edinburgh College, said Board members will contribute to the leadership and control of the new College, driving forward improved learning opportunities that will benefit Edinburgh and Lothians specifically, and Scotland, in general.

He said: “The new Edinburgh College is set on a course to change the face of further education in Edinburgh and the Lothians. We want to deliver better opportunities and outcomes for learners, which will support economic growth both locally and nationally by providing industry with the right people for real jobs. We know Edinburgh and the Lothians boasts some of Scotland’s most skilled and talented people – captains of industry, innovators, community champions and such like. How great it would be, therefore, to have some of this incredible talent pool join us as we start this exciting journey with Edinburgh College.”

The new College welcomes applicants from all walks of life and is particularly keen to hear from candidates with skills and expertise in: community and educational leadership, industry and commerce, finance, marketing, international education and IT.

Edinburgh College will consist of four main campuses employing more than 1,500 staff; Granton (formerly Edinburgh’s Telford College), Sighthill (formerly Stevenson College Edinburgh) and Milton Road and Midlothian (both formerly Jewel & Esk College).

The selection  process for Board members is being launched this week with a view to  appointments being made within the next 6-8 weeks.

Requests for further information and applications should be made to amanda.hood@edinburghcollege.ac.uk.