Autumn arts festival tackles mental health stigma

striking sculpture at Summerhall
striking sculpture at Summerhall

A national festival aiming to tackle the stigma of mental health launches across Edinburgh and the Lothians this weekend.

The Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival aims to challenge preconceived ideas of mental health as well as celebrate the artistic achievements of those with lived experience of mental health issues.

More than 65 events will be taking place across Edinburgh and the Lothians exploring this year’s theme of personal,  political and social power. The programme includes film, theatre, music, dance, photography, comedy, storytelling and guided walks, with many of the performances and activities free of charge.

The festival, which is celebrating its seventh year in Lothian, officially launched yesterday with Out of Sight/Out of Mind, an exhibition featuring work by artists with experience of mental health issues.

The exhibition, which is free, opens to the public at Summerhall, Edinburgh today and will also appear at Ocean Terminal, Central Library, Edinburgh University Chaplaincy Centre and Portobello Library throughout the month.

Linda Irvine, Strategic Programme Manager, Mental Health and Wellbeing, NHS Lothian, said: “One in four people in Scotland will experience mental health problems at some point in their life. We know the arts have the power to tackle the stigma associated with mental ill health and promote recovery.

“This year’s festival features a number of inspiring and provocative events, from hard-hitting theatre to family storytelling events and there really is something for everyone.”

Jane Crawford, Co-ordinator of The Consultation & Advocacy Promotion Service (CAPS), an independent advocacy organisation for people who use or have used mental health services, said: “The Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival is a very powerful focus for people to convey their feelings and experiences of mental health in a creative way. Advocacy is all about giving people a voice and this can be done in many different ways – not just by speaking. Poetry, painting, sculpture, comedy, song all allow people to give expression to their experiences.”

Other highlights of the festival include: 

  • Voices of War at Edinburgh Castle, an evening of poetry and reflection   exploring the pioneering work of World War I psychiatrist Captain WHR Rivers, Thursday 9th Oct, 7.30 – 9pm
  • Lothians on Film is an exciting selection of short films made in and around the Lothians. The selection includes documentary, fiction, animation and film art and will be shown, for free, at various locations across Edinburgh and the Lothians from Thursday 2nd October to Friday 10th October.
  • Resilience: Legislative Theatre is radical, participatory theatre giving power back to the people of Edinburgh. Audience members will be invited to propose, discuss and debate new ideas for legislation. The event is free and takes place on Saturday 11 October at Out of the Blue, Edinburgh from 3 to 9pm.
  • The International Film Awards 2014 The annual film awards ceremony will honour the very best of the films submitted by filmmakers from all over the world. Expect to be moved and inspired by the stories shown in the excerpts. Thursday 16 October at the Filmhouse Cinema, Edinburgh
  • The Wellbeing Mela is a free, fun, family day to celebrate diversity and promote positive mental health and wellbeing amongst Edinburgh’s varied minority ethnic communities. Music, dance, complementary therapies, relaxation workshops and lots more will be happening on Sunday 19 October at Out of the Blue, Edinburgh

The Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival is hosted by the Mental Health Foundation in association with the following national partners: the University of Strathclyde Glasgow, See Me, VOX Scotland, NHS Lothian, NHS Health Scotland, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Lanarkshire Recovery Network, Healthier Scotland, the Royal College of Psychiatrists and Bipolar Scotland.

A full programme of events taking place in October is available at

More Scots are cutting it out

Thousands more quit smoking but still work to be done


The number of Scots who successfully gave up smoking for at least a month has exceeded targets by more than 50 per cent. Figures released yesterday by ISD Scotland show the smoking cessation target to deliver 80,000 one month quits were exceeded by 56 per cent with 124,734 people giving up the habit between 1 April 2011 and 31 March 2014.

A target of 48,000 quits in Scotland’s most deprived areas was also exceeded, with 70,162 saying they had given up.

In total, across NHS Scotland there were 332,285 quit attempts made over the last three years with 195,355 of these attempts made in the 40 per cent most deprived areas.

Over the three year period, 13 of the 14 NHS boards met their target with some exceeding it by more than 60 per cent.

Michael Matheson, Minister for Public Health, said: “Giving up smoking is the single best thing anyone can do to improve their health. That is why we welcome these latest figures, showing NHS smoking cessation services are continuing to deliver positive results.

“While it’s encouraging to see target numbers exceeded, we are not complacent. Smoking rates are higher in deprived areas, contributing to health inequalities. We will continue to work to reach out to people in these communities and to help them to quit. We have also introduced a new target for NHS Scotland to support successful quits in our most deprived communities.”

Smoking has long been recognised as the biggest single cause of preventable ill-health and premature death. The Scottish Government is tackling the harm caused by tobacco use and last year set out a challenging Tobacco Control Strategy create a tobacco-free generation by 2034.

Have you managed to kick the habit? How did you do it? Let us know!

Task Force to tackle delayed discharge

Task force set up but Lothian figures more than double


The NHS and Scotland’s councils are to work together to tackle the growing numbers of delayed discharges but opposition politicians argue that more urgency is needed to address the issue. NHS Lothian is one of four health board to miss discharge targets.

While delayed discharge has fallen by a third since 2006, the latest statistics show this continues to be challenging, with a significant number of people delayed due to a lack of availability of care in the community.

Health Secretary Alex Neil wrote to local authority and health board partnerships earlier this week, urging them to use the £5 million funding recently announced by the Scottish Government to address the reasons for the delays.

Mr Neil said: “We have come a considerable way in tackling this problem, with comparable figures for 2006 showing three times as many people were delayed for over four weeks.

“However, it’s disappointing that some patients are still delayed for lengthy periods in our hospitals. Remaining in hospital, when clinically ready to leave, is frustrating for individuals and can pose challenges in ensuring effective patient flow through the hospital.

“Integration of health and social care will be key to driving down delays, and we are working with COSLA to deliver integration for the benefit of people across Scotland. We recently announced an additional £5 million to be targeted at the areas with the greatest challenges. This money will be used by seven NHS and local authority partnerships to reduce delays and release hospital capacity.

“Legislation to implement health and social care comes into full force in April next year, but we need not wait to make progress. COSLA and I are agreed that we need immediate improvements and NHS Boards and local authorities recognise the need to work together now to make sure people do not have wait in hospital any longer than is necessary.”

care (2)Cllr Peter Johnston, COSLA’s Health and Well-being Spokesperson, added: “I’ve just visited a District General Hospital in my own Health Board area and know from that just how hard nurses, clinicians, social workers and managers are working to facilitate the transfer of people waiting for discharge back to their own homes or into a care home. This is a priority of the first order – we know that for older people in particular, a delay of longer than 72 hours can have an impact on their health and well-being.

“We in COSLA are determined to make further progress on discharge arrangements. We are fully committed to the work of the task force, and believe that innovation in discharge protocols and in commissioning practice will deliver some of the progress needed. This will all take place within emerging health and social care partnerships and we hope to get to a position in time where service redesign can build community capacity to ensure that people are only admitted to hospital because they really need to be there and are then discharged speedily back to their own homes.”

Lothian Green MSP Alison Johnstone believes the government must step up its response to the problem of delayed discharges in the region’s hospitals.

New figures show the number of patients having to wait longer than four weeks to be discharged from hospitals in Lothian has more than doubled in a year. In July this year there were 83 such patients, compared to 39 in April and 37 in July last year.

Alison Johnstone initially raised the issue of delayed discharges with Health Secretary Alex Neil in parliament back in May.

Commenting on the latest figures, she said: “While I appreciate we won’t see a solution overnight it’s a real concern that these figures aren’t improving. I have raised the issue with the health secretary and I’m aware of some distressing and frustrating situations in Lothian region affecting elderly people and their families.

“The Scottish Government and local authorities must step up their action to ensure patients who are ready to be looked after out of hospital aren’t left waiting. We must ensure adequate care home places and care-at-home packages so that people are treated with respect and that our health service resources are being used to best effect.”


Ebola: should we be alarmed?

The Department of Health confirmed yesterday that a British national residing in Sierra Leone has tested positive for Ebola virus infection. Should we be concerned?

s300_Ebola_virus_virionThe simple answer is no, there is no immediate cause for alarm – but the health authorities remain vigilant.

‘the risk of any traveller to West Africa contracting Ebola is very low without direct contact with the blood or body fluids of an infected person.’


Professor John Watson, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, said: “The overall risk to the public in the UK continues to be very low. Medical experts are currently assessing the situation in Sierra Leone to ensure that appropriate care is provided. We have robust, well-developed and well-tested NHS systems for managing unusual infectious diseases when they arise, supported by a wide range of experts.”

Ebola haemorrhagic fever is a rare but severe disease caused by the Ebola virus. Ebola is highly transmissible by direct contact with organs or bodily fluids of living or dead infected persons and animals.

An Ebola outbreak was first confirmed in Guinea back in February and quickly spread to Liberia and Sierra Leone. The outbreak is the world’s deadliest to date.

Ebola kills up to 90% of those infected but patients have a better chance of survival if they receive early treatment. The latest outbreak has caused more than 700 deaths since February.

The UK government is closely monitoring the Ebola outbreak – the largest outbreak of the virus in recent times – but said in a statement:

‘This is not an issue that affects the UK directly. We have experienced scientists and doctors including at the Royal Free Infectious Disease Unit, the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. We also have a lot of experience of dealing with dangerous diseases. The risk of this disease spreading fast in the UK is much lower because of that.

‘The UK government is taking precautionary measures and looking at capability but is confident that the UK has experienced people who are ready to deal with anything if it were to arrive here.’

Following a meeting of government committee COBR, Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said: “We’ve looked at how we are co-ordinating with our French and American colleagues under the World Health Organisation, we’ve considered what additional measures the UK could take to help control the outbreak in West Africa and we’ve also looked at what measures we need to put in place on a precautionary basis in case any UK nationals in West Africa should become affected by the disease.

We do not, at the moment, think this is an issue that affects the UK directly.”

Guidance has been issued to front line Border Force staff on how to identify and safely deal with suspected cases of Ebola – it makes clear what steps need to be taken should a passenger arrive at the border unwell.

If a person is identified at the border as being a potential carrier they will be immediately referred by a Border Force officer to a specialist medical care provider and reported to public health authorities.

There was a local scare earlier this month when an athlete from Sierra Leone fell ill during the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, but he tested negative for Ebola. Dr Colin Ramsay, of Health Protection Scotland, said then: “There’s been no programme of actively screening athletes simply because of the Commonwealth Games.

“The situation is that if someone presents with symptoms suggestive of the possibility of Ebola virus infection and who has come from a country affected by the current outbreak – and that’s Sierra Leone and Guinea and Liberia – they would be investigated accordingly and that would involve managing them with a set of standard precautions. People in this sort of situation would be investigated for a number of conditions, not just Ebola.”

No cases of imported Ebola have ever been reported in the UK.


Police target stores selling ‘legal highs’

Shop raids mark start of ‘legal highs’ campaign 

Legal Highs

Police in Edinburgh yesterday executed search warrants at three premises following intelligence that New Psychoactive Substances – so-called ‘legal highs’ – were being sold there.

Around 70 officers from across the city were involved in the activity, which took place in the Leith Walk, Newington and Wester Hailes areas as part of a national operation to stem the sales of these items and to raise awareness as to their risks.

Representatives from Scotland Fire and Rescue, City of Edinburgh Council Trading Standards and Environmental Health also carried out visits to a further eight premises to provide appropriate guidance on legislation and licensing issues relating to NPS.

Over 3,000 sachets of substances were seized from the three stores and have been sent for further analysis.

The operation is being backed by a two-week nationwide campaign to help raise awareness of the dangers of taking New Psychoactive Substances.

The campaign is aimed at young people aged 11-18 year-old as well as their parents and teachers.  It also targets young professionals aged 25-35 years and will include a national radio commercial.

Posters and screens highlighting this issue will also be on display in train stations and on local buses across the country.

Furthermore, a range of initiatives are taking place with local community officers visiting schools, youth groups and community events to help raise awareness and educate young people on the dangers of NPS.

Detective Chief Inspector Stuart Houston, who led yesterday’s activity said: “Police Scotland is committed to keeping people safe and to stopping the sale of any substances, which may cause harm to our communities.

“The items seized during the operation will now be subject to detailed analysis and we will be continuing to engage with our various partner agencies throughout.

“Enforcement, however, is only a small part of this operation and we are keen to educate the public on all the associated risks of NPS so that less people are inclined to buy and consume them.

“School Liaison Officers and Community Policing Teams will be engaging heavily with the public in the coming weeks in relation to the dangers of New Psychoactive Substances.

“I would strongly urge our communities never to consume any of the NPS material currently being sold at premises across the country.  They may contain extremely harmful chemicals, which could seriously impact upon your long-term health.”

Further information on NPS can be found at:

If you have any information about NPS, or indeed any drug activity, contact the police on 101 or, in an emergency by dialling 999.

Information can also be reported anonymously and in confidence to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
If you are a young person, information can also be reported anonymously


Health advice for freshers

Health advice for students from NHS 24

freshers1STUDENTS starting university and college this year are being advised to prepare ahead byNHS 24, Scotland’s national telehealth and telecare organisation.

NHS 24 Medical Director Professor George Crooks reminds students that there is a wealth of health advice and information available to them at the dedicated Freshers’ Health section at

He said: “Many students find themselves living away from home for the first time when they start university or college and I would urge them to use NHS inform for information on healthcare.

“During Freshers’ week, I would advise students to take the time to register with a GP in their new area. A number of universities have a dedicated GP practice for their students and for those that do not, you can search by postcode at NHS inform.
“For those students who use regular repeat prescriptions, make sure you take enough with you to last until you register with a GP and it is also a good idea to have a first aid kit and supply of pain relief with you.

“Setting up home on your own for the first time is a daunting, yet exciting experience. By preparing ahead and thinking about your health, students can make sure they make the most of it.”

For further health advice and information go to

The popular health resource provides a wealth of advice and information on health issues relevant to young people as they embark on or continue their higher education years, including safety advice, what to pack and where to go for health care.

The Health A-Z is packed with information about common illness, treatments and health services, covering topics from acne to yellow fever. The Common Health Questions section includes areas dedicated to sexual health, women’s and men’s health and food safety. Users can also find out about local health services and information on how to register with a GP.

Click on link (below) for an Audioboo clip of NHS 24 Medical Director Professor George Crooks discussing the subject:


Childrens’ health advice from NHS24

As children return to school this week, NHS24 – Scotland’s national telehealth and telecare organisation – is reminding parents of the wealth of health advice and information available to help their families stay fit and healthy throughout the year …

skoolNHS 24 Medical Director Professor George Crooks said: “With children returning to school this week, what better time than for parents to think about their children’s health and preparing for the year ahead.

“NHS inform includes a section on common health questions associated with children’s health, with information on a wide variety of matters from diet and exercise to pain relief and blood types.
“There is also a section dedicated to answering those common questions you may have about vaccinations and you can also find out what to have in your first aid kit at home.

“It is a busy time of year for parents as they get ready for the new school year but I would advise them to take some time now to think about their children’s health. By taking simple steps, you can help prevent minor illnesses affecting your family.”

For further health advice and information go to

The popular health resource provides a wealth of advice and information on health issues relevant to young people as they embark on or continue their higher education years.

The Health A-Z is packed with information about common illness, treatments and health services, covering topics from acne to yellow fever. Users can also find out about local health services and information on how to register with a GP.


NHS Lothian: Looking after our visitors

Western’s Minor Injuries Clinic: help for holidaymakers

WesternGeneralThey say Edinburgh’s population more than doubles at this time of year, and NHS Lothian is in the middle of another busy August as thousands of tourists have arrived in the city for the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

The Festival Practice has been created to treat the influx of tourists who are not registered with a GP in the city and is designed to ensure they receive the right care, in the right place, at the right time.

Dr Sian Tucker, Clinical Director, Lothian Unscheduled Care Service, said: “Visitors should contact NHS 24 on 111 if they feel unwell. This phone number is available 24 hours a day. Patients will be directed to the most appropriate place for their medical needs. The NHS Inform website also provides advice and information on a range of medical conditions.

“Patients may be directed to a pharmacy, dentist, the out of hours GP service or a local GP practice and can treat a range of non-emergency conditions. This will help to relieve some of the pressure on our A&E departments which are normally busier at this time of year.”

NHS Lothian is also encouraging more people to visit the Minor Injuries Clinic, rather than attending the Emergency Department.

The clinic, based at the Western General Hospital, offers assessment and treatment as required and patients with less serious injuries can often be seen quicker, without an appointment.

If patients require non-emergency medical treatment, such as a sprain, cut or burn then they can receive swift treatment in the clinic, which is open seven days at week from 8.00am to 9.00pm.


Festival focus for mouth cancer campaign

Health professionals took to the Fringe to raise mouth cancer awareness at the weekend … 

nhs_lothian_logoDental and oral health experts gathered in Edinburgh at the weekend as part of the campaign to raise awareness of mouth cancer.

The “Let’s Talk About Mouth Cancer” campaign has been set up to provide information and support to tackle the oral disease, which is increasing in the UK. The main goal of the campaign is to improve survival through early diagnosis of disease.

The team raised awareness among festival-goers, holiday makers and locals at the Meadows over the weekend, offering a 24 hours screening service from a marquee on Middle Meadoww Walk.

NHS postgraduate trainees from the Edinburgh Dental Institute also delivered oral health messages at various sites in Edinburgh and used social media and their website to make sure they get their point across – and one daring duo even braved the elements for 24 hours on a tandem to raise awareness of mouth cancer symptoms!

The campaign is a collaborative project between NHS Lothian and Edinburgh University and urges people:  ‘If in doubt, check it out’.

Professor Victor Lopes, Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, NHS Lothian, said: “Early detection and timely treatment of mouth cancer is vital and can lead to a significantly improved survival rate. It cannot be stressed enough – the earlier a cancer is detected, the better the treatment options and outcome.

“Remember, most mouth conditions are not cancerous. If you are in any doubt, check it out with a dentist, doctor or pharmacist – also make sure you have regular dental checks and look after your health.”

Mouth cancer affects all age groups – with a significant rise among people under 45 years – and there are now more cases of mouth cancer in the UK each year than cases of cervical cancer in women and testicular cancer in men put together.

The campaign has important messages for people of all ages, but organisers are keen to target specific groups, including young people and people from ethnic minorities.

​Common risk factors include:

  • Regular high alcohol intake
  • Smoking
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. World-wide, HPV is the most widespread sexually transmitted virus
  • Poor diet
  • Poor oral hygiene.

People who combine smoking and regular high alcohol intake increase by 40 times their risk of developing mouth cancer. But some younger patients with the disease have none of these risk factors, which is why it’s important to check regularly for signs of mouth cancer.

Signs to look out for include:

  • Oral lumps that grow
  • Oral ulcers that do not heal after two weeks
  • Red, white or mixed patches in the mouth
  • Persistent soreness in the mouth
  • Bleeding in the mouth
  • Lump in your neck.

A week on Ward 72: new exhibition at Western General

Edinburgh SketcherLOCAL arts and disability organisation, Artlink, is pleased to present an exhibition of drawings by Mark Kirkham – ‘The Edinburgh Sketcher’- documenting his observations as an artist-in-residence at the Royal Victoria Building at the Western General on Ward 72. The exhibition also shows Mark’s perspective – as a parent – of time spent in Edinburgh’s Royal Hospital for Sick Children.

Mark is an Edinburgh-based illustrator who produces an almost daily sketch blog of life in and around Scotland’s beautiful capital; an online sketchbook of scribbles and observations of daily life.

Impressed with his work,  Artlink invited Mark in to become an artist in residence in the care of the elderly wards, documenting situations and stories from patients and staff on the ward. These observational drawings begin to explore how we communicate different healthcare experiences and contribute to a growing body of work which explores the positive relationship between the arts and healthcare in supporting recovery.

Mark said: “I would like to thank all the staff and patients for making me feel so welcome during my week on Ward 72. I drifted in and out, sketched from the corners of the room and tried to stay out of the way of the busy staff’. In the patients rooms it was a different experience, I was in their personal space and was welcomed in and given time and an insight into their lives. Through our chats and my drawing we connected and shared our individual stories and discussed what brings people into hospital.”

Over many years Artlink has worked with patients and staff to encourage their involvement in cultural and arts activity throughout NHS Lothian. We realise that this work not only creates positive involvement, we also know that it supports better communication and contributes positively to recovery. We are delighted with the response to Mark’s drawings so far.

Kirsten Smith, senior charge nurse, said: “It was great having Mark on the wards it was a positive experience for staff and patients. The patients were happy to talk about something else other than their illness and other routine matters for a while. Mark through his sketches has captured the person not the patient, you really see a person that is valued and respected and their story.”

A patient from North Berwick added: “I really enjoyed meeting Mark he came across as a very intelligent and interesting young man who obviously loves to draw. I liked his drawings and the amount of detail he has put, he’s captured North Berwick beautifully although he’s aged me by one year as i’m 90 not 91 but I am in my 91st year so I will let him off. I’ve showed it to some friends and they really like it too. I ended up being in hospital for three months and it was lovely to chat to Mark about other things and for someone from outside to come in to the ward.”

“I’m pretty sure we both benefited, I know how long days can be when in hospital and to have a friendly visit, which some of these patients aren’t lucky enough to have daily, it can be a great lift emotionally – which hopefully leads to a lift physically too,” said Mark.


The other part of the exhibition features Mark’s observations at the Sick Kids Hospital.

In 2011, Mark’s wife gave birth to twins, James and Zoe. James has Haemophilia A and consequently the family have had several visits to Edinburgh’s Sick Children’s Hospital. Whilst there, Mark continued to draw and most of the sketches shown here were made during the time James was in hospital. For Mark, drawing was a welcome distraction from all the things he was powerless to help with, and they have become a visual diary of a most terrifying, depressing and uplifting and amazing time in their lives, something that is being replayed many times over in a hospital ward right now.

We all have different ways in which we document our experiences. Some of us – like Mark – will draw, others write, and many of us will take pictures and now more often than not we will share these on Facebook or Twitter. In essence the arts are a tool of communication, both in terms of what we can make sense of and what we can’t. The arts can give us a new perspective on our experiences and provide new opportunities for understanding. Over many years Artlink have worked with patients and staff to encourage their involvement in cultural and arts activity throughout NHS Lothian. We realise that this work not only creates positive involvement, we also know that it supports better communication and contributes positively to recovery.

‘The twins were born on 9th March 2011 at just past 10pm at the Simpsons Memorial ward at Edinburgh’s Royal Infirmary. James arrived first weighing 4lb 15.5oz with his sister Zoe (5lb 5oz) following close behind”, said Mark. “We discovered James had Haemophilia A early, thankfully, when a routine heel prick on the maternity ward failed to stop bleeding. A genetic disorder which impairs the body’s ability to control blood clotting, Haemophilia A can cause even minor injuries to result in a severe bleed, either externally or internally. Such a bleed can last much longer and frequently require medication to stop.”

The Edinburgh Sketcher exhibition can be viewed from 1 August –November 2014 at

The Western General Gallery

Link Corridor between Alexander Donald building and Anne Ferguson Building

Western General Hospital, Crewe Road South.

You can see more examples of Mark’s work at


Arts and disability organisation Artlink celebrate their thirtieth anniversary this year. For more information about Artlink visit