Speeding up cancer diagnoses in Scotland

Report shows impact of Scotland’s first fast-track cancer diagnostic services

More than one in ten patients seen by new cancer diagnostic services have been referred for cancer treatment, helping to speed up treatment and improve outcomes. Patients waited an average of 14 days from referral, to having cancer ruled in or out.

An evaluation report into Scotland’s first Rapid Cancer Diagnostic Services (RCDS), published by the University of Strathclyde and the Centre for Sustainable Delivery (CfSD), found 11.9% of patients seen over the two year period were diagnosed with cancer. Around 6% were given a pre-cancer diagnosis, meaning they require further monitoring in case a cancer develops, and the remainder were either given the all clear and referred back to primary care or diagnosed with other non-cancer conditions (41.1% and 40.7% respectively).

The Rapid Cancer Diagnostic Services, currently in place across five Health Board areas, were established to help speed up cancer diagnoses for patients with non-specific symptoms such as unexplained weight loss, persistent nausea or fatigue, where the GP has a concern of a malignancy. Over the two-year evaluation period the services saw 2,489 patients, with more than 96% of them giving the service a positive satisfaction rating of eight out of 10 or more.

The report highlighted that the model delivers a quality service at speed, is cost effective, compared to previous pathways, and highly valued by patients and staff. Positive patient experience is attributed to the speed of referral, reduction in waiting times for diagnostic tests, having a single point of contact and enhanced information and communication throughout the RCDS pathway.

Visiting NHS Lanarkshire’s RCDS at University Hospital Wishaw, Health Secretary Neil Gray said: “Improving cancer services is a priority for the Scottish Government, as set out in our 10-year strategy published last year.

“This positive evaluation of Scotland’s Rapid Cancer Diagnostic Service provides valuable insight into their role in achieving vital earlier cancer diagnoses and improving patient care.

“RCDSs reflect our commitment to enhancing equitable cancer services across NHS Scotland – this report has shown the pivotal role they can play in early cancer detection while delivering quality patient-centred care. As Scotland’s cancer care continues to evolve, RCDSs stand as an essential component in improving outcomes.”

Professor Robert van der Meer, Co-Lead Author of the RCDS Evaluation, University of Strathclyde: “Scotland’s Rapid Cancer Diagnostic Services (RCDS) are working well. They’re achieving what they set out to do – find cancer – while delivering a high standard of quality care at speed.

“RCDS patients are complex and the specialist input that the RCDS can offer them, and concerned primary care clinicians, marks a gear-change in how we diagnose cancer in Scotland. RCDSs should be used as an exemplar for cancer care with learning embedded across all pathways.”

Mr Martin Downey, NHS Lanarkshire Rapid Cancer Diagnostic Service Clinical Lead and Associate Medical Director for Access, said: “The Rapid Cancer Diagnostic Service offers a timely, often one-stop, environment for clinically complex patients with potentially serious non-specific symptoms suspicious of cancer, such as weight loss, fatigue, nausea and abdominal pain. 

“These patients typically did not meet the criteria for existing cancer pathways and the service makes a positive difference to these patients, providing rapid patient centred assessment, diagnosis and coordination of ongoing care.”

To see the full report, please follow this link.

Spring forward!

Spring forward with a fitness pass offer

With the clocks going forward at the end of the month and spring most definitely on the horizon, take advantage of Edinburgh Leisure’s new Spring Pass to kickstart your fitness regime.

It has never been more important to look after your wellbeing so Edinburgh Leisure, a charity dedicated to creating opportunities for everyone to lead more active, healthy lives has launched a two-week pass for wherever you’re at this spring, so you can try before you buy.

A short-term alternative to a full-time membership, the two-week pass costs just £20 for 14 days. Available to buy online or in venue from 1st – 31st March, the Spring Pass includes unlimited access to all Edinburgh Leisure’s 17 state-of-the-art gyms, 12 swimming pools, the Turkish Baths at Portobello Swim Centre, all steam rooms and saunas, over 750+ fitness classes per week, and Europe’s largest climbing arena at Ratho, and represents excellent value for money.

The pass isn’t restricted to one pass per person either – if you wish to buy a second pass after your first pass expires, it’ll mean you’re doubly on the way to reaching those fitness goals.

And everyone who purchases a pass is automatically entered into a prize draw to win a year’s free membership with Edinburgh Leisure.

Edinburgh Leisure’s facilities are second to none and offer choice and great value, across various city locations. Their gyms feature some of the latest fitness equipment and you will be assured a warm welcome, with helpful staff ready to help you reach your fitness goals.

So, embrace the longer days and lighter evenings and gift yourself a wellness present.

For further information about Edinburgh Leisure venues and services and the Spring Pass, visit: https://www.edinburghleisure.co.uk/spring-pass

Child sexual abuse image crimes at record high in Scotland last year

  • Child sexual abuse image offences recorded by Police Scotland increased by 15 per cent between April 2022 and March 2023
  • NSPCC wants robust implementation of the Online Safety Act with Ofcom encouraged to strengthen its approach to tackling child sexual abuse
  • Meta urged to pause rollout of end-to-end encryption until plans for Facebook and Instagram can be risk assessed under new online safety regulations

The number of child sexual abuse image offences recorded by Police Scotland were at a record high last year – up by 15 per cent from the previous year, data analysed by the NSPCC has revealed.

A total of 765 offences where child abuse images were collected and distributed, were logged in 2022/23 according to Police Scotland data 1.  

Since 2017/18, when the NSPCC first called for social media regulation, a total of 3,877 crimes have been recorded while children and families have waited for online safety laws.

The charity said the figures show the need for swift and ambitious action by tech companies to address what is currently happening on their platforms and for Ofcom to significantly strengthen its approach to tackling child sexual abuse through effective enforcement of the Online Safety Act.

The figures come as insight from Childline shows young people being targeted by adults to share child sexual abuse images via social media and the calculated use of end-to-end encrypted private messaging apps by adults to find and share child abuse images.

A 14-year-old girl told the NSPCC-run service: “One night I got chatting with this guy online who I’d never met and he made me feel so good about myself. He told me he was 15, even though deep down I didn’t believe him.

“I sent him a couple of semi-nudes on Snap(chat), but then instantly regretted it. I asked him to delete the pics, but he just kept on making me do stuff for him not to post them – like getting me to strip live on camera. I just want to block him, but if I block him he will just post the pictures.”

A 15-year-old boy told Childline: “A while ago I saw a video on YouTube about how a guy was busting paedophiles and creeps on the internet by pretending to be a kid, and I kind of wanted to do a similar thing.

“I looked around Instagram for the creepiest accounts about kids my age and younger. In the end, I came across this link on one of their stories. It’s a link to a WhatsApp group chat in which [child sexual abuse material] is sent daily! There are literally hundreds of members in this group chat and they’re always calling the kids ‘hot’ and just being disgusting.”

  1. Police Scotland recorded crime data on the Scottish Government website.
Police Force2017/182018/192019/202020/212021/222022/23Total

Online Safety Act implementation

The NSPCC said that disrupting online child sexual abuse taking place at increasing levels will require regulated tech platforms to introduce systemic changes to their products to stop them being used to organise, commit, and share child abuse.

A consultation into Ofcom’s first codes for companies to adopt to disrupt child sexual abuse on their platforms closed last week.

The NSPCC want these measures introduced without delay but urged Ofcom to begin work on a second version of the codes that will require companies to go much further.

The charity said companies should be required to use technology that can help identify and tackle grooming, sextortion and new child abuse images.

They also want tougher measures for private messaging services to make child protection a priority, including in end-to-end encrypted environments.

The NSPCC warned that Meta’s roll-out of end-to-end encryption on Facebook and Instagram will prevent authorities from identifying offenders and safeguarding victims.

The charity wants plans paused until Meta can prove child safety will not be compromised and have urged parties to find a balance between the safety and privacy of all users, including children. The NSPCC said further rollout should be delayed until Ofcom can study Meta’s risk assessment as part of the new regulatory regime.

Sir Peter Wanless, NSPCC Chief Executive, said: “It’s alarming to see online child abuse continue to rise, especially when tech companies should be acting to make their sites safe by design ahead of incoming regulation.

“Behind these crimes are children who have been targeted by adults who are able to organise and share sexual abuse with other offenders seamlessly across social media and messaging apps.

“The Online Safety Act sets out robust measures to make children fundamentally safer on the sites and apps they use so they can enjoy the benefits of a healthy online experience.

“Ofcom has been quick off the blocks but must act with greater ambition to ensure companies prioritise child safety in the comprehensive way that is so desperately needed.”

Susie Hargreaves OBE, Chief Executive of the Internet Watch Foundation, the UK’s front line against child sexual abuse imagery online, said: “This is a truly disturbing picture, and a reflection of the growing scale of the availability, and demand, for images and videos of children suffering sexual abuse.

“The people viewing and sharing and distributing this material need to know it is not a victimless crime. They are real children, suffering real abuse and sexual torture, the effects of which can linger a lifetime.

“That more and more people are trying to share and spread this material shows we should all be doing everything we can to stop this, building more, and innovative solutions to keep children safe.

“The IWF is ready to support technology companies and Ofcom in implementing the Online Safety Act to help make the UK the safest place in the world to be online.”

Holyrood agrees general principles of National Care Service Bill

Bill ‘not fit for purpose’ say unions

Legislation which will see the introduction of a National Care Service for Scotland (NCS) has passed Stage 1 in Parliament.

MSPs have voted for the general principles of the National Care Service (Scotland) Bill which will ensure greater transparency in the delivery of community health and social care, improve standards, strengthen the role of the workforce and provide better support for unpaid carers.

The proposals include establishing a National Care Service Charter, rights to breaks for carers and provisions to enact Anne’s Law so people in care homes have the right to be visited by their families.

Social Care Minister Maree Todd said: “We need long-term, widespread transformation to fix some of the ingrained issues within the system and ensure sustainability for the future. 

“We have spent considerable time working with people with lived experience on how to reform social care for the better. I’m grateful to the thousands of people who have lent their voices and I am determined to ensure the Bill delivers the positive change needed.

“Today’s vote shows that the Scottish Parliament also recognises this and I am grateful to them for bringing us one step closer to this urgent reform.

“This Bill is the biggest public sector reform since devolution and it is our chance to make meaningful change that we all agree is needed to the social care system. I know the people of Scotland will see huge benefits.”

Scotland’s largest trade union bodies have condemned the Scottish Government’s proposed National Care Service Bill as ‘not fit for purpose’ as MSPs approve the legislation at Stage 1.

The Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) alongside the three biggest social care unions in Scotland – UNISON, GMB SCOTLAND and UNITE – have written to the Cabinet Secretary for NHS Recovery, Health and Social Care Neil Gray outlining their shared concerns on the Bill.

The letter states that social care workers’ concerns have been ‘widely ignored’ by the Scottish Government and that, at this stage of proceedings, the Bill as drafted remains ‘firmly unacceptable’.

Last week the Scottish Parliament’s Health, Social Care and Sport Committee’s report into Stage 1 drew criticism from trade unions who outlined the ‘glaring deficiencies’ of the proposals on costs and operation of the service.

Commenting, STUC General Secretary Roz Foyer said: “It beggars belief that, despite repeated warnings to the Scottish Government, Scotland’s social care workers are still in the dark on the basic fundamentals of the new National Care Service.

“Our social care sector already suffers from insecure conditions and low pay. We cannot risk those weaknesses being carried over into any new system of nationalised care.

“We must see the Scottish Government take seriously the recommendations of the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee’s report into the Bill. This would include improving pay, terms and conditions for social care staff, including a £15 per hour minimum wage. We also need to see Scottish Government guarantees on Fair Work and sectoral bargaining in addition to full sick pay from day one of employment.

“Our social care staff are the lifeblood of our system. We value their work and it’s high time the Scottish Government does likewise.”


Speaking ahead of the Stage 1 debate for the National Care Service Bill in the Scottish Parliament on Thursday 29th February, Councillor Paul Kelly, COSLA’s Health & Social Care Spokesperson, commented: “Councils have expressed significant concerns regarding current National Care Service plans and believe there is still work to do to ensure proposals can meet aspirations.

“In particular, Council Leaders are disappointed in the decision of the Scottish Government to continue to push through legislation where a power will be given to Ministers to delegate children and justice services, despite the potential disruption to services and extensive negotiations and concessions from Local Government.

“Council Leaders remain concerned that such a move risks excessive centralisation of decision-making away from local people and areas. Leaders did agree that COSLA should continue to work closely with Scottish Government to address these concerns.

“COSLA welcomes the progress which has been made in reforming some National Care Service proposals, including that local authorities will continue to play a central role in the delivery of, and accountability for care.

“There is a pressing need to improve people’s experiences of accessing and delivering care in Scotland. Although legislative and governance reform may be part of that, the reality is that national funding decisions – including the proposed council tax freeze which has not been fully funded – will further squeeze local care and social work services which are already under incredible pressure.

“Investment in social care must be seen as a priority which can enhance the wellbeing of people, of society and of Scotland.”

Having passed Stage One, the National Care Service (Scotland) Bill moves into Stage 2 where amendments will be considered by the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee before Stage 3, when the full Parliament makes a final vote on whether to pass the Bill.

Healthy Heart Tip: Hydration and heart health

Heart Research UK Healthy Heart Tip, written by the Health Promotion and Education Team at Heart Research UK

Healthy Heart Tip: Hydration and heart health

Hydration is an essential part of nutrition and can benefit or impact your heart’s ability to work effectively.

Studies have found that having adequate hydration is associated with reduced long-term risks for heart diseases.

Did you know that over 66% of the UK population doesn’t drink enough water? With Nutrition and Hydration Week coming up from 11th to 18th March, we are sharing some information on the importance of hydration and your cardiovascular system.

Importance of being hydrated

Water makes up over half (60%) of your body weight and fluids are critical for good health and heart health. Hydration is when you drink more fluids than your body loses.

Being hydrated helps your heart pump blood more easily through the blood vessels and to your muscles. This means that your muscles, including your heart, don’t have to work as hard to achieve the same results.

Risks of being dehydrated

Dehydration occurs when the body loses more water than it takes in. Fluids can be lost through sweat, urination, vomiting or diarrhoea. When these are not replaced your body may feel tired, you might feel thirsty, have a dry mouth, have dark-coloured urine and suffer from headaches.

Being dehydrated means that your heart needs to beat faster to pump your blood around the body.

This is because your blood reduces in volume and thickens which will impact your circulation, as well as increase your heart rate and blood pressure. This increases your risk of heart diseases.

Sources of hydration

On average an adult needs six to eight glasses or 1.5 to 2 litres of fluid a day. If it is a hot temperature or you carry out physical activity, you’ll need more.

Drinking water is the best way to remain hydrated however, other non-alcoholic drinks such as milk, juice and herbal teas can also hydrate you.

Food such as fruits and vegetables can also help to hydrate you, with around 20% of your body’s water intake per day coming from foods like these.

Lifeline: Deidre Brock MP hosts Westminster debate on timebanking

Deidre Brock MP paid tribute to the success of Leith’s Time Bank in the House of Commons on Tuesday (27th February). 

The Edinburgh North and Leith MP led a debate on timebanking across the UK and called for extra support to help the movement grow. 

Timebanking is based on a simple premise: for every hour you spend helping someone, you earn an hour back for your time bank. Rather than volunteering in the traditional sense, it is based on a reciprocal exchange of skills. 

Run by respected Leith charity the Pilmeny Development Project, Leith’s Time Bank has been going for over a decade and is an amazing success story, providing opportunities for people of different ages, cultures and backgrounds to share their skills, knowledge and experience with others. 

Members have described the time bank as a “lifeline”, boosting their mental health and wellbeing and creating opportunities to meet exchange skills and experiences with people from different generations, backgrounds and walks of life.

Deidre Brock said: “Timebanking deserves much more recognition, so I was delighted to raise the fantastic work of Leith’s Time Bank and the wider network during the debate. 

“We all have skills, knowledge and experience to offer that could be beneficial to someone, whether it’s gardening, sewing, simple repairs, language teaching, running errands, tech skills, or whatever it might be.

“Timebanking is a great way for people to exchange expertise without any money changing hands, and it can have such a positive impact on community cohesion and tackling social isolation and loneliness. 

“The minister was very complimentary about timebanking and I’ve secured a meeting with him to discuss the concept further. We’ve also had a lot of interest from people keen to learn more and even set up new timebanks in their own area.”

Transcript of the debate: https://bitly.ws/3erqp

Video of the debate: https://bitly.ws/3ejtU

Quarter of Scotland’s sight loss population rely on Edinburgh’s ‘not fit for purpose’ Eye Hospital

Labour Lothians MSP, Sarah Boyack, highlighted new research from Sight Scotland, which reveals that a quarter of all Scotland’s sight loss population, live within council areas served by Edinburgh’s Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion.

Edinburgh’s Eye Pavilion was deemed not fit for purpose, by the NHS, in 2014 and has been the subject of a long running campaign to have it replaced.

In this time, waiting times have skyrocketed, with research from Sight Scotland highlighting that the number of ongoing waits has increased by over 10,000 since 2014.

With reports of appointments cancelled or delayed due to maintenance issues, it is likely this will only increase as the facility deteriorates further.

These numbers illustrate the extent of the crisis hitting eye care on the East coast of Scotland.

All this comes as the Scottish Government has backtracked on their election commitment to replace the current Eye Pavilion.

The Scottish Government’s recent budget froze capital spending for a minimum of two years, ensuring the new Eye Hospital could not go ahead and throwing its long-term future into doubt.

Sight Scotland have identified safety risks for both patients and staff due to the dilapidated state of the current facilities.

There is also a lack of clarity regarding what actions will be taken in the interim to ensure that the 45,000 people with sight loss, in the Pavilion’s remit, are able to receive the adequate care they require.

Commenting on the figures, Ms Boyack said: “We knew there was a crisis in eyecare, but now we know the full extent of it.

“The fact that a quarter of all those with sight loss are having to rely on not fit for purpose facilities is a national disgrace.

“And now the Scottish Government is subjecting them to unknown delays due to SNP budget cuts.

“Patients don’t just deserve a new hospital, they need one.

“If the Scottish Government does not act soon, there will be dire long-term consequences for Edinburgh’s sight loss population.”

Peter Scobbie, a long-time patient of the Eye Pavilion, added: “I’ve been going to the Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion for 18 years now and the building is in shocking condition.

“The layout is completely inaccessible with the patient support services on the top floor and the pharmacy on the bottom next to the waiting area.

“Half the time the lifts are out of order, so I’m forced to use the stairs which I don’t feel safe doing as the handrail is very low and a straight drop down to the ground.

“I’d go as far to say it’s dangerous, especially for people with no to low sight.

“The decision not to fund a new hospital is therefore incredibly disappointing and I’m worried for other patients and the growing number of people who will need specialist eye care soon – what will they do?”

Improving Scotland’s diet

Move to restrict promotions on unhealthy food and drink

The public is being asked for views on proposals to restrict the promotion of food and drink high in fat, sugar and salt.

The consultation, which will run for 12 weeks, will outline the detail of proposed regulations aimed at creating a food environment which better supports healthier choices.

Proposals include restricting multi-buys, unlimited refills or selling at locations such as at checkouts and front of store.

Feedback on the proposals will help to inform regulations to be laid before the Scottish Parliament, subject to the outcome of the consultation.

Public Health Minister Jenni Minto said: “Improving health and supporting people to eat well and have a healthy weight is a public health priority.  

“We need to address the high levels of excess weight, obesity and poor diet we know are contributing to worsening trends in Scotland’s health. The association between these issues and health outcomes such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and certain cancers has been established for some time. 

“We want to ensure Scotland is a place where we eat well and have a healthy weight. The Scottish Government is committed to restricting promotions of foods high in fat, sugar or salt at the point of purchase as research shows this is when people make decisions about what and how much to buy, for themselves and their families.

“This consultation, together with our Diet and Healthy Weight Delivery Plan, demonstrates the ambitious and wide-ranging action we believe is needed to address this challenge, and support improvements in diet and health and wellbeing  in Scotland.

“The consultation will run in parallel with an extensive programme of inclusive stakeholder engagement, to improve the process of developing, implementing and reviewing regulations to meet our long-term public health and economic aims.”

The consultation will run for 12 weeks, closing on 21 May 2024.

More city parks gain protected status

As part of the Council’s ongoing partnership with charity Fields in Trust, residents can now enjoy improved access to 19 newly protected parks across the city.

Culture and Communities Convener Val Walker visited one of these at Cavalry Park this week, alongside John and Gail from the Friends of Cavalry Park. The pioneering agreement takes the total of protected parks in the city to 55. This represents an area of over 500 hectares, equivalent to some 700 football pitches.

Crucially, this means that over two-thirds of our residents are now within a ten-minute walk of a protected space.

This initiative comes as pressure on existing green space is set to rise, with the population of Edinburgh predicted to increase by 10% over the next 20 years.

Protection is a legal agreement between Fields in Trust and a space’s landowner that they will retain it for use as a green space in perpetuity. Ownership and management of the space remains locally with the existing landowner, ensuring the local community remain fully involved with the space.

Culture and Communities Convener, Councillor Val Walker said: “Edinburgh is already a wonderfully green city, and we want to ensure it remains so for generations to come. We already have more trees per resident than any other city in the UK and the most Green Flag Awards in Scotland but we’re always committed to doing more.

“It was fantastic to meet John and Gail today at Cavalry Park and hear what their local protected space means to them. 

“Through our partnership with Fields in Trust we’re ensuring that a high proportion of our residents are within a ten-minute walk of a protected greenspace.

“These spaces are essential for mental health, wellbeing, leisure, and community building and remain a key priority for us as part of our response to the climate and nature emergencies. As part of our Edinburgh’s Thriving Green Spaces 2050 strategy, we are committed to doing everything we can to safeguard, preserve and improve these spaces.  

“I hope other towns and cities will follow Edinburgh’s example and work with Fields in Trust to create better greenspaces for all.”

Chief Executive of Fields in Trust, Helen Griffiths said: “Edinburgh boasts some really beautiful parks and green spaces and Fields in Trust has been incredibly proud to partner with the City of Edinburgh Council to make sure that even more of them are protected forever.

“Parks are the heart of Edinburgh, providing focal points for people from all communities to gather, relax or enjoy nature. Protecting them means they will help to fight the climate crisis and always be there to support residents’ health and wellbeing.

“The Council has done a truly remarkable thing for the people of Edinburgh, and generations will benefit from the actions they have taken today.”

The 19 newly protected parks are listed below:

  • Baronscourt Park       
  • Buckstone Park and Woods   
  • Cavalry Park   
  • Clermiston Park         
  • Cramond Walled Garden       
  • East Pilton Park          
  • Fairmilehead Park      
  • Gyle Park        
  • Inch Park        
  • Jewel Park      
  • Joppa Quarry Park     
  • Muirhouse Park         
  • Parkside Park 
  • Pikes Pool       
  • Ratho Station Park     
  • Roseburn Park
  • Seafield Recreation Ground   
  • Sighthill Park  
  • Spylaw Park    

About Fields in Trust:

Fields in Trust champions and supports our parks and green spaces by protecting them for people to enjoy in perpetuity. Because once lost, they are lost forever. Fields in Trust is an independent charity with almost 100 years’ experience of protecting parks and green spaces.

Working with landowners, community groups and policymakers, they champion the value of parks and green spaces to achieve better protection for their future at both the local and national level.

More information on how to get involved can be found on their website. 

Groundbreaking research could revolutionise bowel cancer treatment

New research led by a team of scientists from Queen’s University Belfast and the Cancer Research UK (CRUK) Scotland Institute in Glasgow have made a series of groundbreaking discoveries into tumour biology that may be used to deliver a more effective personalised medicine approach for patients with bowel (colorectal) cancer.

Bowel cancer is the fourth most common cancer in the UK, with around 42,900 new bowel cancer cases and around 16,600 bowel cancer deaths in the UK every year, a statistic that highlights the need for new ways to treat patients with this aggressive disease.

The new study, funded by Cancer Research UK and published today in the prestigious journal Nature Genetics, used a unique and innovative approach developed in Belfast, to identify a set of previously unseen molecular patterns in tumour tissue that provides new information related to treatment response and risk of disease progression.

These remarkable results mean that clinicians and scientists can now draw more information from a patient’s tumour tissue which may lead to better treatment options.

Previously, the most common approach for identifying groups of tumours based on their biological signalling, known as molecular subtyping, used information about how active individual genes are within tumour tissue.

The subtypes identified using this method have shaped understanding of cancer development, progression and response to therapy over the last decade and served as the basis for numerous clinical trials and pre-clinical studies.

Dr Philip Dunne, Reader in Molecular Pathology from the Patrick G Johnston Centre for Cancer Research at Queen’s University Belfast and senior author of the study, explains: “While looking at patterns across individual genes has revealed remarkable insights into cancer signalling, advances in laboratory research over the last decade have shown that assessing activity in groups of closely related genes in combination can provide new understanding that isn’t apparent when using the traditional single gene approaches.”

Given the potential value of this new pathway approach, researchers from Queen’s University Belfast, the CRUK Scotland Institute, University of Zurich, University of Oxford alongside a multinational collaborative group proposed a new data-driven method for reclassification of bowel cancer, which has been published in this new groundbreaking study.

By assembling genes into biological pathways prior to the development of molecular subtypes, the team rearranged tumours into a series of new groups, based on activity across a complex network of cancer-related signalling; all of which appears to be critical in predicting how well a tumour will respond to different treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

To ensure that scientists and clinicians around the world can immediately access these data and test this new subtyping approach, the team have released a freely available classification tool that allows the Belfast-developed approach to be used on tumour samples in any research lab.

Dr Sudhir Malla, Postdoctoral Research Fellow from the Patrick G Johnston Centre for Cancer Research at Queen’s University Belfast and first author of the study commented: “By developing an unrestricted classification tool for the cancer research community, it means that researchers from around the world can reproduce our finding on data emerging from their own collections of tumour samples, to identify biological pathways that cancer cells switch on or off to control their movement, growth and response to their environment.”

Professor Owen Sansom, Director of the Cancer Research UK Scotland Institute in Glasgow, who co-authored the study said: “The research presented today in Nature Genetics exemplifies the value of collaborative research between scientists and clinicians.

“Studies such as this are essential to enable us to understand the complexities of a patient’s tumour and will be used in our pre-clinical laboratories to identify novel treatments specifically targeting the biological patterns we have identified.”

Dr Sam Godfrey, Research Information Lead at Cancer Research UK, said: “Cancer is perhaps the most complex disease we face, and no single treatment will ever beat it.

“Cancer Research UK is delighted to have funded this innovative research, an important step towards giving doctors the insight to see which therapy can best exploit an individual cancer’s weakness.

“Research like this could lead to better and more precise treatments for the thousands of people diagnosed with bowel cancer every year in Scotland.”

The team are now applying their new subtyping approach on tumour samples derived from clinical trials run in the UK, to build the essential clinical evidence needed before the new method can be used to make clinical decision about which treatments a patient should be offered.