Three people in North West Edinburgh are celebrating after winning £1,000 each thanks to their lucky postcode.
The North Bughtlinfield neighbours netted the windfall when EH12 8XZ was announced as a Daily Prize winner with People’s Postcode Lottery on Thursday (1st October).
People’s Postcode Lottery ambassador Judie McCourt sent her well-wishes to the winners. She said: “Congratulations to our winners. What a great surprise to hear on a Thursday morning!”
A minimum of 32% of ticket sales goes directly to charities and players of People’s Postcode Lottery have raised over £600 million to date for thousands of good causes in Britain and beyond.
This draw was promoted on behalf of Canal & River Trust which has received more than £10 million in funding thanks to players. It cares and brings life to over 2,000 miles of canals and rivers across England and Wales. It believes waterways have the power to make a difference to people’s lives and that spending time by water can make us all healthier and happier.
Many good causes close to the winners have also benefitted from players’ support, and local charities can apply for funding next year.
Proposals for a Low Traffic Neighbourhood in East Craigs will be considered by Transport and Environment Committee this morning (Thursday 1 October).
The temporary measures are being proposed as part of our Spaces for People programme and, following concerns raised by the local community, will be brought to committee for a final decision by councillors.
In response to feedback from residents, the design of the scheme has been amended to ensure that every area in the Low Traffic Neighbourhood can access (entry and/or exit) two of the major distributor roads, Drum Brae, Glasgow Road or Maybury Road.
The council says that by making these amendments, it will alleviate the requirement for right turns across Drum Brae South and Glasgow Road, which have been key concerns of residents. However, it will also ensure that routes used by vehicles to avoid the A8 corridor are closed, particularly during Craigmount High School’s opening and closing times. In addition, it will take traffic away from the West Edinburgh Link north-south cycle route.
Councillor Lesley Macinnes, Transport and Environment Convenor, said: Low Traffic Neighbourhoods allow residents to move around their own areas safely and with more space. They encourage physical activity and reduce through traffic.
“We know through feedback we have received that local people want to see measures improved for walking, wheeling and cycling and this is an opportunity to make this a reality on a temporary basis.
“However, we recognise that a number of people have been opposed to the measures we are looking to implement, so we felt it was right to refer this matter to the Transport and Environment Committee for proper scrutiny by elected members.
“We have listened carefully to local concerns and are proposing a number of changes to address the issues raised by the community. This will make vehicle access easier for local residents while moving ahead with some elements that will bring positive changes for residents. There is also a clear commitment to continue monitoring its effect and to modify it where necessary.
Councillor Karen Doran, Transport and Environment Vice Convenor, said: “We know that Low Traffic Neighbourhoods reduce emissions and calm traffic due to the number of successful schemes that have already been implemented across the UK.
“Nevertheless, there is local opposition to this scheme and it should be discussed and agreed by the Transport and Environment Committee before we take steps to implement. We will continue to engage with residents and stakeholders regarding this matter and ensure that their voices are heard as we move forward.”
The report will also consider other potential Low Traffic Neighbourhoods across the city, including the Meadows, Leith and the South Corstorphine area.
The East Craigs Low Traffic Neighbourhood involves temporary measures and is not a permanent scheme. Once implemented we will continue to monitor its success and engage with local residents. If a view is taken to make the scheme permanent full consultation with residents would take place.
Low Traffic Neighbourhoods are used in a number of cities to reduce the impact of through motor traffic. They create people-friendly spaces which encourage physical activity and active travel choices while maintaining local access. Our consultation on the West Edinburgh Link (WEL) project showed support for proposals to improve conditions for active travel. We also received a number of suggestions via our Commonplace online tool on how the area could be made safer for residents.
The amended measures for the East Craigs scheme include –
Removing the Craigmount Avenue and Craigs Loan modal filters
Changing the position of the Craigs Gardens modal filter
Changing the North Gyle Terrace filter to No Entry east bound (from Maybury Road)
Altering the Craigs Road bus gate so that it always permits one-way westbound traffic and restricts eastbound traffic at peak times (07:30 – 09:30 and 16:00-18:30)
UPDATE: Police Scotland have confirmed that Leslie Adam, 60, who had been reported missing from Edinburgh, has been traced SAFE AND WELL.
Thank you to everyone who shared our appeals and assisted in our enquiries.
Police are appealing for information to help trace a woman reported missing from Corstoprhine.
Leslie Adam, (60) was last seen at her home address in the Bughtlin area around 2am on Sunday, 16 August. She is believed to have left around 9am on the same date on foot and has not been seen or heard from since. There is growing concern for her welfare.
She is described as being 5ft 5ins tall and of a heavy build. Leslie is thought to have recently cut her white hair which is described as being a very short, shaved cut. At the time she went missing she is believed to have been wearing a dark bomber style jacket.
Inspector Keith Forrester from Corstorphine police station said: “Along with her family, we are becoming increasingly concerned for Leslie’s welfare and are keen to locate her as soon as possible.
“It is very out of character for Leslie to not keep in contact with her family, she left on foot but has limited mobility so we believe she may have used a bus or taxi to travel.
“I would urge anyone who may have seen her to contact us as soon as possible. Similarly, if Leslie is reading this, let us know you are safe and well.”
Anyone with information is asked to contact police on 101, quoting incident 1543 of Sunday, 16 August 2020.
Travelodge, Scotland’s first budget hotel chain which currently operates 568 hotels across the UK, Ireland and Spain is opening its 46th hotel in Scotland and its 11th hotel in Edinburgh in the lead up to Christmas.Continue reading Travelodge to open new hotel in Edinburgh