Girlguiding: #GirlsAreMadeOf

Girlguiding shows the true face of four-year-old girls with stereotype-challenging portrait series

  • To mark International Day of the Girl, Girlguiding collaborates with award-winning photographer Emily Stein, to celebrate girls now being able to join Rainbows from four-years- old

Girlguiding – the leading charity for girls and young women in the UK – today announces, on International Day of The Girl, that they are officially opening the doors to four-year-old girls nationwide.

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Rainbows, the charity’s youngest section, will now welcome girls from the age of four up to seven years old, providing more opportunities for more girls to experience the fun, friendship and adventure of Girlguiding.

Rainbows has been running for 35 years and to celebrate this achievement, Girlguiding has collaborated with award-winning portrait photographer Emily Stein on a photo series entitled ‘Girls Are Made Of…’, celebrating the true face of four-year-old girls, challenging the dated stereotype that little girls should be ‘sugar and spice and all things nice’.

International Day of The Girl

Launched to coincide with the annual International Day of the Girl, selected images from the series will be on display at Girlguiding’s London headquarters on Buckingham Palace Road, both in the windows and a gallery open to the public. The bold images perfectly capture what girls are made of, from strength and joy, to mischief, courage, and curiosity.

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Free to be four

For the photo series, Girlguiding invited existing Rainbows and girls keen to start their own Girlguiding journey to a photoshoot, designed to showcase their individuality — representing the many faces, qualities and quirks embraced by the organisation.

Photographer Emily Stein is known for her bold aesthetic and documentary approach to shooting children and young people; capturing authentic emotions and real ‘moments’ that bring a sense of intimacy and honesty to her subjects.

Emma Guthrie, Assistant Chief Guide, said:Four-year-old girls have spent a huge portion of their lives in a pandemic, missing out on essential play, exploration, confidence building and friendships, and parents are keen for them to make up for lost time.

“Too often girls are still expected to be sugar and spice and all things nice, but working with girls and young women for over 100 years, we know they are made of so much more. We’re extremely happy to warmly welcome four-year-olds to the organisation and start them on their Girlguiding journey – opening up a community where girls can always be free to be themselves. Free to be four.”

Rainbows focuses on developing self-confidence, building friendships, learning new things and having fun through games and activities. When asked what they enjoyed about Rainbows, four-year-old Mia-Belle, said, “We get to play, play, play!” – a sentiment echoed by Neylah, also four, who added that she “loves going to Rainbows” because “we play fun games”. Adah-Rose added that she “can’t wait” to be a Rainbow and is “really excited” that she can now join her local unit.

Girls can work towards badges throughout their Girlguiding journey, with Rainbows and the other sections following a diverse and engaging programme built around six themes1 offering girls a broad range of experiences. In Rainbows, girls are encouraged to gain skills in areas such as exploration, story-telling, construction and nature, and even explore at a young age what it means to have a healthy mind.

Rainbows is all about developing self-confidence, building friendships, learning new things, and having fun. Members get their hands dirty with arts and crafts, get in touch with nature and play games. It’s all about learning by doing.

Emily Stein, Photographer, said: For this special collection of images, I really wanted to capture all the behaviours, contradictions, energy, purity, beauty and emotions of being four.

“It’s a really significant time in a girl’s life; sitting between the ‘toddler’ years and just before the structure of school begins, with the world opening up a little more every day, in all of its exciting glory. It’s a magical year in time, that was truly a joy to document.”


Girlguiding is encouraging its community and members of the public to join the charity and celebrate all the incredible things that they were made of at age four, by sharing their own ‘face of four’ photos on Instagram and Facebook, using the hashtag #GirlsAreMadeOf… and adding their own word, to best describe their image.

The ‘Girls Are Made Of…’ exhibition will run for two weeks from Tuesday 11th October, with free admission to the general public.

You can follow the #GirlsAreMadeOf… campaign, view the online gallery or share a picture of yourself at four by visiting Girlguiding on, and at

For more information, and to register your daughter’s interest in joining, please visit:

Girlguiding: Back In Lockdown report

Following the recent girls and young women’s survey, we’ve collected the findings and wanted to share research – ‘Back in lockdown’.

We’ve been asking how girls and young women are coping with the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. It has radically changed their lives and shaped their perspectives.

In our report you can find out more about what they’re appreciating, the challenges they’ve been experiencing and aspirations for the future 💙

Download our report here ➡️

Girlguiding Scotland launches Guiding at Hame challenge

To support young people and their parents while at home, Girlguiding Scotland, the leading charity for girls and young women, has launched the ‘Guiding at Hame’ challenge – a weekly online challenge with activities for children and adults alike to get stuck into.

With face to face meetings no longer taking place, Girlguiding Scotland is delivering its unique programme in new and innovative ways. They issued a challenge on 1 May, with activities suitable for anyone from age 5 and up. New activities are released every Friday, and the whole challenge reflects the six themes of Girlguiding’s programme: Know Myself, Express Myself, Be Well, Have Adventures, Take Action and Skills For My Future. In true guiding style, anyone who takes part in the challenge can earn the ‘Guiding at Hame’ badge.

The challenge is open to everyone – you don’t need to be a member – just download the activities from Girlguiding Scotland’s website to take part. This is a great way to give guiding a go and get a taster of what’s on offer.

Scottish Chief Commissioner, Moira McKenna, said: “Girlguiding Scotland is a resilient community and we want to support as many children and young people across Scotland right now with our new Guiding at Hame challenge.

“Our programme is all about empowering girls and young women to try new things, care for those in their communities and have fun outside of school. None of this could happen without our amazing volunteers and we want to say a big thanks to them for keeping guiding going during this challenging time.

“It’s everyday folk who are working hard to make sure that families are supported and we hope that those taking part in the activities will be inspired to join our guiding community in the future.”

The challenge can be found on Girlguiding Scotland’s website in the new ‘Guiding at Hame’ hub with advice on how to move to virtual guiding meetings and blogs on wellbeing and resilience resources for children and young people.

Girlguiding Scotland is encouraging anyone who takes part in the challenge to tag them on social media @GirlguidingScot.

The activities can also be done with Girlguiding units. Already, many Girlguiding Scotland volunteers have been delivering virtual guiding with girls, running their weekly meetings using technology like Zoom and Whatsapp.

Girlguiding is open to all girls aged 5 to 18, giving them the opportunity to explore new interests and build their confidence.

For more information visit

Girlguiding: February break sessions in Restalrig


Are you aged 14-18?

Looking for something to do this February break?

Do you want to try out some new activities? 

Girlguiding Edinburgh are inviting girls aged 14 -18 to join them for fun and adventure at Girlguiding Ranger sessions from 10-14 February every evening at the Ripple Project in Restalrig.

The sessions are open to all girls aged 14-18 to take part in a range of exciting and new activities such as camp skills, games, an exciting day trip, and so much more!

Girls are encouraged to attend all sessions, so if you’re looking for something different to do, or you know a girl who might be interested then go to or call 0131 226 4511.

Looking for more info? Visit us at Ocean Terminal between 7 – 10 February where we’ll be on hand to answer any questions you may have.

Give Guiding a go in Granton

We have an exciting opportunity for girls ages 5-18 to give guiding a go in Granton, Trinity and Newhaven! 

Join us for FREE summer sessions from 22-26 July!

Monday, Wednesday and Friday sessions from 6 – 8pm.
Tuesday and Thursday sessions from 2 – 4pm.

Get in touch for more info or to book your place

Brownies to boldly go where no badge has gone before

Girls reach for the stars with new space badge

Girlguiding, the UK Space Agency and the Royal Astronomical Society have teamed up to give girls and young women in the UK unique and exciting opportunities to engage with astronomy beyond the classroom. Continue reading Brownies to boldly go where no badge has gone before

Want to be a Rainbow in Muirhouse?


We are 174th City of Edinburgh Rainbows we meet on Wednesdays at 6.15pm in St Andrews Muirhouse Parish Church and we’d really like to welcome some new faces!

For more information click the link to take parents/carers to relevant part of Girlguiding website:

or email me at

Stacy Mckenzie