Weather looking good for D Mains Gala

Organisers of the annual Davidsons Mains Children’s Gala will be keeping an anxious eye on weather forecasts this morning.

However the forecasts are certainly looking good for today so fingers crossed for a day of sun and fun!

The Parade leaves the Green at 1130am, progressing along Main Street, past Tesco and on to Lauriston Castle. The crowning of the Gala King and Queen will take place at around midday on the stage and this will be followed by a full programme of activities until 5pm.

Mist, drizzle and murk: D Mains Gala 2012
Mist, drizzle and murk: D Mains Gala 2012


Hats off to MS Therapy fundraisers!

EVERYTHING STOPS FOR TEA: Louise Liddell gets the party started!
EVERYTHING STOPS FOR TEA: Louise Liddell gets the party started!

The MS Therapy Centre’s latest fundraiser – the Mad Hatters’ Tea Party – has raised nearly £4,500.

The Centre, which celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, called on locals to host a tea party and wear a crazy hat last month to help raise much needed funds and make a difference to all those in the Lothians living with multiple sclerosis.

Nancy Campbell, Operations Manager at the Centre, said: “Hitting nearly £4,500 is a fantastic sum of money and will make such a difference to those attending the Centre. Nearly 2,500 people in the Lothians live with the debilitating condition and our Centre provides a life line for many. We are there for practical and emotional support and only exist because of the generosity of others.”

Nancy added: “I would like to thank local residents, businesses, community groups and schools who took time out of their busy days to bake and host tea parties.”

Liberal Democrat South Scotland MSP Jim Hume joined in the tea party celebrations. He said: “I was delighted to visit Nancy and her team at the MS Therapy Centre Lothian again and to celebrate their 30th anniversary at the mad hatter tea party. The Centre provides a range of therapeutic and peer support to people living with multiple sclerosis, all the while improving the quality of life for its users.”

The Centre is hoping the tea parties become an annual event and will be looking for tea party hosts again in 2015.

tea party

The MS Therapy Centre is a charity providing help and practical therapies such as physiotherapy, complementary therapies and oxygen therapy as well as emotional support and advice. For further information go to or call Louise Liddell at MS Therapy Centre on 0131 554 5384.

Forthcoming attractions at West Pilton

Table Top Sale A4 December 2013

Tea Dance 20 dec 2013

Come on down to West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre to take part in two special events this month:

Thursday 19 December 11 – 3pm


Do you have items in your cupboards you don’t want any more?

Then book a table at West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre’s Table Sale!

If you are looking for something extra for Christmas then come along and browse the stalls

Soup, tea and coffee will also be on sale

Tables are £2 and can be booked by calling into the Centre or phone Linda on 0131 551 3194

Friday 20 December 1 – 3.30pm


Come and join in the festive fun with live music, dancing, singing, tea, coffee and mince pies

Tickets only £1

West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre

19 West Pilton Grove, Edinburgh

Tel:  0131 551 3194WPNC



Full house for North Edinburgh’s Big Night Out

There wasn’t a spare seat in the theatre for North Edinburgh’s Big Night Out, organised by local group Power to the People, at North Edinburgh Arts last week. Over a hundred people from North Edinburgh and beyond enjoyed an evening of song, poetry, dance and drama.

Power to the People evolved from North Edinburgh Social History Group, local people who trawled through a huge volume of archive material to produce ‘Never Give Up’, a history of community activism in North Edinburgh.

Power to the People took this a stage further, and last Friday’s event was not only a celebration of the succesful conclusion of the course but also an opportunity to encourage wider activism.

Guests and visitors had an opportunity to visit art and photography exhibitions and view a video slideshow in North Edinburgh Arts’ galleries and cafe area before taking their seats in the theatre

There was a raft of strong performances on a special evening. North Edinburgh’s very own Timebank Choir got the show off to a rousing start and this was followed by poetry from Ian Moore and Anna Hutchison, two founding  members of both the Social History and Power to the People groups.

If the early part of the programme was dominated by North Edinburgh’s more mature activists, the stage belonged to the next generation when students from Craigroyston Community High School performed a medley of music, prose and drama which almost brought the house down. The future’s bright …

The Craigroyston kids were a near impossible act to follow, but North Edinburgh’s Womens International Group did just that with a moving interpretation of a work by Pastor Niemoller.

The evening was not limited to performers from North Edinburgh, of course, and Scots machair Liz Lochhead was a very welcome guest. Scotland’s national poet remains as popular as ever and national treasure Liz delighted an appreciative audience with some of her earliest poems as well as her latest epistle – written especially for a cinema opening the following evening and hot off the press. North Edinburgh heard it first!

The talented Penny Stone brought a memorable evening to a fitting finale by leading the audience – young and not quite so young – in a medley of popular protest songs.

CLD worker Lynn McCabe, who supports the Power to the People group, said: “The group wanted the Big Night Out to achieve a number of things: celebrate the end of the Power to the People course and share what we’ve learned with a wider audience. We also wanted people to have a good night out and to  enjoy the entertainment.

“The Big Night Out also gave us an opportunity to promote the arts and to raise awareness about the Referendum – we hope the event will promote further discussion and debate.

“It was great that the young people from Craigroyston played such an active part on the night and we would like to attract more young people as well as others of all ages who are not already involved.

Our hope was that the audience would leave feeling inspired, motivated to get involved and more committed to equality and defending what’s important. The Power to the People group wanted to get the message across that change is possible, that there is an alternative and that we can change the world!”

The group would like to thank:

  • Jade and Subie for giving up their free time to produce their art work for the big night out   (this was done on a voluntary basis outwith their course)
  • Helen Foster at Scran  and Claire the IT  tutor at Royston Wardieburn for supporting the Power to the People group learn how to use this important resource to prepare the exhibition
  • The Scotsman Publications, Gerry McCann and Duncan Brown for allowing us to use their photos for free
  •  Craigroyston Community High School for encouraging and supporting their pupils to participate in this community event
  • The timebank choir
  •  All the staff at North Edinburgh Arts
  • Royston Wardieburn Community Centre for paying for the transport to get people here and back tonight
  • CLD for  providing worker support  and finance towards the cost of the event
  • Plton Central Association
  • Liz Lochhead for giving up her time to join us here tonight
  • Joel Venet for filming the event
  • Dave Pickering, MC for the night
  • And finally, the Power to the People group for organising the event

The group will evaluate the Big Night Out when they next meet – changing the world may take a little longer!

Some Big Night Out pictures:












































STOP PRESS: Joel Venet has prouced a short Big Night Out highlights video. You’ll find it on YouTube at North Edinburgh Fights Back – it’s called Celebrate2

What’s beng Jewish in Scotland got to do with YOU?

Scottish Council of Jewish Communities Interfaith Week Event 


What’s Being Jewish in Scotland got to do with YOU?!

SCoJeC, the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities, is running an event in Edinburgh as part of Interfaith Week. The event will start with a kosher lunch and introductions around the table, followed by a talk about the recent Scottish Government-funded inquiry on ‘Being Jewish in Scotland’.

This qualitative inquiry involved conversations with around 300 Jewish people all over Scotland about the experience of being Jewish in this country; what’s good about it, what’s not so good, what’s changed, whether they felt they had ever been treated differently because of being Jewish, and whether they had any recommendations or requests for the Scottish Government or other authorities which would improve their lives.

The presentation will be followed by an open conversation and discussion about the experiences of being a minority – or a majority – in Scotland.  Everyone – Jewish and non-Jewish – is welcome to join in, and a kosher lunch will be served.  In the spirit of Interfaith Week, we want to share the questions we asked of Scotland’s Jews with people of different minorities and with different beliefs, to see how these questions resonate with other groups.

The event will take place at 

University of Edinburgh Chaplaincy, Potterow, 52 Bistro Square

on   Tuesday 26 November   at 1 p.m. – 3.30 p.m. 

All are welcome.  For more information or to RSVP please contact Fiona Frank

email, tel 07779 206522.

Scottish Council of Jewish Communities

222 Fenwick Road, Glasgow G46 6UE

tel: 07779 206522

Scottish Council of Jewish Communties

Partnership event: Meet the Funders

Are you involved in a small community project or group that is looking for funding? Forth and Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnerships have organised a

‘Meet the Funders’ event

on Thursday 28 November from 12 – 3pm

at St Serf’s Parish Church Hall off Ferry Road.

The drop-in event will be an informal opportunity to meet a variety of small funders such as Big Lottery and Sports Scotland, SCVO and Bank of Scotland Foundation as well as various City of Edinburgh Council funds including Neighbourhood Partnership Community Grants Fund and Waste Aware Fund, with opportunities to find out more about what type of things these organisations will fund and what the closing dates are.

This event will be of particular interest to small groups who do not have access to major funding sources.

The following funding organisations have confirmed that they will be attending – will you? If you do plan to attend, please contact . Refreshments will be available.

Big Lottery Fund

The Melting Pot

Community Sports Hubs

Community Grants Fund (City of Edinburgh Council)

Forth Neighbourhood Partnership

Youth Business Scotland

Pass It On



Bank of Scotland Foundation

Royal Bank of Scotland Foundation

Waste Aware Grants (CEC)

Business Gateway

Climate Challenge Fund

Activcity Tenants Grants (CEC) In Kind Direct

The Big Lunch

Prime (Equivalent of Youth Business Scotland for over 50s)

Sported Sportscotland

Visit Forth Neighbourhood Partnership website at:


Fixing a broken democracy?


Fixing broken democracy – have your say at a Democracy Max event being held by Electoral Reform Society Scotland in Glasgow next month:

At the Electoral Reform Society (ERS) Scotland we are committed to campaigning for better democracy. As we approach the independence referendum, we think it is vital that we take the opportunity to assess, and where necessary reform, our democracy. We have called this inquiry ‘Democracy Max’.

The process has included public events, roundtable discussions and publications. The final public event in this phase will be on Thursday August 8th at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. Everyone is welcome to come along.

The first event of the Democracy Max inquiry brought together 80 people from across Scotland to spend a day at a ‘People’s Gathering’. They talked to each other and shared their ideas stimulated by the proposition: “It’s 2030, and Scotland is admired as a shining example of democracy and democratic participation. What three aspects of this future society please you most?”

Following the People’s Gathering, the findings have been discussed by roundtables of academics, commentators, campaigners and community activists. Those discussions have then been presented to a public audience for feedback.

Some of the ideas that have been proposed so far include:

• Real local democracy where people run their own communities

• A citizen’s chamber, selected like a jury , to hold the Parliament to account

• A rejuvenated ‘media of many voices’ with a strong public service element

• An assumption of full open-ness and transparency, including a register of lobbyists

We’re now discussing what technical and structural changes we might need to make some of these things happen and guarantee a good Scottish democracy. And, how do we ensure full citizen participation and ‘buy-in’ to the process. We want to ensure there are adequate checks and balances in our democracy so we’re asking ‘How do we write the rules?’

We’re more interested in structures that respect democratic participation and address the concerns expressed throughout the inquiry than we are in the detail of what the rules would be. We are keen to ensure that any decisions made in Scotland’s future will stand on solid democratic ground.

Some of the questions asked during the ‘How do we write the rules?’ phase of the inquiry include:

• As we enter the next phase of Scotland’s devolution journey, should we take stock of progress so far and ask if the Scottish Parliament is meeting the aspirations of 1999? Should this be a citizen led process?

• Whatever the result of the referendum should we consider some kind of participative consultation across Scotland to find out how Scotland should shape its democratic future? Is politics too important to be left to politicians?

• If we instigate such a deliberative and inclusive process, would it inevitably require some kind of written constitution type document to result?

• Should both the campaigns and all the parties be asked to sign up to key democratic principles which would be respected whatever the result of the referendum?

One of the key areas we are keen to address is how important people feel a written constitution would be to a good Scottish democracy. And if it is considered an important element, then how can we begin an inclusive process that reflects all viewpoints across Scotland, and what sort of process could or should that be within the devolved settlement. After all, if we believe that a constitution is an important building block for democracy, then the existence of a constitution should not be contingent upon a yes vote in the referendum.

If you are interested in discussing these issues, or have additional ideas or suggestions for how we might guarantee rights and responsibilities in a good Scottish democracy, please join us at an interactive conversation and discussion event on Thursday August 8th at the Graham Hills Building, George Street, Glasgow.

Register here:

Or contact Juliet Swann on



Summer festival safety advice

images[2]It may be last thing festival-goers think about before heading off to party, but take some good advice from the professionals: 

NHS 24’s Medical Director, Professor George Crooks, OBE, is urging music lovers going to T in the Park this weekend to think ahead and look after their health.

Professor Crooks said: “Summer festivals are great places to meet people and enjoy music with friends but try and remember to pack a few small items with you in case you do become unwell. Take some over the counter medication with you for stomach upsets or diarrhoea and take a simple painkiller such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. It is also really important to have sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher and antiseptic hand gel is always handy to have at outdoor events.

 “Plan ahead and take some condoms with you to protect you from sexually transmitted infections. Also tampons, wet wipes and hay fever medication – if you are a sufferer – will always come in handy over the weekend. Don’t forget to take your asthma inhaler or any prescription medicine you need with you and keep it handy.”

Festival goers are reminded not to ruin the weekend for themselves and others by drinking far too much too quickly. Try alternating soft drinks or water for alcoholic ones on a regular basis over the day and don’t forget to eat regularly. You don’t want to miss out on seeing your favourite bands by feeling unwell with the effects of too much alcohol.

Professor Crooks advised: If youdo become ill, go with a friend to the nearest First Aid area. Remember there is safety in numbers. Never leave your drink unattended, never leave friends on their own and don’t wander off by yourself. Organise a meeting point if you get split up and stay with people you know.“

By taking simple steps, you can help minimise or even prevent minor health problems from ruining your weekend. Stay safe and have a happy and healthy time at T in the Park.

For further summer health advice go


And Police Scotland reinforce the safety message:

Keeping your valuables safe

Make sure you know where your valuables are at all times. Leave anything you can do without at home. Do you really need to take an expensive camera. iPod, iPad or MP3 player with you? If you do have to take them, make good use of locker facilities if they are available at the festival site, knowing your valuables are safe inside will give you peace of mind. If you need to carry them, secure your valuables in a zipped or fastened pocket. Pickpockets often use the cover of large crowds to commit crime so be vigilant.

Mobile phones

Keep your mobile phone safe and charged up, most festival sites provide facilities to charge your phone. Before you go to the festival, make sure it’s registered with your network operator. Keep a separate note of your phone’s unique IMEI number. Ensure your phone has a ‘Find Me’ Application installed that can remotely show the location of the device should it be stolen and know how to remotely lock the phone.

Input an ICE – In Case of Emergency – contact number into your phone before you go, should you become unwell or unable to use your phone the emergency services will be able to contact a nominated person on your behalf.

Tickets and Money

Keep your cash and cards in two places on you, for example, some in your purse/wallet and the rest in a zipped pocket. If you lose some money, you will still have the rest, likewise for your ticket, it can be devastating and will end your weekend if it is lost or stolen. Keep it safe.


Tents can be easily entered as they generally have few security features. Please make an effort to take valuables with you when you leave your tent, again make good use of locker facilities to keep valuables secure. Introduce yourself to the people camping nearby and/or regular campsite staff. This will enable you and others to quickly identify anyone unfamiliar hanging around your campsite, although don’t be tempted to trust your valuables with people that you don’t know.

Padlocks on your tent zips can often draw more attention to your tent and give potential thieves the impression that you have valuables inside. A determined criminal will get into your tent whether you use a padlock or not, so the best advice is to take your valuable items with you when you leave your campsite.

Personal Safety

When you arrive at the festival site, or ideally before you go, make sure you know how you can report any suspicious or criminal behaviour on site. If you become a victim or witness anything criminal, report it immediately to Police, site staff or a steward. You may not want to get involved, but think about what you’d like someone else to do if it was happening to you or your property.

Get to know your surroundings, when you arrive, make sure you know exactly where your camping area is and how to find it. Identify a landmark nearby or memorise the campsite’s name and check where the nearest first aid and fire safety points are.

When it gets dark, try to use main thoroughfares and well-lit areas of the site and stay with your friends, you can explore the darker, quieter areas during the day.

If you require regular medication, make sure you have enough with you and keep it safe in a locker. Be prepared for all types of weather, sunscreen, midge repellent, welly boots and waterproofs may all be required.

Know your limits

Remember; alcohol can impair your judgement and coupled with darkness and unfamiliar surroundings can make you more vulnerable. Drink in moderation, sip on non-alcoholic drinks in between drinks, stick with the people you know and look after your friends. Don’t go off on your own with people you don’t know or have just met.


Possession of controlled drugs and supplying anyone else with drugs is illegal. Festivals organisers adopt a zero tolerance approach to illegal drugs and work alongside the police to tackle this criminal activity. If you are caught you will be prosecuted, don’t take the chance.

New Psychoactive Substances

These substances are known by a variety of names and have been talked about in newspapers and on the TV regularly during the last 12 months. The term ‘New Psychoactive Substance’ originates from the European Union and relates to new drugs that are made by mixing chemicals. The common street name you will have heard is Legal Highs.

Calling these substances Legal Highs is confusing it suggests that they are safe and always legal they are not.

There is no way of knowing what chemicals are in these substances or how unwell they might make you feel or what effect they will have on your body.

Some NPS are described as being ‘herbal’ with claims that they are naturally occurring or grown. The reality is often they are no more than plant material which are sprayed or soaked in a chemical solution. As with all NPS unless you have access to a laboratory it cannot be said with any certainty what they contain.

Generally they come as white powder, or a variety of different coloured tablets, they can also be available as small capsules similar in size to normal medication. The packaging can be colourful and attractive with hundreds of different names such as Mind Candy, Gogaine, Super Doves and Diablo. To hide what is in it the packaging often has small print on it with phrases such as Research Chemical, Not For Human Consumption, Bath Salts, Plant Food and Novelty Collectors Item

Research by Government scientists has shown that some of these substances actually contain harmful chemicals and controlled drugs that mean that you might even get a criminal record if caught by the Police if in possession of these. Like other controlled drugs these powders and tablets can be mixed with other substances to make it look like you are getting more. These mixers are known as adulterants and can be substances such as benzocaine, used by dentists, creatine, used by body builders and caffeine, found in energy drinks.

In the short term they can affect different people in different ways. More and more people are going to hospital after taking these substances with specific symptoms such as nose bleeds, bleeding tongues, sickness and diahorrea, black outs, short term memory loss, panic attacks and severe mood swings: some NPS may have been responsible for deaths.

So get the message – have fun, but stay safe!

images[1] (3)




Fountainbridge for frolics tomorrow

Edinburgh Quay is the place to be tomorrow when the seventh Edinburgh Canal Festival and Raft Race takes place.

The Canal Festival is rapidly becoming known as one of the most entertaining events in Edinburgh’s full-to-bursting festival events calendar, so for a full day of canal festivities and raft racing, music, stalls, water-based and land-based activities, art, kids’ stuff and lots more get down to Edinburgh Quay a Fountainbridge!

The Edinburgh Canal Festival is a not-for-profit community event co-ordinated by Re-Union Canal Boats, who  work with a wide range of community groups and local businesses. The festival is sponsored this year by City of Edinburgh Council, Scottish Canals and EDI; and supported by Mearns & Co and Big House Events.
