Beltane to spark a celebration of summer


Organisers have released details of how Edinburgh’s world-famous Beltane Fire Festival will mark the coming of summer tonight.

The Beltane Fire Society, the charity of volunteers who run the event on 30 April each year, say the modern take on an ancient celtic festival will be an incredible spectacle. They want everyone – locals and tourists, old hands and those new to the event – to book tickets now and be part of the celebration.

Beltane Fire Festival takes place as the sun sets on the last night of April (gates open 8pm), at Calton Hill. This year hundreds of specialist volunteer performers will welcome in the summer with more than 40 drums; fire dancing, fire sculptures and flame torches; a huge performance of physical theatre on the national monument; a procession of weird and wonderful characters awakening from their winter sleep around the hill; and the lighting of a huge bonfire by the incarnation of summer, the May Queen, and her counterpart the Green Man.

The 2015 Beltane will incorporate new elements too. Performers will be using fire in dramatic ways not seen before, and there will be the international debut of interactive sound and light performance ‘Spark’.

The festival will also include a faerie garden of giant, glowing toadstools and mushrooms made from candle wax reclaimed from Edinburgh’s underground caves. Also this year, the Incorporation of Candlemakers of Edinburgh will take part in the event. The candlemakers were part of Beltane celebrations in the Capital as far back as medieval times.

Lila O’Leary, Festival Secretary of the Beltane Fire Society, said:  “Beltane is a huge community project, kept alive and reinvented every year by hundreds of dedicated volunteers. The night itself is always special, the result of months of hard work, and this year will be particularly impressive. We’re going all out with dazzling fire performances, mysterious characters and stunning costumes. Beltane is something we are really proud of and we want people across Edinburgh – and Scotland – to get tickets, join us on the night and be proud too.”


The modern Beltane Fire Festival has run since 1988 and is the spring and summer counterpart to Samhuinn Fire Festival, which is held in the city centre on 31 October. The events are modern re-imaginings of ancient celtic festivals marking the turning seasons. The Beltane Fire Society is a charity run by volunteers, dedicated to marking the fire festivals of the ancient celtic calendar and keeping traditional Scottish skills of street theatre, music and pageantry alive.

Advance tickets are available via The Hub and from £10 + booking fee, and at the event gate, subject to availability

City Chambers advice event for gala organisers


Councillor Gavin Barrie, Convenor of the Licensing Regulatory Committee would like to extend an invitation to a meeting on Wednesday, 29 April 2015 from 6pm – 7.30pm in the European Room at City Chambers.

There have been many queries from organisers so this evening should provide lots of useful information for those of you who are thinking of organising a Community Event or Gala Day.

Councillor Maureen Child will join us to sit on the panel for the Question & Answer session along with Catherine Scanlin, Licensing Manager and Gordon Hunter, Licensing Policy & Project Officer.

6pm Coffee
6.15pm Introduction from Councillor Barrie
6.25pm Presentation from the Licensing Service
6.45pm Questions and Answer Session
7.15pm Closing remarks

Could you please confirm your attendance by emailing   

Please let us know if you require any assistance to attend or take part e.g. large print, disabled access requirements, travel arrangements, hearing loop, etc. We look forward to meeting you all!

Muirhouse Fun Day set for Saturday 2 May

Muirhouse Millennium Community Centre

Saturday 2 May 11am – 3m


Edinburgh College Events Management students are planning, organising and staging a community fun day at Muirhouse Millennium Community Centre on Saturday 2 May.

Activities confirmed include bouncy castle, face painting, a treasure hunt, arts and carfs, raffle, cake and candy, photo booth, barbecue and carnival games!

Granton Campus student Jessica Beattie said: “We want to hold a Community Fun Day for people of all ages – we feel that by doing so we will manage to raise more money for the centre and it will be a chance to really bring the community together to celebrate in a fun, exciting way!”

All profits raised on the day will be donated to Muirhouse Millennium Centre, so go along – support the students, support your local community centre and have loads of fun too!


Live Well in Later Life

Drop-in event for older people at Broughton High School next week

live well

Come along to our free drop-in event between

11am -3pm on Thursday 16 April

at Broughton High School, East Fettes Avenue. 

Tea, coffee and cake will be served.

Free transport is available if booked in advance.

Call 0131 529 6552 or email

Live Well Inverleith Flyer

Science hits the streets this Easter

Scifest busking on the farm in 2014Spectacular street science is expected to attract large crowds to locations across Edinburgh during the Easter holidays.

The ‘Busking Bikes’ project is part of the Edinburgh International Science Festival and the City of Edinburgh Council is supporting six performances from 4-14 April.

Each trike carries a box full to the brim with impressive, explosive, messy, and down-right weird science experiments. From the power of water to finding out how carbon capture could save the planet, each demo will explain some of the most interesting science happening today.

As well as watching expert performers do some unforgettable demonstrations, the audience can get stuck in too and learn their own science tricks, from skewering a balloon to launching a rocket.

Councillor Frank Ross, the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “This is a really exciting project as we expect the bikes to draw large crowds to each area creating a vibrant atmosphere, colour and life where ever they go. The ‘Busking Bikes’ project is being funded as part of the Council’s Town Centre Strategy to build stronger town centres by driving up footfall to support local businesses.”


Saturday April 4 – Portobello Market

Sunday April 5 – Gorgie City Farm

Friday April 10 – Stockbridge Library

Friday April 10 – Morningside Library

Friday April 10 – Costorphine Library

Tuesday April 14 – McDonald Road Library


Ready teddy .. go!

Teddy Bear Hunt 1

The popular Great Saughton Easter Teddy Bear Hunt will take place tomorrow (Saturday 4 April) in Saughton Park.

Thirty teddies will be hidden throughout the grounds, with prizes awarded to the children who manage to track down all the bears. There will also be lots of art and craft activities and storytelling at what is sure to be a fun day for all the family.

he hunt will start at 12 noon in the Park’s Winter Gardens and children of all ages are welcome to take part.

The last Teddy Bear Hunt attracted hundreds of people and organisers are hoping that this weekend’s event will be every bit as popular.

Environment Convener, Councillor Lesley Hinds, said: “This is a fantastic day out and a great example of the many events and activities that take place in Edinburgh’s parks throughout the year.

“We are very lucky to have so many wonderful outdoor spaces and I would encourage people to visit their local parks and make the most of them over the Easter holidays.”

The event will also be an opportunity for people to take part in the Saughton Park Consultation, which closes on 6 April. The historic park is set to undergo a £5.3m renovation to restore some its original 17th century features and members of the public are being asked to comment on the proposed master plan.

Questionnaires will be available at the Bear Hunt and can also be found online.


Good Friday event at Starbank Park

Starbank Easter

Are you looking for something to entertain your kids or grandkids this Easter? Perhaps involving a bit of fresh air and exercise? Better still, while you relax and let them get on with it? Maybe some tea/coffee?

The Friends of Starbank Park are organising an Easter Egg Trail on Good Friday. It will last one hour from 10:30 to 11:30.

There will be a mixture of eggs to find and some of the eggs have a special prize attached!

To be eligible, children should be aged between three and eight years old.

And to follow? Well, there’ll be some sunflower seed planting – which means you can bring the children back at regular intervals to see how their own particular sunflower is growing!

Bill Rodger, Trinity CC

Habitats for Happy Ageing

habIs there such a thing as a habitat for happy ageing? How does where we live affect our mood? Why is it so important to get outdoors in later life?

Come along to our FREE event on the UN International Day of Happiness to hear from experts in happiness and place, take a mood test, browse photos of people’s
‘happy places’ and see how Edinburgh has changed over time.

Friday 20 March 2.30 – 4pm

Reid Concert Hall, Bristo Square

To book your FREE place:

Phone 0131 651 5834 or email


Habitats for Happy Ageing 20 March 2015



May date set for Spartans’ sports day

spartans 2

Hundreds of local primary school children will be taking part in a major sports event being organised by Spartans Community Football Academy Event at Ainslie Park in May.

SCFA Youth and Community Worker Jamie Tomkinson said: “The Spartans Community Football Academy Sports Day will be held on the 20th of May. Eight local primary schools are involved – we reckon that will be around 350 P7s over the course of the day!”

Twelve different sporting activities will be delivered by local agencies on the day: Kabo boxing, Edinburgh Judo, Edinburgh Leisure, Fet-Lor, Granton Youth Centre and MY Adventure will all be supporting the programme – and Keith Cook, who is a five-time Commonwealth Games medallist, will share his fencing skills. NEN, North Edinburgh’s community newspaper, has been invited to cover the event.

“Lorna Cruikshank, one of our young volunteers, will deliver a hockey station and we have a local samba band coming along to create an atmosphere and do a show for the opening ceremony!” Jamie added. “Many organisations have come on board to support the day – Ainslie Park Leisure Centre are letting us use one lane of their pool for the triathlon and Nike, who were a major part of last year’s success, will be volunteering throughout the event.

“There’s a lot of organising to be done and we are putting the finishing touches to the programme but the Sports Day is going to be a lot of fun – we’re all really looking forward to it and I’m sure the P7s are too!”



Get involved in GYC’s Big Obstacle

I am getting in touch to tell you about ‘The Big Obstacle’, an event being organised by three young people from Granton Youth Centre.


‘The Big Obstacle’ is a 5k fun run with obstacles. It will be held on Sunday 29 March 10am-1.30pm at Cramond Promenade.

This event is being planned and organised by 3 young people from North Edinburgh, who have worked hard to secure funding from Starbucks for their event.

The aim of the fun run is to give local youth organisations a platform to fundraise, raise the profile of the great youth work that goes on in North Edinburgh and also to encourage local young people to participate in physical activity.

There will be two races on the day, one for 11-17 year olds and one for 18+. We will also have a fun day event at the same time, where we would like youth organisations to have a stall to promote their work.

We are looking for young people and adults to enter our fun run and organisations entering the run will get a free stall at the fun day.

All participants signed up to the run will have the opportunity to take part in a 4 week running club in preparation for the event. Places are limited and will be on a first come basis.

If you would like to find out more about the event and how you can get involved please get in touch at

I will look forward to hearing from you!

Kerry Shand
Youth Volunteer Coordinator
Granton Youth Centre
3-11 West Granton Road
0131 467 5854