TODAY – 11am – 4pm
Tag: events
Don’t forget the Youth Awards
International Women’s Day – help required
Who says the beach is just for summertime?
The things we do for love …
International filmmaker Terry Gilliam has revealed a ten metre-long illuminated neon quotation from Miguel de Cervantes’ Don Quixote in the heart of the Old Town ahead of Valentine’s Day: Continue reading The things we do for love …
Building Better Worlds
Something for everyone in Science Festival programme
The Edinburgh International Science Festival programme has been announced. Building Better Worlds centres around how science, technology, engineering and design have the potential to improve the world we live in and the way we live within it. Continue reading Building Better Worlds
Saturday night at the movies
Ferryhill family ceilidh
Expect the unexpected at Mountain Film Festival
Edinburgh Mountain Film Festival 6 & 7 February
Why do people go to the mountains? You’ll find many different answers at the 13th Edinburgh Mountain Film Festival, which runs Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 February. Continue reading Expect the unexpected at Mountain Film Festival