Scottish universities ‘leading the way’

Education Secretary Michael Russell has welcomed figures which show graduates of Scottish universities are entering professional jobs more quickly and earning higher starting salaries than graduates in the rest of the UK.

Today’s publication by the Higher Education Statistics Agency outlines 90 per cent of Scottish university graduates go into either employment, further study or a combination of the two after leaving, putting Scotland ahead of England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The figures also show:

  • The average salary for first degree graduates in full time employment in Scotland was £21,000, compared to £20,000 from English universities, £19,000 for qualifiers from Welsh universities and £20,000 for qualifiers from Northern Irish universities.
  • 16 per cent of Scottish university leavers went into further study, compared to 13 per cent in English universities, 15 per cent for Welsh universities and 10 per cent for Northern Irish universities.
  • Six per cent of Scottish university leavers were unemployed six months after graduating, compared to seven per cent from England universities, seven per cent from Welsh universities and eight per cent from Northern Irish universities.

Mr Russell said:

“Today’s figures demonstrate the advantages of a Scottish degree. As these figures show, our universities are leading the way, with graduates more likely to go on to further study or employment, to have a higher starting salary and to be in a professional occupation than graduates from other parts of the UK.

“While I strongly welcome these figures, we recognise the continuing challenges of securing employment and avoiding underemployment.  That’s why we are continually engaging with the higher education sector and employers to improve employment opportunities. For example, we fully support Universities Scotland working closely with small and medium sized businesses to open up more paid work opportunities for graduates. As a Government, our strong message to employers is to make young people your business.

“We have provided over £1 million over the last three years to support high quality, paid graduate placement and recruitment programmes. We fully intend to support the coherent provision of graduate opportunities again this year and will announce our plans in due course.”

Napier University graduates celebrate their awards
Napier University graduates celebrate their awards

Lest we forget – funding for schools to visit Western Front


Every secondary school in Scotland will be offered financial help to carry out educational visits to European battlefields as part of the Scottish Government’s plans to commemorate the centenary of the Great War, First Minister Alex Salmond announced yesterday.

A £2,000 grant will be made available to every senior school in the country to help them meet the costs of trips to Western Front battlefields and war graves so pupils can learn more about the sacrifice made by the many thousands from Scotland and elsewhere during the First World War.

The £1 million fund, which will be administered by Historic Scotland, will include additional subsidies for groups travelling to the continent from schools not on the Scottish mainland.

The educational grant scheme, which will span the six school years from 2013, comes after the First Minister announced a £1 million fund to allow communities across Scotland to refurbish and maintain their war memorials ahead of the commemorations.  A full programme of commemorations in Scotland is expected to be announced by the First Minister shortly.

The First Minister said: “The sacrifice made by the many thousands of Scots and those fighting for Scottish battalions during the First World War must never be forgotten, and it is absolutely crucial that we take the opportunity presented by the centenary to help young people develop a deeper understanding of the causes, consequences and horrors of war and the devastation wrought by the conflict on communities in all corners of the country.

“Many of the soldiers who were sent to War in 1914 were not much older than school age and educational trips to see WWI battlefields provide an unforgettable experience for our young people, giving them a powerful insight into the trench warfare endured by millions on the Western Front.

“Many schools already run educational trips to the European battlefields, but this additional £1 million in funding will ensure that every secondary school in Scotland is offered financial help to take pupils and teachers to Europe during the centenary of the War, broadening the pupils’ knowledge of the conflict and ensuring that a new generation of Scots never forgets the unimaginable price paid by their forbears a century ago.”

Rev Norman Drummond, the chair of the Scottish Commemorations Panel body set up by the Scottish Government to recommend a preferred approach to Scotland’s commemorations of the Great War, welcomed the announcement. He said: “I am delighted that the Scottish Government will be funding Battlefield visits for our secondary schools. It is vital that we create an educational legacy as part of Scotland’s commemorative programme and these visits will enable our pupils and teachers to experience at first-hand the significant service and sacrifice given by so many Scottish servicemen and women throughout World War One.”

Denise Dunlop, President of the Scottish Association of Teachers of History, said: “This is a fantastic initiative that I hope all of Scotland’s secondary schools will welcome. Battlefield visits are a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for school pupils to learn first-hand about war and its horrible consequences. Many of these conflicts are glamourised in today’s society, and these trips offer a chance for young people to learn the truth about what happened to so many thousands of soldiers – many of whom were not much older than school age.”

The Menin Gate, Ypres
The Menin Gate, Ypres

Parlez-vous Francais en Stockbridge?


Would you like to learn French quickly? New ‘Speak Out!’ courses are starting at Kiss the Fish in Stockbridge next Monday.

The courses are different from traditional language courses in that they focus on communication rather than grammar and exams; courses are designed to get learners speaking with confidence within ten weeks!

As part of each course, there’s also the option of a trip to Paris…

For further information visit


Apologies for failed ‘O’ level French in headline!

Edinburgh College students hit the right notes


Students Hit the Right Notes When It Comes To Music Business

Inspiring Edinburgh College students are hosting an event in the capital to showcase the culmination of a year’s worth of work. As part of the HND Music Business course students were required to set up their own independent record labels, scout for new artists and host a single launch party to showcase the results of final year project.

To highlight the artists and some of the most exciting new labels emerging on the east coast, the launch event will be held

this Friday 3 May at The Underground in Teviot Row

Seven independent record labels have been set up by the HND Music Business students, who hand picked artists from across Edinburgh and Glasgow.

Colin McGregor, from Edinburgh, is a student on the course and he will release a single titled ‘September Weekend’ by Glasgow band The Maybes. Colin, who says that the experience has been a real eye opener, will launch the single through his independent record label, Offtrack Records.

He said: “It has been a great experience working towards the single launch and setting up our own record label has been rather surreal. As I have a lot of experience performing, I began this course to get a more rounded knowledge of the music industry and it has been a huge learning curve for me. Edinburgh College has given us real working life experience in that we have had to do everything from setting up our own official record labels and talent scouting for artists to marketing, finance and management.”

During the course, students gain invaluable experience of how an established record label operates, giving them a vast amount of inside knowledge of the music industry.

Singles from each of the artists were recorded at the state-of-the-art CRE:8 Studios at Edinburgh College’s Milton Road campus and they were released simultaneously on Monday (29 April) and are now available for download through iTunes.

The tracks were produced, mixed and mastered by former students from the College’s Sound Production course, and engineered by current Sound Production students facilitating a unique collaborative approach to establishing the labels.

Paul Turnbull, Music Business lecturer at Edinburgh College said: “We constantly strive to provide students with projects that will bring together a variety of disciplines and different strains of knowledge. The students have done an outstanding job in what they have achieved so far and I know the launch night will be a huge success. The experience the students have gained will ensure that students have the relevant knowledge to be successful in the industry.”

Edinburgh College has its own record label, Feast, which was created by three lecturers in late 2010 and is synonymous with the Feast Blog which strives to promote new independent music in Edinburgh and across Scotland. Feast was born through an initiative called Bright Ideas and was set up as a sustainable business from an educational perspective – giving past and present students invaluable experience for future employment opportunities.

Those on the label and at the college have access to its vibrant creative centre which has outstanding facilities for students and musicians, sound engineers and TV Producers and has already been used to host London punk rock band The King Blues amongst others.

The modern fully equipped auditorium allows performance space for gigs, films and other events. Through this affiliation with Feast, the courses at Edinburgh College bring together managers, musicians, bands, engineers and even the filming students in line with education to create original music and videos.

Students at Edinburgh College benefit from study and performance opportunities unrivalled in the sector. Previous students have performed live at the O2 Arena and collaborated in a concert with Jon Lord at the Usher Hall, Edinburgh while recent students have attended master classes in music and sound production with the producer of Oasis.

Students are assisted to find employment through a partnership with ‘Music for Scotland’ or provided with the opportunity to start their own business in a college commercial incubator unit.


Selex forges new link with Heriot-Watt

Finmeccanica company Selex ES (formerly Ferranti) is joining forces with Heriot Watt University to fund and create the “Selex ES Professorial Chair in Laser Devices and Engineering” at the university’s School of Engineering. Dr Daniel Esser will take up the position in May and will lead a research group to develop innovative new laser technology.

Selex ES, at its site on Crewe Toll, is at the forefront of laser design and production with customers all over the world including in the US. One of the reasons the company produces such advanced laser products is due to its world-class laser research programme and this in turn is boosted by Selex ES’s links with leading academic institutions.

“A close partnership with a first-class university such as Heriot-Watt is vital to access emerging technology for future product development and to further strengthen our position as an innovative technology supplier” said Selex ES’s Chief Technologist for Electro-Optics Professor Robert Lamb. Results from the research on future innovative emerging laser technology will support the company’s laser designation business.

The chair builds on Selex ES’s significant work with academic institutions aimed at inspiring the next generation of engineering talent. This is the second chair sponsored by Selex ES, the first being the Selex ES/Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair in Signal Processing at Edinburgh University. The company also plays a strong role in initiatives such as the annual Edinburgh International Science Festival and Big Bang Fair and regularly hosts schools for its “Rampaging Chariots” robot building competitions. The schemes are well regarded and successful – many of the company’s laser and signal processing engineers graduated at Heriot-Watt and Edinburgh universities.


Juicy business opportunity for city schools!

Five Edinburgh schools are going head to head tomorrow (Saturday 20 April) in an ‘Apprentice’ style challenge to make and sell their own lemonade and orange juice. The friendly battle, dubbed ‘Citrus Saturday’, will see pupils from Gracemount High School, Leith Academy, Woodlands, Gorgie Mills and Forrester High test their business skills in the citrus sell-off.

They will compete to see which team sells the most homemade drinks at five central locations – the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh Zoo, Edinburgh Castle, Cameron Toll Shopping Centre and the Gyle Shopping Centre.

The event, run by the City of Edinburgh Council, gives pupils a taste of working on a business project and helps develop their budgeting, negotiating, selling and marketing skills. Each team has had volunteer student business mentors from Edinburgh University and The Prince’s Trust to help them with their projects.

The teams will be using over 1,000 lemons, 450 oranges, 32 limes, 56kg of sugar and more than 100 litres of fizzy water to make their thirst-quenching drinks – the majority provided by Sainsbury’s at Cameron Toll.

Councillor Frank Ross, Economy Convener for the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “Citrus Saturday is a great way for young people to learn about the realities of creating a business in a fun way. They’ll be able to put into practice all the skills they have been developing over the past months with the business students from Edinburgh University. There will be elements of developing a product from scratch, devising the marketing and budgeting and of course the sales pitches on the day itself. I’d like to wish everyone the best of luck and encourage as many people as possible to support them tomorrow.”

Citrus Saturday is part of a European Union funded project through the Interreg IVB programme to promote Open Innovation with business, academia and the wider community.

Promises to be a fun competition, but sadly some schools are sure to be pipped at the post (sorry!)!


£61m boost for Scottish colleges

Student support, including funding for childcare, will be increased through additional financial support for the college sector from the Scottish Government. The Scottish Government and Scottish Funding Council have set out how the £61 million of additional funding added to college budgets for 2013-15 will be spent.

Focusing on improving attainment, the additional investment over the next academic year (2013-14) includes:

  •  £1.9 million for additional student support through bursaries and childcare
  • £2.1 million targeted for some college regions to meet increased demand
  • £6.6 million for an additional learner places, including for women returning to study and part time places
  • £4 million to aid the successful integration of newly merging colleges.


Education Secretary Michael Russell (pictured above) said: “Earlier this year the Scottish Government showed its commitment to Scotland’s colleges by adding £61 million to the sector’s budget compared to what was originally announced for the spending review period. Since then, we have been discussing with college representatives and NUS Scotland how to allocate this funding to improve attainment so that more students gain and complete their qualifications, while moving towards a system of large, efficient regional colleges that offers courses responsive to local economic need.

“I am very pleased to be able to map out how we can further support the sector and its students. Increased student bursaries will mean more money in the pockets of our hard pressed students in times of economic difficulty. While full time courses for younger people remain a priority, there will be more learning opportunities for older and part time students, including women returning to study.

“Further funding will also help colleges with increasing demand and help institutions work closely together on a regional basis. This is a substantial investment in a sector with enormous economic importance to Scotland, and I am looking forward to working with the entire sector to ensure colleges continue to deliver for learners.”

Horsemeat traces found in local school kitchens

Traces of horsemeat have been found in food supplied to six city schools including Craigroyston, Pirniehall, St David’s and Forthview, the city council has confirmed.

Tests carried out on a batch of frozen mince in February found that the meat contained between 1% and 5% horsemeat. The sample was taken from the shared kitchen of Pirniehall and St David’s, and the same batch was also supplied to Forthview, Craigroyston, Oxgangs and Braidburn primary schools.

A letter from Mike Rosendale, Head of Schools and Community Services, has been sent to parents of pupils at each of the six schools, advising them of the test results and reassuring them that there is “no risk to health from consuming horsemeat”.

Councillor Cathy Fullerton (pictured below), the council’s vice convener of education, said: “It’s very important to emphasise that there is no risk whatsoever to people’s health from consuming horsemeat, but obviously we all want to be certain that we know exactly what we are eating. This is why the council chose to seek extra assurance that our external suppliers were not providing any products containing horsemeat by carrying out our own testing.

“Parents can be reassured that we have taken absolutely the correct course of action in immediately making sure there is none of this frozen mince remaining in school kitchens. We have written to all parents in the six schools to let them know about this and will be happy to discuss any further queries they may have.”


Food at all six of the schools is procured by the PPP contractor, who sourced the frozen mince from catering firm 3663. 3663 recalled all batches of this product on 8 March.

The council has been carrying out tests on meat products supplied to schools, residential homes and other local authority establishments since 14 February under the direction of the Food Standards Agency as part of their UK-wide authenticity survey. Eighty-five meat product samples have been taken from council catering establishments to date and to date all except one have tested negative for the presence of horsemeat. The results have been reported to the Food Standards Agency.

Alison Johnstone, Green MSP for Lothian and food spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, says the confirmation is further proof that we need to rethink our approach to food. She said: “This latest revelation will be a great worry for parents and it proves we need greater investment and increased traceability in our publicly-procured meals. The council’s website claims that it uses local suppliers for meat so it is extremely important we are told what has gone wrong.

“I have real concerns about the way our schools have moved away from real meals cooked in proper kitchens to ready meals heated up in microwaves. It’s also hard to have confidence when the many of our schools are supplied by massive companies who describe themselves as strategic outsourcing providers rather than caterers, and whose main motive is profit. This isn’t exactly suprising as public procurement favours cheaper bids.

”In recent months in parliament I have highlighted the Soil Association’s Food for Life programme which currently ensures one in ten schools in Scotland has confidence about where its food comes from. I again urge ministers to increase their support for the scheme and encourage local authorities to adopt it.”

CRAIGROYSTON is one of six affected schools
CRAIGROYSTON is one of six affected schools

Boys’ Brigade is tops for training

The Boys’ Brigade receives credit for its top training course

King George VI Youth Leadership Training (KGVI), The Boys’ Brigade’s premier training course, is among a number of Community Learning and Development programmes (CLD) to be credit rated onto the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework. The KGVI course has been rated at level seven, with 13 credit points.

Credit points are used in Scotland to give learning outcomes a currency and allow learners and employers to compare different qualifications. The number of points is based on the amount of time that an average learner should expect to take to achieve the outcome. It is also possible to transfer credit points to other programmes, such as university and college courses.

Alan Hunter, Training and Development Officer at The Boys’ Brigade said: “It is a great boost to receive this level of recognition, for a programme which has so much impact on the 17-22 year olds participating. The credit points represent significant value to those moving into further education.”

In 2012, a record 35 BB members took part in the KGVI course, which began in the 1950s in memory of King George VI. As part of the two year course, the future leaders, all aged between 17 and 21, attend two residential weeks at The Boys’ Brigade HQ at Carronvale, where they are mentored and visited by course staff members. The course includes training in child protection issues, leadership and drill as well as physical training.

Liam Boath ,21, is a current KGVI candidate and a fourth year student at Abertay University and is hoping to move on to Teacher Training. He said: “KGVI being credit rated is excellent because, it will help show to future employers, or universities, that we can learn new skills and apply them to our lives, not only to help ourselves progress, but to help those around us to be the best they can be, just like the KGVI course encourages us to be.”

Mitchell Kinnen, 17, is a sixth year pupil at Calderside Academy and is hoping to start University after the summer. He said: “Part 1 of KGVI helped me overcome a big confidence issue, which I have had since Primary School. It has helped me decide on my further education options and being able to get credit points for my uni application, is totally awesome. KGVI is an amazing experience and I have enjoyed every minute of it.”

Alison Chambers, former member of KGVI staff and Faculty Head at Moffat Academy said: “SCQF is being used more and more to measure achievement in schools, colleges and universities and now KGVI, what an achievement! Having the course on the SCQF scale allows cadets to use this as a focus point in personal statements, CV’s and job interviews. When asked about their rich KGVI experience they will now be able to say that the course is at the same level of Advanced Higher in schools or HNC in colleges. The experience of the KGVI course is very different to the experience of working towards an Advanced Higher or HNC but when it comes to a broad leveller, KGVI is up there at level 7!”

The Boys’ Brigade was founded by by Sir William Alexander Smith in Glasgow on 4 October 1883. From this one Company the BB has grown in to a worldwide movement and has worked with millions of children and young people. In Scotland, around 20,000 young people aged 5 to 18 take part in one of its 450 groups every week.


Council warns school placing requests ‘may not be met’

It’s often a worry for parents when their wee ones make the step up to ‘big’ school, but even more so for the parents who choose to send their child to a school outside their catchment area.  It’s not always possible to get a place at the school you’ve chosen for your child, and many face an anxious wait over the coming weeks …

The City of Edinburgh Council is warning parents who have applied for primary school places outwith their catchment that they may not be met due to the pressure of rising rolls.

A report to the Education, Children and Families Committee on Tuesday (5 March) will list the schools where placing requests may not be met.

The number of P1 registrations has increased by 3.5 per cent on last year to 4632 and the Council has received more than 700 placing requests so far for the next school year.

There has been a decrease in the number of these requests following a concerted campaign to encourage parents to learn more about their local catchment school and the benefits of their child attending there. This has led to a 15 per cent reduction on the number of requests received last year.

Councillor Paul Godzik, Education Convener, said: “Parents who have submitted a placing request should be prepared for the fact that they may not get the place they were hoping for and recent experience has been that appeals are unlikely to be successful. However, their child will be registered with their local catchment school and will start next August alongside other local children.

“Historically, Edinburgh has had a high rate of placing requests when compared with other parts of Scotland. However, since I became Convener of Education I have met a number of parents who faced similar situations in the last few years. Happily, they report things have worked out and that their local catchment school is providing very well for their child. I would encourage all parents who are thinking about placing requests to reconsider their catchment school and perhaps pay it a visit, as it is becoming clear many requests will be refused this year.”

To help ensure there are enough places for catchment children, planning permission has now been received for extra classrooms at three city primary schools – Wardie, Trinity and Granton, all of which need of more classroom space due to the large number of registrations. These extensions will be in place by August, and a planning application for new classes at Victoria Primary is also being considered.

A working group made up of parent, officer and school representatives has been set up to look at the challenges facing city schools in light of rising rolls and an increase in population.

WARDIE - extension agreed
WARDIE – extension agreed