Call for clarity on free school meals

dinnerThe Scottish Government has welcomed progress being made across Scotland in preparation for the introduction of free school meals for all P1 – 3 pupils next month  – but Green MSP Alison Johnstone says the policy must be supported with modern facilities. 

The measure, which comes into effect on 5 January, is expected to benefit around 135,000 pupils across Scotland and will save families of every eligible child at least £330 a year.

Following agreement with COSLA, the Scottish Government is providing revenue funding of £70.5 million over two years to deliver the commitment, supported with additional capital funding for local government of £24.8 million to ensure demand is met.

The introduction of free school meals for all P1-3 pupils has been supported by campaigners against child poverty, including Child Poverty Action Group Scotland, Children in Scotland, One Parent Families Scotland, the Church of Scotland and trade unions.

Last week Learning Minister Dr Alasdair Allan welcomed the hard work that has been ongoing across Scotland to prepare for the increased demand in schools. He said: “School lunches are hugely important in supporting a pupil’s ability to learn and January 5, 2015 marks the beginning of a new era in Scottish education.

“This Government is proud to be implementing free school meals for all P1-3 pupils. Delivering a saving of at least £330 a year for eligible families is just one aspect of this Government’s work to tackle the scourge of child poverty in Scotland.

“Free school meals will also play an important role in improving attainment in schools, through offering children healthy and nutritious lunches that will help them achieve their best in class.

“It’s never too early for children to start learning about the benefits of healthy eating and free school meals, in addition to learning through Curriculum for Excellence, will play a big role in helping to deliver that message.

“The implementation of free school meals for P1-3 comes in addition to a range of legislation and policies that have been developed by the Scottish Government over the past decade to ensure that our children and young people are offered balanced and nutritious meals at all stages of their school life. Most recently, the Better Eating, Better Learning guidance sets the agenda for the coming decade to drive further improvements to both school food and food education.

“I have been impressed with the work that local authorities are doing to prepare. I encourage everyone with an interest to make sure they are up to date with the new arrangements.

“The Scottish Government has worked very closely with COSLA and local authorities throughout this process and I look forward to January 5, when we will see this very positive measure coming into effect.”

Positive progress indeed, but Green MSP Alison Johnstone is calling for more details of how the policy will work in practice.

Earlier this year Freedom of Information requests by Ms Johnstone, the Scottish Greens’ education spokesperson and MSP for Lothian, revealed that many local authorities had no school kitchens and dining facilities already at capacity.

She said: “Free school meals is a sound policy but it must be matched with modern facilities. We know that many local authorities are struggling to cope as it is, so I want to hear in detail how well they have been supported in preparing for this welcome initiative.

“We have a great opportunity to improve our supply chains and invest in the skills of the catering workforce. The Scottish Government should be ready to find the funds necessary to make the most of this opportunity.”

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Lararowicz: 'arbitrary cap unworkable'

Mark Lazarowicz MP has challenged the Government to wake up to the damage being done to colleges and universities – and the UK’s global influence – by its ‘shortsighted’ immigration policy which includes overseas students in the Government net migration target. 

HESpeaking yesterday, the North & Leith MP said: “Today I will be attending an event to celebrate Edinburgh University’s engagement with the wider world through its research, staff and students and I know that all our colleges and universities here in Edinburgh are rightly proud of their international students and contacts.

“But I know they are also deeply worried about the damage being done by the Government’s inclusion of those students in its arbitrary immigration target.

“The whole idea of an arbitrary cap on immigration has proved unworkable and misguided, and its negative impact on higher and further education is particularly severe.”

“The students this shortsighted policy deters will go to other countries that will benefit in our place – not only in financial terms but also from the goodwill that is fostered that can enhance diplomatic, trade and intellectual contacts in years to come.”

Labour has attacked the way that the net migration target takes no account of the reason that people seek to come to the UK, including students in the overall numbers.

Businesses, students, trade unions and the higher education sector have urged the Government to scrap the policy and Labour says it will do so if it forms the next Government.

'A commitment writ in stane'

Monument reaffirms commitment to no tuition fees in Scotland


A monument to the Scottish Government’s continued commitment to having no higher education tuition fees was unveiled by the First Minister Alex Salmond at Heriot Watt University yesterday.

After viewing the commemorative stone, which was carved and designed by second-year stonemasonry apprentices from Historic Scotland’s National Conservation Centre in Elgin, the First Minister said: “The single biggest achievement by this Government has been the abolition of tuition fees. This one action has restored Scotland’s long tradition of education being based on ability to learn – not the ability to pay.

“Scottish students can be assured this Government remains strongly committed to them and their futures – at a time when fees have soared to £9,000 a year in other parts of the UK, putting university out of reach for many without the means to pay.

“At the same time, we have boosted apprenticeship numbers to record levels, brought more women into the workforce and are outperforming the rest of the UK on job numbers as whole.

“It is both fitting and humbling to have this wonderful monument to that commitment created by young skilled apprentices – and to have the unveiling witnessed by students of today and children who will be the students of tomorrow. It is without doubt now a commitment writ in stane.”

The rock is inscribed with the words of the statement made by the First Minister made in March 2011 which reads:

“The rocks will melt with the sun before I allow tuition fees to be imposed on Scottish students.”

Weighing 0.97 tonnes, it was carved by apprentice stonemasons Gregor Alcorn, 26, and Ross Kennedy, 22, from Clashach Sandstone – the same stone used in the building of the Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh. It was handpicked from Tennants Quarries in Elgin by training manager Graham Campbell who, along with other members of the team, also created the design for the stone.

Professor Steve Chapman, Principal of Heriot-Watt University, said: “We are delighted to host this stone, a beautifully crafted piece and a monument to Alex Salmond’s tenure as First Minister and his strongly held commitment to access to education for Scottish students.”

It’s Primary Schools Open Day

Visit your catchment school today

On 5 November 2014 you are welcome to visit your catchment primary school for their open day.

Find your catchment schools using our catchment map.

Any parents or carers with children under primary school age are welcome. There’s no need to make an appointment. Just come along to your catchment school during the open hours or for the start of one of their tours.

Find your school’s open day

Find your school in the list of primary schools to find out when the open day takes place. Some schools are having their open day on a different date to 5 November 2014 or are running an extra day. You can find the details in our directory.

It's Primary Schools Open Day

Visit your catchment school today

On 5 November 2014 you are welcome to visit your catchment primary school for their open day.

Find your catchment schools using our catchment map.

Any parents or carers with children under primary school age are welcome. There’s no need to make an appointment. Just come along to your catchment school during the open hours or for the start of one of their tours.

Find your school’s open day

Find your school in the list of primary schools to find out when the open day takes place. Some schools are having their open day on a different date to 5 November 2014 or are running an extra day. You can find the details in our directory.

Strollers strive to stamp out sectarianism

Civil Service Strollers club secretary Keith Stewart writes about an initiative to tackle a problem that continues to blight our ‘beautiful game’:

old firmCivil Service Strollers is the only football club in Edinburgh that has received funding from the Scottish Government’s Voluntary Action Fund to undertake workshops on understanding sectarianism and how it affects the community.

We recognise the problem sectarianism plays in dividing communities, particularly in relation to football allegiance, and have set out to work with players and the local community to participate in informal education workshops that help increase their understanding of the issue and the negative impact on everyday interactions.

The workshops will culminate into a public event, when a range of community stakeholders will be invited to witness the showcasing of Civil Service Strollers workshop participants journey on achieving its aim of non- tolerance to sectarian behaviours in their football community.

A club spokesman said: “It’s about football clubs taking a stance to address sectarian issues that exist by bringing everyone together to understand the impact of sectarian behaviours on day to day relationships.”

Anyone interested in taking part in weekly community workshops should contact Club Secretary Keith Stewart on 07402521912


Top chef inspires city’s school cooks

greenawayTop Edinburgh chef and restaurateur Mark Greenaway took time away from cooking award-winning food to encourage the city’s school cooks to use and experiment more with fresh, seasonal and Scottish produce last week.
He was speaking at a Food for Life seminar in the City Chambers, organised by the City of Edinburgh Council and Food for Life Scotland, to launch the latest school menu – developed to meet the Soil Association’s Bronze Food for Life Catering Mark standards.

With the help of Food for Life Scotland, all Edinburgh schools are working towards the bronze standard, ensuring that more meals are freshly prepared using seasonal produce.

Achieving the prestigious award will make Edinburgh the first Scottish Local Authority to serve Catering Mark awarded meals in all school levels.

Mark was joined by Environment Convener Councillor Lesley Hinds to commend all those involved in the Council’s bid, and to celebrate the important work that school cooks do in helping to nurture and nourish the capital’s school pupils.

Cllr Lesley Hinds said: “I’m sure Mark’s input, together with implementation of the Food for Life Catering Mark will help our school caterers build on the great work they already do in our schools using fresh, seasonal and Scottish produce. As a Council we have a strong commitment to sustainability and to providing fresh nourishing and locally sourced food across our facilities.

“Currie Community High School and Buckstone Primary School already have the bronze award and we need to keep up the momentum to achieve our goal of Edinburgh being the first local authority in Scotland to achieve this across the whole school sector.”

Mark said: “It was fantastic to see so many of the city’s school cooks in one place, sharing their experience of cooking and hearing about the changes being made to the menus which will allow them to serve more fresh and seasonal produce in Edinburgh’s schools. I think Food for Life Scotland has the potential to make a significant difference to food culture in schools and beyond, which will benefit all of us over time.”

Food for Life Scotland is working closely with City of Edinburgh Council as part of the Edinburgh Food for Life Partnership, a partnership between the City of Edinburgh Council, the University of Edinburgh and NHS Lothian which aims to embed a culture of real food change across the capital.

Three City of Edinburgh Council care homes already have the Bronze award – Clovenstone House, Marionville Court and Ferrylee.

Picture: Chef Mark Greenaway is joined by school cooks (left to right): Michelle Johnston (Ferryhill Primary), Julie Young (Currie Community High School), Jackie Montgomery (Dean Park Primary) and Lorna McKenna (Liberton High School).

First class!

academyThe first students to complete a groundbreaking project to boost young people’s aspirations and job prospects have been honoured at Edinburgh College’s annual Graduation ceremony. 

School students who took part in the East Lothian Hospitality and Tourism Academy programme joined the college’s graduates at the Usher Hall ceremony to pick up their scrolls and mark their success.

Twenty two school students completed the two-year academy programme, designed to give them education and industry experience while still at school, and six of them attended Edinburgh College’s Graduation on Friday 26 September.

These academy students are in a unique position, having now left sixth year of school while also achieving a Higher National Certificate (HNC) in Hospitality. This secures them a place on specific courses at Edinburgh College or allows them to skip first year and move directly into the second year of the BA (Hons) in International Hospitality & Tourism Management at Queen Margaret University.

Fifteen of the students have now gone on to the QMU degree, two have gone to Edinburgh College to study Events and Tourism Management, respectively, three have gone to courses at other universities, and two have gone straight into the workplace.

The East Lothian Hospitality and Tourism Academy launched in 2012 as a partnership between Edinburgh College, Queen Margaret University and East Lothian Council. It was set up to give S5 and S6 pupils the chance to sample further and higher education and work experience while still at school, smoothing the transition into college, university and employment as well as raising aspirations and enhancing employability.

Following the Hospitality and Tourism Academy’s success, three other academies launched last year with a £4.6million award from the Scottish Funding Council, as part of the wider South East Scotland Academies Partnership (SESAP). These were geared towards other industries earmarked as growth areas by the Scottish Government: Health and Social Care; Creative Industries; and Food Science and Nutrition. This expansion brought new partners into the project including an additional 34 schools across south east Scotland and more employers and businesses. The original partners have now been joined by City of Edinburgh, Midlothian and Scottish Borders councils, and Borders College.

The academies work with key industry partners, including Skills Development Scotland and Creative and Cultural Scotland, to allow young people to develop an understanding of the full range of jobs available within these sectors. Working so closely with businesses ensures that the academies are designed to meet their needs and help develop the workforce these growth sectors need to thrive.

This year more than 400 pupils from more than 50 schools in Edinburgh, East and Midlothian, and the Borders have signed up to the academies.

Ray McCowan, vice principal at Edinburgh College, said: “We’re delighted to conclude the journey of the academies’ first students in such a fitting way, alongside our other students in the wonderful surroundings of the Usher Hall. The project would not have been such a success without their enthusiasm and dedication, and they’re a credit to themselves, their schools and the project partners.

“They’re all going on to positive destinations, either to further studies or straight into the workplace, and I know they’re doing so with real passion and determination to succeed. Some of these young people didn’t know what they wanted to do but the academy has opened their eyes to some amazing opportunities they didn’t even know existed before. The academies are successfully creating new opportunities for young people and meeting the needs of industry as well as the government’s priorities for growth. The model is working and it’s great to see them come out the other end with the skills, knowledge and confidence that will benefit them whatever they go on to do.”

Professor Alan Gilloran, Deputy Principal at Queen Margaret University, said: “The academies project is one which is delivering real results for Scotland’s young people and we are delighted to see our first graduating students progress onto the next stage of their educational and career journeys. Not only is the academy experience giving our students a competitive advantage over many of their peer group, it will help contribute positively to the Scottish economy by preparing a new and skilled young workforce to bolster key growth industries. This graduation ceremony is a milestone for the academies project. We are extremely proud of the academy students’ achievements and of the positive outcomes being delivered by this pioneering collaborative project.”

Pictured: Back row: Marisa Kerr, Alice McMillan, Jake Lavery, Holly Harrison, Rosie Allan. Front row: Rachel Scott and Shelby Dalgleish. Hospitality and Tourism Management Academy. HNC Hospitality Management.

Yer huvvin’ a laugh: Scottish comedy course at Prentice Centre

Referendum result have you splitting your sides? Maybe not, but they say laughter is the best medicine so maybe a course starting at the Prentice Centre next month could be just the remedy.

Guid Fer A Laugh‘ takes a seriously fun look at Scottish comedy will run for 8 – 10 weeks on Tuesday evenings from 6 – 8pm – and it’s FREE!



Go on – they can’t stop you laughin’!