Personalised online careers support for Scottish pupils

Recommendations of Learner Journey Review published

Every pupil in Scotland will have access to an online account with personalised support in choosing courses and planning a career, Deputy First Minister John Swinney has announced. It is one of seventeen recommendations in a review, of the journey through the education system for 15-24 year olds.

From 2019, pupils will have their own learner account where they can record their skills and qualifications and receive help in planning next steps into further learning or work.

Other recommendations to be taken forward by the Scottish Government, its agencies and the wider sector include:

  • More joined-up advice and guidance on post-school options across the education sector.
  • Young people to receive a better balance of work-based and academic skills informed by employer engagement, building on the success of the Developing the Young Workforce programme.
  • Improved collaboration between schools, colleges and universities to enable, where appropriate, greater flexibility for young people to move from S5 to year one of a degree, from S6 to year 2, and from college into years 2 and 3 of university.

Deputy First Minister John Swinney said: “Our school leavers now have a widening range of opportunities available – from industry-led technical professional options to long standing well-established academic routes. But what is clear is there is no single route to success in life.

“With a record proportion of school leavers going on to a positive destination, there is much to celebrate already. This review will build on firm foundations and challenges all of us within the education and skills sector to go further.

“Ensuring the right advice, support and guidance fits seamlessly around a pupil is vital. Schools, colleges, universities and employers must work together to help young people navigate what is, rightly, a wide and varied range of post-school opportunities.

“Taking forward these recommendations will require strong leadership across the sector but will ensure all young people are supported to take the learner journey that is right for them.”

Rebecca Slater, 19, from Aberdeen is an enquiry officer at Student Awards Agency Scotland who joined in 2017 as a modern apprentice. She said: “I began my learner journey when I moved from Aberdeen to Edinburgh, to start studying veterinary medicine at Edinburgh University. I chose to study this as, being someone who puts animal care at the centre of their life, I thought I would very much enjoy this career path.

“However, by the end of the academic session, I discovered the course was not actually for me and I would rather be in employment, so I left after first year and started to look for Modern Apprenticeships, where I could gain a qualification through my employment. This was very attractive to me as it was great to be able to get a qualification whilst I worked.

“I was lucky enough to find a job at SAAS through the modern apprentice scheme and recently gained my qualification for my SVQ in customer service. I really recommend the modern apprentice route and think more could be done to promote apprenticeship opportunities at school as university is not for everyone.”

Learner Review report

Key facts:

  • In 2015/16, 37.3 per cent of all school leavers went on to higher education, 22.4 per cent into further education, 28.7 per cent into employment.
  • Between 2007 and 2017 there has been an 18 percentage point increase in young people staying on to S6. Of those progressing from S6 to university, only around 1.4 per cent enter at year two of university.
  • In 2014/15, 8,402 HNC/D  students progressed onto university. Of this 48% articulated with Advanced Standing (where their credit was fully recognised); 10% with Advanced Progression (only some of their credit was recognised) and 42% with Progression (their credit was not recognised).
  • In 2016, 91 per cent of completers of a Modern Apprenticeship were in work 6 months after the completion date.


Young people set the agenda for Holyrood’s Education and Skills Committee

Do some schools present university as the main path to take when college, training and work are equally valuable routes? This is just one question the Scottish Parliament’s Education and Skills Committee will explore in a new inquiry that will also look at whether information about other pathways, such as work and training, is offered in school. Continue reading Young people set the agenda for Holyrood’s Education and Skills Committee

Scottish Engineering Leaders Awards highlight inspirational problem solvers of the future

The Depute Provost of Renfrewshire, Cathy McEwan, has welcomed Stephen Metcalfe, MP on his inaugural visit to Scotland as HM Government Envoy for Year of Engineering. The visit came on the final grading day of the Scottish Engineering Leaders Award 2018, an innovative award that attracted more than 15,000 entries from 262 Scottish Schools. – some of the inventions will go on to be built by local colleges and universities. Continue reading Scottish Engineering Leaders Awards highlight inspirational problem solvers of the future

Holyrood’s Education & Skills Committee is coming to Muirhouse

Community Event 16 May:

Attainment/Achievement of children and young people experiencing poverty

The Scottish Parliament’s Education and Skills Committee is meeting at Muirhouse Millennium Centre at 6 pm on Wednesday 16th May.  The committee are very keen to hear directly from parents/carers/guardians, young people, teachers, and other professionals who work with young people in schools and in the community with a focus on attainment or achievement. Continue reading Holyrood’s Education & Skills Committee is coming to Muirhouse

Briggs Visits Leith Academy

Lothian MSP Miles Briggs visited Leith Academy yesterday to talk with their S3 modern studies class. The visit was organised so that pupils could ask Miles about his role as an MSP.

It was an opportunity for the politician to listen to the ideas and concerns of young people in Scotland.

Miles Briggs said: “I always enjoy the opportunity to meet and talk with my constituents. The young modern studies pupils at Leith Academy asked very insightful questions about my role as an MSP.”