Cut energy bills? That’s IDEAL

Changeworks has partnered with the University of Edinburgh to deliver IDEAL, a cutting edge research project exploring how smart technology can help save energy in the home. They are looking for Edinburgh households (EH1-EH17) with gas combi boiler heating to participate.

The benefits include:

·        Gaining insight into your home energy use

·        Receiving a free android tablet used to display energy use information

·        Receiving tailored advice from University of Edinburgh experts

·        Hopefully saving money on gas and electricity bills

For more information visit

To get involved email your name, address, and contact details to, or call 0131 539 8610.

Spartans CFA Girls Football Fun Day

spartans girls

Spartans Community Football Academy are hosting a Girls Football Fun Day for local primary schools on Friday 10 June. This will be the second year of this annual event and Craigroyston, Ferryhill, Trinity, Pirniehall, St Davids and Wardie P6 & 7 girls will be taking part.

Continue reading Spartans CFA Girls Football Fun Day

World follows Edinburgh’s lead!

City leaders sign up to ambitious green charter


The signing of the climate agreement by 190 countries over the weekend has been hailed as a breakthrough for the planet. True, there’s some scepticism over the optional elements of the deal and some believe the Paris agreement just doesn’t go far enough, but there’s universal acceptance that something has to change. Continue reading World follows Edinburgh’s lead!

Habitats for Happy Ageing

habIs there such a thing as a habitat for happy ageing? How does where we live affect our mood? Why is it so important to get outdoors in later life?

Come along to our FREE event on the UN International Day of Happiness to hear from experts in happiness and place, take a mood test, browse photos of people’s
‘happy places’ and see how Edinburgh has changed over time.

Friday 20 March 2.30 – 4pm

Reid Concert Hall, Bristo Square

To book your FREE place:

Phone 0131 651 5834 or email


Habitats for Happy Ageing 20 March 2015



Whitespace Gallery to host post-conflict exhibition

What happens when war moves on? Gayfield Square’s Whitespace Gallery is to host an important post-conflict programme next month. The week-long event will feature a photographic exhibition, conference and the screening of human rights photojournalist Fiona Lloyd- Davies’ film Seeds of Hope.

Masika1-460x250THE Voices of Post-Conflict Project – a student-led initiative from the University of Edinburgh – is delighted to invite members of the public, NGOs, academics and students, as well as all other interested parties, to attend our conference and exhibition from 3 – 9 October.

Against the backdrop of a photographic exhibition, the conference, ‘Agency in Post-Conflict Societies – Perspectives on Issues of Gender and Agency for Women and Young People’, showcases various post-conflict perspectives and explores topics related to gender in post-conflict situations.

The public is especially invited to the film screening of ‘Seeds of Hope’, followed by a Q&A with award-winning director, Fiona Lloyd-Davies, on October 8th, 6-8pm. Fiona Lloyd-Davies is a renowned filmmaker and photojournalist who has been reporting on human rights issues in conflict areas for more than 20 years.

For more information and to register for events, please visit


Picture Credit: Fiona Lloyd-Davies

Local children stage panto to highlight conservation fears

A group of young people from North Edinburgh are set to become exponents for nature conservation when they perform a panto to highlight conservation issues at North Edinburgh Arts this weekend. The performance is the culmination of an innovative project involving The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh-based Royal Zoological Society of Scotland, the Lyceum Youth Theatre Discover Programme, North Edinburgh Arts and Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust.

The group – who are all aged between 9 and 12 and live in Muirhouse, Pilton and Granton – have been working with conservation experts to learn about the importance of saving endangered species and habitats. The project – which is unique in its involvement of Edinburgh’s leading academic, conservation, and performing arts organisations – will culminate with the young people informing their local communities about conservation issues, through the performance – on Saturday 26 January – of a pantomime they have developed with the support of North Edinburgh Arts.

The young people will also go to Edinburgh Zoo for a ‘behind the scenes’ visit as part of the project, to learn about endangered animals first hand.

Speaking in advance of Saturday’s conservation-themed pantomime, project coordinator Naomi Webster – who is currently a visiting research fellow at Edinburgh University’s ESRC Genomics Policy and Research Forum, and works as Education Officer for the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust , said:  “Young people have a natural interest in animals and wildlife, but often don’t realise just how endangered many creatures are or how organisations like Durrell and the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland are working to save them from extinction. This project has enabled us to work with children in an innovative way to help them appreciate the importance of nature conservation, and to allow them to show their families and communities what they have learnt, by producing and performing their own conservation-themed pantomime.”

Kate Wimpress, Director of North Edinburgh Arts, said:  “North Edinburgh Arts works with young people throughout North Edinburgh, through creative initiatives such as drama workshops, to encourage them to explore issues and develop understanding. Collaborating with the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Zoo and the Lyceum Youth Theatre on this initiative has enabled us to help young people to gain a greater understanding of conservation in an engaging, yet fun way. I know our young performers are very excited about both their trip to the zoo, and producing and performing their own conservation-themed pantomime.”


Flora’s pupils take the active option

Flora Stevenson Primary School’s approach to physical education has attracted the attention of university researchers. Pupils at the Comely Bank school have opted for daily physical activity – with ‘remarkable’ results – and the successful initiative will now be rolled out to more local schools.

Over the past two years extra training has been provided for teachers and pupils have been given opportunities to be active daily.  This approach has made a significant impact on pupils who are showing an increase in confidence, motivation and self-esteem, as well as physical ability.

Since 2011 the school has been working with Winning Scotland Foundation and The City of Edinburgh Council who have provided a variety of support and funding for the initiative.

Pupils receive PE lessons three days a week and an active class challenge for their ‘non-PE’ day. The week culminates with the opportunity for them to participate in an optional hour of physical activity on a Friday – incredibly nearly 80% of all pupils now choose to participate in active options which include a wide variety of activities from fencing to football and hip-hop to tae kwon do.

Edinburgh University has been so impressed with this approach it is studying the impact it is having on training teachers within their own school.

Councillor Paul Godzik, Education Convener said, “This project has really had remarkable results so far.  Alongside the great uptake of activities at school and the positive impact this is having on pupils, many are now choosing to partake in sports outwith school time.  This means they are more likely to be physically active regularly and continue to be so in the long-run; this is an invaluable lifestyle change for them.  This is a great example of how working with other organisations can lead to positive change.”

The project has allowed Flora’s to work closely with parents and other schools within the local community, one of which is Broughton High School (one of three school based Community Sports Hubs in Edinburgh). Sport can play an extremely important role in assisting children’s transition from Primary School to Secondary school.

Angela Hutt, PE Specialist at the school is delighted that her initial idea was developed and came to fruition thanks to the support and commitment of Shelagh Dow, Depute Head Teacher and her fellow teachers.  Angela said; “The Curriculum for Excellence had given us the flexibility to provide pupils with opportunities to be active daily.  As Friday’s activities are a reward for good behaviour we are seeing a positive impact on behaviour throughout the week.  This is an ambitious project and wouldn’t be possible without support.  A big thanks to everyone who has worked with us on this.”

Morag Arnot of Winning Scotland Foundation said, “This project has had a remarkable affect on the children involved and believe it could act as a blueprint for getting every child in Scotland active every day.  We have been pleased to be able to support the project since its inception.  We look forward to seeing how the project continues to develop across other schools and the impact it can have on more children.”

Cath Morrison, Senior Health Policy Officer, NHS Lothian said, “The advantages of children being physically active are well known but what Flora’s has done is package it up in such a way that it becomes part of their everyday life and influences behaviour outwith that time also.  We are proud to be able to fund this programme and look forward to working with new schools on future projects also.”

Additional funding from Winning Scotland Foundation & the NHS has allowed the project to continue this year at Flora’s and to be introduced to Stockbridge Primary.  It is hoped to further extend it to the remaining two cluster schools in August next year.


Campaign launched to ensure city cyclists are seen

HI VIZ: Police cyclists on patrol

A new campaign and series of roadshows to cut the city’s cycle casualty rate was launched at the Western General Hospital this morning. It’s hoped the campaign will encourage both cyclists to ‘light up’ and motorists to be extra aware of cyclists – particularly at junctions.

More than half of Edinburgh’s cycle casualties in November, December and January happen during the hours of darkness. Meanwhile, almost 50% of serious injuries sustained by cyclists in the Capital between 2006 and 2010 were linked to other vehicles carrying out turning manoeuvres.  So while cyclists should take extra care to be seen, it is equally important that motorists take extra care to look out for cyclists as they turn at junctions.

Run by the Streets Ahead partnership, the campaign will reinforce these messages in a bid to cut the cycle casualty rate this winter.

The visibility campaign urges cyclists to make sure they are seen on the roads during the winter months by wearing high visibility clothing and ensuring their bikes are fitted with lights and reflectors.

Councillor Jim Orr, Vice Convener of the Transport and Environment Committee, said: “Cycling is a safe and healthy way to travel and as a Council we are committed to encouraging bike use. However, too many Edinburgh cyclists are still taking a cavalier approach to visibility, in particular by cycling without lights. Apart from being unsafe, this contravenes the Highway Code and undermines the goodwill of the motorists we cyclists share the roads with.

“As a keen cyclist, I’m always properly kitted out with high visibility kit and lights. This new joint campaign will reinforce the visibility message with free samples and timely tips on how cyclists can keep themselves safe. My message for all road users  – motorists and cyclists alike – is to take special care to look out for each other during the darker winter months and make sure you are visible and brightly lit.”

In addition to the marketing and advertising campaign launched today, a cycling safety roadshow aimed at both cyclists and motorists will tour University of Edinburgh and NHS buildings over the coming days to coincide with the clocks going back at the weekend.

Cyclists will be given free bike lights and information leaflets and advice, and free bike checks by The Bike Station and bike security marking by Lothian and Borders Police are also on offer.

Superintendent David Carradice of Lothian and Borders Police said: “Edinburgh, like many cities in the UK has numerous cyclists travelling on the road network as they make their way to work, school, or who use their bikes recreationally. The road conditions change dramatically during the autumn and winter months, with increased hours of darkness and more challenging road conditions to face.

“It is therefore extremely important for cyclists to take the appropriate steps to ensure their safety. “The cycle safety road shows will provide cyclists with all the necessary advice and guidance on keeping themselves safe while out on the road. Lothian and Borders Police and their partner agencies are committed to promoting cycle safety and reducing the number of casualties on our roads.”

Emma Crowther, Transport and Parking Manager at the University of Edinburgh, said: “Huge numbers of our staff and students cycle to University and we want to make sure they continue to do so through the darker winter months – but safely. Over the last few weeks in the run-up to this campaign we have been spreading awareness of the importance of bike lights and high-viz clothing. Motorists also have their part to play in taking special care to look out for cyclists and we will be relaying this message to drivers.”

Ian Maxwell from Spokes, the Lothian Cycle Campaign, said: “Many people continue to cycle all year round in Edinburgh and this campaign emphasises that winter commuting is just as feasible if you wear appropriate clothing (warm, but in zippable layers so that you can avoid overheating) and use lights after dark.  In recent years the traffic counts by Spokes in May and November have shown almost no decrease in cycling in November compared with May.”

Dr Graham MacKenzie, Consultant in Public Health, NHS Lothian, said: “Cycling is a great way to stay active and improve your health. It is important that people cycle safely at all times and NHS Lothian would urge cyclists to make sure they are seen on the roads during the winter months. It’s vital that cyclists and motorists exercise caution on the roads as the dark nights set in.”

Following today’s launch outside the Western General’s Wellcome Trust Building the roadshow moves on to the Royal Infirmary on Monday (29 October), the University of Edinburgh’s King’s Buildings Murray Library on Tuesday and Potterrow on Thursday 1 November.

Anyone wishing further information on keeping themselves or their bike safe can also contact their local policing team or visit the Lothian and Borders Police website at