Napier app aims to unravel the secrets of crab mating

A smartphone app developed at Edinburgh’s Napier University will allow the general public to help Brazilian fishers catch a tasty national delicacy. The ‘Citizen-Science’ app has been created to reinforce research into a sustainable fisheries policy for mangrove crabs along the South American country’s coastline. Continue reading Napier app aims to unravel the secrets of crab mating

Mad, Bad, Invisible: “a story that desperately needs to be told”

Play spotlights the integration of health and social care

Student nurses are to perform a play about one woman’s experience of falling through cracks in care to highlight the importance of health and social care integration. Mad, Bad, Invisible tells the story of Anne, a young woman living through a mental health crisis, as she tries – and fails – to get the help she needs from a range of services.  Continue reading Mad, Bad, Invisible: “a story that desperately needs to be told”

Simon turns jail time into an award-winning experience

A nursing student who honed his talents while working with prisoners and drug addicts has been honoured for his outstanding caring skills. Simon Hunter, 33, who graduated from Edinburgh Napier last week with a BN in Nursing with distinction, has been named this year’s winner of the university’s Simon Pullin Award. Continue reading Simon turns jail time into an award-winning experience

Young Scot chief receives honorary degree

The Chief Executive of award-winning youth charity Young Scot has received an honorary degree from Edinburgh Napier University. Louise Macdonald is ‘thrilled’ to receive the honour and pledged to continue to play her part in breaking down barriers to participation in education. Continue reading Young Scot chief receives honorary degree

Life, Death and Lilies

Memorial garden puts research project in the public eye

Members of the public are being invited to place an illuminated lily in memory of a loved one as part of an exploration of death and bereavement. The project will see 1500 individual notes of remembrance displayed at an art installation in the form of a temporary memorial garden in Edinburgh’s Grassmarket. Continue reading Life, Death and Lilies

DiCaprio backs Napier’s mangrove project

Hollywood star Leonardo DiCaprio is supporting the expansion of an award-winning Edinburgh Napier University conservation project in Kenya. The university initiative was included in a round of grants from the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation which were announced by the film star at a conference at Yale University. Continue reading DiCaprio backs Napier’s mangrove project

Transatlantic Sessions

Edinburgh Napier teams up with Boston’s Berklee College to record real-time album

The first notes have been played in a project that will see an album recorded by musicians at opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean – in real-time. In what is believed to be a world first, an academic team from Edinburgh Napier has linked up with Berklee College of Music in Boston to record an album together at the same time – without either leaving their respective countries. Continue reading Transatlantic Sessions

Napier Uni’s mangrove project wins UN Equator Prize


An Edinburgh Napier project which protects fast-disappearing mangrove forests and breathes new life into poor East African communities has been honoured by the United Nations. ‘Mikoko Pamoja’ – which involves university scientists working with Kenyan researchers and local villagers to preserve the efficient carbon traps – has been named as one of the winners of the Equator Prize 2017. Continue reading Napier Uni’s mangrove project wins UN Equator Prize

Silver award for Napier’s armed forces support programme

Armed Forces Covenant day

Edinburgh Napier University has been honoured by the Ministry of Defence for its commitment to the armed forces. The university is to receive a silver award under the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme which encourages employers to support the defence sector and inspire others to do the same. Continue reading Silver award for Napier’s armed forces support programme