Labour Lothians MSP, Sarah Boyack has written to Cabinet Secretary for Health, Neil Gray, seeking clarity over the next steps for the recently announced replacement eye hospital.
Last week’s budget brought the news campaigners have long been waiting for, that a new eye hospital is going ahead in Edinburgh.
This is after multiple U-turns from the Scottish Government and the current facility being not fit for purpose for 10 years.
Ms Boyack has been a long-time campaigner for the hospital and is now seeking more concrete next steps following the announcement.

In her letter, Ms Boyack highlights that patients and campaigners ‘need clarity’ and urges Neil Gray to lay out the timeline for delivering the hospital and when the construction work will commence.
She also seeks reassurances about whether Mr Gray will meet with stakeholders and campaigners to update them on the progress with the eye pavilion.
The fate of the current Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion was thrown into the spotlight recently when it was revealed that it would have to shut for a minimum of 6 months due to urgent repairs.
These repairs were further complicated by the discovery of asbestos.
The disrepair and age of the current building is one of the main reasons cited by campaigners as to why a new hospital is so desperately needed.

Commenting on her open letter, Sarah Boyack MSP said: “I am incredibly relieved that this project is finally going ahead.
“However, we have seen multiple U-turns in the past on the eye hospital.
“We need urgent clarity on the next steps.
“This project must be completed as soon as possible so that patients finally get the facility they deserve and require.
“I want to work constructively with Neil Gray on this.
“Patients and campaigners deserve clarity and I hope The Health Secretary takes up my suggestion to meet with stakeholders.”