Edinburgh College shortlisted for China-Scotland Business Awards

Edinburgh College’s International team has been named as a finalist at the China-Scotland Business Awards for the second year running.

The team has been shortlisted in the Educational Partnership of the Year category for its work in developing a new five-year English for Business programme with Hainan University’s College of Foreign Studies.

The English for Business course is designed to provide Hainan University students with greater fluency and confidence in English for business settings and will include preparation for Cambridge English qualifications in Business English. The course will be embedded into Hainan University’s four-year undergraduate programme, giving enhanced career opportunities for students upon graduation.

The first part of the programme was due to be delivered in Hainan, however Covid-19 prevented this from happening. Instead, the College utilised an interactive online delivery model and will continue to combine this teaching method with face-to-face teaching throughout the duration of the five-year programme.

This partnership is designed to be sustainable, with the course running over five years. It is anticipated that new cohorts of students will begin the programme each year, which will benefit a greater number of students and provide them with an international education experience without leaving home.
The China-Scotland Business Awards, now in their fourth year, recognise and celebrate achievements in trade and investment between Scotland and China.

International Business Manager Sarah Gore said: “We are very proud to be nominated for this award. Our Edinburgh College staff and Hainan University colleagues have put a lot of work into developing and delivering this programme and partnership, and it is heartening to see this recognised within the China Scotland Business community. 

“We look forward to working with our dedicated Hainan students and colleagues for many years to come, and continuing to build on our strong and supportive partnership.”

The awards will be held virtually on Thursday (4 February).

Famous fashion retail academy is coming to Edinburgh


The highly sought-after London Fashion Retail Academy course is coming to Scotland for the first time through an exclusive partnership with St James Quarter and Edinburgh College.

Working closely with over 140 fashion brands, the partnership is set to bring a unique Retail Fashion, Marketing and Branding course to Edinburgh College starting on 25th January – the first time the London based retail education specialist has ventured outside of London in its 15 years of existence.

The Fashion Retail Academy, awarded Ofsted Outstanding, is the quickest route to a career in fashion retail. Founded by retail giants, the Academy offers a range of exclusive fashion courses with unparalleled industry involvement to ensure students gain the skills and contacts needed to successfully progress to employment.


Funding from St James Quarter has allowed Edinburgh College to work exclusively with Fashion Retail Academy to develop this brand-new programme – starting on 25th January – to jump start Scottish students with a passion for fashion into the world of retail.

For the first time ever, the London based retail education specialist will provide expert resources that have been developed over the past 15 years to Edinburgh College students as part of a long term plan to enhance Edinburgh’s talent pipeline for retail roles – both for within St James Quarter and beyond.  

The course will incorporate a range of topics including fashion retailing; branding and marketing; satisfying customer needs and digital retailing and will have a specific focus on the best ways to meet the needs of retailers, drawing on the most up-to-date research on the retail workforce and accounting for the acceleration of current trends brought about by the pandemic.

Once completed, all students will achieve a SCQF Level 5 qualification in Retail Fashion, Branding and Marketing and will be supported by St James Quarter in helping to find work within the retail industry.

Rochelle Burgess, Marketing Director at St James Quarter, said: “This partnership has been years in the making and we’re delighted to finally bring this course to life and to Edinburgh for the first time.

“With all the leading brands coming to St James Quarter, there’s lots of amazing employment opportunities coming too – this is an incredible way to support our local graduates, nurture local talent and bring a globally recognised curriculum to our city.

“After a very challenging year, one of our key focuses is to boost the Scottish retail industry and help the next generation receive the opportunities and support they need to work within it.

“Partnering with Edinburgh College and Fashion Retail Academy is a very exciting project for us and we’re looking forward to seeing how the students develop throughout the duration of the course.”

Amanda Colvin, Director of Marketing & Sales, Fashion Retail Academy, said: “This exciting opportunity to partner with Edinburgh College has given FRA the ability to extend its reach and support more young people who want to start a career in fashion retail, at the same time as providing the industry and St James Quarter with entry level talent who can hit the ground running on graduation. 

“We hope this is the start of a long & successful collaboration, bringing a range of specialist fashion courses to Edinburgh.”


Audrey Cumberford, Edinburgh College Principal, said: “We are delighted to be working in partnership with the Fashion Retail Academy, and the St James Quarter, to offer people in the region an opportunity to develop their careers in fashion and retail through world-class training.

“Working with the Fashion Retail Academy to deliver the Certificate in Retail Fashion, Branding and Marketing course enables us to combine the knowledge and expertise of our lecturers with the FRA’s retail education specialists – providing students with the skills they need to succeed, and retailers with a highly-skilled, talented workforce. 

“We are excited to be the first Scottish College to collaborate with the FRA in this way and we are looking forward to developing the partnership further to create a talent pipeline which will provide world-class customer service to the people of Edinburgh.”

For any retail and fashion enthusiasts looking for more details or interested in signing up for the course visit: https://cutt.ly/ZjRok6v

St James Quarter is set to open the first phase of its retail, dining and leisure elements this Spring.

Edinburgh College New Year Plans

The College closed for the festive break on Friday 18 December and staff will return to working from home on Wednesday 6 January. During the festive break, all campuses will be closed and staff will be taking a well-deserved break.

Plans for January 2021

The Scottish Government announced that all of mainland Scotland will move into protection level 4 from Boxing Day (Saturday 26 December), initially for a three-week period. This is expected to remain in place until at least Monday 18 January 2021.

To best protect the Edinburgh College community, online classes are planned to resume during the week commencing Monday 11 January. It is important that nobody comes onto any of our campuses unless they are told to do so.

Students are encouraged to use Wednesday 6 – Friday 8 January to re-engage with our online learning platforms, access student support services, and prepare for the new term.

We will provide more information for staff and students on plans for the start of term in the new year. Please continue to check our channels for updates.

Staying safe during the festive period

It’s important that we all take extra care to mitigate the risk of transmission of COVID-19 over the festive period.

We must all follow the latest advice and guidance provided by the Scottish Government on keeping safe during this time.

Find out more information about protection level 4 rules.

Looking after our wellbeing during the festive period

We know that this time of year can be difficult for some, please remember that you can access support during the festive break.

The SilverCloud mental health and wellbeing platform is available to all staff and students and offers a wide-range of self-help programmes for people who may need support during this time. You can access it here.

Click here for a list of a list of external organisations you can contact for various levels of support during the festive period.

Staying informed

Please continue to check our College Communications channels including College emails, the MyEC app, Edinburgh College website and social media for the latest updates from the College – in case the situation changes. We may also contact you via your personal email or text message for any urgent updates.

Edinburgh College provides free training to support businesses and staff

Edinburgh College is providing businesses across Edinburgh and the Lothians an opportunity to access training aimed at promoting positive mental health among all employees.

Recent research conducted by the Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH), published last week, shows that 50% of people with mental health problems have reported their mental health has been worse in the last few weeks than at the start of the coronavirus pandemic.

And while this statistic cannot be solely attributed to the isolation caused by the mass shift to home and remote working, employers do have a responsibility to ensure their teams have a work environment which is healthy for all.

Indeed, a recent study carried out in the United States by FlexJobs and Mental Health America (MHA) found that 75% of workers have experienced burnout in 2020, with 40% citing it as a direct result of the coronavirus pandemic with ongoing remote working appearing to be a contributing factor.

Edinburgh College’s Training and Development team is utilising financial support from the Scottish Government to offer free Mental Health and Resilience courses to businesses across Edinburgh and the Lothians to support their employees’ mental health – both inside and outside of the workplace.

Through the Flexible Workforce Development Fund, staff of all levels from firms of varying sizes can participate in courses including: Mental Health Awareness; Mental Health for Managers; Building Resilience; Understanding Depression and Anxiety, among many others. Bespoke training packages comprising elements from various courses can also be created to meet clients’ needs.

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, these courses would have been delivered on campus or at client offices, however the College’s Training and Development team has adapted to deliver courses via Zoom and Microsoft Teams – following the launch of its Virtual Professional Training Prospectus.

Edinburgh College has delivered 200 mental health training sessions in 2020. Since the start of term 2020/21 – August 2020 – 765 students have enrolled on mental health courses.

Edinburgh College Head of Commercial Jane Grant said: “Positive mental health is vital in all settings, including the workplace.

“Our team of expert trainers and lecturers are here to deliver training to support employers and employees in maintaining positive mental health across the organisation, particularly in the current times where teams and individuals are working in new and remote circumstances.”

Find out more about the Flexible Workforce Development Fund

Edinburgh College’s Training and Development team is holding an event to showcase the free training and development opportunities available to thousands of businesses across Edinburgh and the Lothians.

The virtual event will give businesses an introduction to the Flexible Workforce Development Fund (FWDF) – a fund which apprenticeship levy-paying businesses across the public, private and third sectors, can access to secure a wide range of training courses to help them to upskill and reskill their staff.

The event, which is taking place online via Zoom, is being held on Tuesday 1 December 2020 from 8.30-9.15am.

The College’s Training and Development team will deliver a short presentation on the fund before engaging in a question and answer session. Delegates will also hear from Kelly Cunningham of East Lothian Care and Accommodation Project (ELCAP) who will talk about her experience of utilising the FWDF to upskill and reskill her team.

Through the FWDF, businesses can apply for varying levels of funding towards training for their employees – up to £15k for apprenticeship levy-payers, and up to £5k for SMEs. This funding can be used by businesses of all different types.

Register your place for the Virtual Flexible Workforce Development Fund event here: 


Colleges recommend further action to deal with impact of Coronavirus

A collaboration between colleges in east central Scotland has published their proposals on how best to deliver skills and opportunities in Scotland to support the economic recovery.

The East Central Scotland Colleges Collaboration, consisting of Edinburgh College, Fife College, Forth Valley College and West Lothian College, worked to produce a comprehensive skills programme designed to help meet the future needs of the Scottish economy.

Titled the ‘Our Futures Programme’, their report recommends eight distinct reskilling and upskilling products that colleges provide much needed support to individuals and employers who are set to be hit by the economic downturn caused by the Coronavirus pandemic.

They include suggestions such as the creation of Skills Boost Academies in key areas such as digital and industry, and the development of Accelerator Programmes, which would see colleges across Scotland able to introduce accelerated versions of existing qualifications that are already on offer, such as engineering, computing and care. These innovative programmes will place the College sector at the forefront of the country’s agenda for economic recovery.

The other educational products that are recommended in the report include:

  • Kick Start+
  • Pre Apprentice Pathways
  • Short Accredited Programmes
  • Cooperative Apprenticeships
  • Adopt an Intern+ (AAI EmployAbility)
  • Winter Leaver Guarantee

Each skills product was developed by the four colleges alongside Skills Development Scotland (SDS) having analysed labour market information, unemployment rates, levels of furlough, growth sectors and the local knowledge each of the colleges have of their region.

It comes after the Scottish Government formally launched the Young Person’s Guarantee last week, which is designed to help those whose job prospects are set to be hit by the Coronavirus pandemic.

Each of the proposals closely align with the skills-related commitments set out in the Scottish Government’s Programme for Government and target areas that are seen as an economic priority for Scotland.

Edinburgh College Principal Audrey Cumberford FRSE MBE said: “We know that coronavirus is having a significant impact on people’s livelihoods and businesses across the world in a way that we couldn’t have fully anticipated at the start of the year.

“The impact of the virus is unprecedented, and across Scotland the number of unemployed people is expected to rise due to the economic impact we are already experiencing – which is set to continue as we navigate our way through these uncertain times.

“Together, with the other three colleges, Edinburgh College is determined and committed to delivering a range of support and opportunities for people of all ages across our region to retrain and upskill – focusing on meeting the skills needs of businesses and industries that have been hardest hit by the virus.

“By working together, and in collaboration with government and industry partners, we believe the products set out in the ‘Our Futures Programme’ will make an important contribution to enabling people and businesses across East Central Scotland to thrive.”

Principal of Fife College Dr Hugh Hall said: “Colleges across Scotland know that we have a vital role to play in helping individuals and businesses deal with the economic impact caused by the Coronavirus.

“That’s why our four colleges came together in this collaboration – to help develop a strategy for how we can best help deliver the fast-track and relevant training we need in Scotland over the short to medium term.

“Each of the recommendations in the report have been formulated after thorough analysis of the jobs market, and could make a huge difference to those looking to upskill and reskill, and to the businesses who will be looking for skilled workers in the coming months.

“The Young Person’s Guarantee launched by the Scottish Government last week is an important step towards helping deal with unemployment, and colleges have a huge part to play in that. We have the potential to do more, and we’re looking forward to continuing our work with the Scottish Government to help develop and implement these ideas.”

Dr Ken Thomson, Principal of Forth Valley College, said: “I am very excited about Forth Valley College’s involvement in the East Central Scotland College Collaboration initiative.

“By working together, we can have a really positive impact on the people who are, or who will be, affected most by the pandemic lockdown and the inevitable economic downturn that is starting to hit us.

“As a college, we have always been at the forefront of innovative programmes which meet the needs of both individuals and local and national skills agendas.

“Now, this new collaboration will enable all four colleges involved to tap into each other’s expertise to provide the very best courses, professional training, upskilling, reskilling and opportunities.

“This is a chance to make learning work for the people of the Central Belt and the East of Scotland and help the country on the road to economic, educational and social recovery.”

Principal of West Lothian College Jackie Galbraith said: “Colleges are playing a vital role right now to help people and businesses deal with the economic crisis caused by the Coronavirus.

“At a local level, West Lothian College is working hand in hand with the council and other partners to support economic recovery and to strengthen our communities.

“With unemployment rising, our four colleges have created a comprehensive programme to develop the skills people need to succeed in the jobs market now and in the future. This collaborative effort will add real value to what is coming out of our respective local partnerships.

“The Young Person’s Guarantee is a major step towards avoiding high levels of youth unemployment, and this exciting partnership of the four colleges in East Central Scotland will play a pivotal role in making the guarantee a reality for thousands of young people.”

Your chance to influence the future of the Construction and Engineering industries

A nationwide survey with the aim of collating the responses of the Construction and Engineering sector has been launched to find out what the future training and development needs are of these critical sectors, as well as seeking to highlight the barriers to accessible training.

Construction is a key sector that contributes significantly to the economic growth of a nation. The Construction industry tends to be an investment-led sector where governments show high interest with contracts awarded to develop infrastructure related to housing, health and transport, as well as the education sector.

Alongside the Construction industry is the Engineering sector, which helps to develop the physical infrastructure we all rely on – transport networks, roads, bridges, water and energy supplies, and waste management, among other vital services.

In these challenging and ever-changing times, it is crucial that colleges across the country provide training and qualifications which help drive the success of the two sectors by listening and providing appropriate learning opportunities.

Funded by Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal (ESESCDR) as part of the Housing, Construction and Infrastructure (HCI) partnership. Colleges in Scotland are seeking to carry out a needs analysis of both areas through a short survey which will then be analysed, and the outcomes reported to the HCI Board. 

This will allow colleges to respond and adapt their training offering to ensure that companies can upskill their current workforce and ensure that new recruits have the knowledge and understanding required to enter the world of Construction and engineering.

The survey is open now and closes on Monday 11 December with results being published by the end of March 2021.

Edinburgh College Head of Engineering and Built Environment Scott Warden said: “This is a fantastic opportunity for business, partners and the workforce of the Engineering and Construction sectors to help colleges in the South East of Scotland support the future skills needs of our region over the coming years.

“Their support in helping us to identify any gap areas in terms of skills and training and continuous professional development (CPD) needs will be invaluable as we look to shape our curriculum to serve the industry’s requirements.”

For further information, please contact: mandy.currie@edinburghcollege.ac.uk 

As a thank you for participating in the survey all participants, who leave their contact details, will be entered into our prize draw for a £50 Amazon Voucher – Good luck!

The survey can be accessed here and will take around four minutes to complete.


Edinburgh College launches new English for Business course with Hainan University

Edinburgh College has secured an exciting new partnership with Hainan University in China that will see the College play a key role in teaching English for Business to students over the next five years.

The first cohort of fifty students will begin online study with Edinburgh College lecturers this week as part of the five-year contract with Hainan University’s College of Foreign Languages.

The course will be delivered using a blended learning model, with subsequent course modules delivered both online, and face-to-face in Hainan.

The Business English course is designed to provide Hainan University students with greater fluency and confidence in English in business settings, and will include preparation for Cambridge English qualifications in Business English.

Edinburgh College courses will be embedded in the four-year undergraduate programme, giving enhanced career opportunities for students on graduation.

Edinburgh College Principal Audrey Cumberford said: “We’re honoured to enter into this prestigious partnership with Hainan University, and to be teaching a very dedicated and committed group of students.

“This partnership is testament to Edinburgh College’s ability to provide high-quality training around the world, and empower students to achieve even greater success in their future careers with an international education.”

Edinburgh College Head of Commercial Development Jane Grant said: “Teams from Hainan University and Edinburgh College have worked collaboratively to develop this course, which is aimed at cultivating high-quality graduates with excellent career prospects. We wish all the students taking part in this course the best of luck.”

The partnership is the latest addition to the College’s growing international portfolio, providing bespoke training programmes and courses to students and workforces across the world.

Edinburgh College lecturer named UK Teacher of the Year

Edinburgh College Graphic Design lecturer Helena Good has been named teacher of the year at the Tes FE Awards, which celebrate the best of the UK’s further education sector.

Helena has worked in education for 23 years and in her role as a Graphic Design lecturer at Edinburgh College, she shares her passion for creativity and design with students through the College’s NC, HNC and HND graphic design courses.

Through her lecturing work, Helena has had a huge impact on her students, who have won numerous national and international awards in recent years. She connects the classroom with careers through a programme that partners her students with a mentor from the graphic design industry to ensure they receive guidance and advice on their studies and future paths.

Helena’s impact has been felt far beyond her own college. She is the driving force behind the Daydream Believers programme – a pioneering project which aims to make the transition from school to college more appealing and seamless for secondary students who are looking to progress to post-16 education.

It is delivered in collaboration with student ambassadors and industry partners, and involves a number of high schools across Edinburgh.

The judges described the programme as “the most important educational initiative in Scotland at the moment”.

The judges also said: “Good is an inspirational lecturer. She is a solid professional doing her job outstandingly. Her work is transformative and makes a huge difference within and outside of Edinburgh College.”

Helena said: “I feel so honoured to have been considered alongside such an inspiring group of teachers who all deserved to be recognised for going above and beyond. Thanks to the judges, Edinburgh College and everyone who believes in daydreams!”

Edinburgh College Principal Audrey Cumberford said: “It is wonderful to see Helena named Teacher of the Year by the UK Tes FE Awards, she works tirelessly to not only inspire her students, but also young people across Scotland and beyond, through the Daydream Believers programme which brings students, school pupils and industry together to innovate. She is a true inspiration and her infectious energy for creativity is an absolute asset to our College.

“I am extremely proud of Helena and our other finalists in the Foundation Apprenticeship team and Automotive Engineering team. Our staff are competing with colleges throughout the whole of the UK and this success reflects their status as national leaders in their field of expertise.”

Edinburgh College was shortlisted in two other award categories. Its Foundation Apprenticeship team were shortlisted for Apprenticeship Programme of the Year.

The team worked relentlessly in 2018/19 to boost the number of FA enrolments and ensure the learning needs of pupils are met while satisfying the requirements of employers as they seek to nurture the future workforce.

And the College’s Automotive Engineering team was shortlisted in the Best Teaching and Learning Initiative category following the team’s partnership with the Scottish Motor Racing Club and Knockhill Racing Circuit.

Introduced in March 2019, the partnership saw students convert a Citroen road car into a race car fit for track action at the Scottish C1 Cup held at Knockhill.

Helena was one of eighteen winners across further education and skills who were recognised at the first virtual Tes FE Awards 2020.

Find out more about the award winners here: https://www.tes.com/news/revealed-winners-tes-fe-awards-2020

SHE Scotland Mentoring Award

Are you looking for a new challenge? Would you like to be the person you needed when you were young?

SHE Scotland and Edinburgh College are running their new SQA Mentoring Award at the beginning end of September.

Mentoring programme delivered on Edinburgh College Granton Campus on Monday mornings from 10am -12.30pm.

Get in touch for more information.

Edinburgh College Clearing Events scheduled for August

Edinburgh College is hosting its annual Clearing Events to help students across the region and beyond to secure their place on a College course during session 2020/21.

While the college can’t welcome applicants on to campus as normal for clearing, prospective students can contact the College’s admissions and course teams to secure a place on Thursday 6 and Friday 7 August.

The College will open its Clearing call centre at 10am each day and is encouraging those interested in starting a new course to help them take the first step on their chosen career journey, or to reskill and upskill to support them in achieving their dreams during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, to make that call.

As well as the opportunity to secure a place on a course starting in September, the Clearing call centre will also provide school leavers, adult returners, or those in employment with an opportunity to: talk to course specialists about the best study options for them; speak with college student support staff who can provide advice on course delivery and additional support requirements; find out about student funding options and course fees.

Edinburgh College Principal Audrey Cumberford said: “We’re looking forward to welcoming new and returning students to Edinburgh College for session 2020/21 – albeit in very different circumstances than in previous years.

“We still have places available across a range of courses, and we’d encourage anyone considering the first or next steps in their career to contact our teams during our Clearing Events to assess the best available study options for this year and beyond.”

To secure a course place during Edinburgh College’s Clearing Events, applicants and prospective students should call 0131 297 8300 between 10am and 4pm on Thursday 6 and Friday 7 August.

Those who wish to seek advice during the Clearing Events but would prefer not to call, can contact the college via email: clearing@edinburghcollege.ac.uk.

For more information on Edinburgh College Clearing Events, visit: http://www.edinburghcollege.ac.uk/newsandevents/clearing-event-2020/