Government backs clamp down on rogue parking firms

Drivers will receive new legal protections from unscrupulous private parking operators, Communities Secretary Sajid Javid said today, when he confirmed that government will support new legislation aimed at raising standards in the industry. Continue reading Government backs clamp down on rogue parking firms

Two thirds of Edinburgh drivers know someone who should resit their driving test

  • Longevity of motorists driving ability put to the test

  • Those who don’t drive regularly exhibit more dangerous driving

  • Two thirds (41%) of Edinburgh motorists know someone who they think needs to retake their test

When it comes to driving, motorists must ‘use it or lose it’, new research has revealed. A recent opinion poll of Edinburgh drivers found that two thirds (60%) know someone who they think needs to retake their driving test, with nearly a third (28%) thinking that we should all have to retake our tests every decade. Continue reading Two thirds of Edinburgh drivers know someone who should resit their driving test

Simon says: stay safe while driving this winter

WHILE temperatures plummet across Scotland in the lead up to the New Year, motorists are urged to take extra care when on the roads. As temperatures have already dropped below freezing across Scotland, roads are icy meaning drivers should only travel when necessary and be overly cautious when they do. Continue reading Simon says: stay safe while driving this winter

Driving from home this Christmas? Check your tyres before you leave

It’s Christmas time and that means cars loaded up with family, friends and – of course – luggage and presents. Chances are there’s also going to be more than one journey for most with some driving further than they would normally. With the weather and driving conditions likely to vary across different parts of the country, that means being prepared for anything and avoiding breakdowns is the key to arriving full of Christmas cheer. Continue reading Driving from home this Christmas? Check your tyres before you leave

Letters: drivers should take a hard look at themselves

Dear Editor

Drivers who are moaning and groaning about a restriction on ‘them’ having to observe a speed limit should take a hard look at themselves and their reasons for objecting.

Driving in a city can be one of potential risk to pedestrians and drivers alike – except that drivers have a two ton object in their hands travelling at speed.

There are very few times whilst driving in the city when one is able to travel more than a few hundred yards before having to stop, yet some drivers feel it is their personal right to travel those few hundred yards as fast as they wish, causing hazardous conditions for all, just to save a few seconds of their precious time.

That is why I say: those drivers should take a hard look at themselves and their attitude to others.

A. Delahoy

Silverknowes Gardens

Scotland stars kick off Father’s Day with Dad Joke Face Off

Steven Naismith and Russell Martin go head to head as they attempt to keep straight faces whilst telling terrible Dad jokes

To celebrate Father’s Day, Vauxhall Motors challenged Scotland football heroes Steven Naismith and Russell Martin to take each other on in a special ‘Dad Joke Face Off’. Continue reading Scotland stars kick off Father’s Day with Dad Joke Face Off

Driving test changes to be introduced in December

The driving test will change from Monday 4 December 2017 to include following directions from a sat nav and testing different manoeuvres.