Heart Research UK Healthy Heart Tip, written by the Health Promotion and Education Team at Heart UK
Healthy Heart Tip: Protein and heart health

Many people know the benefits of protein for muscle growth and repair, but do you know the other benefits for your health? Protein is one of the main forms of nutrients you need for your body to function.
In the UK, on average, there is an over consumption of the recommended amount of protein but often from few sources.
It is essential that your body is getting protein from a range of different foods to ensure you meet all your body’s requirements. Did you know that approximately 16% of the UK population follow a meat-free diet? These people may need to focus more attention on meeting their protein requirements than those who regularly eat meat.
In this healthy tip we discuss the importance of protein, different sources and how to get protein into your diet:
Importance of protein
Protein is required for general health, growth and maintenance of the body’s tissues. It helps your bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and skin to stay healthy and have structure, strength and elasticity. Protein helps your muscles to repair and rebuild after exercising and helps to increase your muscular strength.

It also supports the immune system by helping to form antibodies that fight against disease-causing bacteria and viruses.
Protein has a satiating effect on the body and helps you to feel fuller for longer. It provides energy to your body, but only as a last resort if all your carbohydrate and fat stores have been used up. It should make up 10% to 35% of your total daily energy intake.
Sources of protein
Animal proteins are often more known and more commonly consumed than other protein sources.
These include meat and poultry, fish and seafood, eggs, and dairy products.

However, more people are beginning to follow a diet rich in plant proteins and consuming more nuts and seeds, beans, chickpeas, lentils and tofu.
Getting protein into your diet
You should try and include a portion of protein in every meal of the day, as well as in the snacks you eat. This will help to keep you feeling fuller for longer and reduce those cravings for foods with low nutritional value.

For better heart health you should aim to eat a diet that is rich in plant foods. This simply means you need to consume lots of plant-based foods and proteins, and lower amounts of proteins from animal sources. This will not only benefit your heart health but also the sustainability of the planet.
If you are consuming animal proteins, then red meats and processed meats are often high in fat and it is more beneficial for your health to consume leaner protein sources such as plant proteins, poultry and fish where possible.