Jack looks back at Holyrood campaign

caldwell manifesto

Jack Caldwell, who stood as an independent candidate in Northern and Leith in May’s Holyrood elections, has produced a ten-page report describing his experiences of the campaign. He hopes his campaign report will encourage others to stand as independents in future elections – but plans to join a political party himself.

Continue reading Jack looks back at Holyrood campaign

‘Wee lassie fae Leith’ to chair Scottish Youth Parliament!


Northern & Leith MSYP Terri Smith has been elected to chair the Scottish Youth Parliament when Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament convened in Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis for their 60th National Sitting. Continue reading ‘Wee lassie fae Leith’ to chair Scottish Youth Parliament!

Open Doors, Open Minds?

First Minister hails progress in EU talks but it’s a ‘non’ from France – so much for the Auld Alliance – and Spain

Brussels flags

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon held a series of positive meetings with senior figures in Brussels yesterday, but it’s clear there will be many obstacles to overcome if Scotland is to play an active role in Europe following the referendum result. Continue reading Open Doors, Open Minds?

EUr’e Welcome Here!

Local MSP’s message to EU nationals

Ben Macpherson Foot of the Walk.

Edinburgh Northern and Leith MSP Ben Macpherson has told EU nationals “you remain welcome here” after Scotland voted overwhelmingly to stay in the European Union last week. Continue reading EUr’e Welcome Here!

We’re Leaving: An uncertain new dawn for Britain

Disaster, devastation, division – or wonderful opportunity?

Scotland says Stay but Britain says Leave


Britons have voted to leave the European Union. With a handful of regions still to declare it became certain at 6am that the Leave campaign has an unassailable lead with 52% of the vote. The nationwide turnout was 72%. Continue reading We’re Leaving: An uncertain new dawn for Britain

Voting’s underway

yes or no

Voting in the EU Referendum is now well under way across the city – Edinburgh’s 145 polling places have now been open for two hours.

More than 345,000 people are registered to vote in Edinburgh, with around 79,000 of these postal voters. As of Wednesday, 22 June, 65,029 people had returned their postal vote (82.1%).

Polling places will be open for voting between 7am and 10pm today, Thursday, 23 June, when residents will be able to have their say on whether the UK should remain a member of the European Union.

The public are being reminded to think carefully before casting their vote, and ensuring they do so by marking one clear X on their ballot paper beside either the ‘remain’ or ‘leave’ option.

Andrew Kerr, Chief Executive of the City of Edinburgh Council and Counting Officer for Edinburgh, said: “Our elections staff have spent weeks gearing up for Edinburgh’s part in the EU Referendum, and I hope the city’s voters are ready to have their say too.

“This is an important decision for the UK, so it is essential that the public are well aware of the question being asked of them, and ensure they make their intentions clear by marking one ‘X’ on their ballot paper.”

Polling places will be open between 7am and 10pm today, Thursday, 23 June, though the public are being advised to avoid busy periods, expected to be before and after normal working hours. Where possible, voters are encouraged to visit mid-morning or mid-afternoon.

Information on local polling places can be found on the poll card delivered to homes or online. Individuals who are registered but have lost or have not received a poll card are still eligible to vote.

Postal voters who have not yet returned their ballot paper by post will still be able to hand it in at Waverley Court or City Chambers receptions or at any Edinburgh polling place before 10pm.

Voters must be over 18 years old and a British citizen, a qualifying Commonwealth citizen, or a registered British overseas citizen.

Find out more about voting in Edinburgh on the Council website.

Edinburgh’s EU Referendum by numbers

Edinburgh is split into five constituencies: East, North & Leith, South, South West and West.

There are 145 polling places encompassing 306 polling stations for the EU Referendum.

There will be 282,400 ballot papers spread over the polling stations.

We will use approximately 1300 ballot pencils attached to approx ¾ miles of across the polling stations.

650 people are employed as polling staff on the day with a further 550 working at the count on Thursday night

There will be 45 vans out on the roads collecting ballot boxes after the close of poll on Thursday night.

European Referendum: It’s Time

yes or no

We’ve watched all the debates, read loads of leaflets and heard all the ‘facts’ – most of them contradictory. We’ve listened to the scores of ‘experts’, only to learn that no-one really knows for sure. But now, all the talking’s over – it’s time to make your decision: Remain or Leave.

The voting process itself is really quite straightforward (see the BBC graphic below). But WHAT  to vote? Well … that’s up to you!


On Thursday 23 June polling stations across the UK will be open from 7am to 10pm.

Events force temporary closures at Meadowbank

Referendum count and Elton John events mean temporary closure 


Meadowbank Sports Centre will be temporarily closed for events taking place from 23 – 25 June. Some areas of Meadowbank will also be closed before and after the events for set up and ‘break-down’. Continue reading Events force temporary closures at Meadowbank