D Mains parents call for council to speed up road safety improvements

An emergency meeting following the death of an Edinburgh school boy in a road traffic accident was held by concerned parents last night (Thursday).

The meeting was called after an Edinburgh child died on 1 March as he cycled to school. On the same day, there was a serious road incident involving a Davidson’s Main Primary School pupil. 

The parents from Davidson’s Mains Primary School organised the meeting to call on the city council to speed up road safety improvements for children coming to and from the school.

The meeting was attended by Scott Arthur, Chair of City of Edinburgh Council Transport and Environment Committee, local Councillor Norman Work and Dave Sinclair, Local Traffic and Road Safety Manager at the council. 

At the meeting, the Council Transport team committed to make small scale improvements as soon as possible.

Parents were told that the current city-wide backlog of road safety plans would take 10 years for the Council to act on and that, in general, cases would only be considered in chronological order.

Kim Pratt, vice chair of the Davidson’s Mains Primary School Parent Council, said: “Parents are deeply concerned that our children are forced to navigate dangerous roads to and from school every day because Edinburgh Council are dragging their feet to improve road safety.

“At the rate that Edinburgh Council is acting, our children are growing up and leaving school before the surrounding roads are made safe. 

“The Council have told us we must have a travel plan before they will act but the process is unclear and bureaucratic. Very few schools in Edinburgh have managed to complete the process. It feels like another excuse for the Council to delay.

“The Council have the power to make our roads safer and they must act faster and more decisively to protect our children travelling to and from school, not just in Davidson’s Mains, but across all of Edinburgh.” 

Felicity Neyme, from the Davidson’s Mains School Road Safety Team said: “As a parent, seeing Edinburgh strive for net zero by 2030 fills me with hope. But that future can’t be achieved without clean air and safe streets for our children. That’s why it is important that Parent Councils collaborate with local leaders. 

“Together, we can work to deliver tangible goals like improved pedestrian crossings and a reduction in car dependency around schools. This is about protecting our kids on their journey to school but it’s also about creating a healthier, more sustainable future for all of Edinburgh, aligned with the city’s inspiring net zero vision.”

Rod Alexander, from the Davidson’s Mains and Silverknowes Association said: “The Association is fully supportive of the actions by the Primary School Parent Council to improve safety on the routes to school following the tragic death of a school child at Barnton and the serious accident involving a Davidson’s Mains school pupil on Main Street.

“We are concerned that the planned upgrade to the roundabout and crossings at the west end of Main Street have still not been completed a full seven years after a fatal accident on one of the crossings, and believe that priority should also be given to upgrading the crossing on Main Street at Silverknowes Road.

“We want to work with both schools in our local area to ensure priority is given to these and other projects to improve pupil safety, particularly recognising that children are being encouraged to walk and cycle to school to reduce car use.”

A recent survey conducted by the Parent Council found that 98% of parents responding to the survey thought that road safety for pupils could be improved. 

In June 2019, the Council’s traffic survey showed that the average speed limit on Silverknowes Road East was 28.7 mph, despite being a 20 mph zone.

This is a main route to school for some pupils and there are no crossings. A crossing patrol assistant helps children cross safely at pick up and drop off times but is not present on every school day.

Despite the Council promising to investigate in 2023/24, no improvements have been made.

Worry for Scotland as danger plant Giant Hogweed goes on the march 

An invasive species expert has warned that Scotland is facing a huge year for the proliferation of highly caustic Giant Hogweed after identifying the emergence of the plant much earlier in the year than might be expected.

Keith Gallacher, director of Complete Weed Control, one of Scotland’s leading weed control, ground maintenance and tree management specialists, spotted young shoots of the rapidly-spreading and dangerous plant emerging from winter dormancy in March.

He warned that this is unusually early for the enormous Heracleum Mantegazzianum, which can grow up to six metres high and whose sap can cause severe burns with lasting effects such as scarring and chronic dermatitis.

He said that the early showing of Giant Hogweed could have been precipitated by mild and wet spring weather – March had 27% more rainfall than normal in the UK – and that it could lead to greater infestations of the plant, which can spread tens of thousands of seeds after it flowers in June and July.

Mr Gallacher said: “Our teams saw the much-earlier-than-expected appearance of the young Giant Hogweed during routine inspections in East Lothian, near Musselburgh. With such an early start, and with the rate of growth of which the plants are capable, it is likely that 2024 will be a bumper year for this rapacious invader.

“Like many invasive species, such as Japanese Knotweed and Himalayan Balsam, it was brought to the UK as an architectural oddity, but now it has escaped and, without any natural enemies, it grows into dense colonies, especially along watercourses.

“It is part of the Apiaceae family, which includes carrots, parsnip, cumin, coriander and parsley, but its dense foliage prevents light reaching the soil underneath, killing off native plants and leading to rapid soil erosion.”

Complete Weed Control, which now covers the greater part of Scotland from its recently-acquired base in Larkhall, will treat the plants but has warned that eliminating Giant Hogweed requires a concerted and sustained effort by all landowners in an affected area.

He said: “If you leave it too late, the plants get larger and become more difficult to spray, and require more herbicide. But if you do it too early and you get the torrential rains like we’ve had these last few weeks, the herbicide won’t have much effect.”

Complete Weed Control has continued to gain prestigious contracts from clients across Scotland and has posted a record £2.75 million in sales last year, up from £2 million the previous year.

Growth has been boosted by new client acquisition as well as its tree services division, which now contributes equally with the longer-established weed suppressant and grass cutting services it supplies to mostly public sector organisations.

Stay off the ice to save your life says Water Safety Scotland

Stay off the ice to save your life, that’s the message from Water Safety Scotland (WSS) ahead of the colder months.

The message comes as temperatures in the region have plummeted in recent days, meaning some bodies of water like lochs have frozen over. While frozen waters can provide youngsters a tempting place to play, and walkers with a picturesque view, they can be deadly.

The warning comes after high profile tragedy in Birmingham in 2022 when four young boys died after walking on a lake and falling into icy waters.

WSS has a wealth of free water safety resources on its website, which can be accessed by the public, schools and businesses. These include downloadable posters, leaflets and social media assets. Schools and colleges are encouraged to explore and use the ice-safety workshop, suitable for people of all ages. 

Carlene McAvoy, from WSS, said: “The great outdoors is beautiful in winter, but we want to ensure people enjoy it in a safe and informed way by knowing about the dangers of ice.

“Frozen water can be tempting to walk on, but there is just no way of knowing whether it will hold your weight or how deep the water is beneath.

“We urge people to keep themselves and their children away from frozen water, and if dog-walking, to always keep your pet on a lead. Tragically, many past incidents have involved attempted rescues of another person or dog in trouble on frozen water.”

This is the key advice from WSS:

  • Most importantly, stay off the ice. Never be tempted to venture onto ice – you have no way of knowing how thick it is and how cold and deep the water beneath is. The water beneath could also be fast-flowing. Don’t ever risk it.
  • Keep a safe distance from the edge. Fallen leaves or snow could obscure the water’s true boundary.
  • Check for safety signage. This can help inform you of hazards in that area you may not be aware of.
  • Always supervise children. Just a moment’s distraction could have serious consequences for a curious child.
  • Keep dogs on leads. Otherwise they could end up on the ice and in danger. Also don’t throw sticks and balls for dogs near ice.

If you do encounter someone who has fallen through ice:

  • Call 999 and request the assistance of the emergency services
  • Remain calm and give clear, accurate information about the situation and location
  • Do not attempt to go out onto the ice yourself.

Carlene continued: “To support communities to share and display this advice in their local areas, perhaps in areas known as ‘hot-spots’ for ice, WSS has developed ice safety resources such as posters, a leaflet and social media assets which are available from the WSS website to download and use.

“These are free of charge and available to everyone.”

Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Station Commander James Sullivan added: “Every year our operational crews are called to assist people who have got into difficulty after venturing onto frozen water.

“The truth is that it is never a good idea to walk onto frozen water – especially with children.

“It’s also important for dog owners to avoid throwing sticks or balls near ice.

“If your pet does get into trouble on the ice, do not attempt a rescue yourself– dial 999 and try to remain calm while providing accurate information to our highly trained Operations Control staff.”

WSS would like to encourage those wishing to access these resources to follow this link to download these resources to get those key messages about ice safety out to members of the public this winter.

Scrapping furniture safety regulations will cost dozens of lives a year, warns Fire Brigade Union

The Fire Brigades Union has warned that a government plan to deregulate furniture regulations could cost dozens of lives every year. 

As shoppers gathered for Boxing Day sales on sofas and other furniture, the union is warning that unless the ministers change course, decades of safety regulations could be lost. 

Under the current rules – introduced as the Furniture and Furnishings (Fire) (Safety) Regulations 1988 – manufacturers must submit furniture to independent testing on flammability. The regulations are estimated to have saved between 50 and 70 lives per year. 

But now the Westminster government has proposed scrapping these rules in favour of a voluntary regime. Consultation on the plans closed earlier this year and ministers are now considering proposals. 

The union warned that the government was using the pretext of dealing with lithium batteries and other hazards to launch a dangerous programme of deregulation. 

Matt Wrack, Fire Brigades Union general secretary, said: “As members of the public shop for furniture in this year’s Boxing Day sales, they should be aware the UK government is planning to scrap crucial safety regulations on furniture. 

“The Westminster government wants to scrap mandatory flammability tests for furniture, opening the door for manufacturers to sell furniture that may be hazardous.

“Research shows that the current regulations save 50 to 70 lives every single year. The Fire Brigades Union fought for decades to put them in place. 

“The arrival of lithium batteries and other hazards points to the need for more regulation, not less. But the UK government is putting the interests of profit and big business over the safety of the rest of us.

“We had hoped that the Grenfell Tower disaster would make ministers wake up to the dangers of profit driven de-regulation. It seems they have learned nothing. 

“Ministers must think again.”

RoSPA: E-bike battery fires are ‘ticking timebomb’

Following news that the fire in Cambridge that killed a mother and her children last Friday was likely caused by an e-bike battery, Nathan Davies, Head of Policy and Portfolio at RoSPA, said: “Fires from unregulated e-powered vehicle batteries are becoming commonplace and we are very concerned that we are sitting on a ticking timebomb of cases.

“It is only a matter of time until we see a battery failure cause a devastating large-scale fire in a block of flats, hotel or public space.

“Unfortunately, e-bike batteries are designed to be charged indoors, and mostly overnight. Critically, this is where the risk to life from a fire is the greatest.

“It doesn’t have to be this way. We have been using certified lithium-ion batteries safely for years, the technology is well understood and these can be manufactured to the correct standards.

“The problem lies in a series of failings in the supply of unregulated units, meaning products with poor construction can be supplied by internationally based sellers on third party platforms. Action needs to be taken to address this situation to prevent future deaths.

“We urge people to only buy from reputable sellers and to purchase electrical items from a known and trusted brand that complies with legislation. If you think your battery is faulty, damaged or you just aren’t sure, then we advise that you dispose of it at a waste centre, not in the bin.”

E-bike likely cause of Cambridge fire that killed mother and children – BBC News

Meter-tampering risks lives, warns trade associations

Cost of living crisis leading to increasingly desperate measures with potentially fatal consequences, says SELECT and SNIPEF

Illegal meter-tampering is putting people’s lives at risk as they resort to increasingly desperate measures to reduce spiralling energy bills, two leading electrical and plumbing trade bodies have warned.

Campaigning electrical association SELECT and the Scottish and Northern Ireland Plumbing Employers’ Federation (SNIPEF) say the cost of living crisis is driving a worrying rise in meter-tampering, with potentially deadly results.

The bodies say interfering with electricity and gas meters can have a “disastrous effect” on perpetrators and innocent people nearby – and have urged anyone coming across tampering to report it and avert disaster.

In a joint statement, Alan Wilson, Managing Director of SELECT, and Fiona Hodgson, Chief Executive of SNIPEF, said: “It is a distressing sign of the times that an increasing number of consumers are resorting to tampering with their electrical and gas meters in an effort to reduce their energy bills.

“Stealing energy in this way is a worrying and illegal practice, often encouraged by widely shared footage on social media. But it risks lives and can have fatal consequences for innocent people close by.

“Such services are often offered by unscrupulous individuals who will bypass services or devices for a fee. But often the methods they use are often extremely dangerous and they can have no, or very limited, knowledge of what they’re doing.

“Like all gas and electrical work, interrupting the supply is something that should only ever be dealt with by fully-trained and qualified professionals.

“We are urging all householders and tradespeople to immediately contact the relevant energy company if they suspect meter tampering has occurred.”

The trade bodies’ warning echoes a recent alert from the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS), who say meter tampering is occurring with increasing frequency as the price of electricity and gas rises.

Sean Smith, Fire Investigation Officers Watch Commander with SFRS, said: “SFRS is now seeing meter tampering and removal services with increasing frequency and, sadly, we have first-hand experience of the tragic circumstances that they can cause.

“We are now engaging with communities to discourage this dangerous act and make people aware of the significant risks from energy theft and meter tampering.”

The renewed alert follows a warning last year from energy regulator Ofcom, who flagged the danger of social media posts claiming gas and electricity meters could be removed as an “energy-saving hack”.

It also coincides with the current high-profile Stay Energy Safe campaign from Crimestoppers, urging contractors and consumers to contact them anonymously at 0800 023 2777 if they think a meter has been tampered.

As part of the campaign, Stay Energy Safe highlighted the tragic case of an elderly woman who died in a house fire in Glasgow after her son had their electricity meter bypassed to save on bill payments.

RoSPA urges caution during cold snap

Drive with caution to protect your life and loved ones, says leading accident prevention charity the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents

  • The UK is bracing itself for a gust of wintery weather that could lead to spike in fatal accidents
  • Drive safely to prevent accidents and save lives, says RoSPA – here’s how.

Motorists across the country are urged to drive with caution to avoid accidents as a gust of wintery conditions is set to hit the area at the start of next week. A Met office yellow warning is in place for many parts of the UK, as we expect to see sleet, rain and snow.

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA), that has worked for more than 100 years to help people recognise and reduce their risk of accidents, at home, on the road, at work and in leisure, say that poor visibility, water-logged roads and slippery snow can all heighten the risk of a tragic car crash.

Advising on how to keep safe during the upcoming wintery snap, RoSPA says at this time of year, adapting our driving style is key.

Becky Guy, Road Safety Manager at RoSPA, said: “Adverse weather conditions and longer, darker evenings make winter a particularly hazardous time to drive, and as we expect to see next week, short bursts of extreme weather are not uncommon here in the UK. 

“These wintry conditions can decrease visibility, increase stopping distances and the risk of skidding, which can all increase the risk of being involved in a crash. If you can, avoid driving in such weather, and if you are expected to drive for work, do ask your employer about whether it has a winter driving policy.

“Things to check before you set off include that all of your lights are working and clean, your tyres are inflated correctly and have at least 3mm of tread, you have enough fuel or charge in the car for unforeseen events and a way of contacting someone in an emergency. Finally, if in doubt and you are able to, postpone your trip until conditions improve.”

Keeping safe in sleet, hail and snow

To help keep drivers safe, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents has shared its top winter driving tips to help keep drivers and riders safe.

Before your journey

  • Plan your journey, checking the traffic news and allowing extra time
  • If it has been snowing, be sure to remove snow from the top of your car so that it does not slide down and obstruct your view when driving
  • Check fuel or charge levels before you set off to allow for unexpected delays
  • If you drive an automatic car, check the handbook to see if there’s a winter driving mode setting
  • Assess whether your journey is essential, and speak to your employer about whether they have a winter driving policy

Driving on winter roads

  • Pull off in second gear, going gently on the clutch to avoid wheel-spin
  • Leave plenty of room between you and other road users, applying your brakes gradually and in good time
  • When driving uphill, check the road is clear and try to avoid stopping part way up to prevent you from rolling backwards
  • When driving downhill, keep it slow and use a low gear
  • Remember that braking distance can increase up to double in wet weather and by 10 times in icy weather

Ten Christmas foods that are toxic for your pets – and warning signs to look out for

As Christmas Day draws closer, many of us will already be sneaking a taste of our favourite festive snacks. And with a lot of food thrown away over the Christmas period, you may be tempted to treat your pets to some of the leftovers.  

However, some common Christmas foods can actually make our pets seriously ill, so it is important to know which ones should be avoided. 

Animal health specialists at OurFitPets have put together a list of common Christmas foods that can cause serious health problems for cats and dogs, as well as advice on what you should do if your furry friend accidentally eats any of these foods. 

Christmas foods you should not give to cats and dogs 

  • Christmas pudding
  • Mince pies
  • Sage and onion stuffing
  • Onion gravy
  • Chocolate
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Blue cheese
  • Alcohol
  • Turkey bones and fat
  • Mouldy foods 

Christmas pudding and mince pies 

These common Christmas treats contain dried fruits such as raisins, sultanas and currents, all of which are particularly toxic for cats and dogs and can cause kidney failure if consumed.

Signs that your pet has poisoning from these foods include vomiting, increased thirst and urinating less frequently than normal. 

Safe and onion stuffing and onion gravy 

Any foods that contain vegetables of the allium variety should be off the menu for cats or dogs. This includes fresh and powered forms of aromatics such as onions, garlic, shallots, leeks and chives, which are frequently found in Christmas stuffing and gravy. 

These vegetables all contain a compound called N-propyl disulfide which is damaging to your pet’s red blood cells and can cause them to develop anaemia. 

Signs of allium poisoning in pets includes diarrhoea, stomach pain, as well as presenting as fatigued, weak or off their regular food. 


Chocolate can be particularly toxic for cats and dogs as it contains a compound called theobromine, which animals can’t metabolise easily, and causes overstimulation of their muscles, including their heart. 

Dark chocolate and baking chocolate are the worst offenders as they contain the highest levels of theobromine, while white chocolate is the least harmful as it contains only a small amount of the compound. Although it’s still not recommended giving your pets white chocolate, as the high levels of fat and sugar are still likely to upset their stomach.  

Signs of chocolate poisoning in pets includes; vomiting, a more excitable mood or muscle twitching, elevated heart rate or breathing, tremors or twitching. 

Macadamia nuts 

While it’s not fully understood why Macadamia nuts are unsafe for domestic animals, consuming them can cause your cat or dog to appear weak or sleepy and can cause painful or stiff joints that may make it difficult for them to walk.

This variety of nut can also induce vomiting, tremors and raised body temperature for up to two days. 

Blue cheese and mouldy foods 

Blue cheese such as Roquefort contain a compound called roquefortine C, which is known to cause muscle tremors and seizures in cats and dogs for up to two days. 

Like blue cheese, gone off dairy or bread products contain fungi and mould which produce mycotoxins that can produce similar negative effects for cats and dogs when ingested. 


Animals are more sensitive to the ethanol present in alcohol than humans are. Consumption of alcohol will cause your pet to become drowsy and unstable on their feet and at worst can cause a drop in body temperature and blood sugar, which can lead to seizures or a coma. 

Turkey bones and fat 

While not necessarily toxic to cats and dogs, turkey bones can be brittle which means there is a high chance of them splintering and lodging in your pet’s throat or stomach.

Turkey fat and fatty foods in general, shouldn’t be given to pets in large quantities either, as they can cause stomach discomfort and diarrhoea.  

Tips to prevent your pets from eating unsafe foods 

Keep chocolate out of reach 

It may sound obvious, but tubs of chocolate and advent calendars should be kept out of your dog’s reach or in the fridge where possible.  

Remove chocolate decorations from your Christmas tree as your pets can still knock these off, even if these are hung high up.  

Avoid putting chocolate selection boxes as presents under the tree, as dogs can  smell them through the wrapping paper. 

Keep pets in another room while eating 

Try to keep your pets in a separate room of the house during Christmas dinner, to avoid them eating unsafe foods that might have dropped on the floor. 

Always check the ingredients 

Always check the list of ingredients in any food before feeding to your pet. Many products will contain onion or garlic powder as flavouring, which is just as harmful for your pet as the real thing. 

What to do if your pet has eaten something it shouldn’t have 

Even if your cat or dog has only eaten a small amount of these foods, it’s important to do the following:  

  1. Call the vet straight away – Don’t wait for your pet to start showing symptoms. A vet will be able to offer advice, and the quicker you act, the better chance your pet will have of recovery.
  2. Note the time and quantity of food ingested – Provide the vet with as much information as you can. This includes the time your pet ate the unsafe food, brand names, the ingredient list and how much you think they consumed
  3. Don’t try to make your pet sick – Attempting this can cause further health complications. Leave this to your vet, as they are trained to do this in a safe manner.

Water Safety Scotland issues ice safety advice

As temperatures in Scotland head in a downward trajectory, Water Safety Scotland (WSS) is issuing a warning about the dangers that frozen-over water bodies present.

WSS aims to prevent needless deaths and accidents, and also to alert the public that the majority of the ice-related incidents involve children or dog walkers.

Jen Foley from Water Safety Scotland, said: We encourage people to get out and about to enjoy frosty walks in the crisp cold air, but ice-related drownings are entirely and easily preventable.

“Frozen water can look tempting, but there is just no way of knowing whether it will hold your weight or how deep the water is beneath. We are urging people to keep themselves and their children off of frozen water, as well as keeping their dogs on leads.

“If dog-walkers don’t wish to keep their dogs on leads, then we advise keeping ball- or stickthrowing to areas away from frozen water. Tragically, many past incidents have involved attempted rescues of another person or dog in trouble on or in frozen water.

If you do encounter someone who has fallen through ice:

  • Call the emergency services by dialling 999
  • The emergency services will need to know where you are. Accurate information can
  • save precious minutes. If you have a smart phone and have location services or map
  • tool enabled, this can help. If not look around for any landmarks or signs – for
  • example bridges will often have numbers on them which can identify their location
  • Do not attempt to go out on to the ice yourself
  • Tell the person to stay still to maintain heat and energy
  • Try finding something which will extend your reach, such as a rope, pole or branch
  • Throw the object out and, once ensuring you are stable on the bank either by lying
  • down or having someone hold on to you, pull them in
  • If you cannot find something to reach with, try finding an object that will float and
  • push that out to them
  • Ensure that you keep off the ice at all times during the rescue, continue to reassure
  • the casualty and keep them talking until help arrives
  • Once the person has been rescued, keep them warm and take them to hospital even if they appear to be unaffected

As well as frozen-over water, WSS also want to urge the public to be aware of icy conditions which can make surfaces slippery and unstable, meaning the likelihood of slips, trips and falls is increased.

Take extra caution when visiting coastlines and walking near cliff edges as icy conditions will make surfaces slippery.

For more information, please visit www.watersafetyscotland.org.uk

Three boys died after falling into the lake at Babbs Mill Park in Solihull on Sunday afternoon (11 December).

The boys, aged 11, 10 and 8 were rushed to hospital after being pulled from the water. Sadly, they could not be revived. A fourth boy, aged 6, remains in a critical condition in hospital.