Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership public meeting


Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership

Public Meeting

Monday 25 May 6.30pm

Blackhall Library

Come along to the Inverleith NP meeting on Monday at Blackhall Library!

If crime is an issue for you, please come and hear what’s being done and what you can do to reduce risks!


Police appeal following Bonnington Grove car fires

Three vehicles set alight in Bonnington Grove

fire engine

Police are appealing for information in connection with suspected fire raising incidents in the Leith Newhaven area.

At around 1:45am yesterday (Saturday 16 May) police and the fire service were called to Bonnington Grove in response to a vehicle fire. On arrival it was established that two vehicles were alight while a third, parked a short distance away, was also on fire.

No one was injured but police are keen to trace a man who was seen in the area of Gosford Place at around the time of the incidents. He is described as being white, aged in his mid 20s with an average build and wearing a dark hooded top and bottoms.

Police are asking for anyone who can assist with ongoing enquiries to come forward.

Detective Constable Joe Perkins said: “Luckily no one was injured as a result of these fires but the cars are now ruined causing significant distress for their owners. This sort of reckless behaviour will not be tolerated and I am very keen to ensure that we quickly apprehend the person or persons responsible.

“I would appeal to anyone who was in the area of Bonnington Grove and who noticed any suspicious behaviour at around the time of this incident to please call police on 101 or, alternatively the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

Police seek Red Bridge robber

Victim ‘left shaken’ by knifepoint robbery

red bridge

Police in Edinburgh are appealing for witnesses following a knifepoint robbery near the red bridge by Crewe Toll on Tuesday.

The incident happened at around 1.30pm.

A 30-year-old man was walking on the cycle path between the red bridge on Ferry Road and the rear of the Morrisons supermarket when a male approached and presented a knife.

The victim was then threatened and robbed of his rucksack before the male made off.

Anyone who can assist police with their investigation is asked to come forward.

The suspect is described as white, early to mid-twenties, 6ft tall with an unshaven complexion and a pronounced Adam’s apple. He was wearing a navy blue hooded top with zipper and white drawstrings, navy blue trainers and scruffy white trainers.

Detective Constable Andy Cory said: “Fortunately the victim was unharmed but is obviously very upset at the theft of his rucksack and was left shaken by this incident.

“Anyone who remembers seeing any suspicious activity in the area is asked to contact police immediately. In addition, anyone who recognises the description of the suspect is also asked to get in touch.”

Those with information can contact Police Scotland on 101 or alternatively, the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Police seek woman following Broughton Road assault

police car NELO

Police are appealing for witnesses following an assault and attempted robbery on Broughton Road near its junction with Redbraes Place. The incident took place at around 1:40pm last Thursday (7 May).

A 34-year-old woman was walking towards the city centre when another woman approached her from behind. The assailant then grabbed her by the hair and attempted to snatch her handbag.

The victim screamed and managed to prevent the attacker from stealing her property. The would-be thief then climbed into the passenger side of a nearby car, which was driven away from the scene and turned left onto Newhaven Road.

Police are very keen to trace the woman and the driver of the vehicle as quickly as possible.

She is described as being white with blonde hair, between 5ft 5in to 5ft 7in tall and aged in her early to mid 30’s. At the time of this incident she was wearing casual clothing including trainers and grey/blue coloured jeans.

It is not clear what the make and model of the car is however police believe it may be red in colour.

Detective Constable Iain Wallace said: “”We are particularly keen to hear from anyone who was in the area of Broughton Road around the time of this incident. This was a brazen attack carried out in broad daylight that has left the victim quite badly shaken.

“Anyone who can assist with our enquiries can contact police on 101 or, alternatively they can contact the crime charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

West Pilton Place incident: second man arrested

police arrest

Police Scotland have confirmed that a second man has been arrested and charged with attempted murder following an incident in West Pilton Place.

The 26-year-old is due to appear before Edinburgh Sheriff Court today.

His arrest comes a day after a 39-year-old man was also charged with attempted murder in connection with the same incident, which occurred on last Thursday (7 May).

West Pilton attempted murder: man arrested


Police Scotland have confirmed that a 39-year-old man has been arrested and charged with attempted murder following the incident that occurred last Thursday (7 May) in West Pilton Place.

Another man was stabbed in the incident which happened on the day of the general election.

The accused man was due to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court today.

Forthview break-in: can you help trace bikes?

Heartless thieves could cost local primary school £1000


Forthview Primary School’s shed was broken into over the weekend –  and the school needs your help to trace stolen bikes.

Forthview’s Tracey Berry said: “Bikes that we had borrowed, so that Bill Stobie could teach bike ability to P6, have been stolen, along with footballs and gardening equipment. We are responsibile for the bikes: it will cost us about £1000 to replace the them! Our fundraising is meant to be for outings and activities for Forthview Children not replacing things that thoughtless people have stolen.”


Tracey added: “The bikes look like this (above). If you find one please hand it to the school – the more we find the less money we have to pay out from the school funds.”

Can you help?


Toughening up community justice

New Bill will reform the community justice system in Scotland

Plans for a new community justice model, designed to create a stronger community justice system in Scotland, were published by the Scottish Government on Friday.

The Community Justice (Scotland) Bill establishes a new model for community justice which puts local delivery, partnerships and collaboration at its heart.

The Community Justice (Scotland) Bill will:

  • Place responsibility for local planning and monitoring of community justice services with a defined set of local community justice partners
  • Place duties on these community justice partners to engage in local strategic planning and be accountable for its success
  • Develop a national strategy and a performance framework in relation to community justice
  • Create a national body to provide leadership, promote innovation and provide improvement support where it is required
  • Create a focus on collaboration – including the opportunity to commission, manage or deliver services nationally where appropriate

Community Safety and Legal Affairs Minister Paul Wheelhouse said: “The Scottish Government is committed to reducing re-offending and securing better outcomes for community justice services.

“Offending is a complex problem and there are well established links between persistent offending and poverty, homelessness, addiction and mental illness. Re-offending creates victims, damages communities and wastes potential.

“We want to work in partnership with organisations and communities to reduce re-offending and to deliver better outcomes for offenders and communities.

“We have engaged extensively with stakeholders in developing this model and share their view that community justice services should be person-centred and evidence-based while making the best use of resources; all of which is reflected in today’s Bill.”

The defined set of local community justice partners includes local authorities, NHS boards, Police Scotland, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, Health and Social Care Integration joint boards, Skills Development Scotland, Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service and Scottish Ministers in their role as the Scottish Prison Service.

Tom Halpin, Chief Executive of SACRO said: “Sacro supports the introduction of proposals contained in the Community Justice (Scotland) Bill. This provides a strong opportunity for Scotland’s community justice services to work collaboratively and deliver reduced re-offending and safer communities.

“Working through Community Planning Partnerships, where multi-agency working supports the delivery of joined up services with strong leadership and accountability, is key to transforming the lives of people who are motivated to desist from offending.

“The lived experience of people using Sacro’s services to successfully change their life tells us this Bill is critical in building a socially just and inclusive society for all of Scotland’s communities.”

Councillor Harry McGuigan, COSLA’s Spokesperson for Community Well-being said: “COSLA will study the legislation and continue to work with Scottish Ministers to ensure that the Bill enables a truly local model with improved community justice outcomes at its core.

“Reducing reoffending continues to be a priority for local government and we are working closely with the Scottish Government to ensure a smooth transition to the new model for community justice. We have supported the redesign of community justice throughout the consultation process and we welcome the introduction of this Bill.”

Woman assaulted and robbed on B&M steps

Police seek three men following West Granton Road incident


Police are appealing for witnesses following an assault and robbery on West Granton Road around 1pm yesterday (Saturday). A 41-year-old woman was walking down the steps near the B&M store (the former Gala Bingo) when she was assaulted and robbed by three men who stole a two-figure sum.

The victim sustained minor facial injuries, but did not require medical treatment.

The first suspect is described as a white man, aged 28-30, with shaved fair hair, and a Polish accent. He was wearing a white t-shirt, grey joggers and white footwear.

The second suspect is also a white man, aged 28-30, with a Polish accent. He had short dark hair and was wearing a dark-coloured jumper.

The third is a white man, also aged 28-30, with dark hair.

The three men were last seen heading towards Granton Road.

Detective Constable Mark Seymour said: “This was a shocking attack in broad daylight and we’re confident that there will have been people in the area at the time who can help us to identify these men.

“Anyone who can help with our enquiries is urged to come forward and we’d like to reassure the community that there will be additional patrols in the local area over the coming days as part of our enquiries to trace them.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact Police Scotland on 101 or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Nepal earthquake: beware bogus ‘charity’ appeals

As aid flies out from the UK to Nepal, members of the public are being warned to be cautious about charity appeals …

APRIL nepal earthquake

On Saturday 25 April a massive earthquake struck Nepal. It severely shook the lives of at least 5.3m people and left many homeless.  Nepal’s major cities, including the capital Kathmandu, have been badly damaged and rural areas near the epicentre have been completely cut off by avalanches.

Already over 3000 people have been confirmed dead and the figure is likely to rise significantly in the coming days. Even those whose homes are still standing are sleeping in the streets because they are terrified by regular aftershocks.
All over the world, people will want to come to the aid of the stricken people of Nepal – but sadly some unscrupulous fraudsters will see the disaster as an opportunity to capitalise on this generosity of spirit.

The Charity Commission is encouraging people wishing to help those affected by the earthquake disaster in Nepal to donate only to established registered charities.

It says charities such as the members of the Disasters Emergency Committee, which has launched a dedicated appeal in response to the earthquake, are experienced in providing emergency help during humanitarian disasters.

The regulator says that most fundraising is genuine, but warns the public to guard against unscrupulous people who exploit the generosity of the public by fundraising fraudulently.

It is urging people not to attempt to send cash or aid out directly themselves and not to forget that there are other ways of supporting registered charities if they cannot afford to or do not want to donate. For example, people can take part in fundraising events and activities organised by a registered charity.

There are laws around collecting money for charity in public which are there to protect donors and make sure that the money raised goes to a genuine charitable cause. The commission says there are simple steps people can take to help ensure they give to genuine registered charities. The tips include:

  • check for a registered charity number, and check that against the charity’s entry on the commission’s online charity search tool – if you want to give to the DEC appeal, its registered charity number for England and Wales is 1062638
  • check whether collectors are wearing a proper ID badge and that any collection tin is sealed
  • if in doubt, ask the collector for more information – a genuine fundraiser should be happy to answer questions and explain more about the work of the charity (please see below for further safer giving tips).

APRIL earthquake in NepalPaula Sussex, Chief Executive of the Charity Commission, said: “The British public is incredibly generous and we want to encourage them to continue giving to people in the most desperate need, such as those affected by the earthquake disaster in Nepal.

Our advice is to give to registered charities that have experience in delivering aid in difficult circumstances in the aftermath of natural disasters. It only takes a few minutes to check whether a charity is registered with us – and if in doubt, ask the fundraiser questions about how your money will be used. Good charities will be more than happy to answer your questions.”

Top tips for checking whether an organisation appealing for donations is a genuine registered charity:

  • before giving, check the charity’s name and registration number – you can verify this using the online charity search tool on GOV.UK
  • when approached by collectors, check whether they are wearing a proper ID badge and that any collection tin is sealed
  • if in doubt, ask the collector for more information – a genuine fundraiser should be happy to answer questions and explain more about the work of the charity
  • genuine fundraising materials should feature the charity’s name, registered name and a landline contact number – be wary of those that list only a mobile number
  • look for the FRSB tick logo indicating that the charity is signed up to fundraising regulation, encouraging you to give with
  • to check whether a fundraiser is authorised to collect money in a public place (they must have a licence), contact your local authority or, if in London, the police – if it is a private place, check with the owner
  • take care when responding to emails or clicking links to a charity’s website to ensure that they are genuine – instead, search online for your preferred charity to check you have the right web address
  • after making these checks, if you think that a collection or appeal is not legitimate, report it as a crime to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 and inform the Charity Commission
  • if in any doubt, contact your favoured charity direct to make a donation