Crime and Punishment: “We must think beyond bricks and mortar”, says Minister

Extending a presumption against short prison sentences and encouraging greater use of more effective community sentences will better tackle re-offending, Michael Matheson said yesterday. Continue reading Crime and Punishment: “We must think beyond bricks and mortar”, says Minister

Modern slavery: it could be closer than you think …

Increasing number of potential victims being identified in Scotland

Human trafficking may be closer than most Scots think, a new awareness campaign has revealed. For the first time, the locations where victims of human trafficking have been identified over the last five years have been pinpointed to challenge perceptions that the crime is confined to Scotland’s major towns and cities. Continue reading Modern slavery: it could be closer than you think …

Police appeal after high value theft from Hibs Club Shop

Police are appealing for witnesses after a high-value theft of merchandise from the Hibernian shop on Albion Place last Friday (11th August). Eighteen replica Hibernian football tops – nine home and nine away versions – were stolen.

Continue reading Police appeal after high value theft from Hibs Club Shop