North Edinburgh dispersal zone set for fireworks period

Four dispersal zones are being set up in Edinburgh to combat anti-social behaviour and disorder over the Bonfire weekend. Continue reading North Edinburgh dispersal zone set for fireworks period

UK agency seizes fake meds worth over £2 million

A crackdown on fake medicines and medical devices by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has netted a haul of more than 1 million doses worth in excess of £2 million. Continue reading UK agency seizes fake meds worth over £2 million

Danger of knife crime drama to tour Scottish schools

This unique theatre performance, ‘Balisong’, designed for schools by young performers, empowers young people to stand up, speak out and get help if a friend or classmate is carrying a knife. Continue reading Danger of knife crime drama to tour Scottish schools

Open Day at West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre: the show WILL go on

Saturday 27 October: 10am – 12 noon

An event planned to showcase the facilities available at West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre WILL go ahead next Saturday, organisers have confirmed.

The event – which has been planned for some time – was cast into doubt following a serious outbreak of antisocial behaviour at the Centre on Thursday evening. A large group of youths gained access to the roof of the Centre, throwing stones which broke windows and damaged cars.

There have been problems with young people getting onto the roof before, and the management committee had ordered anti-climb paint to deter vandals. Ironically, the paint arrived on Friday …

A spokesman for the neighbourhood centre’s management committee said: “We will be meeting with the Police on Tuesday to review Thursday’s incident and discuss ways in which we can address antisocial behaviour.

“However we want to assure local people and members of the public that our Open Day goes ahead as planned next Saturday. West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre is a community asset and some people don’t know what’s n offer here. Saturday’s event is an opportunity to see for yourself what the Centre has to offer.”


Police appeal following attempted murder on local cycle path

Police are appealing for witnesses after an attempted murder in the north of the city. The incident happened on a cycle path near Connaught Place off Ferry Road at around 7.50pm last night (Monday 8 October). Continue reading Police appeal following attempted murder on local cycle path