More than 7000 hate crimes reported in first week of Scotland’s new law

POLICE have issued data relating to the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021.

Data shows there were 7152 online hate reports received 1 April to 7 April.

During this period 240 hate crimes and 30 non-crime hate incidents were recorded.

View the data:

‘To the shoplifters and those abusing shopworkers, enough is enough’

Prime Minister launches retail crime crackdown

Serial or abusive shoplifters will face tougher punishments as the Prime Minister sets out tough new action to crack down on retail crime and protect UK highstreets.

Assaulting a retail worker will be made a standalone criminal offence in England, sending a clear message that there will be tough consequences for this unacceptable behaviour. 

Perpetrators could be sent to prison for up to six months, receive an unlimited fine and be banned from going back to the shop where they committed their crimes, with Criminal Behaviour Orders barring them visiting specific premises. 

Breaching an order is also a criminal offence and carries a five-year maximum prison sentence. For the most serious cases of assault, such as causing grievous bodily harm with intent, offenders could face a life sentence.

The move to create the new offence follows longstanding campaigning on this issue from Matt Vickers MP, and some of the biggest retailers, calling for more action to better protect their staff. 

The UK government is also stepping up action to clamp down on offenders who repeatedly target the country’s high streets, with serial offenders forced to wear tags to track their movements. 

These tags will be a constant and physical reminder to offenders that the Probation Service can find out where they have been and when, and that they risk being sent to prison if they refuse to obey the rules. Under an amendment to the Criminal Justice Bill, if an offender is found guilty of assaulting staff three times, or is sentenced for shoplifting on three separate occasions, they should be made to wear a tag as part of any community order.

Ahead of this legislation coming in, the UK government will partner with a police force to pilot a bespoke package of community sentencing measures which can be used by judges to tackle high levels of shoplifting, sending a clear message that repeat criminality will not be tolerated.

The government is also ramping up the use of facial recognition technology to help catch perpetrators and prevent shoplifting in the first place. Backed by a £55.5m investment over the next four years, the police will be able to further roll this new state of the art technology.

This will include £4m for bespoke mobile units that can be deployed to high streets across the country with live facial recognition used in crowded areas to identify people wanted by the police – including repeat shoplifters.

The mobile units will take live footage of crowds in towns and on highstreets, comparing images to specific people wanted by the police or banned from that location. Police in the area will then be alerted so they can track down these offenders.  

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said: “Since 2010, violent and neighbourhood crime in England and Wales has fallen dramatically, showing our plan to keep our streets safe is working. Yet shoplifting and violence and abuse towards retail workers continues to rise.

“I am sending a message to those criminals – whether they are serious organised criminal gangs, repeat offenders or opportunistic thieves – who think they can get away with stealing from these local businesses or abusing shopworkers, enough is enough.

“Our local shops are the lifeblood of our communities, and they must be free to trade without the threat of crime or abuse.”

The action set out today builds on the successes already through the police’s Retail Crime Action Plan, which was commissioned by the Crime and Policing Minister, Chris Philp last year.

This included a range of measures, such as a police commitment to prioritise urgently attending the scene of shop theft involving violence against a shop worker, where security guards have detained an offender or where attendance is needed to secure evidence, which is showing signs of progress.

Home Secretary James Cleverly said: “There is quite simply no excuse for threatening behaviour or stealing – which can run other people’s livelihoods into the ground, while being traumatic for workers. 

“To turn a blind eye to retail crime shakes the foundations of law and order which protect our society and that is unacceptable. We are enhancing our plan and doubling down on the zero-tolerance approach needed to fight back. 

“The number of offenders being charged for these crimes is increasing and while I want to see more people face consequences for their actions, our plan is designed to help put a stop to these crimes happening in the first place.”

The government has driven forward significant efforts to tackle retail crime in the past year, bringing together policing and business to commit to smarter, more joined up working to reduce criminal behaviour and rebuild public confidence in the police response when it does occur. 

Crime and Policing Minister Chris Philp said: “Sadly if you speak to anyone working in retail, they will tell you of the verbal abuse and sometimes violent assaults they’ve been victims of, simply for trying to do their job. 

“In no other work place would this be accepted. I have been driving forward action to improve the police response to retail crime since I became Policing Minister, because nothing less than a zero-tolerance approach will do.

“That’s why today we’re sending a clear message to criminals that enough is enough bringing forward further measures to protect retail workers and crack down on those who continuously disregard the law.”

A specialist new police team set up last year is building intelligence on organised retail crime gangs funded through ‘Pegasus’, a first-of-its-kind business and policing partnership backed by 14 of the UK’s biggest retailers, National Business Crime Solutions and the Home Office, launched to radically improve the way retailers are able to share intelligence with police to identify more offenders. The unit forms part of Opal, the national police intelligence unit for serious organised acquisitive crime.   

Where CCTV or other digital images are secured, police are committed to running this through the Police National Database, as standard, to aid efforts to identify prolific offenders or potentially dangerous individuals. This builds on the pledge by police forces across England and Wales that they will follow up on all lines of enquiry, where there is a reasonable chance it could lead them to catching a perpetrator and solving a crime.

All police forces across England and Wales made another significant commitment last year to prioritise police attendance at the scene of a retail crime incident where violence has been used towards shop staff, where an offender has been detained by store security, or where evidence needs to be secured and can only be done by police personnel.

Paul Gerrard, Campaigns and Public Affairs Director of The Co-op Group, said: “The Co-op sees every day the violence and threats our colleagues, like other retail workers, face as they serve the communities they live in.

“We have long called for a standalone offence of attacking or abusing a shopworker and so we very much welcome the Government’s announcement today.

“The Co-op will redouble our work with police forces but these measures will undoubtedly, when implemented, keep our shopworkers safer, protect the shops they work in and help the communities both serve.”

Helen Dickinson, Chief Executive of the British Retail Consortium, said: “After relentless campaigning for a specific offence for assaulting retail workers, the voices of the three million people working in retail are finally being heard.

“The impact of retail violence has steadily worsened, with people facing racial abuse, sexual harassment, threatening behaviour, physical assault and threats with weapons, often linked to organised crime. Victims are ordinary hardworking people – teenagers taking on their first job, carers looking for part-time work, parents working around childcare.

“This announcement sends a clear message that abusive behaviour will not be tolerated and it is vital the police use this new legislation to step up their response to incidents. Together, we must stamp out this scourge in crime that has been sweeping the nation and ensure retail workers are given the vital protections they deserve.

Sharon White, Chairman of the John Lewis Partnership, said: “Retail crime is never victimless – it costs retailers over £1 billion every year and can have a huge impact on the shop workers involved. 

“We’ve long called for violence towards retail workers to be recognised as a standalone offence so welcome this announcement, which sends a clear message that abuse will never be tolerated. It will help deter acts of aggression, and allow police to drive prosecutions should instances escalate.”

Theft and violence costing retailers hundreds of thousands of pounds per year

Shopkeepers step up measures to combat rising crime

  • Almost three-quarters of retailers surveyed have suffered from crime in the last 12 months
  • Crime costing retailers nearly £60,000 per year on average – with some losing more than £500,000
  • Retailers forced to adopt protective measures like bodycams, panic alarms and self-defence training
  • British Retail Consortium says ‘scourge in retail crime must be stamped out’
  • NFU Mutual issues key prevent and protect advice

New figures lay bare the true cost of crime to the UK’s high-street, as retailers look to take desperate measures in the face of an alarming rise in theft and violence.

The research* from commercial insurer NFU Mutual shows that nearly three-quarters of retailers (74%) surveyed have suffered from crime over the past 12 months – costing shops an average of almost £60,000 in that time. Shockingly, NFU Mutual found that one in 20 retailers had lost half a million pounds to crime over the same time period.

In a bid to try and combat the costly and widespread issue, almost two-thirds of retailers say they have had to take security measures in the last year alone. That includes a variety of physical and technological protection, with a quarter employing full-time security and 66% installing CCTV.

Some businesses have resorted to more drastic measures to protect staff, with 32% training employees on safety and self-defence, and just shy of a quarter giving staff both bodycams (24%) and nearly as many giving staff panic alarms on their person and on counters (23%).

The rise in crime is felt beyond monetary loss alone, with more than a third of retailers (37%) saying it’s impacted their mental health and three in 10 admitting they live in fear of theft or violence on their store.

Zoe Knight, Head of Commercial at NFU Mutual, said: “Our study shows a worrying number of our retailers are falling victim to crime, which continues to plague our shops, and more than eight in 10 (81%) believe it has increased in the last year.

“With retailers on average suffering losses of around £60,000 a year as a result of theft, the results of this survey will concern the industry.

“And the impact of this ongoing crime wave clearly extends way beyond a cost perspective, with a worrying number saying incidents have had a negative impact on their mental health and others constantly living in fear they will be targeted.

“What is clear, and important to see, is people are making a huge effort to protect their stock, staff and premises. While it does come at a cost, we would urge all retailers to do everything they can to deter thieves to feel as protected and supported as they can, should the worst happen.”

The most common type of crime retailers have suffered was the theft of goods from the shopfloor or stockroom in working hours (48%), with verbal violence or assault against staff and customers (38%), overnight theft (23%), criminal damage (20%) and theft of money from tills or safe (13%) also featuring highly.

The British Retail Consortium’s (BRC) crime survey, revealed in February, further highlighted the issue and the action that needs to take place to tackle incidents in the sector.

Tom Ironside, Director of Business & Regulation at the BRC, said: “Violence and abuse take a huge toll on retail workers, their families, and their friends. While incidents might be over in a few minutes, victims can carry these experiences with them for a lifetime – and can have a severe impact on victims physical and mental health.

“Everyone has a right to go to work without fearing for their safety, and we must stamp out this scourge in retail crime once and for all for the sake of all the hardworking people in retail.”

NFU Mutual Risk Management Servicesadvice for retailers to protect against shoplifting:  

  • Use customer service as a tool to deter thieves – greeting them lets them know they have been acknowledged and may deter them as they have been identified 
  • Make sure store layouts are organised and tidy, placing high-value or items which are more desirable for thieves in monitorable areas. Consider adding mirrors to the store to reduce blind spots 
  • If possible, limit the number of high value items on display and secure remaining stock within a robust, lockable area 
  • Train staff to recognise shoplifting tactics and ensure they know how to keep themselves safe from the risk of violence 
  • Consider displaying signage in-store notifying thieves that they will be prosecuted 
  • Try to minimise cash takings and use counter caches to deposit cash during opening hours. Install a good quality compliant safe which is fixed in place and preferably kept in an alarm protected area 

NFU Mutual Risk Management Servicesadvice for retailers to protect against break-ins:   

  • Ensure all doors and windows have good quality locks (to BS3621) which cannot be opened from the outside or from the inside without the use of a key 
  • Always keep keys to doors, windows, and safes, in a secure location. Always remove them from your premises outside of business hours and limit their distribution amongst managers or staff.  
  • Consider investing in good shutters, grilles and bars on doors and windows. 
  • If investing in an intruder alarm, ensure it is installed by a NSI or SSAIB approved company, compliant to EN1350-1 and provides remote signalling to an alarm receiving centre 
  • If investing in surveillance (CCTV) ensure it provides good quality images, is recorded to the cloud with links to mobiles and/or remote monitoring, and meets requirements of GDPR 
  • Be aware of cyber threats and make sure you have cyber insurance in place should the worst happen 
  • Consider hiring data protection specialists to provide ongoing security of your data 
  • Have a robust policy in place for responding to intruder alarm activations – i.e. don’t let a keyholder turn up on their own 

Find out more about NFU Mutual’s information for retailers:


For Bradbeers Department Store, the issue of theft has been a problem which has cost thousands in both stock loss and prevention.

Over the last seven years, Bradbeers – which has five department and furniture stores in Hampshire and Wiltshire – has seen thousands of pounds worth of stock stolen and thousands of pounds spent on various deterrents.

A family-owned, independent retailer, Bradbeers stocks male and female clothing brands including Barbour, Gant, Joules, Ben Sherman, Hobbs and Phase Eight, while also selling high-end fragrance and beauty products, fashion accessories and homewares.

The most recent incident in December saw thieves smash through a toughened window in the early hours of the morning and make their way to steal men’s stock, including Gant and Barbour.

“Staff are called, and police alerted by the alarm monitoring company as soon as an incident happens, which can be at any time of the night,” Mark Hall, Bradbeers’ Property and Procurement Manager, said.

“The problem isn’t just the stock loss but it’s the whole process afterwards – getting the glass cleared, boarding up and re-securing, police reporting and forensics, quotations for repairs, alarm resetting – it is a time-consuming process.

“Attempted theft in our geographical area has been on the increase from what we have noticed. It could well be to do with the cost of living with thieves trying to get expensive goods they can then sell on easily – some stock has been recovered by police, but it’s often been the sort of items that criminals can move on fairly quickly, that never get found.”

A further incident in December last year highlighted another increasing issue in the industry – violence towards staff, as thieves engaged in an altercation with shop workers who tried to stop them from stealing vacuum cleaners.

“It was an afternoon incident and thieves took four vacuum cleaners and tried to run out with them,” said Mark. “Two of our female members of staff managed to recover some items after trying to fight them off.

“Staff safety is paramount, but sometimes the adrenaline kicks in. We are an independent, family business and people that work here feel upset that others would come in and try to steal from us.”

The company has installed metal roller shutter doors and smoke cloak fogging devices among a host of other protection measures, and extensive CCTV which has proved useful to police in identifying perpetrators.

“It really is a big issue and not just for us, but for the retail sector as a whole,” said Mark.  “However, we have certainly seen the benefit of the investments we have made to minimise incidents.”

Father and son plead guilty to Greendykes murders

A father and son have pleaded guilty to the murder of 37-year-old Derek Johnston and 66-year-old Desmond Rowlings.

Mr Johnston and Mr Rowlings were subjected to horrific crimes before their deaths at the hands of Ian MacLeod and Dean McLeod in November 2022 in Greendykes Road, Edinburgh.

The pair admitted murdering their victims when they appeared at the High Court in Edinburgh today, Monday, 8 April, 2024.

Detective Superintendent Susan Balfour said: “My thoughts remain with Derek and Desmond’s families. They have had to endure unimaginable pain and trauma.

“These crimes were some of the most violent I have seen, and everyone involved was affected. There is no doubt in my mind that people are safer now that these two men are in prison.”

Appeal for information following serious assault in Charlotte Square

POLICE in Edinburgh are appealing for information following a serious assault in the city.

Around 4.50pm yesterday (Sunday, 7 April) a 49-year-old man was assaulted by a group of men in Charlotte Square.

He was taken to The Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh for treatment.

Detective Sergeant Mike Campbell of CID said: “This was a shocking attack on the victim. Our investigations so far have established five men that we would be keen to trace.

The first suspect is about 5”10” tall, large build, in his 50s with medium length grey hair, wearing a blue and purple polo shirt with white details around the collar, a light grey zip hooded top, light blue jeans and white trainers.

The second suspect is about 5”10” tall, medium build, in his 50s with very short greying hair, wearing a light blue/grey coloured collar shirt, light blue jeans and white trainers.

The third suspect is in his 50s, medium build, wearing a light-coloured T-shirt and a thin black puffer jacket.

The fourth suspect is about 6”0” tall, average build with short brown hair, wearing a beige/salmon coloured long sleeved shirt, black trousers and grey shoes.

The fifth man is about 6”0” tall, medium build, wearing a black baseball hat, black jacket, and grey shorts.

“We know the area was busy with passersby and motorists. We’re asking for anyone who witnessed the incident or has any information to please come forward.

“If you believe you could help our investigation, call 101 quoting reference 2423 of 7 April, 2024. Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, if you wish to remain anonymous.”

Police seek witnesses to serious assault in park

Officers are appealing for information following a serious assault at the Inch Park last night.

The incident happened around 9.20pm on Monday, 1 April, 2024, when a 21-year-old man was assaulted. He was taken to hospital for treatment.

Detective Inspector Gavin Howat said: “Our enquiries are ongoing and we are appealing to anyone who may have seen anything to contact us.

“We also ask anyone driving in the area at the time who may have dash-cam footage to come forward.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact police on 101 quoting incident 3625 of 1 April, 2024. Alternatively, Crimestoppers can be called anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Nine teenagers charged with 77 antisocial behaviour offences

Following a number of recent anti-social-behaviour incidents in the Morningside and Bruntsfield areas, 9 people between the ages of 13-14 years have been identified and charged with 77 offences relating to ASB offences.

Community Inspector Scott Casey of St. Leonard’s Police Station said “ASB is a blight on our communities and I recognise the fear it causes.

“It will not be tolerated in south-east of Edinburgh and my team and I are committed to tackling it and bringing those responsible to justice.

“I would encourage members of the public who are experiencing such issues to get in touch with my team via 101 or you can contact Crimestoppers 0800 555 111.”

Police: Make it tough for car thieves

Following several incidents across the city Police in Edinburgh ask that vehicle owners take note of the following simple prevention measures that could stop your vehicle being stolen –

• Use a steering lock – a visible deterrent to thieves.

• If your vehicle has keyless entry use a Faraday pouch / metal tin to prevent relay theft.

• Do not leave keys close to windows / doors – this aids relay theft and physical theft of the keys.

• If you have a private driveway / parking space, consider fitting a parking bollard.

• Fit a lock to the vehicles On Board Diagnostic (OBD) port to prevent thieves easily re-programming a new key.

• Use a pedal box – these specially designed boxes fit over the drive pedals and lock in place when the vehicle is not in use.

• Physically check doors are locked before leaving your vehicle and don’t leave valuables within.

• Trackers can assist in the recovery of stolen vehicles – check if your vehicle has one and how to obtain information if it is required.

If you see anyone acting suspiciously near to your property please contact the police immediately with as detailed a description as possible of any person or vehicle involved.

Please call 999 if an emergency and urgent police assistance is required or 101 to report the matter to the police.

Dobbies’ Edinburgh and Lothian stores invite nominations for national community initiative

Dobbies, the UK’s leading garden centre, today launches Dobbies Community Gardens, to offer support for community and charity groups in Edinburgh and the Lothians to help transform, restore or start their indoor or outdoor green spaces.

Committed to bringing a smile to its local communities, Dobbies is inviting anyone who has a community space that needs gardening knowledge and inspiration – indoors or outdoors – to get in touch, with applications now open.

Dobbies’ colleagues are passionate about gardens and plants, championing garden living all year round to create experiences that bring people and communities together.

The Stockbridge little dobbies and Edinburgh store will select a project to support from the nominations that are made. The winning groups will receive products, tools and plants to help bring their community space to life during a personal-shopper session with a dedicated Dobbies’ colleague. In addition to this, there will be volunteer hours allocated to help bring the project to fruition.

Successful applicants will receive support over the year to keep their indoor or outdoor space blooming.

Nick Anderson, Dobbies’ Operations Director, is looking forward to hearing from groups across the country. He said: “There are so many brilliant community groups near our Stockbridge little dobbies and Edinburgh store – from schools and nurseries, to In Bloom Groups and charities, and even local sports teams.

“Our store colleagues are ready to take on a fresh challenge for this year and we want to hear from groups in Edinburgh and the Lothians who would benefit from our support.

“If anyone knows of a community group that has a garden living project in need of our help, please encourage them to enter.”

Applications are now open and taking part couldn’t be easier. Those entering must be located within 20 miles of Dobbies’ Edinburgh store or five miles of the Stockbridge little dobbies store. For more information about how to get involved in Dobbies Community Gardens, visit Dobbies Community Gardens

Nominated projects will be invited along to the Edinburgh store for the free Grow How session on Saturday 4 May, 10.30am, and the winner will be announced. The Stockbridge little dobbies store doesn’t hold a free Grow How session, the winner will be contacted separately.

The winning team for each store will meet a colleague that will support them throughout the project.

Industry report reveals devastating impact of crime on the Scottish convenience sector

Figures published in the Scottish Grocers Federation (SGF) Crime Report & Safer Business Guide 2023/24, today highlight a shocking escalation in retail crime over the past year.

The organisation is calling for urgent action from government.

Findings uncovered by the convenience trade association show that the average cost of retail crime skyrocketed to £12,164 per store in 2023/24. As an average across the 763 stores which took part in the SGF annual crime survey. Scaling up the sample to represent all 5,171 convenience stores in Scotland, this accounts for an annual cost of approximately £62.9million which is crippling the sector.

Information gathered for the report and published during the SGF annual Crime & Wellbeing Seminar, being held at Hampden Park today, shows that:

  • 100% of convenience retailers agree that shoplifting has increased in the past year, while 99.5% say that shoplifting is now a daily occurrence.
  • More than nine out of every ten stores report that violence against staff occurs at least once a week and Hate Crime once a month (92.8% and 92.7% respectively)
  • Over half (56.9%) of respondents also report experiencing daily incidents of abuse when refusing a sale or when asking for proof of age.

Analysis of the data also reveals a fall in confidence in the Scottish Justice System to tackle the growing problem of retail crime. With, for example, over two thirds of respondents saying they are either unlikely or very unlikely to report shoplifting incidents to the police.

SGF Chief Executive, Dr Pete Cheema OBE, said: “Almost every week we are told of another terrible incident in one of our members’ stores. From machete and knife attacks to organised gangs roving through communities targeting vulnerable businesses to loot. It’s completely understandable that some members of staff are now refusing to come to work for fear of their safety. 

“Sadly, these incidents and many others even more distressing and harrowing cases of shop theft, abuse, threatening behaviour, and violence are now commonplace in stores right across Scotland. Our annual survey of Scottish convenience stores shows just how bad things have become.

“It’s not just the escalating price tag of theft and vandalism that is costing convenience businesses, but harm to the physical health and wellbeing of retailers and staff. That trauma is then carried home to people’s families and their local communities.

“That is why we desperately need Ministers to take urgent action, now. The police and courts can’t cope, and many crimes are going unreported because retailers don’t believe the authorities will respond. Offenders know they’re unlikely to face any consequences for their crimes and even if they are arrested, many will spend years awaiting conviction.   

“We are urging the Scottish Government to act now, before things get even worse. If not now, then when?” 

The SGF Crime Report & Safer Business Guide 2023/24 provides a range of resources and materials, including crime case studies from Retailers Against Crime and advice for retailers on conflict management, in-store security measures and cybercrime.