Three women arrested for city centre thefts

Police have arrested and charged two women for pickpocketing in the city centre and a third for theft of a handbag within a licensed premises.

On Thursday (12th December), officers observed two women acting suspiciously on Upper Bow. They were subsequently arrested for attempt theft and are due to appear before Edinburgh Sheriff Court for pickpocketing offences.

In the early hours of yesterday morning, a third woman was arrested after staff at a licensed premises in the Cowgate identified her from CCTV stealing from a customer’s bag.

Inspector Trish Robertson from the West End Police Station said: “We are committed to ensuring that Edinburgh is a safe place to be, particularly at this time of year with the Christmas Market in full swing and people out shopping and celebrating.

“We have officers on patrol in uniform and in plain clothes, and one of our main focuses is acquisitive crime such as pickpocketing and thefts. Thankfully, due to the vigilance of the officers and staff involved in these incidents, three people have been arrested and charged.

“I’d like to remind everyone shopping or visiting the city centre to look after your belongings. Keep all of your bags and valuables safe and with you at all times. If you see anyone acting suspiciously, please report it. Keep your purses and wallets in a zipped inside pocket wherever possible and make sure any bags are closed and are in sight at all times.

“Anyone with information regarding such offences are asked to contact Police Scotland on 101, or anonymously through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

Festive drink and drug-drive campaign launched


The Justice Secretary and Police Scotland have launched this year’s festive campaign to tackle drink- and drug-driving.

This is the first festive enforcement and awareness campaign to include the use of the new drug-drive laws which came into force last month.

The campaign highlights the criminal and personal consequences of being found guilty of driving a vehicle while under the influence alcohol or with drugs in your system.

Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf said: “Driving a vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is totally unacceptable and puts not only the driver, but passengers and other road users, at risk of serious injury or even death.

“As well as such devastating consequences, drivers caught drink or drug-driving also face significant criminal penalties which could result in them losing their licence or their liberty.

“The new drug-driving law and Scotland’s low driver-alcohol limit are focused on making our roads safer for everyone.”

Superintendent Louise Blakelock, Police Scotland’s Deputy Head of Road Policing, said: “As we move into the festive party season, we are reminding motorists of the devastating consequences driving with alcohol or drugs in their system can have.

“New roadside testing for drugs was introduced on 21 October and disappointingly we have seen nearly 100 people provide positive tests in the first four weeks. Our Festive Drink Drug-Driving Campaign starts on 1 December and we will have dedicated resources on patrol, targeting motorists who choose to take the risk of taking drugs and driving or drinking and driving.

“I am urging people to plan ahead during the party season. Think about how you’re going to get home safely and don’t forget about the impact alcohol can still have the morning after.”

This is the first festive period when motorists face roadside drugs test, under a new law which came into force 21 October. This introduced drug-drive limits and a zero tolerance approach to the eight drugs most associated with illegal use, including cannabis, heroin and cocaine.

Police can now carry out testing using mouth swabs for any motorist they suspect of drug-driving or who has been involved in an accident or stopped for a traffic offence.

During the first four weeks of the new law coming into force (21 October-18 November) 96 people have provided positive roadside tests. Of the 96, six were women aged between 23 and 42. The 90 men were aged between 17 and 50.



Record-breaking first week for Edinburgh’s Christmas

The rising popularity of Edinburgh’s Christmas has been welcomed by the city council’s ‘Capital Coalition’ leaders – despite public disquiet over the over-commercialisation of the city centre.

2019/20 Christmas

Footfall figures for the first 9 days (first Saturday to second Sunday) are 522,000 – that’s 13% up on the same period last year.

These figures build on the biggest ever opening weekend for the Capital’s festive markets which saw a third more people enjoy the first Saturday of the event than in 2018.  Continue reading Record-breaking first week for Edinburgh’s Christmas

“Utterly repugnant”: human traffickers jailed at High Court

“Such crimes are utterly repugnant. They involve the degradation of other humans, treating them as if they were objects or animals to be transported and sold for exploitation.” – Lord Beckett

Four people who trafficked women from Slovakia to Scotland and forced their victims into prostitution and sham marriages have been jailed. Continue reading “Utterly repugnant”: human traffickers jailed at High Court

Public warning after Asian gold housebreakings

Police Scotland are once again urging communities to be vigilant and homeowners to take appropriate security measures following a number of housebreakings across the country targeting Asian gold jewellery and cash.

Since April there have been 35 reports of break-ins to properties in Glasgow, Paisley, Renfrew, Ayrshire and Edinburgh, resulting in over £500,000 worth of jewellery and cash being stolen. Continue reading Public warning after Asian gold housebreakings

Guy Fawkes Night: more attacks on emergency services

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) crews responded to approximately 359 bonfires across the country between 3.30pm and 11.30pm yesterday (November 5).

Operations Control firefighters handled 882 calls from members of the public. There were also several attacks on crews, but no firefighters were seriously injured. Continue reading Guy Fawkes Night: more attacks on emergency services

Westminster committee calls for drugs decriminalisation in Scotland

The possession of illicit drugs for personal use should be decriminalised, a report by MPs has said. Westminster’s Scottish Affairs Committee also recommends the UK government should allow so-called fix rooms in Scotland in a bid to tackle drug misuse.

Drug-related deaths in Scotland reached an all-time high of 1,187 last year. Continue reading Westminster committee calls for drugs decriminalisation in Scotland