Valuable ring recovered following Western theft


Local Police have recovered a valuable gold ring as part of the ongoing Operation Wolf. The ring was stolen at the Western General Hospital but was tracked down to a local second-hand shop and has now been returned to it’s delighted owner.

A 73-year-old man was visiting the hospital on 1 May and washed his hands in a restroom. As he did so he removed his 18ct gold signet ring, which was etched with his family crest. He then left the building – but forgot to pick up the ring. The man returned a short time later but found that the item had been stolen and contacted police.

Officers from the Search and Recovery Team (SART) carried out local enquiries and spoke to local second-hand retailers. The investigation proved successful as police were contacted by one of the stores on Saturday 24 May after the ring was brought in for sale.

Police are now following a positive line of enquiry to identify those responsible for this theft, and the ring has since been returned to its rightful owner.

Superintendent Matt Richards said: “This ring was made by the victim’s brother and while it is worth a significant sum of money, it is of greater sentimental value.

“As a result of Operation Wolf activities carried out by the SART, police in Edinburgh were able recover the item from a second-hand store and are actively hunting for the thieves.

“I would like to thank all of the retail premises we work alongside for their continued support in tackling acquisitive crime.

“Operation Wolf continues to address the crimes and issues affecting our various local communities and will relentlessly pursue those responsible for these offences.”


Race attack on driver in Trinity


Police are seeking help to find a group of young men following a racist attack on a driver in Trinity on Friday. The assault, which happened at 5.10pm in Cargil Terrace, left the 38-year-old victim with a serious facial injury.

The victim, who is originally from Zimbabwe, was first abused by the group, who were in another vehicle, and then attacked. The men are all described as being white, late teens to mid 20s and wearing jeans and casual clothing.

Police said the man had been driving his car on Granton Road when the men began shouting racist remarks from the other vehicle.

Both vehicles then travelled in the same direction into Cargil Terrace, where the altercation ended with the victim being assaulted in the street.

Det Sgt Mike Leask said: “The victim was first subjected to verbal abuse before being attacked and sustaining serious facial injuries.

“I would like to thank the witnesses that have assisted police with our inquiries and would urge any additional members of the public who witnessed the assault to contact police immediately and help us trace those responsible. In addition, anyone with any further information relevant to this investigation is also asked to get in touch.”


Doorstep crime initiative: man in Court


One man has appeared in Court and another has been reported to the Procurator Fiscal as part of the ongoing Operation Monarda initiative to tackle the scourge of bogus workmen.

A 23 year old man has been arrested, charged and appeared in court for over 40 bogus workmen offences after targeting a number of residents in Edinburgh.

In total, 14 homeowners in the Currie, Balerno and other areas in the west of the Capital were visited and over-charged for substandard work, which was carried out on their properties.

The man was identified as part of Operation Monarda – a new partnership initiative to tackle doorstep crime across Scotland.

After being detained on Tuesday, he appeared at court the following day in connection with 44 crimes and has been remanded in custody.

Police also seized a number of the man’s assets and have applied for a six-figure sum of cash to be forfeited under Proceeds of Crime legislation.

Another man, aged 47, has also been reported to the Procurator Fiscal in relation to these offences.

Police Scotland, Trading Standards and other partner agencies are assuring the public they are committed to identifying those responsible for doorstep crime and bringing them to justice.

Chief Superintendent Mark Williams, Divisional Commander of Edinburgh City Division said:

“Doorstep crime can affect anyone within our local communities, but we are aware that in particular the over 60’s can be targeted due to a perceived vulnerability.

“Those who commit such crimes, like bogus callers and rogue traders, are extremely convincing in how they approach and interact with potential victims. Anyone can be convinced by the lies these criminals create.

“If you are aware of any suspicious activity taking place at the home of a neighbour, friend or family member then please contact police immediately.”

A spokesperson from Trading Standards Scotland said: “Doorstep crime remains the number one priority for Trading Standards services in Scotland and we are committed to working with our partners to tackle this unscrupulous crime.

“Unfortunately, doorstep crime still remains vastly under reported and we strongly encourage victims, potential victims and their families and friends to report any suspicions they have immediately.”

Please report any suspicious activity to Police on 101, or your local Trading Standards department. If the person refuses to leave your door, or you feel threatened or scared – call 999 and ask for the Police.


Cashback to create more goal-den opportunities

Criminals’ cash to fund future football stars

goal net

Millions of pounds confiscated from criminals is to be invested in Scottish football for young people as part of the CashBack for Communities Scheme. Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill announced yesterday that the Scottish Football Association (SFA) is to receive £2.25 million over the next three years to provide free football activities for children and young people throughout Scotland.

Mr MacAskill unveiled the new funding on a visit to Shawlands Academy, Glasgow, to see young people train as part of the Glasgow All Nations Sports and Recreation (ANSAR) Easter holiday football programme.

The programme is supported by the SFA Equity Project, a unique initiative aimed at increasing the number of people from ethnic minorities participating in the game which has received £467,475 of CashBack funding since 2011.

Mr MacAskill said: “The CashBack for Communities programme has been incredibly successful in using money seized from criminals to fund projects in every part of Scotland. Today’s announcement brings the total amount we have invested and committed to encouraging young people into footballing activity through the SFA to more than £7.5m – with £74 million invested or committed through Cashback overall since 2008.

“CashBack has made significant investments in Scottish sport and our commitment to helping grass roots programmes is underlined by today’s announcement. This £2.25million award will help more than 50 clubs and groups continue their excellent work providing free sporting activities for their local community.

“As one of our CashBack partners, the Scottish FA is helping us ensure that the ill-gotten gains of criminals can be put to good use by keeping youngsters out of trouble and hopefully unearthing future star strikers for the Scotland football squad!”

The Scottish FA has undertaken significant investment in equity projects with 1,400 individuals from 43 diverse ethnic groups across Scotland now taking part activities including playing, coaching and volunteering.

Welcoming the investment, the SFA’S Director of Football Development Jim Fleeting said: “The Scottish FA is grateful for the continued support from the Scottish Government via CashBack for Communities funding.

“The grant will enable us to continue our objective to grow the national sport at grassroots level and in particular to make the game accessible to all, regardless of ability, sex, religion or ethnicity.

“I am delighted to be at Shawlands Academy to recognise and endorse the great work undertaken by Glasgow Ansar. This kind of activity highlights the work of our Equity officers and today’s announcement by the Cabinet Secretary will enable us to help clubs such as Glasgow Ansar to access coach education, volunteering and funding support.”

Three sought following Glenogle knifepoint robbery


Police appealing for witnesses after a 15 year old boy was robbed at knifepoint on Glenogle Road on Monday afternoon.

The incident took place around 4.45pm when the victim was walking along Glenogle Road towards Stockbridge. As he walked past Glenogle Swim Centre, he was approached by three men.

The first man presented a knife and demanded he hand over his belongings, the victim complied and handed over a quantity of money. The second suspect then lifted a pair of blue and orange Adidas trainers from the victim’s sports bag and the three men then made off towards Brandon Terrace while the victim continued on to Stockbridge.

The first suspect is white, 5ft 10in 5ft 11in, early 20s, skinny, brown shaved hair, clean shaven, black Reebok jogging bottoms, grey canvas shoes.

The second suspect is white, 5ft 9in, skinny, early 20s, black not quite shoulder length hair, acne, clean shaven, dark blue or navy Kappa tracksuit.

The third suspect is white, male, 6ft 2in, heavy build, early 20s, black neat reasonably short hair, stubble, left ear pierced without an earring, and black hoody and tracksuit bottoms.

Detective Sergeant Lynsey Thomson said: “This was an alarming incident for the victim and we are keen to trace anyone who was in the area at the time or recognises the description of the suspects.”

Anyone with information should contact Police Scotland on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Sixteen charged following housebreaking initiative

Sixteen males – some as young as 13 – have been charged with housebreaking offences following another week of Operation RAC enforcement activity in Edinburgh.

Officers investigating various break-ins, thefts and attempted break-ins across the city identified the individuals – aged between 13-36 – over the past seven days and reported them for over 200 ‘acquisitive’ crimes.

As a result of this activity housebreaking detection in Edinburgh has risen to 61 per cent between 11 and 18 February, with the average detection rate for the city now at over 51 per cent since the beginning of 2014.

Each of those arrested has either appeared in court during this week or is currently subject of a report to the Procurator Fiscal.

Detective Inspector John Kavanagh said: “This has been another excellent week of housebreaking detections across Edinburgh, with 16 people now subject to legal proceedings as part of Operation RAC.

“The public can rest assured that we will continue to purse all lines of enquiry to bring acquisitive crime offenders to justice and would urge anyone who witnesses a housebreaking, or with information relating to those involved in crimes of this nature to contact police immediately.

“Police Scotland is also committed to crime prevention and is currently involved in a partnership scheme with SmartWater that aims to deter and reduce break-ins in the Grange and Greenbank areas of the cities.

“Other communities across Edinburgh can also play a vital part in preventing acquisitive crime from occurring by taking the necessary security measures to safeguard their homes, businesses and outbuildings.

“Anyone wishing information on keeping their property and belongings safe can speak with their local policing team.”


Local car crime alert

An email we received yesterday:

Hi there

I am just emailing you to make you aware of the recent series of car break ins that have been occurring in the West Pilton Avenue area. I was a victim of a car break in and theft last night and I know of at least two more people that have had their cars broken into ( one tonight and one a couple of nights ago). It seems to be the work of a gang of teenage boys from that area.

They stole my bag from my car, a woman’s purse and a mans wallet and do the by smashing in the passenger front window or the drivers window. They seem to carry their thefts out from between 9-12 pm.

I am just informing you of this occurrence of car break ins so that awareness can be raised , so that people take care not to leave any valuables in their car on show or non valuables such as a bag. My bag was not of value but contained my uni work which is of value to me as makes up a large percentage of my coursework marks and its something i can never replace now . They will steal anything that they may suspect to contain anything of value.

I hope that you can raise awareness with this information.

Kind Regards

Diane Baird (by email)

Pilton race attack: four in court

Four youths have been arrested and charged following a racist attack in West Pilton on Tuesday. A 17-year old, two 16-year-olds and a 15-year-old will appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court today in connection with the incident which took place in West Pilton Terrace.

Inspector David Happs said: “In addition to these arrests, we are continuing with our investigation to trace others believed to be involved. Anyone with information that can assist with these enquiries is asked to come forward immediately.”

Those with information can contact Police Scotland on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.


Witnesses sought to Pilton assault

Police in Edinburgh are appealing for witnesses following a serious assault on a man on Crewe Road North last week.

The incident happened on Sunday  2 February between 2.30 – 2.50pm. The 23 year old victim, who is Polish, boarded a number 19 Lothian bus on Queensferry Street and got off at the stop after the Crewe Toll roundabout on Crewe Road Gardens leading to West Pilton Place. It was here that he was assaulted by the suspect, who is believed to have also been on the bus and got off at the same stop.

The victim was wearing a black anorak and black jogging bottoms and the suspect was wearing a light grey top and light blue jeans.

Detective Sergeant Lynsey Thomson from Police Scotland said: “This was an unprovoked attack which left the victim with a broken jaw. Following new information, we believe that passengers onboard the no. 19 and who left the bus at the same time may have witnessed this assault. Anyone with information that may assist with out inquiries is asked to contact police immediately.”

Police are appealing to anyone with information that can assist their inquiries to contact Police Scotland on 101, or Crimestoppers in confidence on 0800 555 111.


Police seek witnesses to Pilton racist attack

Police in Edinburgh are appealing for witnesses after two men were subjected to a racist attack in West Pilton Terrace last night (Monday).

Two 18-year-old men, of Arabian and Pakistani ethnicity, were walking home at around 9pm when they reached the junction with West Granton Road. A group of male youths began to shout racial abuse at the pair before throwing rocks and stones at them.

The suspects then chased both victims into their home address before continuing to throw objects at the house, breaking a front window.

Officers are following a positive line of enquiry to identify a number of those believed to be involved in this attack but are urging anyone who can assist with their investigation to come forward.

Inspector David Happs said: “As a result of being struck by rocks, one of the victims suffered an injury to his arm. In addition the property both men share was also damaged and we are undertaking a thorough enquiry to bring those responsible to justice.

“This incident is being treated as racially motivated and we are keen to hear from anyone who was in the West Pilton Terrace area on Monday evening and witnessed the disturbance or who saw anything suspicious.

“In addition, anyone with any further information relevant to this investigation is also asked to contact police immediately.

“Police Scotland is committed to tackling hate crime in all its forms and the local community can rest assured we are devoting appropriate resources to this investigation and offering all the necessary support to both victims.”

Those with information can contact

Police Scotland on 101

or the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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