Be alert to bike theft

Lothian and Borders Police are appealing for witnesses following a recent spate of bike thefts in the North of Edinburgh. Between 16 May and Tuesday 5 June five bicycles were stolen from addresses in Inverleith Terrace, Comely Bank Avenue and Rodney Street. The combined value of the stolen cycles is around £1500.

Prior to each theft, individuals claiming to be delivering takeaway menus were allowed entry to the common stairs. Police believe these recent incidents are linked and are urging those who live within flat blocks to be vigilant when allowing people access to the building.

A police spokesman said: “The stolen bikes were used for recreation or for essential transport and the victims are all deeply upset and frustrated by these thefts. Officers have made enquiries with all local takeaways in the area and none of these businesses are currently leafleting. Residents within common stairs should always be wary of who they permit entry to and report any suspicious activity they witness to police.”

He continued: “Anyone who can assist us with our enquiries to identify those responsible for these recent thefts is also asked to come forward immediately. Members of our communities who would like crime prevention advice and information on protecting their possessions can contact their local policing team or visit our website at”

Anyone with any information can contact Lothian and Borders Police on 0131 311 3131, or the charity Crimestoppers in confidence and complete anonymity on 0800 555 111.

Man stabbed in disturbance at Muirhouse flat

A 21-year old man has been stabbed following a disturbance at a flat in Muirhouse in the early hours of Saturday.

Police were called to Fidra Court at around 04:30 and found the man with serious injuries.

He was taken to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary.

A spokesperson for Lothian & Borders Police said they are following a positive line of inquiry but are still keen to speak to anyone with information who was in the area at the time.

If you have information you can call the Police on 0131 311 3131.

Thief caught using mugged Evelyn’s bus pass is jailed

A THIEF caught using a pensioner’s bus pass to travel to court the morning after she was brutally assaulted and left for dead has been jailed for a year.


Police cordon off the area around the entrance to Ferryhill primary School where Mrs Crawford was attached. (Picture: Thomas Brown)

Alexander DeVries was accused of attacking 75-year-old church elder Evelyn Crawford in Drylaw after detectives found him with her property, including the pass.

However, a sheriff has ruled that there was not enough evidence linking the 36-year-old – who has previous convictions for theft, wilful fire-raising and assault – to the crime.

Instead, DeVries has pleaded guilty to charges of “theft by finding” and fraudulent use of the pass.

A trial at Edinburgh Sheriff Court heard that Mrs Crawford’s mobile phone was used to call DeVries’ ex-partner three hours after the robbery on January 15. DeVries admitted using Mrs Crawford’s pensioner’s bus pass the next day to travel to the court for a hearing.

Following the ruling, police chiefs said they were “not looking for anyone else in connection” with the robbery.

Mrs Crawford was unable to identify the man who tore her handbag from her grip, sending her sprawling to the ground and suffering from injuries to her head, broken fingers and broken ribs, which punctured her lung. She needed an operation to remove fluid from her lung.

The court heard detectives recovered CCTV footage from a Lothian bus in the days after the attack, which showed a man using Mrs Crawford’s bus pass. Detectives were able to trace the man as DeVries and a search of his home recovered the victim’s mobile phone, bus pass, wallet and her glasses and case.

Interviewed by officers on January 26, DeVries claimed he had found the mobile phone on a bus while the other items were lying on the ground in West Pilton Rise.

During the interview, which was played to the jury, one of the detectives said: “Everything you found in the last few days belonged to the elderly victim of a robbery. What are the chances of that?”

DeVries replied: “I didn’t rob anyone. It’s not in my nature to rob or steal from anyone. You can say what you want, but I didn’t rob anyone.” DeVries also told the officers: “I really, really sincerely didn’t rob the old lady. Picking up stuff from the ground, I’ll do. Robbery, theft, not my cup of tea.”

Detective Constable James Philp, one of the detectives on the inquiry, said that Mrs Crawford’s phone showed a call to DeVries’ ex-partner at 9.48pm on January 15. Mrs Crawford was attacked and robbed at around 6pm.

DeVries had claimed to police that the phone, which he said he found on a number 37 Lothian bus, was out of battery and he was unable to use it.

Told during the interview that the phone was taken during the robbery, DeVries said: “No danger. Check the cameras on the bus and you’ll see.”

Sheriff Paul Arthurson QC ruled yesterday that the charge of assault and robbery against DeVries – who has been on remand since his arrest on January 26 – could not be heard by the jury. he sheriff said: “There was not sufficient identification of the accused as being the robber. The overwhelming evidence of possession could not correct that defect in the case”.

A police spokesman said: “While we recognise the decision, we are not looking for anyone else in connection with this crime.”

In July 2010, DeVries – a father-of-one – was left with a ten-centimetre scar across his face after being slashed with a knife by two muggers in West Pilton Park.

Man pleads guilty to rape of Drylaw pensioner

A TEENAGER today admitted raping and killing a frail pensioner who regarded him as a grandson.

Jay Soso, 19, pleaded guilty to carrying out the horrific sex attack on 63-year-old Marie Reid at her home in Easter Drylaw Way, Edinburgh on November 11, 2010.

Jay Soso admits having sex with the pensioner.

Mrs Reid’s body was discovered four days later after family and neighbours became worried because they hadn’t heard from her.

She was found lying in the living room in a bloodstained nightie. Pathologists say that the trauma of the rape contributedd to Mrs Reid death.

Initially, police thought that Mrs Reid’s death was not suspicious, but her son Paul, 31, and step-daughter Jacqueline pressed for further investigations to be made.

At this point it was discovered that someone had had sex with Mrs Reid just before her death.

The cause of death was unascertained, but pathologists said that the rape would have put an additional strain on her heart and lungs and could predispose her to sudden death

Prosecutor Leanne Cross told the High Court in Glasgow: “The deceased was raped on the evening of November 11, 2010. She had died at that time and the rape had made, at the least, a material contribution to the death.

Police contacted everyone who knew Mrs Reid and when interviewed Soso said he had not seen her for a couple of months.

However he gave a mouth swab which was a match for DNA found on Mrs Reid.

The court heard Soso and his mother lived next door to Mrs Reid for five years between 2003 and 2008.

He helped Mrs Reid by running errands for her and she was described by Soso’s mother Sharon as treating him “like a grandson.”

Soso’s family moved to England, but he didn’t like it there and moved back to Edinburgh.

By 2010 he had a job in a fishmongers in the city and lived close to Mrs Reid.

He visited her occasionally claiming he was checking to see how she was.

Speaking outside the court, Mrs Reid’s son Paul said he became worried that something terrible had happened to his mother when he noticed the pre-paid meter for her television was missing along with a tin she collecting loose change in and her purse was empty.

Paul and his step-sister Jacqueline Sanderson, 38, and her husband Gordon, 54, asked for the matter to be thoroughly investigated.

He said: “If it wasn’t for us and our persistence it could have been recorded as a natural death.”

Judge Lady Dorrian deferred sentence on Soso of Spring Gardens, Edinburgh, for background reports and an assessment of the risk he poses to the public until later this month and remanded him in custody.

Security RULES for cyclists

Lothian and Borders Police are offering cyclists the opportunity to make their bikes secure at two forthcoming sessions.

At Craigleith Retail Park on Thursday 24 May (12 – 2pm) and at Ocean Terminal on Tuesday 5 June (5 – 7pm) you can have your bike registered and UV marked for £5, or registered, UV marked and electronically tagged for £10. Some lucky cyclists could get this done for free so get there early!

Remember those rules:

Register It

UV mark it

Lock it

Electronically tag it

Secure it


Lothian and Borders Police

Witness appeal after Pilton theft

Lothian and Borders Police are appealing for witnesses after a Royal Mail employee had items stolen from his car. The incident happened on Tuesday, sometime between 11.30am and 12.45am in West Pilton Avenue. A 34-year-old postman parked his car in the area and returned to find the vehicle had been broken into and two Royal Mail jackets and a bag of mail were stolen from inside.

Officers have carried out local enquiries to trace the stolen property and have urged anyone who can assist with their investigation to come forward.

A police spokesman said: “These items have no significant financial value. However, the mail could be of a personal nature and the clothing may allow the suspect to pose as a Royal Mail employee. Anyone who witnessed this incident or who saw anything suspicious in the West Pilton Avenue area yesterday morning is asked to contact police immediately. The public is also reminded to ask for identification from anyone requesting access to your property. Always check with the company they claim to represent if you are uncertain and if you’re still not satisfied, then call the police.”

Anyone with any information can contact Lothian and Borders Police on 0131 311 3131, or the charity Crimestoppers in confidence and complete anonymity on 0800 555 111.

Wig thief hunted by Police

A THIEF who assaulted a woman on New Year’s Day made off with her bag – and her novelty wig.

The 22-year-old woman was walking home from Hogmanay celebrations in the capital on Sunday morning when she was assaulted by the New Year’s reveller.

Police are appealing for witnesses following the attack.

The incident happened at 1am on January 1, when the student was walking opposite theWestern General Hospital.

A man stopped the woman and said “Happy New Year” before snatching her wig and handbag.

The novelty wig fell off and the thief made off with it and her small silver handbag  which contained her keys and mobile phone, which he pulled from her shoulder.

A Lothian and Borders police spokesperson said: “This was a particularly distressing incident for the victim who fortunately was not injured. It was a totally unprovoked attack on an innocent young woman who had been heading home after enjoying a night out. She made her way home before contacting us but was obviously very upset by what had happened.

“This is quite a busy area and there would have been a lot of traffic around that time. We would like to hear from anyone who may have witnessed this and especially appeal to taxi drivers who may have been in the area and seen the suspect.”

The thief is described as being a white man in his 20’s, and is around 5ft 8 in.

He has short ginger hair and was wearing a white T-shirt and dark coloured trousers at the time of the attack.

He was last seen heading in the direction of Orchard Brae.

Anyone who has information about the attack should contact Lothian and Borders police on 0131 311 3131 or the charity Crimestoppers in confidence on 0800555111.

Man beaten after questioning gang

A man was punched to the ground and kicked after questioning a group that were drinking in his close.

The 62-year-old went into the common stair in Ferry Road Drive at around 7.30am on Sunday.

He found a group of three men and a woman sat in the close drinking and asked them what they were doing there.

One of the men punched him in the face and the victim fell to the ground before another man started kicking him. The group then left the close.

The victim went to St John’s Hospital where he was treated for a broken jaw and reported the attack to the police on Tuesday.

Lothian and Borders Police are appealing for witnesses as they try and find the men responsible.

The first suspect is described as a white man aged around 20, around 5ft 10in tall and well built with short, fair hair. He was wearing a sweatshirt and grey jogging bottoms at the time of the attack.

The second man is also white and around 20 years old. He is around 5ft 8in tall with a slim build and dark brown or black hair.

A police spokesman said: “This was an unprovoked and vicious assault that resulted in a man suffering a painful and serious facial injury.

“Given the time of day, there may have been a number of people in the streets on their way to work and anyone who remembers seeing anything suspicious in the Ferry Road Drive area on Sunday morning is asked to contact police immediately.

“Similarly, if anyone can assist in identifying those responsible for this attack, they are also asked to get in touch.”

Anyone with any information can contact Lothian and Borders Police on 0131 311 3131, or the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Police Welcome Progress As Crime Rates Fall

THE number of crimes recorded in Lothian and Borders has fallen by more than seven per cent during the last year, with around 5000 fewer offences being reported. New figures showed that sex crimes and crimes of dishonesty both fell between last April and March, but violent crime rose.


Police chiefs welcomed the overall reduction in offending after revealing the 7.2 per cent drop, which followed on from an 8.3 per cent decrease the previous year.

The force also recognised the rise in violent crime, which included a soaring number of murders, and pledged to ensure those responsible were brought to justice. For the 11-month period between last April and February, violent crime climbed by 15 per cent across the force area, including a nine per cent rise in serious assaults. In Edinburgh during the same period, crimes of violence increased by 11 per cent, but there was an overall five per cent decline in reported offences. Across the city, sex crimes were down by 13 per cent while crimes of dishonesty were reduced by three per cent.

Assistant Chief Constable Iain Livingstone said: “We are pleased to report a 7.2 per cent drop in overall recorded crime over the last year.”The launch of our Community Commitment, which puts community policing firmly at the heart of what we do, has given added impetus to the progress in reducing crime.”

Police launched 11 murder investigations in the Capital between last April and March, compared with six for the previous year. ACC Livingstone added: “While our figures reflect a rise in the most serious types of violent crime, it is relevant to point out that incidents of minor assaults – by far the most common type of assault – have dropped significantly over the past year”

Councillor Paul Edie, the city’s community safety leader, said: “We still have to crack the alcohol problem which has always been at the root of violent crime. But I’m very pleased with the overall drop in crime in Edinburgh.”