Scottish Parliament consultation: Increasing tenant protection

Holyrood’s Local Government and Communities Committee is seeking views on a new Bill which aims to increase private tenants’ protection by limiting rent increases and allowing them to seek a “fair” rent. 

The Fair Rents (Scotland) Bill, a Member’s Bill from Pauline McNeill MSP, would prevent a landlord of a private residential tenancy from increasing rent in any year by more than the Consumer Price Index (CPI) plus 1%.

The Bill seeks to provide greater protections for private tenants by allowing them to apply at any time to a Rent Officer for a ‘fair open market rent’ to be set for a property. In deciding the application, the Officer would take into account matters like whether the property has poor energy efficiency or is in a bad condition.

The Bill would also make private landlords enter more detailed information about their property in the Scottish Landlord Register, including the monthly rent charged.

Local Government and Communities Committee Convener James Dornan MSP said: “The proportion of households in private rented housing now stands at just under 15%.

“As the private rented sector in Scotland has grown over the last couple of decades there have been various reforms to tighten the regulation of landlords and give tenants more rights. But the stated ambition behind this Bill is to change the balance of power further. It would cap rent increases to 1% plus CPI and to allow tenants more scope to challenge rents.

“We are keen to hear views about whether this further change is necessary and whether the provisions in the Bill are workable and will have the intended impact.

“We also want to find out what the financial impact of this Bill would be upon private tenants, landlords, the wider rented sector and others, and we welcome the opportunity to hear views on this proposed legislation.”

The cap on rent rises imposed by the Bill and the right to seek a “fair open market rent” apply to holders of ‘Private Residential Tenancies’ which have been the standard type of tenancy since 2017. The Bill will not impact rent-a-room agreements where the lodger rents in the owner’s home.

The Committee’s call for view closes on 7 December and you can give your views here:

Government consults on plan to protect future of cash

People will be able to get cashback from shops without needing to buy anything under new proposals to protect the UK’s cash system announced today (15 October 2020).

  • government sets out plans to protect the UK’s future cash system and ensure people have easy access to cash
  • proposals would see cashback offered at shops without consumers having to make a purchase
  • the Financial Conduct Authority would also be given overall responsibility for the UK’s retail cash system to protect consumers and SMEs

Under the government proposals, cashback without a purchase could be widely available from retailers of all sizes in local communities across the UK.

Although cash use is declining, with people increasingly choose cards, mobile and e-wallets to make payments, it remains crucial for groups across the UK – including the elderly and vulnerable. Many find that cash is more accessible than digital payments methods or that it helps them to budget and manage their finances.

These proposals, which also include making the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) responsible for ensuring the cash system benefits consumers and SMEs, are the latest step in the Government’s effort to support the millions of people and business who rely on cash day to day.

John Glen, Economic Secretary to the Treasury, said: “We know that cash is still really important for consumers and businesses – that’s why we promised to legislate to protect access for everyone who needs it.

“We want to harness the same creative thinking that has driven innovation in digital payments to maintain the UK’s cash system and make sure people can easily access cash in their local area.”

To ensure no one is left behind by the transition to digital payments, the government announced at the March 2020 Budget that it would legislate to protect access to cash and ensure that the UK’s cash infrastructure is sustainable in the long-term.

Today it is seeking views on its approach to this legislation from consumer organisations, businesses, financial institutions, providers of ATM and payment services and others through a call for evidence.

One proposal under consideration is cashback without a purchase, which could help to keep cash widely available by reducing cash infrastructure costs.

When local shops accept and dispense cash, it is recycled through local communities and there is less need to transport and distribute notes and coins via cash centres, which reduces the associated costs.

Last year, consumers received £3.8 billion of cashback when paying for items at a till – making it the second most used method for withdrawing cash in the UK behind ATMs.

Current EU law makes it difficult for businesses to offer cashback when people are not paying for goods and this has been a barrier to widespread adoption. The Government is now considering scrapping these rules once the transition period ends on 31 December 2020.

The government is also considering giving the FCA overall responsibility for maintaining a well-functioning retail cash system given its existing regulatory role and consumer protection objective.

At present, The Bank of England, Financial Conduct Authority, Payment Systems Regulator, and HM Treasury each have specific roles and responsibilities for oversight of the cash system. Close coordination between these authorities has been highly effective, particularly in managing risks to cash through Covid-19, but there may be significant benefits to giving a single authority overall responsibility for setting requirements to meet the cash needs of consumers and SMEs.

The call for evidence opens today (15 October 2020) and will run for six weeks. It will seek views on how to ensure industry continues to offer ways to withdraw and deposit cash, how to improve cashback, what affects cash acceptance, and where regulatory responsibility should sit.

More detail on the government’s proposals is available in the Access to Cash Call for Evidence document.

The Call for evidence will close on 25 November 2020.

Consultation launched on banning common single-use plastic items

Plans to ban some of the most environmentally damaging single-use plastic items in Scotland, including plastic cutlery and plastic straws, have been published for consultation.

The Scottish Government is seeking views on the introduction of new legislation to restrict the sale or commercial supply of plastic plates, plastic straws, plastic cutlery, polystyrene food and drink containers, plastic balloon sticks and products made from oxo-degradable plastics.

These items are the ones most commonly found washed up on European beaches and were identified in the EU Single Plastics Directive as contributing the majority share of litter found in the marine environment.

Millions are used in Scotland each year, including an estimated 300 million plastic straws, 276 million pieces of plastic cutlery, 50 million plastic plates and 66 million polystyrene food containers.

Restrictions on the sale or commercial supply of these single use plastic products would support efforts to tackle Scotland’s throwaway culture, reduce problematic litter and promote the use of more environmentally-friendly alternatives. 

Environment Secretary Roseanna Cunningham said: “There is no longer any doubt that plastic waste is having a hugely damaging impact on our oceans, rivers and land ecosystems.

We must act now to reduce our reliance on single-use plastic and drive forward a move towards more sustainable, environmentally-friendly alternatives.

“Failure to do so is a dereliction of our duty to our children, who will inherit a natural world polluted by the plastics we have thrown away for the sake of convenience.

“This government is committed to tackling this problem. We were the first country in the UK to ban plastic-stemmed cotton buds and plans are well underway for a Deposit Return Scheme in Scotland.

“The proposals published today will take us further – keeping pace with the environmental standards of our European partners and re-affirming our position as a world-leader in the circular economy.

“However, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important that the introduction of these measures is carefully considered. It is why we are keen to hear a range of views and I would encourage any individual, business or organisation with an interest to respond to the consultation.”

It is expected that any legislation would be introduced in 2021. The consultation will also seek views on the introduction of a ban on the non-commercial supply and manufacture of the single-use plastic items outlined in the consultation.

Iain Gulland, chief executive of Zero Waste Scotland, said: “Plastic is by far the most commonly used material in today’s single-use culture. There are clear benefits in use, of flexibility and durability, but plastic also causes significant damage when it leaks into our natural environment, including our rivers, lochs and seas.

“The consultation offers an opportunity to protect wildlife and prevent the heart-breaking scenes we see all too often in TV documentaries like Blue Planet 2. We hope people will also take this opportunity to adopt more sustainable solutions, such as reusable alternatives, to these single-use items.”

View the consultation on Citizen Space. The consultation will be open for 12 weeks and close on 04 January 2021 .

The full list of products being considered for market restrictions are:

  1. Single-use plastic cutlery (forks, knives, spoons, chopsticks)
  2. Single-use plastic plates (plates, trays/platters, bowls)
  3. Single-use plastic straws
  4. Single-use plastic beverage stirrers
  5. Single-use plastic balloon sticks
  6. Single-use food containers made of expanded polystyrene
  7. Single-use cups and other beverage containers made of expanded polystyrene, including their covers and lids
  8. All oxo-degradable products. This type of plastic (due to additives contained in it) contributes to micro-plastic pollution in the environment, is not compostable and negatively affects the recycling of conventional plastic.

Restricting these items would bring Scotland in line with Article 5 of the EU Single-Use Plastics Directive (EU) 2019/904.

Green light for a greener Meadowbank

Plans to transform Meadowbank into one of Edinburgh’s greenest neighbourhoods were approved by councillors last week.

Shaped in response to views shared by local residents – who were keen to see more quality greenspace, places for play and better-connected walking and cycle routes brought to the area – the masterplan for Council-owned land at Meadowbank was approved by the Development Management Sub Committee on Wednesday.

The £100m project is now expected to become the first development of its size in Edinburgh to promote the Council’s net zero carbon by 2030 goals by creating a low-car, low-carbon community and energy efficient new homes.

The sustainable mixed-use development will also create jobs and a significant economic boost by regenerating a five-hectare area next to the new Meadowbank Sports Centre – which is already set to become one of the greenest and most accessible centres for community sport in the country when it opens next year.

Space for a new GP surgery and community and commercial uses, the protection of existing trees and planting of saplings plus new rain gardens also feature in landscaping designs, which aim to pay tribute to the area’s sporting and industrial heritage.

With support from Nature Scot and the Scottish Government, the Masterplan has been awarded Building with Nature accreditation, setting the standard for high-quality low carbon features, and the Council has undertaken studies on the option for ‘green roofs’. The designs have also been endorsed by Sustrans’ Places for Everyone scheme, which brings specialised active travel knowledge to the project.

Councillor Neil Gardiner, Planning Convener, said:  “As a planning authority, we need make sure we protect our City’s beautiful and historic built environment, while supporting our communities to become sustainable for twenty-first century living.

“We also need to adapt our city to meet the needs of a growing population, address the increasing impact of climate change and ensure growth is responsible. These designs for Meadowbank meet these needs with plans for a truly low-carbon, low-car, energy efficient neighbourhood, featuring new affordable homes. This is a really important site for the City and I’d like to thank everyone who took time to participate in the consultation process.

“The masterplan includes homes to meet different needs, including for families. One third of the houses will be affordable, making a welcome contribution to the needs of the heroes who keep our city running every day. This masterplan, which has broad community support, offers a gold standard for new developments across the city for both the public and private sectors.”

Councillor Maureen Child, Vice Planning Convener, said: “Our aspirations for place making through our new City Plan, which we are currently drafting, are about making sure our communities continue to be great places where people want to live and visit, so feedback from the local community has been key to shaping Committee’s decision making on Meadowbank.

“I’m pleased that an open conversation has been had and that we’ve been able to agree these ambitious plans, which offer a mix of community benefits and improved facilities. It will see the community evolve into a more connected and climate conscious community, in line with our net zero carbon targets.”

Keir Bloomer, the project’s independent Sounding Board Chair, said: “The current proposals have emerged through an intensive exercise in community engagement. In addition to a number of public information sessions and consultation meetings, a Meadowbank Sounding Board was established almost two years ago.

“This group contains representatives of a wide range of local community groups and organisations, including those who were opposed to the original proposals for the site. Local councillors and others with relevant committee responsibilities are also members but they are in a minority.

“Considerable efforts have been made to ensure that the sounding board is able to express its views, regardless of whether these are favourable to the Council’s perspective or not. I was asked to chair the group as somebody who is completely independent.

“The sounding board met quite frequently until restrictions during the pandemic made this impossible. Designs for the site have been altered on a number of occasions in response to its views. As a result, the current plans are greener and more open. Housing density has been reduced and designs improved. It is intended that the sounding board will continue in existence through the development phase, acting as a strong voice for local people.”

Cathy Houston, Project Architect at Collective Architecture, said: “We are grateful for the time taken by members of the community to engage in the Meadowbank design processes. 

“This is such an important site in Edinburgh’s City Centre and so it is wonderful to be at this stage with a multifaceted proposal which seeks to enrich the neighbourhood on many levels: ecologically, environmentally, socially and with a huge amount of care. 

“The process undertaken with the community has ensured that the development sensitively integrates new housing, local amenities, greenspace and restored public routes east to west.”

Brenda Devlin, a local Community Councillor, said: “Using the expertise of Collective Architecture and the City of Edinburgh Council, local consultations, focus groups, workshops and public meetings were organised.

“It became obvious that the participants that attended these events were being listened to and their suggestions and ideas taken on board. The plans now being presented are a result of these consultation sessions and mostly reflect the vision of local residents, groups, organisations and businesses.

“The creation of a Sounding Board provided another opportunity for further targeted local input and a place for checks and balances to be carried out on the final plans. This eco-friendly development with a mixture of housing types, quality green spaces and community facilities makes this a very exciting development and will be an asset to our area.”

Around 600 modern energy-efficient homes – a minimum of 35% of which will be affordable – are detailed in the planning application, which is available to view as a report to Committee.

More information is available at

Have your say on MPs pay

An invitation from the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority to take part in a consultation on MPs’ pay:

Today IPSA is publishing a consultation on how MPs’ pay should be updated.

IPSA have a statutory duty under the Parliamentary Standards Act 2009 to review MPs’ pay in the first year of each parliament. We decided after consulting in 2012, 2013 and 2015 that the best way to update MPs’ pay periodically was to link it to a transparent, external benchmark, and that the most appropriate benchmark was a measure of earnings.

This consultation proposes to retain that approach, using the Office of National Statistics (ONS) Average Weekly Earnings figure reflecting changes in public sector earnings for the period ahead.

Richard Lloyd, IPSA’s Interim Chair, said: “IPSA is responsible for setting MP’s pay and pensions. We act independently of parliament and have a statutory duty to review MPs’ pay in the first year of each parliament.

“We carried out a major review of MPs’ pay with consultations in 2012, 2013 and 2015, and technical adjustments in 2018. Given the huge economic uncertainties arising from the coronavirus pandemic, we do not think it is right to depart from this approach now.”

The consultation will close on 6 November 2020 and we expect to make a decision in December 2020.

To take part in the consultation please click the links below.

Consultation Document

Consultation Survey

Charities concerned over increased risk if ‘DIY’ home abortions are made permanent in Scotland

On Thursday 30th September, the Scottish Government launched a public consultation on whether the temporary measures allowing ‘DIY’ home abortions should be made permanent.  Many medics and charities have criticised this move, including Right To Life UK, CARE Scotland and Christian Medical Fellowship, claiming it lacks the necessary safety checks and is putting women at significant risk.

This public consultation comes weeks after the Scottish Government revealed its intention to expand access to abortion across the nation, despite Scotland already having the second-highest abortion figures on record.

Women seeking a medical abortion take two types of tablet: mifepristone and misoprostol. Prior to the change in law, both sets of pills would only be prescribed following a face-to-face consultation. The first pill, mifepristone, would then be taken in the safety of a hospital or clinic, while the second set of pills could be taken at home.

The change in law, which was done without any parliamentary debate or scrutiny, means the pills can be obtained over the phone and then taken at home, where a woman will be left to abort her unborn child without any direct medical supervision.

Dr. Antony Latham, the chairman of the Scottish Council on Human Bioethics and a General Practitioner says, “I know as a GP how important it is to see someone face-to-face when making such decisions. Phone calls, or video calls, are completely inadequate.

“We need to sit down and  discuss the options in a relational and non-judgmental way that gives proper dignity to the person making the decision and allows space for reflection.  There are so many dangers to ‘DIY’ abortions. One is that the woman may be under pressure to have an abortion in an abusive relationship or from relatives who will not support her. Such situations are only discussed and discerned properly with face to face meetings. 

“Another danger is that she may not fully understand the trauma of having an abortion, potentially all alone, at home. This is a very unpleasant and painful thing to have to go through and needs to be fully discussed.

“Significant bleeding and sepsis are not uncommon. There have been at least two recorded deaths of women having such ‘DIY’ abortions in the UK so far. It is highly questionable whether one can have informed consent for such a procedure over the phone. Without any examination she may be getting the abortion pills for a pregnancy that is over 10 weeks gestation, which is the legal limit for such ‘DIY’ abortions.

“Another significant danger is that there is real scope for people abusing the system and obtaining the pills for someone else other than the person phoning up. “

The temporary provisions have already placed the physical health of thousands of women and girls at risk.

A leaked email sent by a Regional Chief Midwife at NHS England revealed that two women have died from taking medical abortion pills, one of whom died ‘very quickly’ with sepsis and a second found dead at home the morning after starting the abortion process.

The email also revealed a woman at 32 weeks of pregnancy was able to receive ‘at-home’ abortion pills. There are currently three police investigations linked to late ‘at-home’ abortions including a ‘murder investigation as there is concern that the baby was live born’.

Speaking about the Scottish Government’s consultation, Catherine Robinson from charity Right To Life UK said, “The consultation is extremely one-sided. The Scottish Government appears to have repeatedly ‘cherry-picked’ anything that supports making ‘DIY’ home abortions permanent and ignored evidence highlighting serious issues.

“There is no mention in the consultation background evidence that two women have died using these ‘DIY’ home abortion services and no mention of the police investigating the death of an unborn baby after its mother took ‘DIY’ home abortion pills while 28 weeks pregnant.

“This is clearly a rigged consultation which is seeking to make dangerous ‘DIY’ home abortion permanent in Scotland. We are calling on constituents in Scotland to make it clear to their MSPs that these dangerous ‘DIY’ home abortion schemes should be suspended immediately and not introduced on a permanent basis.”

More information can be found on

The consultation is available online and will run until 5 January 2021.

Rebuilding a fairer Scotland after COVID-19

Expertise and experience wanted to help tackle poverty and inequality

Ideas are being gathered to drive a fairer recovery in the wake of coronavirus (COVID-19).

Organisations and community groups are being asked to share ideas and evidence based on their experiences of responding to the pandemic, and their engagement with people with lived experience of poverty and inequality.

Responses will help inform the work of the Scottish Government’s Advisory Board on Social Renewal, which is tasked with building on the positive policy and practice shifts seen during COVID-19 to tackle disadvantage and poverty, and advance equality and social justice.

Analysis of responses will feed into the board’s discussions, and a report on the outcomes will be published later this year. 

Social Security Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said: “Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on the health, wealth and emotional wellbeing of our communities is vital to inform our response to and recovery from the pandemic. We also know particular groups have been disproportionately impacted by the crisis.

“That’s why we established the Social Renewal Advisory Board to focus on reducing poverty and disadvantage and advancing equality across a range of issues.

We now want to hear from the many organisations and community groups working on social renewal that will have adapted, changed and repurposed in light of COVID-19. There is significant learning on this to be shared and we want to capture that expertise.

“Our call for ideas and evidence will help us drive forward our ambitions on creating a fairer, more equal society and ensure that the voices of those with lived experience are heard.”

The call for ideas and evidence will run until 16 October.

Find out more about how to take part here

‘Vast majority of respondents’ support council’s Mobility Plan

The city council’s draft ‘vision’ for accessible, affordable and sustainable travel in Edinburgh has found support from two-thirds of respondents to a citywide consultation.

Sixty-seven per cent of respondents to the Draft City Mobility Plan consultation backed the strategy to overhaul transport and mobility over the next decade, including proposals to create a largely car-free city centre, introduce mass bike commuting on arterial routes and for seamless ticketing between different forms of transport. Seventy per cent of participants also agreed with the council’s shorter-term 2022 vision.

Between January and April more than 1800 comments were made on the draft plan, which sets out an approach to transforming the way we move people, goods and services to and around the Capital.

Engagement was carried out alongside consultation on the Choices for City Plan 2030, which sets out council proposed options for changes to policies in Edinburgh’s next local development plan.

Feedback will be discussed by Transport and Environment Committee on Thursday (1 October).

The council received ‘overwhelmingly ‘positive responses’ to a range of policy measures proposed as part of the plan. Amongst these, 83% support the co-ordination of bus, tram and bike hire operations, 78% approved of introducing transport hubs in new developments while 72% agreed with reducing levels of on-street parking.

Transport and Environment Convener Councillor Lesley Macinnes said: “As a city we are making real headway in tackling the manifold challenges posed by climate change, poor air quality and congestion, to name a few, but there is always more to be done.

“It is extremely encouraging that the vast majority of respondents to our Draft City Mobility Plan consultation support our vision for sustainable, affordable and joined-up transport in the Capital.

“We understand the impact Covid-19 will have on any plans but we’re also aware of the positive effect quieter streets have had on walking, cycling and wheeling, with numbers surging during lockdown.

“As we progress with our vision we want to maintain this enthusiasm by providing more, improved options for travel by foot, bike, wheelchair and public transport.”

Transport and Environment Vice Convener Councillor Karen Doran said: “We are working towards an exciting future for transport and mobility here, with City Centre Transformation, the implementation of a Low Emission Zones and carbon neutrality by 2030 amongst our ambitious goals.

“The City Mobility Plan is integral to these schemes and this feedback will help us to create a final strategy which will benefit people across Edinburgh.”

The Draft City Mobility Plan addresses key challenges facing Edinburgh including rising CO2 emissions, poor air quality, congestion and issues accessing public transport, in the context of an increasing population and the threat of a climate emergency.

Proposals are grouped around four themes: Enhancing Public Transport, People Friendly Streets, Planning New Developments and Managing Demand.

The latest report also addresses the significant impact of Covid-19 on the way people move around the city, and the need to review the steps to our 2030 vision in light of this.

While the council received positive responses across the themes, detailed comments highlighted concerns associated with specific measures.

Amongst these was a desire for public transport to be quicker, calls for safer, car-free cycle routes and the need to retain disabled parking should on-street parking be reduced. This feedback will help identify issues we can mitigate as we progress with the plan, as well as opportunities to maximise the positive impact of proposals.

If agreed by Transport and Environment Committee, a finalised City Mobility Plan will be brought back to committee early next year. This will be informed by the consultation response, as well as a survey of travel behaviour across the city, Phase Two of the Edinburgh Sustainable Transport Study and assessment of the impacts of Covid-19 on travel needs.

A delivery plan packaging and phasing the implementation of actions and policy measures will be developed to support the finalised plan.

Read the full report, City Mobility Plan – Public Consultation and Engagement Key Messages and Next Steps, on the Council website.

Have your say on regulation of short-term lets

A public consultation will gather final views on proposed new legislation for the regulation of short-term lets.

The Scottish Government’s proposals include a mandatory licensing scheme to ensure that all short-term lets are safe and to address issues faced by neighbours.

The regulations, if passed by Parliament, would come into force by April 2021. These would also give councils powers to manage pressures created by the use of whole properties as short-term lets.

Welcoming the launch of the consultation, Housing Minister Kevin Stewart said: “Short-term lets can offer people a flexible and affordable accommodation option, and they have contributed positively to Scotland’s tourism industry and local economies across the country.

“However, we know that in certain areas, particularly tourist hot spots, high numbers of these arrangements can cause problems for neighbours and make it harder for people to find homes to live in.

“The views and evidence from our previous consultation and research showed broad consensus for some form of regulation. Our proposals will allow local authorities and communities facing the most severe pressures to take action to manage those more effectively from next year. 

“I believe our proposals for a licensing scheme and short-term let control areas are evidence-based and right for Scottish circumstances.

“We will be engaging with stakeholders on our detailed proposals over the next four weeks. I am confident that our proposals will allow local authorities to ensure a safe, quality experience for visitors, whilst protecting the interests of local communities.”

Read the consultation paper on the Scottish Government website.

The consultation runs until Friday 16 October.

Edinburgh urged to share views on gender inequality and body image

The First Minister’s National Advisory Council on Women and Girls (NACWG) is calling on Edinburgh residents to join the #GenerationEqual movement and have their say in its latest discussion surrounding body image.

Increased societal pressures relating to ‘body image standards’ and the rise in use of social media has had a considerable impact on body image for many women and girls of all ages.

Discrimination, developing distorted perceptions and dealing with low self-esteem, often with associated mental health consequences, are just some of the issues stemming from body image. The Advisory Council would like to hear views on body image from people of all genders and those who don’t identify to help inform its findings and shape its recommendations to the First Minister.

The NACWG was formed to drive equality for women and girls in every community across Scotland by raising the issue of gender inequality. Focusing on a new Spotlight theme on a bi-monthly basis, the Advisory Council aims to bring people together and create discussion on many issues still faced by women and girls in Scotland today. The NACWG is putting a Spotlight on body image  until the end of October to explore the daily challenges and pressures of body image.

Louise Macdonald OBE, Co-Chair of the NACWG, said: “In today’s society women and girls still face huge pressures to look a certain way as they compare their appearance to others on social media, magazines and in advertisements. Poor self-confidence can be extremely damaging, and can lead to many women and girls struggling with their self-worth and place in society.

“The Advisory Council is inviting groups, organisations and networks in Edinburgh, to share their experiences, opinions and ideas around the body image Spotlight. Every bit of feedback will help advise the First Minister and drive action in creating long-lasting change for women and girls in Scotland.”

To participate in this national conversation groups, organisations and networks are encouraged to form a virtual Wee Circle to discuss these issues and share ideas on how it can be tackled. 

Feedback from these Wee Circle discussions, as well as individual feedback, can be submitted online at

Alternatively, thoughts can be shared on social media using the hashtag #GenerationEqual.