Expanding candidacy rights to 16 and 17 year olds is one of a number of electoral reforms being considered in a consultation launched today.
Following the lowering of the voting age to 16 in devolved Scottish elections, the consultation asks about changing the age of candidacy from the current minimum of 18 to allow young people to stand for election.
Views are also being sought on how best to encourage all those eligible to register to vote, especially among under-represented groups and on measures to protect the privacy of candidates addresses.
Other proposals in the consultation include extending candidacy rights to foreign nationals who already have the right to vote, and measures to improve the accessibility of voting, including for voters with sight loss.
Minister for Parliamentary Business George Adam said: “A robust electoral system is fundamental to the success of Scotland being an inclusive and vibrant democracy that makes everyone feel included and empowered.
“It is important as many people in our society as possible feel they have an effective and independent means to hold government to account and also feel encouraged take an active interest in politics and civic life.
“The measures set out in this consultation are wide-ranging and include key questions on how best to improve the accessibility of elections and to promote electoral registration. We will consider all responses very carefully before deciding on our next steps.”
Proposals that would see the powers of Scotland’s charity regulator strengthened are to be considered by the Scottish Parliament’s Social Justice and Social Security Committee.
Under the proposals in the Charities (Regulation and Administration) (Scotland) Bill, the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR), would have wider powers to investigate charities and charity trustees. Rules around who can be a charity trustee or senior office-holder in a charity would also be tightened.
The proposed changes to the law were developed following suggestions from OSCR. Some of the changes are intended to ensure Scottish legislation is in line with updated legislation in England and Wales.
The Committee wants to understand what impact the changes in the Bill might have. To make this as easy as possible for all charities to respond, no matter their size, the Committee is inviting people to share their views either through a detailed consultation, or a short survey.
They hope to get an insight into how the charity sector has changed since the Charities Act was passed in 2005 and get a better idea of how the updated laws might impact the Scottish public.
Natalie Don, Convener of the Social Justice and Social Security Committee said: “Charities are a cornerstone of public life in Scotland, with millions of people across the country supporting, or benefitting from their work. It is important that the public can have faith in the often vital work that they do. We’re keen to understand the extent to which the Bill might strengthen that accountability and transparency.
“We also want to understand what administrative impact the Bill might place on charities and their trustees. We understand that many people volunteer for charities and we want to know how these changes might impact on the way that they are able to perform these roles.
“There are more than 25,000 charities in Scotland and we would like anybody who has a role working or volunteering for one to share their views on the Bill, either by completing the detailed call for views, or the shorter survey.”
The Committee’s survey and detailed consultations will both close on Friday 3 February 2023. Following the closure of the consultation, the Committee will undertake several public evidence sessions before producing a report commenting on the principles of the Bill in the spring.
The public and organisations are being asked to give their views on improving access to information about public services.
The Access to Information Rights in Scotland consultation aims to gather views and evidence on what information rights should look like.
This includes whether additional third sector bodies and private businesses should be brought within the scope of existing freedom of information (FOI) legislation, if they carry out work for the public sector or receive public funds, as well as what information should be published proactively by Government and public services.
The consultation also looks at whether guidance on the use of different technology platforms should be introduced.
Minister for Parliamentary Business George Adam said: “Scotland has the most robust FOI laws in the UK.We want to build on this further by engaging with people and organisations on the development of information rights.
“We want to understand how existing legislation affects the work of civil society groups and public bodies.
“The responses to the consultation will inform our work to improve FOI rules and deliver on the Scottish Government’s commitment to openness and transparency.
“I would urge those with experience of FOI, whether as requesters, public authorities or as partners of public authorities to respond to the consultation and let us know your concerns and experiences.”
Edinburgh’s 20-Minute Neighbourhoods strategy is progressing a programme of engagement across local town centres and high streets in the city, with a new focus on Gorgie Dalry.
In partnership with local communities and businesses across Edinburgh, the City of Edinburgh Council is working to develop a network of healthier, greener and thriving neighbourhoods where everyone can access key services and amenities by a short walk, wheel, cycle or trip on public transport.
A key part of delivering this 20-Minute Neighbourhoods strategy is improving local town centres and high streets which provide many of the essential facilities and services that people need easy access to.
The Council’s City Mobility Plan identifies a need for Edinburgh’s town centres to be more liveable places with reduced car dependency, improved active travel connections and quality public spaces for everyone.
The initial engagement to prepare a plan for Gorgie Dalry town centre has been designed to roll out alongside planned road renewal projects to minimise potential disruption. It will start by focussing on Dalry and local schools, before looking at Gorgie in more detail in the future.
Local residents in Gorgie Dalry are now being invited to share their thoughts on how the area around Dalry Road could be improved. Participants have the option of sharing their views either online or in person at a series of local events.
An online survey is available until 15 January, 2023, where residents can feed back on specific parts of Dalry and the area around Tynecastle High School. They can also share their views on how they currently experience the area, what they think is good and what could be better.
The 20-Minute Neighbourhoods team will also be available to speak with local people at the corner of Dalry Road and Easter Dalry Road on the afternoons of Thursday, 1 and Saturday, 3 December. Further engagement with Dalry Primary School and Tynecastle High School students, businesses and community groups is planned over the coming weeks.
Work is well underway on progressing the town centre and high street strategy elsewhere across the city, including in Leith, Craigmillar, Muirhouse and Queensferry.
Plans for future improvements to Portobello, Corstorphine, Stockbridge and Bruntsfield and Morningside town centres, will be progressed to take account of the Our Future Streets framework and associated action plans once they have been agreed.
Councillor Scott Arthur, Transport and Environment Convener, said:“20-minute neighbourhoods are a new way of thinking for Edinburgh and our local town centres and high streets are at the very heart of many people’s local lives, so they are a natural starting point for this exciting strategy.
“It is clear that these spaces could be much better at serving the daily needs of residents, businesses and other organisations, particularly by being easier for everyone to move around. They should also have identity and purpose, supporting local employment opportunities and providing an inclusive economy.
“Each neighbourhood in the city is different, with its own unique set of requirements. That’s why it’s so important that local communities participate in this process to help us understand everyone’s needs and make sure their views shape the neighbourhood approach.
“I hope we hear from as many people as possible on how their town centre could be better for them. This is a fantastic opportunity for local people to help set a new direction for these areas so that they are more welcoming and benefit the health, wellbeing and pockets of people across the city.
“Ultimately, this strategy is aiming to deliver more sustainable, inclusive places, improve access to quality services and empower local communities across Edinburgh.“
Neglected: Drylaw Shopping Centre
The 20-Minute Neighbourhood strategy was launched in June 2021. Its vision is to enable a net zero Edinburgh where everyone can live well locally.
The city needs this level of ambition to achieve a significant shift away from longer journeys to active travel and meet its net zero carbon target. It will help to create more social, inclusive and accessible places. This will also support physical and mental wellbeing and help to end poverty in Edinburgh.
Children, young people, parents, carers and teachers are being encouraged to take part in the National Discussion on Scottish education through a series of upcoming online public events.
The first session will take place on Tuesday 22 November, with further opportunities on Wednesday 23 November and Thursday 1 December.
Anyone who has an interest in Scottish education is being invited to register to take part.
Those who register will be able to speak directly to internationally renowned education experts Professor Alma Harris and Professor Carol Campbell, who are acting as independent facilitators for the National Discussion
Prof Harris said: “We have had a fantastic response to the National Discussion so far, with engagement across a range of sectors, including from children and young people, teachers and parents.
“We are determined to be as inclusive as possible and would encourage everyone with an interest in the future of Scottish education to take part in these online public events.”
Education Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said: “The vision that is created following the National Discussion will set out what education in Scotland needs to look like not only in the near future, but 20 years from now.
“These online sessions are a great opportunity to get involved in the Discussion and to make your views heard.”
Around 3,500 responses have been received since the Discussion was launched on 21 September.
The feedback will play a vital part in shaping the future of education. This will include the reform programme that will see the creation of three new education bodies and a review of qualifications and assessment.
The National Discussion – Let’s Talk Scottish Education – which is being co-convened by COSLA, will run until 5 December.
The city council is looking for views on proposals to expand the city’s network of 20mph streets, as well as lowering speed limits on roads that have limits of 40mph or more, which are mainly rural.
Previous evaluation of the speed limits, which aim to create safer, more welcoming streets and help facilitate active travel, also showed an increase in support for the scheme, while we have received additional requests for individual streets to be added to the 20mph network.
Officers have now carried out a review of all roads that retain a 30mph speed limit and have proposed lowering the speed limit to 20mph on streets across the city, based on a set of criteria approved by the Transport and Environment Committee in April 2021. If all of these streets were added to the 20mph network, it would cover around 90% of the city’s urban roads.
Amongst the criteria used for assessing a street’s suitability for a 20mph limit are whether it has higher density housing such as flats or terraced properties, if there are groups of shops and whether there are likely to be higher numbers of people walking or cycling (for example near a hospital or university campus).
Alongside the 20mph review we have investigated the potential to reduce speed limits on rural roads to provide a safer environment for those choosing to walk, cycle and ride horses.
All rural roads in Edinburgh have been considered, including those near Currie, Balerno, Ratho, Queensferry and Kirkliston. Other roads outside the city bypass, near the airport and in the industrial area of Newbridge with a speed limit of 40mph or more have additionally been reviewed.
The proposed changes in rural speed limits would reduce the normal speed limit on two-lane rural roads to 40mph. Most minor country lanes would have a 30mph limit, with a 20mph limit through rural hamlets and also on a small number of minor lanes that are the most used by walkers, cyclists and horse riders.
Councillor Scott Arthur, Transport and Environment Convener, said: “Edinburgh led the way in 2015 by agreeing to become Scotland’s first 20mph city and since then its positive impacts have been made clear.
“Not only are speeds continuing to fall across the network, but casualties have also reduced, which is extremely encouraging. Independent research has shown that the number of collisions has fallen by 30%, and the number of injuries has dropped by a similar amount.
“We know appetite for extending 20mph limits has grown over the years and we want to bring these benefits to even more people, creating safer, more relaxing streets to live in, visit and spend time in.
“This is along with proposed speed limit reductions on many of our rural roads, most of which have the national 60mph speed limit. I would encourage as many people as possible to take part in the consultation to make sure changes work for everyone.”
In the consultation the Council asks for comments on its recommendations for speed limit reductions across our Capital, but I hope and expect residents will consider urging it to go further by demanding more streets are included.
The consultation opened on Weednesday (16 November). Views on the scale of the proposed extension to the 20mph network and on individual streets where lower limits are proposed will inform final recommendations to Transport and Environment Committee.
Lower speed limits support the aims of the City Mobility Plan by improving the way residents and visitors can move about and enjoy the city. By creating a safer environment for walking, wheeling and cycling as an alternative to private car use changes are intended to help tackle climate change, reduce congestion and improve air quality, as well as contributing to the Council’s Vision Zero approach to road safety.
Alcohol companies could face tighter restrictions on advertising in order to protect society’s most vulnerable, under new proposals set out yesterday.
The public’s views are being sought on plans to restrict adverts for alcohol at sporting events, on buses, and online and elsewhere – to reduce the appeal of alcohol and improve the nation’s health.
Proposals have been informed by the Children’s Parliament and the Young Scot Health Panel, delivering on the Government’s commitment to ensure that children and young people’s views are heard.
This is the latest step in efforts to reduce harmful drinking and alcohol-related harms in Scotland and follows the successful introduction of Minimum Unit Pricing, which has already reduced purchases of cheaper, more potent alcoholic drinks.
The public consultation is in line with the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) recommended approach to comprehensively restrict exposure to alcohol marketing.
Public Health Minister, Maree Todd, said: “There is clear evidence that adverts which glamorise drinking can encourage young people to drink alcohol and have a detrimental impact on those in recovery from problem alcohol use.
“This consultation is an important step in doing that, and I am extremely grateful for the young voices who have helped us get this far.”
“We are making progress already – with our minimum unit pricing reducing alcohol sales in the off-trade – but with 1,245 alcohol related deaths last year we know that more needs to be done if we are to tackle Scotland’s problematic relationship with alcohol.”
An inquiry has been launched into the impact of Part 2 of the Community Empowerment Act (2015) (“the Act”) on community planning and how Community Planning Partnerships (CPPs) can respond to significant events such as the Covid-19 pandemic and the current cost-of-living crisis.
The Committee is seeking views from organisations directly involved in Community Planning Partnerships as well as communities and individuals about the impact the Partnerships have had.
Community Planning aims to improve how organisations such as local government, health boards, and the police work together with other partners to improve local outcomes in an area.
Commenting, Committee Convener Ariane Burgess MSP said: “The Community Empowerment Act recognised in 2015 how important community planning is to improving people’s lives across Scotland and our inquiry will seek to understand how successful the Act has been in bringing partners together to deliver better services that make a real difference to people’s lives.
“We want to understand how effectively Scotland’s Community Planning Partnerships have been able to respond to challenges such as the current cost crisis and unprecedented events such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
“By hearing directly from organisations involved in Community Planning Partnerships as well as from communities and individuals about the impact the Partnerships have had we can understand what further improvements may be required to truly empower communities, tackle inequalities and bring about real change.”
EDINBURGH residents have been invited to attend a campaign meeting hosted by ENABLE Scotland at 95 Causewayside, Newington on 9 November 2022 from 7pm to 9pm designed to inform the charity’s calls to the Scottish Government.
The event is designed to collate feedback and evidence from the community that will then go on to inform the charities proposals for the Bill based on real, lived experiences of the learning disability community.
Following a campaign from ENABLE Scotland members, the Scottish Government has announced that it will bring forward a new Learning Disability, Autism and Neurodiversity Bill (LDAN). This is believed to be the first Bill of its kind, worldwide.
Local people in Edinburgh can attend the event to find out more information about the proposed LDAN Bill and feedback their thoughts, asks and concerns about the protection of human rights and their first-hand experiences of the failings and challenges relating to the current system and the associated laws.
ENABLE Scotland will take the feedback from the event to inform its campaigning around the Bill proposals ensuring that people living with learning disabilities, and their families, are at the heart of the new legislation.
Jan Savage, Director of ENABLE Scotland said: “For too long, people who have a learning disability have been Scotland’s invisible people. Subject to poor attitudes and persistently poor public services where they have to fight for their rights.
“This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to bring forward legislation which secures people’s rights in law. It is so important that every voice of every person who has a learning disability is informing this process which is why we are inviting people with lived experience – as well as supporters from the local community in Edinburgh – to come along, hear about the plans for the Bill and have their say in what ENABLE Scotland will be asking of the Scottish Government.
“The work will not stop there. We are committed to the community that support us in our campaign for the LDAN Bill and as such we will ensure regular updates, information on campaigning and actionable communications to MSP will be shared with our supporters as the Bill progresses through Scottish Parliament over the next two years.
“The Scottish Government have agreed that change is needed. We will not get this chance again. If you care about the human rights of people who have a learning disability and want to be part of a movement for change with other like-minded people – we want to meet you on 9 November 2022!”
The charity says that now is the time for change, citing evidence that – amongst other shocking stats – less than 7% of people who have a learning disability have a job, adults who have a learning disability in Scotland die 20 years younger than other adults and children with a learning disability are 12 times more likely to die from preventable illness than other children.
The LDAN Bill provides an opportunity to ensure that the rights of people with a learning disability are protected in law. The Scottish Government has also said that it will create a new Commissioner to make sure that these rights are upheld.
The LDAN Bill is being proposed as a replacement for the current Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003, that ENABLE Scotland believes does not go far enough in protecting the human rights of those in the learning-disabled community and a new Bill and set of laws is pertinent to the safeguarding of individuals in Scotland.
ENABLE has also launched a national survey for people to submit their views if they are unable to make it along to one of the local campaign meetings, please complete here.