A free family-friendly event: Edinburgh Climate Festival

Community-led organisations from across Edinburgh and surrounding areas invite the public to join them on Saturday 18th March (1pm – 6pm) in Southside Community Centre for the second Climate Festival.  Continue reading A free family-friendly event: Edinburgh Climate Festival

Turning politics on it’s head

Pilton Community Health Project holds Upside Down hustings

On 23rd November 2016 over 30 residents of north Edinburgh attended an event at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre to start a discussion with candidates for the election to the City of Edinburgh Council (writes PCHP’s Anita Aggarwal). Continue reading Turning politics on it’s head

Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre comes of age

DNC – still the place to be!


Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre celebrated a very special birthday at the weekend – the community hub off Groathill Road North is 21! Former staff, board members old and new and local politicians Edinburgh West MP Michelle Thomson and Inverleith councillors Nigel Bagshaw, Gavin Barrie and Lesley Hinds joined current community members and volunteers for a Friday night of memories and celebration.

Drylaw Community Association chair Alex Dale welcomed guests  and said: “It’s hard to believe we have been here for 21 years and I’d like to think that, despite the funding difficulties we’ve experienced this year, going forward we will be here for the community for another 21 years.”

Inverleith councillor Lesley Hinds has lived in Drylaw for nearly forty years and remembers the local campaign to get a dedicated community centre for the area. She told guests: “This Centre has been a great asset for both the young and old in our community and it’s great to see so many old friends here who were involved in the campaign here tonight.

“However as you will all know it’s been a difficult year financially and next year will be just as challenging for the council. If you don’t use it you lose it, so it’s up to you to keep pressure on us as councillors to try to get other resources in to keep the centre here at the heart of the community. Thanks to all the staff past and present and all the people who have supported and used the centre over the years and have made it such a success.”

more pictures to follow




North Edinburgh Arts AGM date set



Tuesday 25 October at 12 noon


North Edinburgh Arts
Invites you to an
Annual General Meeting

To be held at North Edinburgh Arts
15a Pennywell Court
Edinburgh, EH4 4TZOn Tuesday 25th October at 12 noon
Soup and sandwiches will be served at 12.30pm

Creche available on requestCome and hear about the work of NEA, plans for the next three years, and have an opportunity to share your ideas for the organisation with us.

To RSVP and reserve a creche space call Sandra on 0131 315 2151 or email admin@northedinburgharts.co.uk by the 14th October.

Directions to the venue can be found here.


Living in Harmony latest

Living in Harmony logo

Dear all,

Forum discussion 

Thank you to everyone who participated in the last forum meeting. There was a good discussion and lots of good ideas to follow up on, including how we can make North Edinburgh an area of excellence in terms of diversity in employment. I’m attaching the minutes (below). The next forum meeting will be on Thursday 12th October from 10 – 12 noon.

Minutes 18th august 2016

Race report

I’m also including a summary of a recent report produced by the Equality and Human Rights Commission which Douglas Samuel shared. This highlights further the worrying inequalities present in many walks of life, employment being one of them.

Race Report: Healing a Divided Britain

Scotland’s Ethnic Minorities face overcrowding, poverty and unemployment, says equality and human rights body

A new report published by the Equality and Human Rights Commission on race equality, has found that in Scotland, if you are born into an ethnic minority household today, you are nearly four times more likely to be in a household that is overcrowded and up to twice as likely to be living in poverty and experiencing unemployment.

The report is the biggest ever analysis of existing evidence into race equality in Scotland and focuses on poverty, education, employment, and housing.

Findings include:

  • In 2013 ethnic minority households were four times more likely than White households to live in overcrowded properties – 11.8% compared with 2.9%.
  • In 2013/14 people from ethnic minorities were more twice as likely live in poverty, both before and after housing costs, compared to ‘White-British’ people.
  • After housing costs, 36% of people from ethnic minorities were in poverty, compared with 17% of ‘White-British’ people.
  • Unemployment rates for people from ethnic minorities in 2013 were significantly higher than for White people – 13.2% compared with 6.9%.
  • In 2013, only 57.4% of people from ethnic minorities were in work compared with 73.8% of White people.
  • Unemployment rates for people from ethnic minorities in 2013 were significantly higher than for White people – 13.2% compared with 6.9%.
  • Just 2.1% of modern apprenticeships are filled by ethnic minorities although 5% of the target group for apprenticeships across Scotland are from ethnic minority groups. (Skills Development Scotland, Q1 2016).
  • Just 6% of Black school leavers from across GB attended a Russell Group university (Edinburgh and Glasgow), compared with 12% of mixed and Asian school leavers and 11% of white school leavers.
  • 1 in 4 Scottish pupils said they were aware of peers suffering prejudice based bullying.

Download the full report here.

Kind regards

Hannah Kitchen

Development Worker, Living in Harmony,

Pilton Community Health Project

0131 551 1671



Like us on Facebook for regular updates www.facebook.com/PiltonCommunityHealthProject

All together now: Making a difference at Royston Wardieburn

Making a song and dance at community event!


Around fifty local people took part in the latest ‘Getting Together, Making a Difference’ event at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre last week. Taking place on ‘Living Life’ Day, the gathering offered an opportunity for people from diverse backgrounds to get to know their neighbours better, make new friends, learn new skills and create new artworks.

Workshop sessions followed introductions and the official opening of the Getting Together, Making a Difference’ photography exhibition.

DSCF8271 (1)
DSCF8275 (1)

The workshop aims:
Provide an opportunity for participants to get to know each other
through an activity
Introduce participants to songs, poems, art work which focus theme of
diversity and solidarity
Provide an opportunity for partiipants to create poetry, music and art
work which can be shared with other workshop groups after lunch
Create an opportunity to send a positve message on diversity, difference
and solidarity to the wider community
Workshop 1 : Poetry
Workshop led by Jim Aitken
Supported by Lynn McCabe and Fiona Manson
Workshop 2: Music
Workshop led by Jed Milroy
Supported by Hannah Kitchen
Workshop 3: Arts
Workshop led Mo Brand
Supported by Anna Baran and Lydia Markham

The event proved to be a great success and a lot of fun: creating new friendships, developing relationships, fostering greater understanding and producing some impressive artwork, a poem and a brand new song, too!

The poem:

Getting Together
Getting together, making a difference
Getting together, making a difference
For future families, and our community
Binding you and me
From wartime to Thatcher
The taxes, the cuts
We fought against it
For a better place for us
We’re getting together
For ceilidhs and meals
For visits and trips
It’s turning the wheels
Into the future
Our community
Our children, their children
Will be running free.




And the song? Well, It goes something like this … :





Saving community space at Craigroyston: complete the survey


Craigroyston Community Centre’s management committee, which oversees the adult community wing at Craigroyston Community High School, has sent out an unofficial audit (see below) to raise awareness of the cuts in community service provision in Craigroyston High School.

CommunityAudit July 2016

Have you used the facilities at Craigroyston? Do you plan to use them, and if not, why not? Please complete the attached survey and email it to


or drop it off at the Community Shop on Pennywell Road.

Thank you, 

Craigroyston Community Centre

All welcome at Community Summer BBQ


North Edinburgh Arts

Saturday 18 June 5 – 9pm


A community event celebrating all of the interesting food, music, dance and people who live in our area. There will be children’s activities in the beautiful North Edinburgh Garden, performances from local musicians, dancers and poets. A BBQ with lots of side dishes from around the world. All for £1 per person (a higher donation is very welcome if you want to contribute more!)

A bar will be available.

You are welcome to come in national dress (kilts, saris etc) if you want to!

Tickets £1 from North Edinburgh Arts or Pilton Community Health Project