Grierson Square residents celebrated the Queens Diamond Jubilee in style on Tuesday and even had their own ‘Griersonham Palace’.

The event was organised by locals Janet Munro and Andrina Pickavance, the two local have organised street celebrations in the past and thought that it was important to mark the occasion with their own street party. They told us “We have been planning this event for a few months, we had various meetings with our neighbours to ensure everyone was involved. Its all about the kids and giving them something to enjoy, we have races, prizes and lots of exciting things for them to do.”

They also had there own ‘pin the tail on the Corgi’ this was a favourite among many of the younger children who attended.
They also had VIP’s for the day who were three local residents who had stayed in the Square for a number of years.

All the local people who attended had a great day and it was great to see such a great community spirit.