Citadel Arts to stage free panto

Citadel Arts Group, a Leith-based theatre and living memory company, are to perform ‘McScrooge’, a free family panto, at the Kirkgate Community Centre later this month … 

We’re performing a pantomime, ‘McScrooge’on 20th December at 1.30pm in the Kirkgate Community Centre. It’s a free show for all the community and to mark the launch of a book of living memories, ‘You Never Forget the Stories’ – reminiscences of Leith and beyond’.

All the participants live locally or have strong Leith connections. The group includes a Newhaven celebrity, Ron Cattell, who directed the Gang Show and the ‘Children’s Hour’ shows in the Ross Bandstand for years. Some of his fascinating stories are in the book.

We’re also inviting members of the Leith Drama Team, our youth drama group, to the show to lead the shouts of ‘He’s behind you!’ – it’s a traditional panto lasting just half an hour.

It would be great to see you!

Liz Hare

McScrooge poster

Parents can go back to skool tomorrow

Edinburgh’s primary schools are opening their doors tomorrow (5 November) as part of a campaign to get parents to send their children to their local catchment school.  Primary Schools Open Day will allow parents with pre-school age children to have a look around and learn more about their local school.

A concerted campaign by the Council resulted in the lowest ever number of parents making out of catchment requests last year as more families sent their child to their local school, and parents should be aware as birth rates continue to rise there is less space in schools which means fewer placing requests will be granted.

Councillor Paul Godzik, Education Convener urged parents to choose their local school and support their local community. He said: “I’d encourage parents to go along and see their catchment school for themselves next week. Sending children to their local school can have many benefits for parents, children and the community where they live.

“A great example is Castleview Primary School which in a recent inspection by Education Scotland was rated as one of the best primary schools in the country.

“More and more families are realising the positive benefits catchment schools offer as shown by the record low number of placing requests last year. I think there is also a growing recognition that the days where you could choose which primary school you wanted your child to go to have gone.

“Next week’s open day is a fantastic opportunity to pop in and have a look around and see your local school in operation. Staff will be on hand to show-off some of the great work taking place as all of our schools offer a high quality education.”

Any parents with children under primary school age are welcome to attend and parents who may be thinking of moving into an area may also find it useful.

Further information on catchment schools and the Open Day, including times for the different schools, can be found on the Council’s website


Wow! Lottery funding for local womens’ project


The Big Lottery Fund Scotland announced its latest package of funding worth over £5.5 million to eleven projects across Scotland today – and Leith-based Women onto Work (WoW) was one of the biggest winners, receiving a grant of £600,000.

Big Lottery Fund Scotland Chair, Maureen McGinn, said: “I am delighted to announce this latest round of grants from our Investing in Communities portfolio. JMT Care Services’ In Touch project supports young people as they leave care and Midlothian Sure Start is helping fathers, who have complex issues, develop a relationship with their children. Women onto Work will provide skills and experience for women across Edinburgh to take that first step back into employment and I am delighted that our money will help to expand this service further. All three projects are focusing on the heart of the community, trying to ensure a good start for our children and young people. They are doing extremely valuable work helping people in need and building stronger, more connected communities. These are excellent examples of the type of project we wish to fund and it is good to know that today’s grants will enhance the services they provide.”

Based at Norton Park, Women Onto Work receives a grant of £600k to provide help to women across the capital who need a bit of extra support to help them get back into the workplace. Each woman who enters the “Ready For Work” programme will receive tailored training and be able to access one to one coaching support which will help to signpost them to further education, training, job clubs or volunteering opportunities.

WoW Business Development Manager, Alex Lambert, said: “Women Onto Work has been supporting women who face barriers move towards employment since 1989. We help them to develop new skills so they have the best possible chance of finding sustainable employment. We are absolutely thrilled about this funding which means that we are going to be able to offer this platinum, personalised service to nearly 350 new clients over the next three years. These new clients will be women who live with a mental or emotional health problem and those who are struggling single parents. Women who are currently socially and financially marginalised and simply cannot get the help they need to progress through existing services.

“As well as scaling up our work to meet unmet demand in Edinburgh, the Big Lottery Fund award means we’re now going to be able to offer our service to women in the Lothians and Scottish Borders. We can’t wait to share this news with all of our partners and, most importantly, with the many women who are waiting for this service.”

Today’s funding is part of a package of eleven Big Lottery Fund Scotland, Investing in Community grants totalling £5,618,181. To see today’s other successful projects visit

North Edinburgh’s bubbling over with Burns

There will be at least two local opportunities to celebrate the birth of the Bard next Friday (25th January).

The Prentice Centre in Granton Mains is the venue for an afternoon debate and discussion on Scotland’s future (something Burns himself cared passionately about) while in the evening at North Edinburgh Arts the Transition Group’s latest World Cafe event will have a definite tartan flavour with a menu packed with Scottish favourites.

See flyers below for more details:



Grierson celebrate Jubilee in style

Grierson Square residents celebrated the Queens Diamond Jubilee in style on Tuesday and even had their own ‘Griersonham Palace’.

VIP’s for the day Ella Thzaker, Margaret Slimon & Jim Slimon. (Pic: Thomas Brown)

The event was organised by locals Janet Munro and Andrina Pickavance, the two local have organised street celebrations in the past and thought that it was important to mark the occasion with their own street party. They told us “We have been planning this event for a few months, we had various meetings with our neighbours to ensure everyone was involved. Its all about the kids and giving them something to enjoy, we have races, prizes and lots of exciting things for them to do.”

Pin the tail on the Corgi with Nicola Spinks, Lucy Pickavance & Mhairi Pickavance. (Pic: Thomas Brown)

They also had there own ‘pin the tail on the Corgi’ this was a favourite among many of the younger children who attended.

They also had VIP’s for the day who were three local residents who had stayed in the Square for a number of years.

Event organisers Janet Munro and Andrina Pickavance. (Pic: Thomas Brown)

All the local people who attended had a great day and it was great to see such a great community spirit.