Climate Week ‘to put people at the heart of net zero journey’

Scotland’s Climate Week runs from Monday 13 September to Sunday 19 September

A week-long programme of events and initiatives launches across the country today to engage businesses, organisations and communities in Scotland’s response to the global climate emergency ahead of COP26.

Scotland’s Climate Week 2021 will turn the spotlight on the November summit by highlighting Scotland’s national and international actions on climate change while building awareness, generating conversations and encouraging commitment to further climate action.

Climate Week will include the launch of a series of Climate Festival events, part of a new engagement programme designed to empower local communities in the climate debate and ensure an inclusive approach which leaves no-one behind.   

Businesses, organisations and individual groups are being encouraged to take to social media to make a pledge they will commit to during COP26 to tackle climate change.

Net Zero Secretary Michael Matheson said: “COP26 coming to Scotland is a unique opportunity to advance the society-wide transformation required for us to become a net zero nation.

“I am determined to make sure the conference reaches out far beyond the negotiations in Glasgow. It must reach every community and deliver a lasting legacy that accelerates our emissions reduction whilst making absolutely sure we do that in a way that’s fair and leaves no-one behind.

“Becoming a net zero nation will require a huge national effort with all of us embracing the significant changes and the chance to secure a better future for us all. It’s crucial that everyone takes this opportunity to get involved. Only by taking action together will we succeed in creating a fairer, greener and climate resilient society.

“In addition to being part of the events taking place up and down the country this week, businesses, organisations, community groups, and individuals can be part of the COP26 Call to Action by making a pledge on social media to commit to climate action for the two weeks of the summit and beyond.”

Scotland’s Climate Week runs from Monday 13 September to Sunday 19 September.

More details can be found at

Community Planning: Edinburgh Association of Community Councils meets tonight

The Edinburgh Asociation of Community Councils (EACC) meets online tonight at 7pm.

Up for discussion is the Edinburgh Partnership’s draft Community Council Reform Implementation Plan (below)

In an email to community councils before the meeting EACC Chair Stve Kerr said: “I attach a draft implementation table which includes issues that have been covered in the initial discussion between the EACC Steering Group and senior City of Edinburgh Council officers. 

“The list is not exhaustive, and I would welcome your thoughts on whether the areas covered are appropriate and additional issues that you wish to see addressed.

“I hope that as many of you as possible can participate in the discussion to ensure that the views of all 44-member Community Councils are represented.”

***Agenda for 9 September***

1. Steve Kerr, Chair of EACC, will give an update on the Edinburgh Partnership Improvement Plan’s Community Council Reform Programme.

2. Daisy Narayanan, Senior Manager, Place Making and Mobility for the City of Edinburgh Council, will introduce her new job, with a remit that includes ‘20-minute neighbourhoods’, City Centre Transformation, City Mobility Plan, and the Low Emission Zone (LEZ).

3. An LEZ team member will introduce the project and the current consultation which lasts until 20 September (to be confirmed).

4. Discussion about the National Care Service.

5. Any other business.

This meeting is open to the public, but priority will be given to questions from community councillors. The meeting will be recorded.

Please note that by joining the meeting you are giving your consent for the meeting to be recorded.

Duncan Place Community & Enterprise Hub launches £300 Community Event Fund

Duncan Place Community & Enterprise Hub is ready and waiting to welcome you inside.

With restrictions easing we can once again come together to learn, share, and enjoy making, watching and taking part in community activities.

If you would like to hold a community event, workshop, class, performance or similar, then apply to be in with a chance of winning £300 (plus room hire) to help make it happen!

We have 6 pots of £300 to hold events in the coming months.

Pots of £300 will be awarded as follows:

  • for an event for those aged 12yrs and under.
  • for an event for those aged 13-18yrs.
  • for an event for senior members of our community.
  • for a multi-generational event.
  • others.


  1. Your community event must take place in Duncan Place and be open to the Leith community.
  2. If your event will cost more than £300 you must be able to evidence that the remaining budget is in place.
  3. All health and safety and covid guidance in place at the time of the event must be followed.
  4. Any required insurance must be in place by the time of the event.
  5. Any re-usable equipment purchased for the events will remain the property of Duncan Place for use at future community events.

How it will work

Complete the application form and return it by Mon 1st November 2021.

The trustees will consider all applications, choose the winners and their decision will be final and suitable dates will be agreed upon.

We will accept applications from individuals or from groups/ organisations.

Duncan Place trustees are open to considering all types of community events but are particularly keen to support those that could be repeated to help reduce social isolation in Leith.

Forms can be returned by email to: or by post to Nicola Lamberton, Duncan Place Community & Enterprise Hub, 4 Duncan Place, Leith, EH6 7NT

The successful applicant will be announced on or before Mon 20th December 2021.

Event planning and delivery can then take place in the months that follow.

If you are unsuccessful in being awarded one of the £300 pots but have another way of funding your class, workshop, performance etc, please remember that we offer affordable room hire. Please enquire via

There is no minimum or maximum number of words. Please just let the boxes expand as needed.

This is the first time the Duncan place trustees have opened this fund.

We aim for it to be as simple and inclusive as possible.

We are open to considering all sorts of ideas so please just give it a try – you never know where it might lead!

It can be a one-off, or a small series of events over a few days/ weeks – just go with your ideal & we’ll consider it.

Application Form

Community Renewal Fun Day at Bingham Park this Saturday

Community Renewal Lifting Neighbourhood Together is a ground-breaking project, which is currently testing a new approach in lifting a whole neighbourhood out of poverty in five years. It has received funding from the National Lottery Community Fund and is being delivered in Bingham, Magdalene and The Hays.

The official launch took place in October 2020. However, lockdowns and Covid safety measures stalled the team’s visits to the local residents, so they have decided to host a fun day and picnic to officially launch the project to the community.

The event will take place at Bingham Park on Sat 4 September 1 – 3pm

During the day, residents will enjoy family friendly events, entertainment and much more. And along the way, the team will be talking to residents to find out more about their aspirations for the neighbourhood.

All residents from Bingham Magdalene and The Hays are welcome.

New homes and improved artists’ studios planned for Canonmills

Residential developer HUB and Bridges Fund Management, a sustainable and impact investor, have acquired the 1.25-acre Beaverhall House site in Canonmills, Edinburgh.

Beaverhall House is one of the largest pieces of land in a single ownership in the Canonmills area. HUB and Bridges are developing plans for a mixed-use scheme incorporating build-to-rent homes and affordable, contemporary studio space for the area’s local artistic community, along with enhanced public realm.

With the aim of delivering the scheme in 2025, HUB will soon begin extensive community engagement to help shape their plans. Public consultation will run September through to November.

This is the ninth deal on which HUB and Bridges have partnered and builds on their successful track record of delivering well-designed, community-focused residential schemes across the UK.

In line with HUB and Bridges’ focus on delivering homes in well-connected locations, the site is ideally located just a 15-minute walk from the heart of Edinburgh and close to the green spaces to the north, including the Botanical Gardens and Water of Leith.

Damien Sharkey, Managing Director at HUB, said: “This scheme continues our strategy of acquiring sites in ‘lifestyle’ cities – places with strong fundamentals and demand for high quality housing.

“We have been seeking the right opportunity in Edinburgh for some time. Canonmills in particular is the perfect location to create a hub where you have everything you need on your doorstep, catering to the changing ways we want to live and work post-pandemic.

“We are excited to bring HUB’s proven experience of delivering beautifully designed mixed-use schemes in strategic locations to Edinburgh.”

Simon Ringer, Head of Property Funds at Bridges Fund Management, said: “There is a clear need for more lower-cost and affordable housing right across the UK, not least in Edinburgh where affordability is an increasing issue.

“Since 2014 we’ve successfully partnered with HUB on a number of projects, which are on course to deliver over 1,500 high-quality units – including a significant number of affordable homes.

“We’re very pleased that we now have an opportunity to expand this proven model into Edinburgh. We believe this scheme can deliver significant positive impact for the Canonmills area.”

Scarlett Land & Development advised HUB and Bridges on the acquisition. Turley is acting as planning consultant.

LifeCare invites locals to take part in a summer of virtual events

Older people’s care charity delivering fun and free online community sessions 

LifeCare Edinburgh is inviting local people to sign up to take part in its varied calendar of virtual community events.  

Funded in partnership with Inverleith Neighbourhood Network, Foundation Scotland and The TOR Foundation locals can take part for free. Events include history talks, quizzes, conversation groups discussing current affairs and special events such as the recent private virtual visit to Edinburgh Zoo.   

The renowned local charity offers registered care, outreach activities and help at home services for older people living across the North of the city.

Established in 1941, the organisation supports over 800 elderly clients a year including those suffering with dementia, mobility issues, those experiencing isolation and loneliness, food poverty, mental health problems and support for carers.  

The charity usually delivers its calendar of community events in-person at the LifeCare Centre on Cheyne Street, however organisers set up the sessions through Zoom in response to the pandemic.   

LifeCare understands that some people need a little encouragement and support to get started using Zoom.  Organisers therefore offer free, safely delivered one-to-one support for individuals to get started with the IT platform ensuring they have the skills and confidence to use technology to be part of their community. 

Aleks Pacula, LifeCare’s Community Engagement Facilitator said “We’re thrilled that we’ve been able to continue our successful calendar of events across the last year – we have more people signed up than ever before.  

“Shifting the delivery from in-person to Zoom had a few challenges at first but everyone is very much enjoying it now and it’s allowing more people to take part. We all look forward to the sessions – it gives us a chance to catch up with each other safely, see a friendly face, have some fun together and learn new things about where we live. 

“We’ve received a lot of feedback telling us that the talks bring back fond memories and give people the opportunity to share life-experiences with others. Our free tutorials helping people to use Zoom for the first time have been very popular.  

“I know our regulars found the help really useful at the start and they are unstoppable now!  We regularly update our calendar of events online so visit the LifeCare website to find out more and get involved.” 

The charity has already announced a few highlights to look forward to across the summer.  

In addition to their usual weekly schedule of events they will be hosting “Lothian castles on film” by Anne Daly on Tuesday 29th June at 3pm, “The visit of George IV to Scotland in 1822” by Eric Melvin on Tuesday 27th July at 3pm and “Greek inscriptions in Edinburgh” by Ian McHaffie on Tuesday 24th August at 3pm. 

 Gavin Barrie, Chair of Inverleith Neighbourhood Network said “We are extremely pleased to hear about the success of LifeCare’s Community Engagement Project.

“The important project reaches out to some who may be suffering isolation in our community.  The programme demonstrates all that is good when various arms of our community pull together to assist those in need of support. We were delighted to help LifeCare achieve its aims of engaging with local members of our community.” 

Beverley Francis, Chair of LifeCare said “A huge thanks to our generous funders for enabling LifeCare to continue to deliver and grow our important calendar of community engagement activities.  

“These events deliver huge benefits to those in our communities in normal times, but they are even more important through the current time. Activities are designed to keep people connected, give something to look forward to and to provide something stimulating for health and wellbeing needs.  We are encouraging anyone that is interested to get in touch to find out more.” 

LifeCare Edinburgh is a registered charity and relies on the support of its funders.  Key relationships include Barclays, The TOR Foundation, Foundation Scotland, Tesco Bank and all the many local people who take part in community fundraising events.  

For more information visit 

Community Council to meet local police to discuss antisocial behaviour in Drylaw

Drylaw Telford Community Council is to meet local police tomorrow following a spike in antisocial incidents across the area.

Recent weeks have seen two serious street attacks in Wester Drylaw along with a number of other incidents of vandalism including refuse bins being set on fire.

The community council was alerted to one incident by an Easter Drylaw woman last month: “My neighbours house (unoccupied) was set fire to last night by kids setting fire to wheeliebins.

“I had 4 small children in my house petrified and screaming as we couldn’t get out our front floor for flames. It is same group of kids constantly causing trouble in street cutting through street to skate park.

“I have had my windows smashed, fire posted through letter box and glass bottles thrown at my dogs. Its getting our of hand last night luckily someone seen the fire taking real hold last night or a dread to think what the outcome would have been today. It is now putting peoples lives in danger. What has happened to this area?”

The community council has now been able to arrange a virtual meeting with local police officers to discuss community concerns. The meeting will take place via Microsoft Teams tomorrow evening at 7pm.

If you would like to submit question to local police or you are interested in attending the meeting, please contacr or visit Drylaw Telford Community Council’s Facebook page.

Exciting opportunity for young people to be part of a pioneering digital platform

The Rural Youth Project, in partnership with Smart Village Scotland continues to develop the pioneering world-first youth centric Smart Village and are seeking five enthusiastic young people to join their team of Digital Champions.

The voluntary role, which will be active from May to August 2021, will see the five new digital champions join a core team of ten young people who are driving the development of the platform. The new digital champions will receive personal and professional support as well as a contribution of £530 during the placement.

Rural Youth Project Co-Founder and Director, Rebecca Dawes, said the recruitment of five additional digital champions would not be possible without the continued support of the LEADER Programme 2014-2020: The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe investing in rural areas and the Local Action Groups from across Scotland. 

“This is a platform made for and by young people. Our current group of Digital Champions are working hard to find, curate and create content that will appeal to young people in rural areas and we are looking forward to expanding this passionate group.

“If you’re passionate and interested about the future of rural communities, and aged between 18 to 28, I would strongly encourage you to apply. Not only will you have the opportunity to meet like minded people, but the skills gained will be held in high regard with future employers.”

Smart Villages, a concept driven by the European Network for Rural Development, are rural digital ‘villages’ that combine physical and digital communities to improve their resilience, building on local strengths and opportunities.

Smart Village Scotland have partnered with the Rural Youth Project, to create the Rural Youth Project Smart Village which will be a super connected community that will function as a space for young people to connect, to build or expand their enterprise and leadership skills and to trade.

Grant Murdoch from Smart Village Scotland, who has been managing and mentoring the Digital Champions, said: “We are at a very exciting stage with the Smart Village platform and this is a great opportunity for five new Digital Champions to join our diverse team from all over Scotland.

“Their knowledge, experience and enthusiasm will help to bring fresh perspectives and ideas to continue to develop and sustain the platform for young people.

“Digital Champions are required to attend an open and informal meeting each fortnight and, working in teams, will get the opportunity to work with a web developer in creating, designing and shaping content of the new digital platform.”

Applications opened on Tuesday (13th April) and close on Friday 23rd April, with the roles to commence early May.

Further details about the role and how to apply can be found here:

It’s been a while … Inverleith Neighbourhood Network to meet next week

The next meeting of the Inverleith Neighbourhood Network will be on Wednesday 31st March from 6 – 8pm.

Agenda is below: 

  1. Minute of meeting – 210120
  2. Role of Chair / Rep of the NN 
  3. Communications within NN 
  4. Inverleith NN Greenspace priority – how do we take this forward and are there any other local priorities to be considered.
  5. Revised LIP (Locality Improvement Plan) priorities – update from LCPP (Local Community Planning Partnership)
  6. Poverty Commission – update from LCPP

The meeting will take place online using Microsoft Teams.

Joan Beattie, Inverleith community representative on the North West Locality Community Planning Partnership ( LCPP), said: “Our Neighbourhood Network is having a Team’s meeting on 31st March starting at 6pm to discuss among other things how to take forward our priority ‘MAKING THE MOST OF OUR GREEN SPACES’.  ​

“This was chosen as our priority in the last meeting before Covid restrictions but has proved to be even more important given the use of our green spaces over the last year.   

“I would really like to hear all of your views on this to feed into the next LCPP meeting and to let you know how I think it could be linked to the Local Improvement Plan.

I really hope you are all able to make the meeting but if that’s not, please pass on your ideas.”

For further information contact:

Elaine Lennon

North West Lifelong Learning Development Officer, City of Edinburgh Council

8 West Pilton Gardens, Edinburgh, EH4 4DP

Tel: 0131 529 5270 / 35270


Heart of Newhaven: Last chance to become a member before the AGM

We are abandoning our usual monthly newsletter schedule to send you this advice that there is little time remaining if you wish to become a member of HoNC before our first AGM.

The AGM has now been set for Thursday 29th April and because of the admin work required, you must apply for membership before the 1st April.

New member applications will then be verified and confirmed by the board at their next meeting on 7th April and official notice of the AGM and all that entails will be sent out by the 13th.

Do consider becoming a member. It costs nothing and if you live in our area of benefit it ensures you have a say in who runs the charity and what they do. There is a simple form to fill in on the website under JOIN US.

The AGM may well be rather strange this year because of Covid. Only a small number of people constituting the required quorum will be allowed to be present in person. Everyone else will be invited to an online meeting. It also means that those voting members not present in person will have to send in a proxy voting form, but all that will be explained in the notice of meeting which will be sent by email to members only.

If you have any questions regarding the Board or the AGM please contact

In other news, we are so pleased to report that there was a tremendous response to our initial Crowdfunding appeal which has helped us pay for professional fees. The many supportive comments have also provided welcome proof that we are not working in vain. 

Here are some of the things supporters said:

This is a brilliant project that will deliver huge community benefits. It’s well thought-out and is being impressively well-organised.

Amazing project to support the community and get everyone of all ages together!

Great to see this project making progress – all strength to your elbows for what will be a tremendous asset for the community.

Fantastic work, well done to all involved.

Meanwhile our volunteers are working away in the background on greening projects, lending a neighbourly hand in the community and spreading the word, while we deal with preparing for our very first AGM, a momentous stage in our progress.

The trustees are looking forward to seeing you there.

Don’t forget to keep checking the website.
There’s always something new. April will see the addition of the first of a two-part blog by Bill Hall about fishing in the Forth.

There will be no April newsletter and the next communication will be with members only, by the 13th April.  The next newsletter will be in May, after the AGM.

Join Us!