Glasgow Girls in Muirhouse!

Glasgow Girls

Please help to publicise the screening of the Glasgow Girls next Thursday night (8 October) at North Edinburgh Arts (writes Lynn McCabe).

We will be joined by one of the young women from Drumchapel High School who helped to initiate the campaign against dawn raids and deportation of asylum seekers in her community in 2005.

Transport will be available for anyone who needs it. For further information call 552 5700 or email


So long, summer – hello, Halloween! News from Trinity

TCC resumed its meetings on 14 September – Summer is officially over! But as (admittedly meagre) compensation, here’s the September newsletter!

And remember, we would really like to have your feedback on what’s good around Trinity, what’s not so good and what could be better. How else can we represent your views? Look forward to hearing from you!

Bill Rodger, Trinity Community Council

Trinity CC September Bulletin


Twenty five people came along to TCC’s first meeting after the summer break. Here are the main points …

Police Report

No representative available but a written report was received:

  • Enquiries are in hand concerning recent housebreaking reports including incidents in Larkfield Gardens.
  • Several people have been charged with break-ins in Forth. Some are in custody whilst others are on bail curfews.
  • Three addresses in north Edinburgh searched for stolen property to try to identify perpetrators and return property.
  • Overall domestic housebreakings in Forth are down 2% over the same period in 2014 (which was lower than 2013).
  • Detection rates are also increasing with more culprits being taken to court.
  • Additional Police resource has been deployed City-wide.

We can do a lot ourselves using security measures such as alarms, locks, lighting etc. Crime prevention advice or a personal visit with more specialist advice can be arranged through the local Forth Community Policing Team.

Waterfront Developments

Cllr Hinds provided a map showing the ownership pattern for the development area following our concerns about piecemeal development and potential impact on Trinity residents. We will be discussing this with Granton CC. The Second Regeneration Conference has been scheduled for 2.30pm on 30 September at Royston/Wardieburn Community Centre. All are welcome to attend.

Traffic Issues

Feedback about East Trinity Rd suggests that the improved Lower Granton/Trinity Rd junction has improved matters and that no further measures are needed meantime. The knock-on impact to the west end of Lower Granton Rd will continue to be monitored with the 20mph limit expected to be very helpful in the first instance. An application for a pedestrian crossing on Craighall Rd has been assessed and turned down and we are seeking further information on the reasons for that.
CEC officials have advised that nothing is scheduled to review the North Edinburgh Transport Strategy. Cllr Hinds has undertaken to review that position with them in light of previous assurances.

South East Scotland City Region Plan (SESPLAN) Major Issues Report (MIR)

This is the VERY IMPORTANT first stage of a new 20 year strategic plan for 1.5m people living in Edinburgh, Lothians, Borders and southern Fife. It is a consultation document and open for comment until 30 September. You can make your thoughts known at

Alternatively pass them on through TCC as we will be making a representation. Or do both!

Other Planning Matters

Application to trade vehicles from 144 Newhaven Rd resubmitted. We have repeated our previous objections and trust that CEC will maintain the firm stance it took last time.
No further movement regarding 127 Trinity Rd or Sainsbury.

Reduction in Local Banking Services

Following RBS Goldenacre closing its doors on 13 August, Bank of Scotland has now advised a reduction in its opening hours. This is disappointing news for local customers and businesses.

Your Parks Need YOU!trinity halloweenKeep Scotland Beautiful has awarded a Green Flag to Starbank Park recognising the magnificent efforts of the Friends and CEC staff in restoring the park to its place as a jewel in Trinity’s crown. So now both Trinity’s parks have a Green Flag. Celebrate by coming along to see for yourself. Party on Halloween! (see above)

And on the Glorious Twelfth, Victoria Park’s renewed basketball and tennis courts were formally opened by Cllrs Lesley Hinds and Richard Lewis together with Jamie Hepburn, Minister for Sport. Our parks are really going from strength to strength!

To get the best use of the courts, discussions are in hand about booking but we must ensure these and other amenities stay high grade. We are therefore looking for people to join a Friends of Victoria Park group.

Email if that’s you!

Other Improvement Matters with CEC

Bins installed at Trinity Academy Vennel. Surface improvements under discussion.
 Enforcement of yellow lines at Boswall Rd to be pursued.
 Ownership of Lower Granton Rd foreshore being clarified.
 Denham Green lighting to be investigated.

Clean, Green, Safe & Engaged?

This report from Forth Neighbourhood Partnership compared us against the rest of Edinburgh. Measures cover North: i.e. Forth + Inverleith unless stated. The good, the bad (+ some ugly!):

  • Street Cleanliness (Trinity): Well above target. Some litter on Granton Road.
  • Refuse Collection Complaints: Roughly double target (in common with rest of Edinburgh)
  • Park Quality: 100% achieved across all North¡¦s 5 parks!
  • Safety: Anti-social behaviour orders are low for the size of our population but a disturbing number go unresolved and we suffer a lot of repeat ASB¡¦s.
  • Satisfying Place to Live (Forth): Third worst in Edinburgh.
  • Community Engagement (Forth): Best ward in Edinburgh.

Come along and give your thoughts to our next meeting on

Monday 12 October at 7 pm

in Wardie Parish Church, Primrose Bank Road.

We need to know what you think!

Did you find this bulletin useful or informative? If so, why not show it to a neighbour? Anyone in Trinity can subscribe to the bulletin simply by emailing Or drop us a line and tell us what you think could be better.

Join Easter Drylaw residents at September meeting


Live in Easter Drylaw? Do you have any issues or concerns about your local area?  Than why not join other like-minded people and attend the next meeting of Easter Drylaw Residents Association (EDRA)?

Meetings are held on the first Monday of every month from 7 – 9pm in Drylaw Parish Church, Groathill Road North.

The next meeting takes place on Monday 7 September at 7pm. Why not go along and have your say? All welcome!

Creating a more inclusive community? That’s Positively Diverse!


Is your group or organisation fully engaged with the BME community? Would you like to think about ways to do this more effectively?

Forth Neighbourhood Partnership and Pilton Community Health Project’s Living in Harmony Group are staging a Positively Diverse, a free one-day learning event for local workers to encourage and support them to think about how to include a more diverse section of the community in their activities.

The event takes place at

Spartans Community Football Academy at Ainslie Park

on Thursday 1 October from 10am – 3.30pm.

LIHlogo (2)

To book your place call PCHP on 551 1671 or email


Health and Social Care tops INP agenda

Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership Public Meeting

Monday 24 August 6.30 – 8.30pm, Stockbridge Library

inp aug poster

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The attached poster gives information about Monday’s public meeting which is focusing mainly on raising awareness of, and giving people a chance to have their say on, changes to the way Health and Social Care (HSC) Services in Edinburgh are provided.

An easy to read version of the consultation plan is available here

and the full documents can be seen here

All Welcome

Last chance to nominate your Real Heroes

The clock’s ticking … get those nominations in!

STV_RealHeroes_launch_ghp_17_medium (1)

The deadline for people to nominate community champions from Edinburgh for the new STV series of RBS – Finding Scotland’s Real Heroes is fast approaching – nominations close at MIDNIGHT TONIGHT! 

The new series, presented by Carol Smillie and sponsored by the Royal Bank of Scotland, will air on STV this autumn with viewers across Scotland casting their vote. The overall winner will be announced at a star-studded awards ceremony shown later this year.

Carol Smillie said: “The wonderful thing about real heroes is that they don’t think they’re heroes at all, and they believe they’re just doing what anyone would do. What we need is for the public to come forward and nominate these incredible people so we can shine a light on the local heroes making a real difference within their community.”

The public can nominate online at, by phone and by post.

Elizabeth Partyka deputy director of channels at STV of said: “The response so far has been inspiring with nominations coming in from across Scotland. The deadline for nominations is fast approaching so we are calling viewers to let us know about their friends, colleagues, neighbours or local groups who have dedicated their time and effort to helping the lives of others.” 

For more information, visit

Forth’s youth told: think BIG!


Think BIG. Think bold. Be creative. And there’s no such thing as a daft idea! That was the message to participants at an event held at Pilton Youth & Childrens Project last week – and the results of the day’s work will help to guide youth service provision across Forth Neighbourhood. 

Organised by Forth Neighbourhood Partnership and Total Craigroyston, YouthTalk brought together young people from across Forth with community representatives and decision makers to discuss three key issues.

‘Positively Engaging Young People’ is one of Forth Neighbourhood Partnership’s main priorities and Convener Cllr Cammy Day explained to delegates: “We want young people’s views and aspirations to influence decisions that are taken locally and to listen to their suggestions about how things can be improved for them. We want them to have a real say in the future of this community and how it develops over the next ten or more years”.

A background report to aid discussion was prepared prior to the Youth Talk event. During the review young people across Forth were approached in schools, libraries, at youth groups, basically anywhere they assembled – and asked their opinions on the area. North Edinburgh Young Peoples Forum organised and conducted a survey in four local High Schools and the local Street Work team also gathered views: all told around 1400 young people gave their opinions on their local community -what they like, what they hate and what Forth needs to make it better for young people.

Assisted by motivational speaker Mike Stevenson from Thinktastic, Wednesday’s YouthTalk event saw young people and ‘seniors’ working together in small groups to discuss three ‘ideas’:

How do we involve more young people in positive activity?

How do we better promote the positive contribution our young people make in their community?

What should an ideal youth-friendly community look like – and how do we get there?

Once participants got into the swing of things, the conversation – and the ideas – began to flow. Some of the ideas generated – for example a common social media address for local youth groups to share information, and an annual celebration of young people’s achievements – proved very popular and could be acted on almost immediately. Others, however, may take longer – you did ask the young people to think BIG, Mike!

All of the ideas generated – big and small – will be recorded and a report of the YouthTalk event will be circulated in due course. It will make interesting reading!

And finally, thanks so much for the warm words and that round of applause for the NEN – it was really touching and much appreciated!

It’s Power of Food Festival weekend!


It’s here! Edinburgh’s community gardeners take centre stage this weekend as The Power of Food Festival takes place at venues and locations across the city.

PoF Programme

 For further info visit