Drylaw’s looking for a local hero

It’s Tierney Award nomination time in Drylaw Telford


Do you know someone who gave up their time to help the Drylaw Telford community last year? A local volunteer who went that extra mile to support a neighbour, or a person who’s worked to improve the local environment or enhance the quality of life in the neighbourhood? If so, Drylaw  Telford Community Council wants to hear from you!

The community council is now seeking nominations for the Thomas Tierney Award for Good Citizenship 2014.

Tam Tierney was a committed community activist from Wester Drylaw who was involved in many of the positive things that happening in the old Greater Pilton area during the eighties and nineties. He was a stalwart of Pilton Sporting Club, chaired Craigroyston Community Centre for many years and was also an active and enthusiastic member of Drylaw Telford Community Council. Tam was also part of the steering group and a member of the first management committee of Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre, which first opened it’s doors twenty years ago in 1995.

When Tam passed away in 1999, Drylaw Telford Community Council decided to mark his contribution to community life – not only to celebrate his achievements but also to try to encourage others to become more active within their community.

Every year since 2000, the community council has chosen a new recipient of the Award. They are all very different, and every one has been nominated for a different reason, but they share one thing in common: they freely contribute their time to do something that makes the Drylaw Telford neighbourhood a better place to live.

Former recipients have done that in many ways – helping out as a volunteer with local projects, doing their neighbours’ shopping, supporting local groups by serving on management committees … and some have done all of these things and more!

Drylaw Telford Community Council chairman Alex Dale – who himself received the award in 2012 – said: “The Thomas Tierney Award is an important date on our community council calendar and is usually the best attended meeting of the year. We are looking forward to receiving nominations and the opportunity to celebrate the achievements of our local unsung heroes.”

Nomination forms are now available at Drylaw Parish Church and Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre and forms can also be downloaded at Drylaw Telford Community Council’s website.

All completed forms must be returned by 25 February.

If you think you know someone from the area who deserves recognition for their community spirit, visit the community council’s website at www.drylawtelfordcc.co.uk or email Secretary@drylawtelfordcc.co.uk for further information.

Thomas Tierney Award Poster


Road rage!

pilton drive Con 001A

A section of busy Pilton Drive will be closed for four weeks from Monday – but the local community council wasn’t even informed!

Pilton Drive will be closed to through traffic between Morrison’s and Ferryfield House from Monday morning to allow work to start on utility connections to the development site on the former City Park. Work is expected to last until 20 February.

Granton and District Community Council secretary Dave Macnab said last night: “I have just heard that Pilton Drive between Morrisons and Ferryfield House is closed. I did not know about this and we were certainly not advised.

“This is for four weeks – this during the period of course when Spartans have their cup match! There is also the issue of traffic from The Strada having to use local routes with the inherent dangers to pedestrians. Where was the communication with the community?”

Granton and District Community Council
Follow us on Twitter:  https://twitter.com/GrantonDistCC

News from Trinity Community Council

tromotyTrinity Community Council met on 12 January – these are some of the issues raised at the meeting:

Working with the neighbours

Twelve Neighbourhood Partnerships (NPs) cover Edinburgh. Trinity lies within Forth Neighbourhood Partnership. Peter Strong (Manager of Forth and Inverleith NPs) presented proposals to monitor City of Edinburgh Council (CEC) performance locally but first gave a broad description of how CEC’s organisation is planned to change.

NPs were set up by CEC to find better ways of planning and delivering services across the public sector – so only only CEC but also police, NHS and voluntary organisations such as community councils. Forth NP currently has direct responsibility for Services for Communities while other CEC services (e.g. education, health) remain centralised. Part of CEC’s latest organisational planning is to devolve further services across four localities to align with NHS, Police etc and make all more jointly answerable to local communities.

Monitoring is proposed based on the 4 key priorities in the Forth Local Community Plan. Of those, “Improve the way we engage with and support our communities” has the most developed local statistics. Local statistics need to be jointly developed for the others e.g. NHS Lothian is leading on “Healthy Lifestyles”. Monthly/quarterly statistics suggested to monitor “Improve the way we engage with and support our communities” include:

• Street Cleaning – random checks by Keep Scotland Beautiful (KSB) grade streets for litter, dog fouling etc. This will be supplemented by statistics on walkways.

• Refuse Collection – complaint volumes, by reason.

• Parks – grading versus standards and Green Flags.

• Council Houses – Time to let, repair speed and rent collection rates (though less relevant for Trinity)

• Roads & Transport– Officials are drawing up indicators

It was also agreed to maintain a rolling status update of all items identified during the annual TCC Walkabout.

Do you have thoughts about the information you would like to see about public services in our area? Let us know.

Contact in the Capital

You may have received a paper copy of the December North Edinburgh News (NEN). The final edition of this trial will be issued in February and decisions on its future taken thereafter. Do you have a view? Let us know.

East Trinity Road

CEC councillors are to be briefed on the results of the East Trinity Rd/Lower Granton Rd traffic study, following which the data should become available for discussion with TCC.

Proposed Sainsbury’s Local in Craighall Road

CEC Planning Committee undertook a visit to the site on 15 January and we expect a decision very shortly now.

Planning Application – 127 Trinity Road

Many will be aware of this application for 5 new town houses on the site of the disused car repair garage just off the lower end of Trinity Road. While the site needs development, we have concerns about the number of dwellings being fitted into the site, their height and access arrangements and are submitting an objection reflecting that.

North Edinburgh Transport Review?

Regular readers will know that we have been pushing for a North Edinburgh traffic and transport review given the extensive development since the previous review (2008), removal of trams to North Edinburgh from that plan, and the considerable housing/commercial development planned.

It is beginning to look like this might be getting somewhere as a meeting with the CEC Director of Transport has now been scheduled. We hope that this will consider the full range of ways to reduce congestion including car clubs, parking zones and the impact of the 20mph limit extension.

Fancy Improving Our Environment?

We have been asked by one resident if there might be interest in setting up an Improvement District which would fund enhancements to a specific amenity e.g. a park, over and above what CEC has responsibility for undertaking. It would involve a small annual contribution from all nearby residents if approved in a ballot.
What do you think?

New Trinity Community Council website

We’ve set up a new, uncluttered website at


Take a look – let us know what you think and how we might improve it.

Liz Grant

Sadly Liz Grant, a community councillor until very recently and former Chair of TCC, has passed away. Liz was a well known and loved face in our community and she will be missed for her contribution and easygoing personality. Her funeral was at Warriston on 15 January.

Next Trinity Community Council meeting will be held on Monday 9 February at 7pm in St Serfs Church Hall, Clark Road on the question of PARKING. Join us if you have something to say or simply want to listen.

Did you find this useful or informative? If so, why not show it to a neighbour? Anyone in Trinity can subscribe to the bulletin by emailing


Or drop us a line and tell us what you think could be better!

Drylaw Telford CC meeting date


Drylaw Telford Community Council will hold their first meeting of 2015 on Wednesday 28 January at 7pm in Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre. All welcome.


1 Welcome

2 Attendees

3 Apologies for Absence

4 Approve Minutes of the last meeting (26th November 2104) & any matters arising

5 Reports :-

• Police Report
• Councillors Report
• Treasurer’s Report
• EDRA (Easter Drylaw Residents Association)
• Telford Reps Report

6 Parking Issues Drylaw Shops (Update)

7 Thomas Tierney 2015

8 Correspondence

9 Date of Next Meeting (25th Febuary 2015).

Granton & District CC to meet 26 January

RWCC (2)
Please note that the next meeting of the Granton & District Community Council will take place on Monday 26th January at Royston & Wardieburn Community Centre at 7.00 pm. 
Various items will be discussed:
  • Update on the cuts
  • Granton Harbour Development
  • Waterfront Development
  • 20 mph campaign.
Hope to see you there.
Dave Macnab, 
Secretary, Granton and District Community Council
Follow us on Twitter:  https://twitter.com/GrantonDistCC

Budget: Council ‘needs to think again’

‘Thinking needs to be done, not only in this city but across Scotland. This is the important missing element in this consultation.’


Granton and District Community Council has urged the city council to think again over proposed budget cuts. The community council’s response to the budget proposals follows a local consultation conducted by community councillors last week.

Community council secretary Dave Macnab said: “We have submitted this response to the city council on behalf of those who attended our local consultation exercise. When the people within our area found out scale of the cuts – for they are cuts, calling them savings is double speak – they were appalled.

We are calling on all councillors and in particular those who represent us in Forth to oppose the cuts. The council needs to think again.”


Granton & District CC’s budget response reads:

Dear Sir/Madam,

City of Edinburgh Council – Budget Consultation 

  1. Background 

1.1       As part of the Council ‘Budget Challenge’ consultation 2015/16 the Council outlines that it faces a budget challenge which ultimately means that “we need to save £67 million over the next three years”.  The main thrust of the consultation as far as we can see has been the encouragement of the citizens of Edinburgh to go ‘on line’ and ‘take the budget challenge’ which is an on line platform that encourages people to decide what services they want to cut.

1.2       Granton and District Community Council were not convinced that having an on line consultation exercise was sufficient to get the views of all of the people of Edinburgh given the scale of the cuts that are being proposed.  Whilst we acknowledge that there were a series of ‘drop in’ events for people across the city, the focus of these was on showing people how to view and work the budget ‘game’.

This means that people who do not have regular access to IT – often older residents and those who do not have access to IT –  will miss out on the opportunity to have their say.  It is our view that the scale of the proposed budget cuts will have a disproportionate and negative impact on these very people – often the poorest in our communities.  As a consequence we decided to undertake our own consultation exercise.

  1. Granton and District Community Council – Consultation 

2.1       We organised a drop in day for Tuesday 9 December at Royston & Wardieburn Community Centre – we were in the centre from 9.30 – 6.30 pm.

2.2       To promote the event we distributed 2000 leaflets across our community council area that highlighted the purpose of the event etc.

2.3       We also placed posters across our community to advertise the event.  We also made full use of social media – including our web site and twitter account.

2.4       We drew up a list of some of the key proposals (that the council had identified in the consultation document) that we considered would have severe and negative impact within our area and asked people to comment on these – via post-its, voting stickers, and by talking to us.  We noted down what they said as well as have them write down their concerns. Not everyone used the ‘voting stickers’.

  1. Outcome of the Consultation 

3.1       Despite the terrible weather conditions we had 52 people who spoke to us.  Every person we spoke to were “astonished”, “amazed”, “had no idea” of the scale of the cuts.

Clearly the on line budget consultation has not resulted in the people within our community having any idea of the scale or specifics of the cuts proposed and the impact on what this means in real terms. This was our fear and so it has been realised.  The real impact needs to be clearly articulated by the Council before any decisions are made.

3.2       The qualitative data is outlined in Appendix 1 

  1. Consultation Conclusions and Recommendations 

4.1       It is clear that the council does not have enough income to deliver the services for the people it serves. Yet nowhere do we see that there has been any thinking done to increase income.  The focus is on cutting services.  We believe this is a one dimensional approach.

4.2       We do not believe that sufficient impact assessment evidence has been produced to provide a clear socio-economic evaluation on most proposals.

4.3       We therefore call on the council to approach the Scottish Government with a view to obtaining additional grant funding to cover the services for the people of Edinburgh.  If the Scottish Government cannot provide this – then they in turn should be advised to approach the UK Government for emergency funding.

4.4       We believe this city is facing a funding crisis and moving money from one area to another is divisive and will not solve the fundamental issue which is insufficient income. Given the changing demographics and growth in overall population as the race to ever further house building continues, the pressure on the city infrastructure and public services is at breaking point. The squeeze on council finances will continue and people will continue to suffer. Therefore a more fundamental approach to local authority funding is needed and this thinking needs to be done, not only in this city but across Scotland.  This is the important missing element in this consultation.

4.5          We think it worth reminding the council and our elected representatives of a report of the Communities and Neighbourhood Committee of 24th November that highlighted the levels of poverty and inequality across this city:

  • Some 22% of all households in the city live on incomes below the poverty threshold, slightly above the Scottish average
  • 24% of all Edinburgh households lived in fuel poverty in 2012. This equates to some 53,600 households in the city. 

4.6       There is an irony in that one of council actions to help deal with poverty and inequality as outlined in this report stated:

Ways to improve neighbourhoods are crucial and include place making and building community capacity. Examples are given of community learning and development to help with basic skills and to support community organisations, advice work to help poor households retain stable accommodation, improving the insulation of homes to reduce fuel poverty, and community safety actions to make residents feel safer by reducing anti-social behaviour.

Whilst one of the council budget cut proposals is:

“Carry out a full service review of CLD reducing the level of staffing at all grades, realigning staff against emerging neighbourhood models of work, prioritising service…..there may be some reduction in community based programme…..”

Clearly these two things are contradictory.

4.7       We consider that the only way that our city will meet people’s aspirations in terms of reducing poverty and inequality is by way of a fairer, more progressive tax system. When you take account of direct and indirect taxes, those on low incomes in the UK are being hit hard, while billions of pounds each year is lost through tax avoidance and evasion (by the richest). Progressive tax reforms would help to address inequality at root as well as redistributing economic power.

4.8       There has been under-investment in public sector, in technology, in infrastructure, in education for years. It is enlightening to quote the words from Nobel Prize-winning economist Professor Joseph Stiglitz who served as Chairman of the Economic Advisors under President Bill Clinton and Chief Economist at the World Bank:

One should remember austerity has almost never worked. This is an idea that’s been tried over and over again; back in 1929 Herbert Hoover tried it, succeeded in converting the stock market crash into the Great Depression – there were some other factors too. The IMF has tried this experiment; in East Asia I saw it in the years that I was at the World Bank; they tried it in Latin America; each time it succeeded in converting downturns into recessions, recessions into depressions”.

Whilst we recognise that these wider economic issues are not within the remit of the city council we make this statement as part of a wider debate that we consider needs to take place in Scotland and is the economic and social context in which the current cuts are being proposed.

4.9       We call on the council not to implement the current proposals. Everyone that we spoke to said no.  There was a strong view that the council have not thought hard or innovatively enough and do need to take a stronger step in supporting the people in rejecting the current economic paradigm and seek a new approach that supports the aspirations of the people of this city. We reject the budget proposals as currently outlined and call on our elected representatives within Forth and beyond to reject them.

Granton and District Community Council
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/GrantonDistCC

Reminder: Two local consultations this week

You wait for ages on a consultation then two come along at once! Trinity Community Councillor Bill Rodger has sent a timely reminder of two community consultations taking place this week:

Victoria Park allotments

There is to be a Drop in Session tomorrow Thursday 4 December between 4pm and 7pm in the Victoria Park Bowlhouse adjacent to Newhaven Road where Council Officials will be present to explain the proposals for using the third bowling green for small allotments and to answer any questions which you might have.

There are notices in the Park and on the Council’s website but if you think that any of your neighbours might be interested in this please do pass the message on.

Granton Harbour Regeneration

Also on the subject of drop-in sessions, and for anyone who missed the North Edinburgh News ad, there is one planned for TODAY Wednesday 3 December in Granton Youth Centre, 3-11 West Granton Road, between 3pm and 7pm on proposals for the Granton Harbour area.

These include new homes, retail and leisure. Representatives of Granton Central Developments will be present at that one to talk through their plans for the area and listen to any view that the community have before submitting their plans to the Council for planning approval.

Bill Rodger, Trinity Community Council

Granton CC to hold Drop-in Day

RWCC (2)

Granton & District Community Council are holding a Drop In event:

Royston Wardieburn Community Centre

on Tuesday 9 December

between 10 am – 7 pm

We will be there so that people can drop in and comment on the budget proposals that the council are discussing. To support this we are in the process of undertaking a partial leaflet drop of the area that not only advertises the event but provides details of our web site, twitter and telephone contact number. This forms part of our engagement strategy going forward.

Granton flyer Poster Budget

Dave Macnab

Secretary, Granton and District Community Council


Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/GrantonDistCC

Letter: Muirhouse & Salvesen CC supports the NEN

Dear Dave,

Members of the Muirhouse Salvesen Community Council wish to convey a vote of thanks on behalf of members of the community on the latest issue of the NEN.

The local people’s newspaper has been much missed over the past few years in keeping people in touch with happening in their local community, especially for older people of the community and those who find it hard to get out. Great to see it coming through our letter boxes once again.

We look forward to your December issue which is sure to be filled with local happenings and interesting articles.

We wish the team all the best and are looking forward to more regular issues into the New Year.

Our Community Council support the NEN in its venture and would be happy to assist in any way it can.

Roy Douglas

Chairperson, Muirhouse & Salvesen Community Council