As at 2pm yesterday (Wednesday 26 February):

25 Community Councils currently have the minimum elected members numbers to form. Vacancies remain on ALL CCs.

22 Community Councils still require more elected member nominations to form. Of these, seven CCs have received NO nominations.


Form can be downloaded here:

Blow for local democracy as many areas unlikely to form Community Councils


IT’S looking increasingly likely that many areas across Edinburgh will not have active community councils following the current election process.

With just ONE DAY left before nominations close:

NINETEEN (of 47) Community Councils in Edinburgh have reached the minimum number of elected members numbers needed to form but 28 Community Councils still require more elected member nominations to form.

Muirhouse/Salvesen, West Pilton/West Granton and Davidsons Mains/Silverknowes are among eight areas across the city to have received NO nominations at all so far.

At time of writing no elections will be necessary in any community council area. Elections would only be necessary if more local people came forward than there are places available.

Community Councils are an important element in local and national community planning structures, but lukewarm support at best – and complete apathy at worst – will be a disappointment to those who hoped to see a renewed appetite for community participation.

The city council is currently reviewing community planning in Edinburgh.

Election organisers continue to urge members of the public to play a part in improving their local neighbourhoods – and there’s still time to submit a nomination form by the closing date at 4pm TOMORROW – Thursday 27 February 2025.

The quickest method to return completed nomination forms is by email to the Governance Team at

If you choose to return by hand or by post please ensure you have allowed sufficient time for the nomination form to be received before the deadline at 4pm on Thursday 27 February 2025.  

Example completed nomination forms are attached – see below. All sections that must be completed are highlighted in yellow.

Nomination form – further clarification

We being persons residing in and appearing on the electoral register for the area of’ – ‘area’ means the community council area that you are being nominated for. Please ensure that you include the correct name of the Community Council and not the constituency or ward information. You can check the name of your community council on our website.

An individual can be both a single proposer and a single seconder, e.g.  They could propose Individual A and second Individual B. They cannot propose or second any other individuals.

A nominees family member (e.g. Wife, husband, brother etc.) can propose or second them in compliance with the point above.

Please only submit 1 nomination form via 1 method of submission e.g. via email OR by hand OR by post. Please do not send multiple copies of nomination forms to the Governance Team as this creates additional administrative pressures.

The quickest method to return completed nomination forms is by email to the Governance Team at

Since nominations opened we have received a number of nominations which have been assessed as not valid.  All candidates have been provided with advice on how to rectify and re-submit by the closing date of 4pm on Thursday 27 February 2025.

Common ‘not valid’ reasons

Below are common reasons why nomination forms have been assessed as not valid:

  • The nomination form does not detail the name of the Community Council area that the candidate has been nominated for.
  • The nomination form has not been signed in ink by the proposer, seconder and candidate.
  • The nomination form has not been dated by the proposer, seconder and candidate.
  • Photo of nomination form and signatures must be legible.

Below are common reasons why Local Interest Group nomination forms have been assessed as not valid:

  • The LIG nomination form has not been signed in ink by the President/Chairperson and Secretary/Treasurer.
  • A copy of the LIGs constitution has not been supplied.
  • The LIG nomination does not include the name(s) of the Community Council.

If you need any assistance with completing a nomination form then please do not hesitate to contact the Governance Team at

Community Hub morning at Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre

FRIDAY 21st FEBRUARY from 10am – 12.30pm

Need advice, support, or just a friendly chat? Drop into our Community Hub Morning this Friday 10am – 12:30pm for a cuppa and connect with local organisations that can help.

Meet experts from:

✅Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) – money, benefits & housing advice

✅ Manor Estates & Tenants Federation – tenant support & housing help

✅ Community Police – safety & local issues

✅ Energy Advice & Home Energy Scotland – energy-saving tips

…and more!

You can also find out about how you can support your local community by becoming a Community Councillor.

Community Council recruitment is underway across the capital and Drylaw Telford’s returning officer Cllr Vicky Nicholson – who was a member of the local community council before becoming a city councillor – will be available to provide information and answer your questions

No appointments needed – just drop in! Come along, bring a friend, and let’s build a stronger community together!

Stand and make a difference, say West Pilton West Granton CC

All community council positions become vacant and members need to stand again for election.  I’m providing you with information on what’s involved if you are interested in standing (writes PETER FAASSEN DE HEER)
I would strongly urge you to stand and make a difference.
A strong community council is vital to help our community tackle local problems like crime, litter and bins as well as promoting all the good stuff like our parks, housing improvements, community projects and heritage.  We engage with the police, council and all the wonderful local initiatives in the area.
City of Edinburgh has all the information you need here:
Our Returning Officer is Councillor Jim Campbell from Forth Ward. If you have any questions about the process or what Community Councillors do, you can email Jim at
The only requirement for someone to nominate or second is that you are on the electoral roll in the West Pilton West Granton area, and that you can only nominate/second one candidate.  You must be 16 or over.
Key Dates
  • Monday 9 September –  publication of Notice of Election (start of nomination period)
  • Monday 30 September 4pm  –  deadline for nominations (forms to Returning Officer)
  • Monday 30 September 4pm  – deadline for withdrawal of nominations
  • Thursday 10 October – publication of Notice of Poll (if a poll is required)
  • Thursday 31 October – polling day (if a poll is required)
Peter Faassen de Heer
Secretary, West Pilton West Granton Community Council

Community council elections go hi-tech!

Edinburgh (2)

Local people wishing to vote in three city Community Council elections will be able to do so online for the first time.

Following the closure of the nomination period, there were more prospective community councillors than there were places available in three areas – Craigmillar, Liberton & District and Portobello – so elections are now taking place, and for the first time an online option has been introduced making it easier for more people to take part.  Votes can now be registered securely over a special website until the voting period closes at 8pm on 24 October.

All voters on the electoral roll in the three areas are being given the opportunity to vote over the internet, or they can attend a polling place on the 24 October to vote in person if they would prefer.   Postal votes are also available for residents who prefer this option.

Councillor Maureen Child, Convener of the Communities and Neighbourhood Committee, said: “Our aim is to deliver democratic processes that people can take part in and trust. To offer a range of options for voting, including online voting, we hope to make it easier for people to have a say and that can only be a good thing for local communities.  We hope that by offering flexible ways to vote that it will attract even more interest in these elections.

“Community Councils are an ideal way to support communities to thrive, to allow people from all backgrounds to meet and share ideas and to make change happen. They are a fantastic way of making public sector agencies aware of the needs of local areas, and can really help to make changes for the better.”

Community Councils each receive a grant to cover running costs and training is available for the members. They are represented on each of the city’s 12 Neighbourhood Partnerships and work alongside elected members, representatives from NHS Lothian, Police Scotland, the voluntary sector and Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.

Community councils were first established in Edinburgh in 1980 and now more than 500 people are members of 41 community councils across the city. While elections are needed in three neighbourhoods, however, other areas are still looking for local people to make up their full complement of community councillors. Nominations are currently being sought for new members of the Gilmerton/Inch Community Council, and Drylaw Telford – one of the city’s original community councils – is one of a number of community councils with vacant positions.

“Following the nomination period we have five vacancies so we are very keen to encourage residents – old and new – to get involved”, said Alex Dale, chairman of Drylaw Telford. “Anyone interested in find out a bit about what we do should check out our website, or better still come along to our next regular monthly meeting on Wednesday 30 October at 7pm in Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre. Our meetings are always open to the public and It would be great to sign up some enthusiastic new members.”

Alex Dale (left) with former DTCC chair Mike Clark
Alex Dale (left) with former DTCC chair Mike Clark