City set to mark Autism Awareness Day


More than one in a hundred Edinburgh families are affected by autism, and a range of events are being held across the city next Wednesday (2 April) to mark World Autism Awareness Day.

The Awareness Day follows the launch last week of Autism Edinburgh, a campaign to raise awareness about the symptoms of autism and how best to support individuals and families.

Among the events planned to raise awareness and understanding of autism are:

‘Surroundings’ art exhibition

Exhibition of work by trainees at the Gallery on the Corner.
2-30 April 2014, 34 Northumberland Street, EH3 6LS
Contact: 0131 557 8969,

Scott v Zombies discussion with Alan Grant author and Scott Davidson

With dvd and auction of art work by Robin Smith. Preview artworks at

2 April 2014, 6-7 pm, Stockbridge Library, 11 Hamilton Place. Book in advance by phoning 0131 229 3555 or

Open information event

With complimentary therapy for carers, cake sales and cake decorating, craft workshop, quiz run by PASDA and Lothian Autistic Society.
2 April 2014, 4-7 pm, Conference Centre, Norton Park, 47 Albion Road. Contact: 0131 475 2416 or

Sponsored walk raising money for Autism Initiatives Scotland

2 April 2014, 7-9 pm
Contact for information – 0131 551 7260 or

Upward Mobility celebrates World Autism Awareness Day

film/art work/live music and nibbles – open event
3 April 2014, 2-4 pm, Floor B1, St Margarets House, 151 London Road.

‘Swing into Spring’: Season opening of Hermitage Golf Course

Open to all. Crazy golf, disk golf display, “build your own birdfeeder” and more.
6 April 2014, 10am-4 pm, 11 Braid Hills Drive EH10 6GZ
Contact: 0131 5517260 or

Autism Life in Colour exhibition

10 March – 2 April, Stockbridge Library, 11 Hamilton Place.Contact: 0131 529 5665 or
3 April-17 April, Craigmillar Library, 101 Niddrie Mains Road EH16 4DS
Contact: 0131 529 5597 or
Find out more:

You can find out more about any or all of these events at a World Autism Awareness Day Information Point. They will be open from 10-3 pm on Wednesday 2 April at:

Edinburgh University – outside the main library, 30 George Square, EH8 9LJ

North Edinburgh council Office – 8 West Pilton Gardens, EH4 4DP

South Neighbourhood Centre – 40 Captains’ Road, EH17 8QF

Wester Hailes Healthy Living Centre, 30 Harvesters Way, Edinburgh EH14 3JF

Norton Park, 47 Albion Road EH7 5QY.

Coffee Cups

Watch out for coffee cups in cafes with messages about autism
Contact 0131 661 3834 or to find out more


A campaign to raise awareness about the symptoms of autism and how best to support individuals and families was launched in Edinburgh last week. Autism Edinburgh has been set up by the City of Edinburgh Council and partner organisations in a bid to support people in the capital who have the disorder.

The city council has also launched it’s autism plan, which highlights the importance of getting the right service at the right time for people with autism, and their carers. Anyone interested in gaining a better understanding of autism can take part in the specialised online training programme.

Autism is a lifelong developmental disorder which can affect people with or without a learning disability– sometimes known as Aspergers Syndrome. It affects both children and adults, and can have a profound effect on the way a person understands and interacts with the world around them.

Councillor Ricky Henderson, Health and Social Care Convener, (pictured above) said: “Autism affects people differently, some people are able to live successful and independent lives whilst others will need very specialist support.

“A wide range of services are already available in Edinburgh and the way in which we will keep delivering these in the future is described in the autism plan. The Autism Edinburgh campaign is a great example of working in partnership with other organisations, which will let us offer the very best in care and support.”

Autism Edinburgh is being delivered in partnership with Autism Initiatives, Upward Mobility, Parents of Autism Spectrum Disorder Adults (PASDA), Lothian Autistic Society, Edinburgh University, NHS Lothian, Intowork, Edinburgh and the Lothian’s Aspergers Society and the Action Group.

Visit for further information, or contact the Autism Advice Line on 01259 720 044.


Festive period bin collection and recycling arrangements

For the majority of Edinburgh households there will be no change to collection dates for green wheelie bins, food waste bins and red and blue boxes over the festive period, but there will be no collections on Christmas Day (Wednesday 25 December) or New Year’s Day (Wednesday 1 January).

Collections for households whose bins or recycling boxes were due to be picked up on these dates have been rescheduled for Saturday 28 December and Saturday 4 January respectively.

Residents are reminded that bins and boxes must be on the kerbside by 6am ready for collection.

There will be no special uplifts between Tuesday 24 December and Tuesday 7 January. Normal service will resume on Tuesday 7 January.

Christmas Tree recycling

Residents will once again be able to recycle their real Christmas trees at the kerbside this year, no matter where they live.

Those with a brown bin or who live in a brown bin area should place their Christmas tree beside their bin at the kerbside by 6am on their next garden waste collection day (collection days can be checked by entering an address or by postcode at

Residents in non-brown bin areas can place their tree beside their communal rubbish bin on designated collection dates during January – check our website ( or call 0131 529 3030 to see when we are collecting in your area.

To enable trees to be recycled, residents are reminded:

– To remove all decorations from the Christmas tree
– To remove stands from trees
– To please cut the tree in half if it is 6ft tall or more
– Not to place trees in plastic bags, as this means we cannot recycle them

Christmas trees can also be recycled at any of Edinburgh’s three Community Recycling Centres. Please note these will be closed to the public on 25 and 26 December and 1 and 2 January.

Councillor Lesley Hinds, Environment Convener, said: “I’m delighted that thanks to all staff working together to deliver the service, we’ve been able to put in place very clear collection arrangements, with only two days without scheduled collections in the whole festive period. I’m sure residents are as pleased as I am that this has been made possible this year.

“Whether they put it on the kerbside next to their brown bin, take it to a Community Recycling Centre or leave it out for collection beside communal bins on the designated day, people can ensure that their real Christmas tree is recycled once the festive season is over.

“Much of the rubbish we produce at this time of year is recyclable, like cardboard and wrapping paper, so please take advantage of our recycling facilities as much as you can.

“Remember to check our website over the festive period for any possible changes to collections if the weather is bad.”

Waste and recycling collections may be subject to change in the event of severe weather. For more information on what to do if services are disrupted due to bad weather, visit the city council’s  severe weather pages.

For further information, residents can visit Recycling and collections or phone 0131 529 3030.

Calendars for 2014 collections now online

Calendars are now online for 2014 domestic waste and recycling collections. Collection days are the same as in 2013. As well as accessing the information online, residents can order a copy by phone on 0131 529 3030.

Red and blue collection days – which are also staying the same – can be checked at

Time’s running out for budget comments

CityChambersEdinburgh residents have only TEN DAYS to submit their views on the Council’s draft budget for 2014/15 – the consultation period closes on Friday 20 December.

Councillor Alasdair Rankin, the city’s Finance Convener is urging  Edinburgh folk to make sure they don’t miss the opportunity to give their feedback on the proposals.

He said: “In my opinion, setting the Council’s budget is the single most important thing we do each year. Every other service the Council provides follows on from this key decision and it has the potential to impact on many lives across the city.

“That is why it is so important that people take some time to look at the proposals and have their say on how we are planning to spend money next year. As elected representatives of the city our priorities should of course reflect the priorities of our residents but we need people to give us that important feedback.”

The full budget proposals can be accessed at

Feedback can be given in a number of ways:

– fill in the simple online feedback form

– email

– Write to Freepost, RSJC-SLXC-YTJY, Budget, Council Leader, City Chambers Edinburgh EH1 1YJ

– talk to a local councillor.

– tweet using #edinbudget

– comment on Facebook

Tenants urged to take up rent payment help

Nearly half the Council tenants in Edinburgh subject to the UK Government’s under-occupancy charge – better known as the ‘bedroom tax’ –  have not applied for extra help to pay their rent despite facing growing arrears and debt, it’s been revealed.

Almost 3,000 Council tenants are under-occupying their home and face paying between £14 and £25 per week as their housing benefit doesn’t pay for their extra room, but only around 1,500 of these tenants have applied for extra help available from the Council through Discretionary Housing Payments.

The Council was awarded extra funds from the Scottish Government in September this year, bringing the total available for Discretionary Housing Payments to over £3 million.

Recent figures from the Council’s housing service showed an estimated £1.25 million of arrears are attributable to people not paying the under-occupancy charge, which has been dubbed the ‘bedroom tax’.

City Housing Leader Councillor Cammy Day said yesterday: “It’s critical that hard-pressed tenants seek the extra help the Council is offering in the form of Discretionary Housing Payments, otherwise they face getting deeper into debt.

“Staff from the Council and advice agencies have been holding special surgeries and writing to, visiting and calling tenants over the last few months but ultimately tenants need to apply for the assistance available or they will lose out. I would urge any tenant who hasn’t yet applied for extra help to get in touch with their local housing office without delay.”

The under-occupancy charge was introduced to encourage tenants with a spare room to move to a smaller home. On average there is only ever one single bedroom property available to let for every 80 under-occupying households in the city.

Council tenants affected by the under-occupancy charge are encouraged to contact or call in to their local housing office for advice.cooncilhooses


Have your say on Leith Walk proposals

Local people, businesses and other groups are being invited to a drop-in event to view proposed designs and street layout for the Leith Walk programme tomorrow (Tuesday).  

The event follows a June meeting where local people and organisations strongly supported an enhanced design for Leith Walk as part of the Leith Programme to make the thoroughfare more pedestrian and cycle friendly.

Tomorrow’s event, at Nelson Hall in McDonald Road Library, from 2-8pm, will give local people and organisations the opportunity to view the proposed designs and discuss with officers the street layout for the Foot of the Walk to Pilrig Street and the Pilrig Street to Picardy Place sections of Leith Walk.

Councillor Lesley Hinds, Transport and Environment Convener, said: “The session follows a very productive meeting in June when the local community pledged their support for the project. I am delighted that these plans are close to being finalised and to complete our detailed consultation and design process we are now keen to talk to local people and businesses about the proposals.”

“As the construction work is being phased, with the Foot of the Walk to Pilrig Street section commencing first, we are aiming to have a finalised draft design for this section ready by the beginning of August. This will allow us to proceed with the required Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) process prior to the work starting. We will also be displaying the Pilrig Street to Picardy Place section at the same time to allow local stakeholders the opportunity to comment on the emerging design for this section.”

“I am hoping a wide range of people attend and provide their views on all aspects of the project, in particular, parking provision and domestic waste bins, so please let other local people and businesses know about the event.”

Community Councils: get involved!

A drive is under way to encourage more people to join their local community council and help represent the views of residents in their area.

Elections for all of Edinburgh’s community councils are due to take place in September, but some have struggled in the past to attract new members and all are keen to have fresh input. A campaign is now underway to seek nominations to ensure that community councils can continue to thrive and play an important role in the health of the capital’s neighbourhoods.

Maureen Child

Cllr Maureen Child (pictured above) , Convener of the Communities and Neighbourhoods committee, urged people to get involved: “It’s all about local residents working together to make a difference to where they live. In my experience, the best community councils involve folk of all ages and backgrounds, but they rely on people putting themselves forward. I completely understand it may be a little daunting for those who haven’t been involved in anything like this before, but help and advice is available.”

Jim Henry, the chair of Liberton & District Community Council, said: “Community councils act as a voice that gives residents an opportunity to use their local knowledge to influence the future of their area. We also get involved in a wide range of activities to improve our communities, including clean-ups and gala days. Without the work of community councils, the city and its neighbourhoods would be a poorer place.”

Community Councils receive a grant to cover running costs and training is available. They are represented on each of the 12 Neighbourhood Partnerships established across the city and work alongside elected members, representatives from NHS Lothian, Police Scotland, the voluntary sector and Scottish Fire and Rescue Service to improve the local area and allocate local grants.

Anyone aged 16 years or older and registered to vote can join. People can find their local community council using the Council’s interactive map.

More information and advice is available from:

What’s your experience of Community Councils? Do they make a difference? Let us know!


Have your say on poverty and inequality in North Edinburgh


povertyNorth Edinburgh residents have an opportunity to have their say on how best to tackle the growing gulf between rich and poor at a session in the City Chambers next week.

The city council is to host a ‘tackling poverty and inequality’ workshop session, specifically for North Edinburgh residents, on Wednesday 3 July from 10am – 12.30pm at the Business Centre, Centre Chambers.

The city council’s Tracy Boxall explained: “This workshop has been  organised by the Poverty and Inequality Theme Group, part of the  Edinburgh Partnership’s community planning arrangements in the city.  The  Theme Group currently has four main work streams, one of which is considering actions or interventions  to tackle poverty and inequality in the  city.

A sub-group of city  partners, headed up by Dr Margaret Douglas from NHS Lothian, is progressing the  development of a ‘framework’ of actions, with the aim of shaping future  work to tackle poverty and inequality.  The sub-group is now seeking  wider input to the framework’s development.  The workshop you have been  invited to is part of this process.  It will be facilitated by the  independent organisation, Poverty Alliance.

Workshop participants  (local people and other representatives from Neighbourhood Partnerships) will be  asked to work together, firstly by considering the causes of poverty and  inequality.  The workshop will then explore what actions are  needed to address the issues; the extent to which the actions are in place  already in the city; their impact; and what more might be  done.

The outputs from the  workshop will be written up and passed back to the Poverty and Inequality Theme  Group, to help inform their future work and that of city partners.  The  overall findings will also be shared with you as soon as possible.

Prior to the session, a  background paper on poverty in the city will be circulated for your  information. I hope that you are able  to attend to help with this important work.

Interested? Please RSVP to



Edinburgh’s top, say tenants

Edinburgh tenants have given Council housing in the city a vote of confidence in a new survey. Over 1000 Council tenants took part in the survey, which showed that satisfaction ratings are among the highest of any similar landlord in the UK.

Of those questioned, 89% were satisfied with the quality of their home, giving Edinburgh the highest score among similar landlords. 90% of participants responded that they are happy with the housing service they receive and only 4% responded that they are dissatisfied.  Satisfaction levels with key services, customer care and engagement were either equal to or higher than other large landlords in the UK.

Neighbourhoods were also rated highly with 92% of tenants stating that they are happy with their neighbourhoods and only 2% were not.

Housing Convener, Councillor Ricky Henderson, said: “This feedback from tenants reinforces the high reputation of the Council’s housing service and is a real vote of confidence.

“The Scottish Housing Regulator has already awarded our housing service the highest grade of any local authority, so it is encouraging to see that our tenants are also satisfied with their homes and the service they receive.”

The Council has worked closely with Edinburgh Tenants Federation in designing the survey. Both organisations will work together to develop an action for any necessary improvements identified from the results.

Betty Stevenson, Convener of Edinburgh Tenants Federation, said: “The Federation has been closely involved in developing the survey and we are pleased with the results showing high satisfaction. We will be working with the Council to make sure that any identified improvements are put in place.”

Do you agree with those survey results? Are you saisfied with the city council’s housing service? Let us know!


Juicy business opportunity for city schools!

Five Edinburgh schools are going head to head tomorrow (Saturday 20 April) in an ‘Apprentice’ style challenge to make and sell their own lemonade and orange juice. The friendly battle, dubbed ‘Citrus Saturday’, will see pupils from Gracemount High School, Leith Academy, Woodlands, Gorgie Mills and Forrester High test their business skills in the citrus sell-off.

They will compete to see which team sells the most homemade drinks at five central locations – the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh Zoo, Edinburgh Castle, Cameron Toll Shopping Centre and the Gyle Shopping Centre.

The event, run by the City of Edinburgh Council, gives pupils a taste of working on a business project and helps develop their budgeting, negotiating, selling and marketing skills. Each team has had volunteer student business mentors from Edinburgh University and The Prince’s Trust to help them with their projects.

The teams will be using over 1,000 lemons, 450 oranges, 32 limes, 56kg of sugar and more than 100 litres of fizzy water to make their thirst-quenching drinks – the majority provided by Sainsbury’s at Cameron Toll.

Councillor Frank Ross, Economy Convener for the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “Citrus Saturday is a great way for young people to learn about the realities of creating a business in a fun way. They’ll be able to put into practice all the skills they have been developing over the past months with the business students from Edinburgh University. There will be elements of developing a product from scratch, devising the marketing and budgeting and of course the sales pitches on the day itself. I’d like to wish everyone the best of luck and encourage as many people as possible to support them tomorrow.”

Citrus Saturday is part of a European Union funded project through the Interreg IVB programme to promote Open Innovation with business, academia and the wider community.

Promises to be a fun competition, but sadly some schools are sure to be pipped at the post (sorry!)!


Edinburgh to act against impact of welfare reforms

CityChambersPlans to mitigate the impact of national welfare reform measures on the capital have been announced by the City of Edinburgh Council. The plans, which will see an additional investment of £350,000 in advice and support services, will be discussed by the Corporate Policy and Strategy Committee on Tuesday (16 April).

The introduction of policies such as the Housing Benefit Under-occupancy Restrictions (or ‘bedroom tax’), which are expected to affect 3,800 Council tenants, and around 2,500 Housing Association tenants, combined with national reductions in benefits will have a significant impact on some Edinburgh residents and the city’s economy as a whole.

The Council has taken steps to minimise these repercussions where possible and is considering further actions to offer support. Residents affected by the under-occupancy restrictions have been contacted to provide advice about options such as moving to a smaller home, taking in lodgers or budgeting on a lower income.

Health, Wellbeing and Housing Convener, Councillor Ricky Henderson, (pictured below)said: “The new changes to the national welfare system will have a significant impact on the city and particularly those receiving benefits. It is also expected that the introduction of the under-occupancy changes will lead to increasing rent arrears, which may have an adverse impact on the Council’s ability to deliver services and capital investment in its homes.

“We have taken steps to bolster Council and voluntary sector advice services to make sure that residents are aware of these changes and the help that is available to them. It is vital that we support our most vulnerable citizens and do what we can to minimise these repercussions where possible.”


The committee will be asked to approve an investment of £350,000 to provide additional advice services. Of this sum, £100,000 will be provided to Citizens Advice Edinburgh, £22,000 to the Community Ability Network, £15,000 to The Action Group, £15,000 to FAIR and £7,000 to COSS. Some of the extra funds will also be invested in the Council’s own Advice Shop service and Contact Centre.

An additional £67,000 has already been agreed for the Welfare Rights and Health Project, CHAI Advice Service and Granton Information Centre.

Recent Scottish Local Government Forum Against Poverty figures suggest that changes to the national welfare system will lead to a loss of income of £223 million by 2015/2016 for people in Edinburgh. These changes mainly affect individuals and families living on low wages, those seeking work and disabled people who are unable to work. This will result in a greater need for advice about benefits, debt and budgeting, as well as an increased demand on social work, housing and homelessness services.

The administration of Crisis Grants and Community Care Grants is now the responsibility of the Council, after being transferred from the Department for Work and Pensions on 1 April. Crisis Grants are available as emergency payments where there is an immediate threat to health or safety and are now paid out from Council Neighbourhood and City Centre Offices with an out of hours service also available. A new team has been recruited to deal with the assessment and processing of claims, which can be made by phone, online, on paper and in person. Community Care grants will help to enable or continue independent living by providing furniture, carpets and white goods.

Further measures will be discussed by the Health, Wellbeing and Housing Policy Development and Review Sub Committee on Tuesday 23 April 2013.

The city council’s announcement comes as new independent research by Sheffield Hallam University has shown that welfare cuts will take more than £1.6bn a year out of the Scottish economy and hit the poorest parts hardest – the equivalent to about £480 a year for every adult of working age. The biggest losses are from reforms to incapacity benefits at about £500m a year.

The report states: “The financial losses arising from the reforms will hit the most deprived parts of Scotland hardest. Glasgow in particular, but also a number of other older industrial areas, will feel the impact most. The loss of benefit income, which is often large, will have knock-on consequences for local spending and thus for local employment, which will in turn add a further twist to the downward spiral.”

The report added: “A key effect of welfare reform will therefore be to widen the gaps in prosperity between the best and worst local economies across Scotland.” Researchers note that the scale of financial loss in Scotland would have been greater if the Scottish government had chosen to pass on the cut to council tax benefit.

The report was commissioned by the Holyrood’s welfare reform committee, and while it’s findings are unlikely to come as a major surprise, committee convener Labour MSP Michael McMahon said: “Our committee wanted a detailed picture of what would happen on the ground when these reforms were fully implemented. It is obvious to all that the impact is dramatic – and more so in the areas that can least afford it.”

A Scottish government spokesman said: “Sheffield Hallam have used the same publicly available data as the Scottish government analysis and reach broadly the same conclusions on the scale of the cuts. It is completely unacceptable that hard-working people and vulnerable groups will bear the brunt of the UK government’s welfare cuts.”

The UK government insists that changes must be considered alongside other measures like the increase of the tax threshold, that changes to the welfare system were necessary and that reforms will benefit the Scottish economy in the long-term.
