Crackdown on antisocial behaviour in Hunter Square

The public toilets in Edinburgh’s Hunter Square have been closed in the latest move to tackle anti-social behaviour. The joint agreement between the City of Edinburgh Council and Police Scotland to close the toilets comes as part of a set of actions being taken forward to tackle anti-social behaviour in the area. Continue reading Crackdown on antisocial behaviour in Hunter Square

Locality Improvement Plan: five days left to have your say

Until 27th January – Still time to tell us your priorities for North West Locality. Please complete our short survey  and please share

The 2017 – 2022 North West Locality Improvement Plan (LIP) will help coordinate how key partners including the Council, NHS, Police etc. best use available resources to meet changing demands across our communities. The LIP will also help towards the delivery of the new Edinburgh City Vision 2050. Continue reading Locality Improvement Plan: five days left to have your say

Public Social Partnership events

Edinburgh Wellbeing public social partnership (psp)

“Talk, Share, Plan, Repeat” Coproduction Events

Public Social Partnerships (PSPs) are about people working together to design what services and supports are needed to meet the need of people who have mental ill health, or mental health difficulties, and then building partnerships to deliver the services and supports. There will be two city wide events, the first to capture the main themes and the second to capture work across the city and to begin to make these links. The locality events will be focused more around understanding the needs of that particular community,  opening up local dialogue, and building relationships for future partnership working.

To registers for one/or more events or general enquiries please email:

  • Locality – North West: 1st Feb, 11 – 2:30, Muirhouse Library
  • City Wide: 8th Feb, 11 – 2:30, tbc
  • Locality – North West: 22nd Feb, 11 – 2:30, Muirhouse Library

Putting the brakes on air pollution

Councillors on the city council’s Transport and Environment Committee will hear next week that air quality in Edinburgh is improving. However the latest figures produced by Friends of the Earth Scotland show that there are now more pollution zones across Scotland than there were twelve months ago – and that much more needs to be done to address a problem they say is becoming a ‘public health crisis’. Continue reading Putting the brakes on air pollution

Have your say on locality priorities

There’s still time to complete our Locality Improvement Plan survey and tell us what your priorities are: everyone who lives in, visits or works in the North West area can now help shape what the LIP should focus on.

The link below will take you to a brief questionnaire where you are asked to identify what you feel is important to you, your family and your neighbours:

Recycle your Christmas tree

Edinburgh residents can present trees for collection and recycling by the City of Edinburgh Council, and should follow guidance on where and when to do this.

Those who use communal rubbish and recycling facilities can put their tree on next to on-street shared bins on designated dates depending on their street. These can be found on the Council website.

Some households in flatted and tenement properties may be on an existing garden waste collection route. Members of the public can check the Council website to see if their street is on a garden waste collection route and can present their Christmas tree at the kerbside by 6am on the next collection day.

Anyone else with a brown bin can either cut the tree up and place it in their garden waste bin or place it on the pavement by 6am on collection day (collection days can be checked online).

Christmas trees can also be recycled at any of the Community Recycling Centres at Sighthill, Seafield and Craigmillar between 8am and 7.30pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 6pm Saturday and Sunday.

Transport and Environment Convener, Councillor Lesley Hinds, said: “Thanks to the hard work of our staff over the festive period we have strived to continue our waste and recycling collections as usual. We are making every effort to collect real Christmas trees as efficiently as possible but we also rely on the public to help us do this by presenting their trees on the correct dates.”

To enable trees to be recycled, residents are reminded:

  • To remove all decorations from the Christmas tree
  • To remove stands from trees
  • To cut the tree in half if it is 6ft tall or more
  • Not to place trees in plastic bags, which means they cannot be recycled

Full festive waste arrangements are available on the Council website.