Living memories of adventures in Leith

St Nicholas Court

A book has been launched recounting the memories of eight Leithers. ‘An Adventure! – Happy Days in Leith’ has been produced by the Citadel Arts Group and tells the stories of residents of Port of Leith Housing Association’s (PoLHA) St Nicholas Court Sheltered Housing Complex. 

A launch event was held at the complex on Monday, when musician Laure Paterson entertained residents and a class of Trinity Primary School pupils who called in to join the celebrations and bring the generations together.

Maureen Tait, Senior Sheltered Housing Co-ordinator with PoLHA who manages the complex, said: “It is nice for the children and staff to hear stories of the past from the tenants and tales of things that we’ll never experience. The children are so good, always polite and helpful.  It means a lot to the tenants here.”

‘An Adventure! – Happy Days in Leith’ is a collection of memories about childhood, school days, first work experiences and family life collected by Citadel Arts Group living memory workers, Laure C Paterson and Liz Hare.

The book features St Nicholas Court residents Rita Falconer, Bertha Glancy, Margaret McKinlay, Annie Mulvaney, Mary McNicol, May Stevenson, Jean Tait and Frances Veitch (pictured above)  – each of whom shared their memories of Leith past and present with the book’s authors. Margaret said: “Things have changed a lot over the years and it’s been great to share those stories”.

The book is the culmination of seven weeks of sharing, recording and transcribing the stories of the eight residents. Citadel Arts Group’s Liz Hare said: “The tenants generously shared their memories and we have collected them into this book which will be a resource for the whole community.  Each member of the project will receive two copies and copies will go into Trinity Primary and local libraries. It has been one of the most enjoyable projects we have been involved in.”

The project is funded by The Robertson Trust.



Bingo! Citadel play brings the ‘house’ down!


Sheltered housing residents at Port of Leith’s Jameson Place and St Nicholas Court complex were entertained to an unusual play presented by Citadel Arts Group recently. ‘Bingo!’ written by retired engineer Alan Mountford, not only included a real game of the popular activity, but demonstrated how people can get quite possessive about the seat where they usually sit – especially when they are playing bingo.

The cast of Caroline MacKellar (Betty), Sharon Erskine (newcomer, Morag) and Mark Kydd (careworker and amateur bingo caller) treated the audience to afternoon of fun and entertainment.

Liz Hare, Artistic Director at Citadel Arts Group, said: “Citadel Arts Group gives older writers the chance to see their work professionally performed in a variety of settings including libraries, pubs, theatres, schools and centres for elderly people. We regularly perform for Port of Leith Housing Association residents who thoroughly enjoy our performances, but I think this was their favourite as they also got the chance to play bingo!”

Elaine Edwards, Scheme Co-ordinator at the Port of Leith Housing Association’s Jameson Place Sheltered Housing Complex, said: “Our residents had a great time. Many of them used to be keen bingo players, so it’s nice when there is something for them to relate to and get involved in.”