Giving Scotland’s children the best start

Breast’s best: New Year summit to promote breastfeeding

baby happyHealth, local authority and third sector partners will come together in the new year to kick off a year-long commitment to actively promote breastfeeding and support more women to breastfeed for longer.

The Breastfeeding Summit, to be held on Tuesday 24 February in Edinburgh, will examine what can be done to increase breastfeeding rates, which have remained relatively static across Scotland over the last decade.

Latest figures show 48.4 per cent of babies were breastfed at the first visit (around 10 days) in 2013/14. This compared with 44.4 per cent in 2004/05. The figures show a trend towards mixed feeding, where the baby is fed both breast and formula milk, and a decline by the 6-8 week review.

Leading experts will share the latest evidence on the benefits of breastfeeding, review what is working well, and identify key national and local actions to drive up rates and remove any barriers that exist.

The event will also explore ways to further support the increasing rates of breastfeeding in the most deprived areas, helping to reduce health inequalities.

While rates are increasing in mothers from disadvantaged backgrounds – up by 7.2 over the last nine years – there remains a clear association between breastfeeding and deprivation: mothers in most affluent areas are nearly three times as likely to exclusively breastfeed at 6-8 weeks compared with those in the most deprived areas.

Minister for Public Health, Maureen Watt, said: “This Summit will give us the chance to explore new ways to drive up breastfeeding rates. It’s an opportunity to bring experts together to discuss how we can support more mothers to decide to breastfeed for longer.

“Breastfeeding has major health benefits, in the short and longer term, for both mother and baby. That is why the Scottish Government continues to promote it as the best source of nutrition for babies.

“We know it is important to understand the factors which influence a mother’s infant feeding decision and develop effective strategies to encourage more women to breastfeed. Research shows that women who know about the health benefits of breastfeeding are more likely to start, therefore it’s essential that in the antenatal period the health benefits of breastfeeding are discussed and explained to all women.”

Promoting and supporting breastfeeding is a key component of Scottish Government’s Framework for Maternal and Infant Nutrition and there is strong evidence that breastfeeding in infancy has a protective effect against many childhood illnesses.

Breastfed infants are likely to have a reduced risk of infection, particularly those affecting the ear, respiratory tract and gastro-intestinal tract. This protective effect is particularly marked in low birth weight infants. Other probable benefits include improved cognitive and psychological development, and a reduced risk of childhood obesity. There is also evidence that women who breastfed have lower risks of breast cancer, epithelial ovarian cancer and hip fracture later in life.

The Breastfeeding Summit will take place at Murrayfield Stadium on Tuesday 24 February. Further details available at


Children and families charities to receive £14.7 million

 “Our parents often refer to our family sessions as a real lifeline, and we are very grateful for this support.” – Celine Sinclair, The Yard

toys (2)Children and families across Scotland are set to benefit from funding awards totalling almost £15 million, announced by the Acting Children’s Minister today.

The funding has been awarded to 132 voluntary organisations which aim to improve outcomes and reduce inequalities for children and young people across Scotland and their families and communities that support them.

Confirming the funding allocations for 2015-16, Acting Minister for Children and Young People Fiona McLeod said:

“The Scottish Government is committed to creating a fairer Scotland and reducing inequalities, and supporting families is key to achieving that aim. I’m pleased we can invest further funding in these organisations to continue their fantastic work supporting children and families across Scotland.

“From vital childcare and youth work projects, to counselling and learning support, the work of these organisations is wide ranging, helping ensure our children get the best start in life. I’ve visited the Yard Adventure Centre in Edinburgh and have seen first hand the excellent work they do to support families.”

The funding is allocated through both the Third Sector Early Intervention Fund (TSEIF) and Strategic Funding Partnerships which began in 2013.

In the first year of the TSEIF alone, more than 3,500 families facing challenges were supported through project work.

YardThe Yard Adventure Centre in Edinburgh is one organisation which has received funding through the TSEIF. It provides supported play and recreational activities for children with multiple and complex additional support needs.

Since the TSEIF grant began, there has been an increase in the number of new families using the centre and the funding has enabled them to increase their opening hours at the weekend.

Celine Sinclair, Chief Executive of Scotland Yard Adventure Centre said: “We are delighted to receive funding from the Third Sector Early Intervention Fund for a further year. The funds will support our weekend and holiday family sessions which provide both emotional and practical support to families with children with additional support needs. The sessions run every weekend and throughout the school holidays and give children and young people a safe and dynamic play space that meets their needs.

“Our parents often refer to our family sessions as a real lifeline, and we are very grateful for this support.”

Earlier this year the Scottish Government established a short-term working group to advise it on how the current funding arrangements supporting the Third Sector could be refined in the future.

The Third Sector Early Intervention Fund was launched in December 2012 with awards beginning from May 2013. It was originally intended to operate for two years, but has been extended to March 2016.

A Strategic Funding Partnership (SFP) is an agreement between the Scottish Government and a third sector organisation. The agreement is focused on the delivery of one or more Scottish Government outcomes, where the organisation is uniquely placed to assist with delivery and improve outcomes for children, young people, adults, families and communities. SFPs were also extended until March 2016 earlier this year.

Organisations receiving funding under the SFPs are:


British Association for Adoption and Fostering, Scotland

The Mentor Foundation UK (Mentor)

Genetic Alliance UK

Hearts and Minds

Article 12 in Scotland

Capability Scotland

The Alliance Scotland

Sense Scotland

Sleep Scotland

Scottish Youth Parliament

Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens

Dyslexia Scotland

Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC)

Lead Scotland

Learning Link Scotland

Scotland’s Learning Partnership

Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC)

Scottish Community Development Network

Workers’ Educational Association

Girlguiding Scotland

John Muir Trust

LGBT Youth Scotland

Scottish Association of Young Farmers Clubs

Scottish Environmental & Outdoor Education Centres Association

The Boys’ Brigade

The Girls Brigade in Scotland

The Iona Community

The Princes Trust

The Scout Association

Woodcraft Folk

YWCA Scotland

Care and Learning Alliance (CALA)

National Day Nurseries Association

Comann nam Pàrant (Nàiseanta)

Cruse Bereavement Care Scotland

Families Need Fathers Scotland

Fathers Network Scotland (FNS)

Parent Network Scotland

Working On Wheels

Family Service Unit Scotland (Circle)

Relationships Scotland

The Spark (Previously Scottish Marriage Care)

Asthma UK Scotland

Partners in Advocacy

Organisations receiving funding under the TSEIF are:

Action for Sick Children Scotland

Adoption UK in Scotland

Afasic Scotland

Befriending Networks

Black & Ethnic Minority Infrastructure in Scotland – BEMIS Scotland

Child Bereavement UK

Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) in Scotland

Children in Scotland – Working for Children and their Families (CiS)

Community Care Providers Scotland – Coalition Of Care And Support Providers In Scotland

Community Law Advice Network

Contact a Family Scotland

Down’s Syndrome Scotland

Edinburgh Cyrenians

Enable Scotland

Families Outside

Fast Forward

Govan Law Centre (Education Law Unit)

Home-Start UK

Mellow Parenting – Fathers & Parents with Learning disabilities

Mellow Parenting Very Early Intervention Project for Parents to Be


One Parent Families Scotland (OPFS)

Parents Early Education Partnership (PEEP)

Play Scotland


Rape Crisis Scotland


Royal Scottish Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children (Children 1st)

Royal Scottish Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children RSSPCC – Parenting across Scotland (Children 1st)

Save the Children

Scottish Child Law Centre

Scottish Childminding Association

Scottish Families Affected by Drugs- Strand 1

Scottish Mentoring Network

Scottish Out of School Care Network

Scottish Pre-School Play Association

Scottish Throughcare and Aftercare Forum (STAF)

Scottish Women’s Aid

Smart Play Network

Stepping Stones for Families

The Breastfeeding Network (BfN)

The Children’s Parliament

The Church Of Scotland CrossReach – Children, Young People and Families Directorate

The Duke of Edinburgh Award

The Fostering Network (Fosterline Scotland: Early Intervention through Advice, Advocacy and Mediation)

The Fostering Network Scotland

The National Autistic Society

The Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance

Together (Scottish Alliance for Children’s Rights)

Who Cares? Scotland

YMCA Scotland

Youth Scotland

YouthLink Scotland

3D Drumchapel

Aberlour and Quarriers: Growing2gether – Early Years/Early Intervention Service

Aberlour Child Care Trust (Aberlour Bridges Glasgow: evidence-based early-intervention model)

Action for Children (Family support volunteering project)

Action for Sick Children Scotland

Argyll and Bute Rape Crisis

Barnardo’s Scotland – You First

Care and Learning Alliance (CALA)

Childcare First Limited – Ready, Steady, Restore

Drugs Action – Families First

Edinburgh Young Carers Project

Families Outside – Addiewell Prison Visitors’ Centre

Kindred Advocacy

Midlothian Sure Start

MindMosaic Counselling and Therapy – Providing Therapeutic support for children and young people.

One Parent Families Scotland (Supporting Scotland’s Children and Fathers)

Open Secret

Play Alloa: STEP UP Project

Positive Help-Children & Young people’s (C&YP) Services

Quarriers (Opt-In Early Years Project)

Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre Perth & Kinross


Scotland Yard Adventure Centre (The Yard – Families Project)

Scottish Childminding Association

Scottish Spina Bifida Association (“Be All You Can Be” Project)

Sense Scotland (Early Years Advisory Service)

St Andrew’s Children’s Society (SACS) – SafeBase Parenting Programme

The Butterfly Trust – Social Support for people affected by Cystic Fibrosis

The Church of Scotland Social Care Council – Daisy Chain Early Years Project

The Church of Scotland Social Care Council – Postnatal Depression Services, Lothian

The Moira Anderson Foundation

The National Deaf Children’s Society (Your Child Your Choices)

Tourette Scotland

Waverley Care (African Health Project Children and Families)

New puzzles for Sick Kids


The Royal Hospital for Sick Children (RHSC) has taken delivery of a haul of new puzzles thanks to the generosity of the local community.

Hoards of brand new puzzles have been gifted to the hospital by company Jumbo Games following its ‘Bring Back Jigsaw Puzzle’ amnesty. The appeal, which ran in October and November, asked members of the public to donate old puzzles to the Hobbycraft store at Fort Kinnaird in exchange for money off new ones. For every jigsaw puzzle received, a brand new one was donated to the hospital.

Lorna Galbraith, Play Specialist at the Sick Kids said: “We’re thrilled to see these new puzzles delivered in time for Christmas. Play is so important for children in hospital. It lifts their spirits and helps them to relax by making a really abnormal environment, normal.”

Gray Richmond, Managing Director, Jumbo Games said: “It has been great to see the community rally together and lend its support to the recent amnesty. For each puzzle donated by a member of the public to the Hobbycraft Fort Kinnaird, we are able to provide the Royal Hospital for Sick Children with a brand new jigsaw for patients and their families to enjoy. “We hope that these donations will bring as much joy to those who use them as it has to us overseeing this project.”



Schools stats annual report: could do better?


Rise in primary teachers welcomed but pupil teacher ratio “disappointing”

The number of P1 pupils in Scotland taught in classes of more than 25 has fallen to just 451 this year – 97 per cent lower than the 16,845 children recorded in 2006.

The figure can be found within the annual Summary Statistics for Schools in Scotland for 2014, which was published yesterday. The report also highlights continuing improvements to classroom conditions, with a record number of pupils in good or satisfactory school buildings and a further rise in the number of new teachers in work.

The figures show:

• The number of P1 pupils taught in classes of more than 25 has fallen to just 451 – 97 per cent lower than the 16,845 children recorded in 2006.

• The total number of teachers (full-time equivalent, FTE) in Scotland in September was 50,824 – 254 (0.5 per cent) fewer than 12 months previously.

• The number of teachers in primary schools has risen from 22,905 in September 2013 to 23,029 in September 2014. However, as a result of increased numbers of primary pupils, the pupil-teacher ratio (PTR) has risen slightly.

• The 2014 PTR for all publicly-funded schools is 13.6 compared to 13.5 last year and 13.3 in 2006.

• The proportion of schools reported as being in ‘good’ or ‘satisfactory’ condition has increased again, to 83 per cent – up from 61 per cent in April 2007. That means the number of pupils in poor or bad buildings has more than halved since 2007.

• The proportion of 3 and 4 year olds attending early learning and childcare centres that are reported as having access to a GTCS registered teacher rose to 85 per cent in 2014, from 83.5 per cent last year.

Commenting on the statistics during a visit to her old school Cuiken Primary School in Midlothian, Cabinet Secretary for Education Angela Constance  said: “It is only a few years since more than 16,000 P1s were taught in unacceptably large classes of more than 25.

“These figures show we have virtually eliminated such classes. And, in the early years, we can see more 3 and 4 year olds in nursery have access to a registered teacher – giving them a better start to their education journey.

“We are also making more progress in improving school buildings with the proportion reported as being in ‘good’ or ‘satisfactory’ condition up again, to 83 per cent. That means the number of pupils in poor or bad buildings has more than halved since 2007.

“All of this has been achieved in the face of austerity. The budget available to us now is around 10 per cent smaller than when the current UK Government took office. Despite this, everyone, including councils, want to do more.

“That’s why we welcome the rise in the number of primary teachers but it is clear that this rise has been outstripped by the increase in primary pupils. That has led to a small but disappointing overall increase in the pupil-teacher ratio.

“We are already in discussions with councils, through Cosla, on the way ahead and these figures will now form part of those talks.

“Everyone involved in education from the Scottish Government to the local councils want to see real progress made. We must redouble our efforts to accelerate improvements in attainment and to ensure that all young people have the opportunity to fulfil their potential.”

classroom (2)Opposition MSPs have called for a funding rethink following the release of the pupil-teacher ratios.

Alison Johnstone, Green MSP for Lothian and education spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, urged Scottish ministers to rethink their squeeze on local authority funding after figures showed there are fewer teachers dealing with more pupils.

The Pupil-Teacher Ratio across Scotland has risen to 13.7 from 13 in 2007. The biggest annual increase has been in Edinburgh where the ratio is now 14.9 compared to 14.3 last year and 13.5 seven years ago.

Alison Johnstone MSP said: “Fewer teachers dealing with more pupils is a worrying indicator of a wider problem. Local authorities have had their funding squeezed by Scottish ministers, while teachers are dealing with an increasing workload. We’re also seeing councils considering options such as shorter school weeks to cope with budget pressures.

“I have real concerns that our councils are being put in an impossible position. Our schools have been relatively protected from the funding squeeze but unless local government has the flexibility to properly invest in education there’s a risk we cannot provide our children with the high quality learning experience they deserve.”

Summary statistics for Schools in Scotland 2014 can be accessed at:

Call for clarity on free school meals

dinnerThe Scottish Government has welcomed progress being made across Scotland in preparation for the introduction of free school meals for all P1 – 3 pupils next month  – but Green MSP Alison Johnstone says the policy must be supported with modern facilities. 

The measure, which comes into effect on 5 January, is expected to benefit around 135,000 pupils across Scotland and will save families of every eligible child at least £330 a year.

Following agreement with COSLA, the Scottish Government is providing revenue funding of £70.5 million over two years to deliver the commitment, supported with additional capital funding for local government of £24.8 million to ensure demand is met.

The introduction of free school meals for all P1-3 pupils has been supported by campaigners against child poverty, including Child Poverty Action Group Scotland, Children in Scotland, One Parent Families Scotland, the Church of Scotland and trade unions.

Last week Learning Minister Dr Alasdair Allan welcomed the hard work that has been ongoing across Scotland to prepare for the increased demand in schools. He said: “School lunches are hugely important in supporting a pupil’s ability to learn and January 5, 2015 marks the beginning of a new era in Scottish education.

“This Government is proud to be implementing free school meals for all P1-3 pupils. Delivering a saving of at least £330 a year for eligible families is just one aspect of this Government’s work to tackle the scourge of child poverty in Scotland.

“Free school meals will also play an important role in improving attainment in schools, through offering children healthy and nutritious lunches that will help them achieve their best in class.

“It’s never too early for children to start learning about the benefits of healthy eating and free school meals, in addition to learning through Curriculum for Excellence, will play a big role in helping to deliver that message.

“The implementation of free school meals for P1-3 comes in addition to a range of legislation and policies that have been developed by the Scottish Government over the past decade to ensure that our children and young people are offered balanced and nutritious meals at all stages of their school life. Most recently, the Better Eating, Better Learning guidance sets the agenda for the coming decade to drive further improvements to both school food and food education.

“I have been impressed with the work that local authorities are doing to prepare. I encourage everyone with an interest to make sure they are up to date with the new arrangements.

“The Scottish Government has worked very closely with COSLA and local authorities throughout this process and I look forward to January 5, when we will see this very positive measure coming into effect.”

Positive progress indeed, but Green MSP Alison Johnstone is calling for more details of how the policy will work in practice.

Earlier this year Freedom of Information requests by Ms Johnstone, the Scottish Greens’ education spokesperson and MSP for Lothian, revealed that many local authorities had no school kitchens and dining facilities already at capacity.

She said: “Free school meals is a sound policy but it must be matched with modern facilities. We know that many local authorities are struggling to cope as it is, so I want to hear in detail how well they have been supported in preparing for this welcome initiative.

“We have a great opportunity to improve our supply chains and invest in the skills of the catering workforce. The Scottish Government should be ready to find the funds necessary to make the most of this opportunity.”

Have you heard about Healthy Start?

come-on-inHealthy Start is a food and vitamin scheme scheme for families on low income (families on income support or Child Tax Credit recipients with household income less than £16,190). Pregnant women under 18 years old are also eligible, regardless of income.

Vouchers can be spent on fruit, veg, milk or formula feed. Supermarkets and many local shops and food coops accept them. They are worth up to £899 (if eligible all the way through from week 10 of pregnancy to 4th birthday).

A quarter of eligible families don’t currently receive vouchers so it’s worth checking your entitlement. Ask your midwife, health visitor or GP practice.

Watch a video about the vouchers here:

Check eligibility on website:


Thanks to our friends at Dads Rock for passing on this information

Circle joins #GivingTuesday: 'communities not consumerism'

Circle joins the UK’s #GivingTuesday movement to boost giving


 Circle has joined #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving, which encourages people and businesses to give their time, money or voice to charity for one day.

#GivingTuesday – 2 December – will provide a charitable antidote to the pre-Christmas consumer boom, falling directly after Black Friday and Cyber Monday. It will ask people to follow two of the big pre-Christmas shopping days with a day of doing good, asking them to do one simple charitable act on the day and it is hoped that #GivingTuesday in the UK will replicate the successes of the US, where they have seen a huge spike in donations on the day.

With this being the first year of Giving Tuesday in the UK, we decided to launch a Christmas Campaign alongside Giving Tuesday and are asking for donations to allow us to host Christmas parties for marginalised children and families across Scotland.

We are running a social media campaign to raise awareness of our cause and have an exciting video clip highlighting our campaign, featuring our patron, David Tennant. 

“#Giving Tuesday highlights the importance of giving back and allows people to reflect upon the consumerism that can often overshadow community spirit at Christmas. This year we are hoping to raise money to allow Circle to organise Christmas celebrations for the children and families supported across Scotland. We’re delighted to be involved with Giving Tuesday and hope that the movement continues to grow next year,” said Circle CEO Liz Dahl.

#GivingTuesday is led in the UK by the Charities Aid Foundation, with support from Blackbaud. Leaders from businesses, charities and the media have joined them to explore how they can boost donations to charity and volunteering and create a giving movement in the UK.

Corporate and charitable organisations are constantly signing up to be partners and participate in the initiative this year. The campaign was launched in the US in 2012 by 92nd Street Y, in partnership with the United Nations Foundation and has since become a global movement, with Canada, Mexico, Israel, Australia, Singapore and Latin America all getting on board in 2013. Last year the campaign had 10,000 partners worldwide.

John Low, Chief Executive of the Charities Aid Foundation, said: “We’re really excited to be bringing #GivingTuesday to the UK and it is fantastic that so many brilliant businesses and charities are getting involved.

“We’re bringing #GivingTuesday to the UK to provide a contrast to the peak shopping days of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, to remind us that the spirit of the festive season should be about community and not just consumerism. We hope that we can capture the imagination of the British public and permanently establish a day in the calendar to celebrate giving and the fantastic work charities are doing all over the country.”

Henry Timms, 92Y’s Executive Director, said: “It’s been a privilege to work with remarkable leaders all over the world building a movement around #GivingTuesday. This initiative has been crowdsourced by some of the smartest and most connected minds among the next generation of philanthropists and entrepreneurs.”

Those interested in joining Circle’s #GivingTuesday initiative can view our promotional video: and can share/retweet our campaign materials over the coming days and encourage people to donate. 

Facebook /CircleScotland

Twitter @CircleScotland 


For more details about the #GivingTuesday movement, visit #GivingTuesday

website:, Facebook page

or follow @givingtuesdayuk and #GivingTuesday hashtag on Twitter.


NHS Lothian launches six-year plan for children's services

handsHealth and wellbeing services for children and young people in Lothian are set to be strengthened with the launch of a pioneering new strategy.

NHS Lothian’s Children and Young People’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy, which sets out a clear vision, principles and approach to services over the next six years, was unveiled by Aileen Campbell, Minister for Children and Young People at a conference organised by NHS Lothian last week.

The document sets out NHS Lothian’s vision and is the road map for reducing inequalities and improving the health and wellbeing of children and young people in Lothian.

Tim Davison, Chief Executive, NHS Lothian, said: “This strategy is crucial to children’s and young people’s services. It will underpin all the work we do over the next six years and will help to transform services to ensure that the interests and health of children are at the forefront of everything we do.”

The document outlines how the health board will work with children, young people, their families, public, the voluntary sector and local authorities, to improve the physical and emotional health and wellbeing of children and young people.

New Sick Kids hospitalSally Egan, Associate Director and Child Health Commissioner, NHS Lothian said: “Every child should have the best start in life and grow up being healthy, safe, confident and resilient. This new strategy puts children and young people at the centre of their care and makes it clear who is responsible for their welfare.

“It comes at a time when we are forming closer working relationships with local authorities to fully integrate health and social care and are also looking ahead to the new Royal Hospital for Sick Children (pictured above).”

Created with the help and input of children and young people and supported by the Children’s Parliament, the ambitious strategy is based around the principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and underpins the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014.

It aims to tackle three key issues; how NHS Lothian engages with children and young people in their care and treatment, ensuring the health board recognises how children and young people feel, and improving access to health information and health services, which were all highlighted by children and young people during the extensive consultation period.

The strategy sets out plans to:

· Involve children, young people and their families in decisions that affect their health and wellbeing

· Improve the range and quality of healthcare services for children and young people

· Reduce the impact of social circumstances on health

· Ensure disabled children and young people will have their additional needs met

· Increase staff understanding of the needs of the younger population.

toys (2)Minister for Children and Young People,​ Aileen Campbell said: “I’m delighted to help launch this ambitious new strategy. This successfully builds on the NHS services already in place, with a renewed focus on children’s rights and wellbeing to help ensure they and their families can get access to the right help at the right time.

“The Scottish Government’s aspiration is for Scotland to be the best place to grow up and this type of pioneering work will make a real difference to the lives of our children and young people, and ensure they have the best possible start in life.”


NHS Lothian launches six-year plan for children’s services

handsHealth and wellbeing services for children and young people in Lothian are set to be strengthened with the launch of a pioneering new strategy.

NHS Lothian’s Children and Young People’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy, which sets out a clear vision, principles and approach to services over the next six years, was unveiled by Aileen Campbell, Minister for Children and Young People at a conference organised by NHS Lothian last week.

The document sets out NHS Lothian’s vision and is the road map for reducing inequalities and improving the health and wellbeing of children and young people in Lothian.

Tim Davison, Chief Executive, NHS Lothian, said: “This strategy is crucial to children’s and young people’s services. It will underpin all the work we do over the next six years and will help to transform services to ensure that the interests and health of children are at the forefront of everything we do.”

The document outlines how the health board will work with children, young people, their families, public, the voluntary sector and local authorities, to improve the physical and emotional health and wellbeing of children and young people.

New Sick Kids hospitalSally Egan, Associate Director and Child Health Commissioner, NHS Lothian said: “Every child should have the best start in life and grow up being healthy, safe, confident and resilient. This new strategy puts children and young people at the centre of their care and makes it clear who is responsible for their welfare.

“It comes at a time when we are forming closer working relationships with local authorities to fully integrate health and social care and are also looking ahead to the new Royal Hospital for Sick Children (pictured above).”

Created with the help and input of children and young people and supported by the Children’s Parliament, the ambitious strategy is based around the principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and underpins the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014.

It aims to tackle three key issues; how NHS Lothian engages with children and young people in their care and treatment, ensuring the health board recognises how children and young people feel, and improving access to health information and health services, which were all highlighted by children and young people during the extensive consultation period.

The strategy sets out plans to:

· Involve children, young people and their families in decisions that affect their health and wellbeing

· Improve the range and quality of healthcare services for children and young people

· Reduce the impact of social circumstances on health

· Ensure disabled children and young people will have their additional needs met

· Increase staff understanding of the needs of the younger population.

toys (2)Minister for Children and Young People,​ Aileen Campbell said: “I’m delighted to help launch this ambitious new strategy. This successfully builds on the NHS services already in place, with a renewed focus on children’s rights and wellbeing to help ensure they and their families can get access to the right help at the right time.

“The Scottish Government’s aspiration is for Scotland to be the best place to grow up and this type of pioneering work will make a real difference to the lives of our children and young people, and ensure they have the best possible start in life.”


Play in the Park this weekend

Broughton High School Community Learning & Development (CLD) Team is launching a fun new activity this weekend.

Drylaw and Inverleith Parks will be the venues for young people to get out to enjoy games, sports, trips, arts, challenges – and more!

Weekly ‘Play in the Park’ sessions start this Sunday (9 November) in Drylaw Park from 1 – 3pm and will also be taking place in Inverleith Park on Sturdays from 2.30 – 4.30pm – starting date details will be announced later.

For further information contact Callum McLeod at Broughton High School CLD, telephone 332 6316.

Weekends will never be the same again!

Poster Nov2014