Children say exposure to dangerous online content is the greatest threat they face

Children and young people see dangerous and explicit online content as the number one threat they face according to a new survey commissioned by the charity Children First with support from players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

79 percent of young people in Scotland said they are moderately to extremely worried about seeing harmful online content and 78 percent are anxious about the impact of social media according to figures released today by Scotland’s national children’s charity.

Children First said the figures provide further “shocking” evidence of the depth of Scotland’s national childhood emergency, as they revealed less than one in four of the young people who completed the survey said that childhood is better now than it was for their parents.

The charity’s survey quizzed more than 2,460 children and young people aged 11-25 across Scotland about their lives.

Smartphone usage also came out as a top concern alongside worries about mental health.

Mary Glasgow, chief executive of Children First said: “The level of fear and anxiety that children and young people feel about the dangers of being online and the impact on their mental health is shocking.

“That less than a quarter of young people say their childhood is better than their parents, shows how deep the national childhood emergency goes. We must take children’s concerns seriously and act with urgency.

 “Our teams have seen a surge in children coming to us who are distressed and at risk of serious harm. We are extremely grateful to the generous players of People’s Postcode Lottery, whose support helps us to be there to help children and young people recover from trauma and abuse. But the terrible reality is that the online threats to our children and young people are growing daily.

“Children can’t protect themselves; everybody needs to help keep them safe. Technology platforms need to stop shirking their responsibility for children’s online safety. They must put children before profit and make young people’s safety their top priority.

“We understand how overwhelming online dangers can feel for parents and carers and are here to help. Anyone who is worried about a child can contact Children First’s support line for help.”

Players of People’s Postcode Lottery have been supporting Children First’s work to protect children across Scotland for over 17 years. Last year alone players raised £900,000 for the charity awarded by Postcode Children Trust.

Children First has been working with young people to understand their concerns about online harm. At a recent workshop, young people revealed worries about cyber-bullying, the dark side of social media, the sharing of photos and videos without permission, the use of artificial intelligence, unwanted contact from strangers and being served dangerous and explicit content.

Commenting on Snapchat, Jessie said: “you don’t know who you are meeting on there,” Beth added: “I have 84 boys trying to add me as a friend… I don’t know any of them.”

Laura said she “think(s) AI is a lot more dangerous than it is good, until there are proper regulations, but there probably won’t be enough regulations ever.”

Children First’s Scotland-wide confidential support line can be called free on 08000 28 22 33 or contacted by webchat at The charity’s support line is open 9am – 9pm, Monday to Friday or 9am – 12 noon Saturday and Sunday.

The charity has published some helpful advice for parents and carers about keeping children safe online  

   *Names have been anonymised to protect the identity of the young people quoted.

‘Encouraging progress’ as child mental health waiting times target met

The national standard on waiting times for children and young people accessing mental health services has been met for the first time.

Latest Public Health statistics show 90.6% of those who were referred to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) were seen within 18 weeks from October to December– the Scottish Government standard is 90%.

The figure is an increase from 89.1% for the previous quarter and from 83.8% for the same quarter in 2023.

Mental Wellbeing Minister Maree Todd said: “This continued progress is testament to the dedication of the staff who work so hard to help the children and young people they care for.

“We want everyone to get the support they need, when they need it. Clearly, reaching the national standard is encouraging but I know there is much more to be done if this is to be sustained and consistent across Scotland.

“However, we are on the right path and the £123 million we have allocated to NHS Boards this year will mean the quality and delivery of all mental health services – including CAMHS – will continue to improve.”

Responding to the latest CAMHS referral figures, Children First chief executive Mary Glasgow said: “While the progress on meeting CAMHS waiting times should be applauded, it shouldn’t deflect attention from the still growing mental health crisis among Scotland’s children and young people.

“Numbers of referrals to CAMHS have risen by almost a fifth and our teams across Scotland are seeing rapidly rising levels of worry and anxiety among the children and young people who come to us for support.

“The fact remains that children are often not getting support until they are in severe distress. This must stop.  

“The Scottish Government must invest more in early help and support to prevent children reaching crisis point.” 

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) waiting times – Quarter ending December 2024 – Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) waiting times – Publications – Public Health Scotland

‘Continued improvement’ in child mental health waiting times

Best performance since national target was set – but charities say targets are still being missed

Almost 90% of children and young people accessing mental health services started treatment within 18 weeks of referral from July to September – the best performance since a national target was introduced a decade ago.

Latest Public Health statistics show 89.1% of those who were assessed as suitable for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) were seen within 18 weeks – the Scottish Government target is 90%.

The figure is up five percentage points on the previous quarter and 13.5 percentage points on the same quarter the previous year.

Mental Wellbeing Minister Maree Todd said: “We are working hard to ensure that everyone gets the support they need, when they need it, so the continued improvement in CAMHS waiting times is very welcome.

“These positive figures are testament to the dedication of the staff who work so hard to help the children and young people they care for. While the national standard applies only to each quarter, it is also encouraging that the highest ever monthly performance – 91.3% was recorded in September.  

“However we know there is still more to do, which is why we have provided local authorities with more than £65 million, since 2020, to develop and deliver community-based mental health support for children, young people and their families. We have also invested £16 million a year to work towards ensuring every secondary school in Scotland has access to school counselling services.”

Children 1st Chief Executive, Mary Glasgow.

Responding to the latest CAMHS quarterly waiting list figures, Children First chief executive Mary Glasgow said: “Today’s figures show thousands of children are still in desperate need of support.

“It’s a decade since the Scottish Government committed to 90 percent of CAMHS referrals being seen within 18 weeks. This target has still not been met. 

“Our teams across Scotland are supporting young people who are frightened, worried, anxious and need help now. The fact remains that children are often not getting support until they are in severe distress. This must stop.  

“Ahead of tomorrow’s budget, the Scottish Government must invest more in early help and support to prevent children reaching crisis point.

We want to see more funding so that families can quickly get support for their children when they need it.” 

The Scottish Children’s Services Coalition (SCSC), an alliance of leading providers of specialist care and education to vulnerable children and young people, is calling on the Scottish Government to deliver a budget for mental health tomorrow (4th December).

The call comes as the latest waiting time figures from Public Health Scotland published today (3rd December), indicate that 115 children and young people had been waiting over a year for treatment from child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) in the quarter ending September 2024.

The figures also show that a total of 4,231 children and young people were still stuck on waiting lists to start treatment at the end of that quarter.

This comes against the background of an increasing level of violent incidents in the classroom, a result in part due to the current mental health emergency, exacerbated by the long shadow of the Covid lockdown and cost-of-living crisis.

Even before the Covid-19 pandemic, cases of poor mental health in children and young people were at unprecedented levels, with under-resourced services struggling to keep pace with growing demand, leaving an increasing number of vulnerable individuals unable to access support

However, it should be noted that despite this challenging situation, only 0.75 per cent of the total NHS budget was spent on CAMHS in the 2023/23 financial year.2 

Indeed, spend on mental health services generally has declined by 4.5 per cent in real terms over the past three years.

The SCSC is calling the Scottish Government to up its game in the budget and make the treatment of mental health issues a key national priority, prioritising spending and avoiding a potential lost generation of children and young people with mental health problems.

A spokesperson for the SCSC commented: “The latest figures highlighting that more than 4,200 children and young people are still waiting for treatment from mental health services, with 115 waiting over a year, is extremely alarming.

“We are facing a mental health emergency and many of our children and young people are at breaking point, with stress and anxiety reaching alarming levels as they battle with the long shadow of lockdown and the rising cost of living. This is also having a major effect on classroom behaviour, impacting the young people concerned, their fellow pupils and staff.

“Each one of these statistics is an individual, and we would urge the Scottish Government to up its game and make the adequate resourcing of mental health services for our children and young people an absolute priority in the forthcoming budget.”

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in NHSScotland for the quarter ending September 2024.

Over half of all Childline counselling sessions with children in Scotland were about mental health last year

  • Childline delivered more than 8,000 counselling sessions with children in Scotland last year
  • This included 4,485 counselling sessions with children about their mental and emotional health and wellbeing concerns
  • This World Mental Health Day, the NSPCC is encouraging children to reach out to Childline for support on any issues

Over half (55%) of all counselling sessions delivered to young people in Scotland by the NSPCC’s Childline service last year were about mental health and wellbeing.

Between April 2023 and March 2024, Childline delivered 4,485 counselling sessions to young people in Scotland about mental and emotional health and wellbeing, equating to approximately 12 sessions a day.

When discussing their mental health, some of the top concerns that were raised were anxiety, stress, low mood, depression and loneliness.

To mark World Mental Health Day (Thursday, October 10th), the NSPCC is highlighting these figures to show the scale of children struggling with their mental health and to remind them that Childline is a safe place where they can seek help and support.

An 11-year-old girl from Scotland who contacted Childlinesaid: “I feel so lonely at school, I only really have one friend. What’s harder though is I feel I can’t talk about how much it upsets me.

“My parents seem annoyed or judgemental when I try to talk about my feelings. Speaking to Childline feels like a weight has been lifted.”

It is important for children and young people get help with their mental health at an early stage – through schools or in the local community – rather than waiting until they reach crisis point.

That is why the charity is calling on the Scottish Government to ensure communities have the resources they need to be able to support children’s mental health wherever and whenever they need it. This will require investment in specialist care, counselling in schools and support in community settings.

Any child or young person who is struggling can also contact Childline up to the age of 19 and have a confidential conversation with a counsellor over the phone or online, at any time of the day.

Adeniyi Alade, service head of Childline, who is based at Aberdeen Childline, said“Growing up can be tough at times and our counsellors talk to children and young people every day to support them with their mental health and wellbeing.

“This Mental Health Day we’d like to remind young people that our friendly counsellors are here for them all day, every day, to talk about whatever is worrying them.

“They don’t need to struggle alone. We can help, whether they are feeling anxious, lonely, or depressed.

 “At the NSPCC and Childline we also believe that mental health support should be available in all communities across Scotland and are calling on the Scottish government to implement this to reach every pupil who needs help.”

The Childline website also provides support to young people on the advice pages or resources, such as Art Box, which is a space for children to write or draw about their feelings. Children can also use the service’s Calm Zone, an area of the website with lots of tools and mechanisms to help young people cope.

Drawing or writing can be a helpful way for children to process their emotions, as it can enable them to express themselves and make sense of their situation.

One primary school aged girl from Scotland who contacted Childlinesaid: “I’m so self-conscious of how I look, my personality, what people think about me.

“It makes me feel anxious. I know everyone is different, but I feel different in a bad way. Reading and drawing are my ways to escape.”

With this in mind, Lidl GB in partnership with Crayola is supporting the NSPCC in their mission to be there for every child needing support with their mental health by launching the Crayola Cosmic Creations and Fantastic Fantasy Activity Tube.

The activity tubes – of which £1 per item sold will be donated to Childline – are designed to give children a creative outlet for their emotions using colouring pencils, colouring rolls, foil art posters and stickers, all with vibrant designs.

Charlie Day, CSR Team Manager at Lidl GB, said: “Supporting young people’s mental health matters hugely to our colleagues and customers.

“That’s why at Lidl GB we’re committed to building on the over £9 million we’ve donated to the NSPCC since 2017, however we can.

“We’re delighted to sell activity tubes in Lidl GB stores that provide children with a calming activity and help them to express their feelings.

“Co-created by Crayola and Hunter Price International, the product will raise vital funds for Childline, and with the contact details on-pack, will help ensure young people have somewhere to turn when they’re ready to open up.”

Young people can contact Childline on 0800 1111 or via 1-2-1 chat on:

Supporting children and young people’s mental health

Funding for new project announced

The Scottish Government has announced additional funding for a new project to support LGBTQI+ children and young people’s mental health.

LGBT Youth Scotland will receive £50,000 to establish a new Mental Health LGBT Youth Commission.

LGBTQI+ young people continue to experience significant health inequalities and face real barriers to accessing healthcare.

The Commission will explore barriers and challenges LGBTQI+ young people face when accessing mental health support and services. This work, will be taken forward with young people, and their lived experience will help inform future work, designing targeted and tangible solutions, formulated by the LGBT Scotland Youth Scotland Mental Health Ambassadors.

This project has been developed based on the feedback and recommendations of children, young people and families and will provide important additional mental health support to the LGBTQI+ young people in Scotland.

Mental Wellbeing Minister Maree Todd said: “I am happy to announce this additional support for LGBT Youth Scotland on top of the substantial investment we are already making in improving the mental health and wellbeing support provided to children, young people and their families.

“We have listened to children, young people and families, and are taking direct action in the areas where they have told us more support is needed.

“Making sure all children and young people can get the mental health and wellbeing support they need, at the right time, is important to this government as our continued record investment in this area goes to show.”

LGBT Youth Scotland, Chief Executive, Dr Mhairi Crawford said: “There is a tremendous amount of work still needed to ensure that the voices of LGBTQ+ young people in Scotland are heard. However, this funding represents a step in the right direction.

“We recognise the current pressures on the NHS, but even during times of crisis, we cannot deprioritise the needs of marginalised groups.

“LGBT Youth Scotland’s Mental Health Youth Commission will see young people share their lived experience to drive change and inform solutions.

“We thank the Scottish Government for supporting this project which will amplify the voices of LGBTQ+ young people, have a significant impact on services and help LGBTQ+ young people across Scotland thrive.”