Sacro seeks volunteer drivers

Edinburgh Travel Service postcard 2016-page-0

Do you enjoy driving? Have you got access to a car? Sacro are currently recruiting volunteer drivers for the Sacro Travel Service. The Travel Service transports people to the State Hospital at Carstairs and prisons predominately throughout the central belt of Scotland. Full training is given and expenses are paid.

For more information please contact  Joan Alexander, Travel Service Coordinator, Sacro: email or telephone 0131 622 7500.

We love our charity shops!

Britain is a nation of charity shop lovers – but 97% of Scots will use a charity during their lifetime
  • More than eight out of ten of us (86%) have bought an item from a charity shop
  • Older people, women and people living in more affluent areas are the most likely to have bought something from a charity shop
  • Nearly every household (98 %) in the UK has used a charity at some point

The UK is a nation of charity shop lovers with more than eight out of ten of us (86%) having bought an item from a charity shop, according to the latest research by the Charities Aid Foundation.

Older people, women and people living in more affluent areas are the most likely to have bought something from a charity shop. People living in rural areas are also more likely to have bought something from a charity shop than their urban counterparts.

The research reveals that those in the  East of England are the biggest charity shoppers with Londoners being the least likely to have ever bought something.

The figures form part of a wide-reaching report, Charity Street II, which examines the way people use charitable services and their awareness of the scope of charitable services.

The figures show that nearly every household (98 %) in the UK has used a charity at some point and on average people have used about six charitable services in the past year.

But awareness of which services are provided by charities is surprisingly poor.

Around a quarter (23%) of the population are unaware that the charity services that they or someone in their household used were, in fact, run by charities. Given a list of 16 services provided by charities, less than one in ten people were aware they were all provided by the voluntary sector.

The report shows:

  • Charity shopping is more popular among those living in the UK’s most affluent areas, where 90% reported having ever bought an item compared to 82% of people living in the most deprived areas;
  • More than seven in ten people (71%) aged 65 or over bought something from a charity shop last year. This compares to 53% of 18-24 year olds, with people becoming more likely to buy from charity shops as they get older;
  • In rural areas 91% of people have ever bought something from a charity shop; in urban areas the figure in 84%;
  • 93% of people living in East England have bought something from a charity shop compared to 80% of Londoners.
  • Women buy things from charity shops more than men, with seven out of ten (70%) having bought an item in the past year, compared with just 54% of men;
  • The other most common ways people have used charity services are visiting a charity run gallery, museum, garden or stately home (69%); visiting a church or religious institution run by a charity (46%) getting advice or information from a charity website (45%) and attending a university (44%)

Susan Pinkney, Head of Research at the Charities Aid Foundation, said: “Gone are the days when there was a stigma attached to charity shopping with our figures showing that people in more affluent areas are on average more likely to be charity shoppers.

“Charity shops can be high street treasure troves, selling cheaper, second hand goods and often promoting ethically produced and ‘fair trade’ items.

“But crucially, charity shops do not just rely on the shoppers. Their success is built on many different acts of altruism, from those who donate goods to the tens of thousands of volunteers who help to work to run them.

“Our research also highlighted how much we all rely on charities without necessarily realising it. A huge amount of British public life is supported by generosity. And a lot of us are unaware of the scope of charities in the UK.”

The UK has more than 10,200 charity shops and 85% of goods sold in charity shops are from donations, according to the Charity Retail Association.

The Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) is one of Europe’s largest charitable foundations, providing advice, financial services and research to help people and companies give to causes they care about.


charity shop

Holyrood Park BIG Fun Run set for 9 October

BFR _A4 Poster_Edinburgh-page-0

BFR _A4 Poster_Edinburgh

After the success of the Big Fun Run Series last year, the events are set to return in 2016 and are promised to be bigger and better than ever! Taking place from July – October and set in some of the most scenic parks throughout the UK, the 5K events are aimed at all members of the family with FREE entry for children under 5.

The 17 event-long series begins down in the South Coast in Brighton on 23rd July and then makes its way throughout locations in Scotland, the North West, North East, Midlands and South before finishing in London with a Halloween-themed run in Victoria Park on 30th October.

Big Fun Run events are the perfect way for runners to fundraise for a cause they really care about. Last year, over £200,000 was raised for charity and the series is brilliantly supported by hundreds of charities all throughout the UK.

Zahid Mahmood took part in last year’s Birmingham event after choosing to fundraise for a lifesaving baby unit that cared for his wife and newborn son. “I feel by doing the 5K Big Fun Run I’ve gone a little way to show the gratitude I have for the neonatal doctors and nurses,” he said.

The £450 he raised will go towards the purchase of specialist post-birth equipment such as incubators and heart rate monitors.

Big Fun Run Event Director, Neil Kilgour said: “Tens of thousands of people take part in Big Fun Run every year, it attracts people of all shapes, sizes and ages. No event is timed, it is all about having fun and raising funds for a charity close to your heart. Each run has a friendly atmosphere whilst offering an achievable challenge .

“It is a great event for all the family and it is not unusual to see grandma, mum and daughter all lining up together at the start line. We also have many people taking part in fancy dress to add to the feelgood atmosphere.”

To find out more about the 2016 Series, go to

Care and Repair Edinburgh

Care and Repair Edinburgh – Better At Home


Care and Repair Edinburgh – Advice and Information Leaflet

Registered charity Care and Repair Edinburgh supports older (60+) and disabled people to live safely at home through providing a range of practical services. 

C&RE is contracted by the City of Edinburgh Council (CEC) to provide the following core services:

  • Small Repairs
  • Adaptations
  • FREE Handyperson/Volunteer
  • Keysafe Fitting (Police Approved)
  • Trade Referrals

See leaflet for more info



Morrisons local derby for charity

***** Charity Football Match – Sunday 28 August *****

08 AUG Morrisons Charity Football

Four weeks to go! Who’s raring to go for the match? We would love you all to join us! Morrisons Granton vs Morrisons Ferry Road. Epic battle – which store will win?

All money raised will be going to SiMBA, Simpson’s Memory Box Appeal St Columba’s Hospice

Join our event page to find out details and to see what raffle prizes can be won on the night. Getting back to the raffle- today I got word that we are getting a hamper from Mars! So all you sweet tooth’s chuck the diet out the window and get ready to buy your raffle tickets!!

#‎football‬‪#‎charityfootballmatch‬ ‪#‎Morrisons‬ ‪#‎Spartans‬ ‪#‎Granton‬ ‪#‎Ferryroad‬‪#‎August28th‬ ‪#‎edinburgh‬

Crewe Toll company gives local kids a break

Leonardo-Finmeccanica invited local children in for lunch on Friday … and Forth 1 popped in too!

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It happened in a flash. Marie Cooper, an employee at Leonardo-Finmeccanica, the electronic engineering company based at Crewe Toll, was walking through the restaurant. She had just left a meeting with Forth One’s Cash for Kids team discussing their fundraising drive, Holiday Hunger, raising money to feed children from the local area who often go hungry during the summer school holidays. 

She suddenly thought perhaps we could use our facility and get Cash for Kids to contact local organisations to invite some of the children they support in for lunch one day during the holidays.

Marie approached the business and ISS, who are responsible for our catering, and was given their full support to open the doors on Friday 15 July to feed over 150 young people from the local Edinburgh community who often have to struggle during the summer school holidays with little food at home.

Marie said: “To think that many of these children not only go hungry but can’t invite their friends over during the holidays because the expense is too great is quite heart breaking and hopefully this activity we are planning will give them a bit of a boost.”

But the inspiration didn’t end there. When Marie heard that the machine shop needed to dispose of obsolete machinery, she suggested that perhaps the proceeds of the sale of the equipment to Lapmaster, amounting to £,5,500, could be donated to this very worthwhile Cash for Kids campaign.

Marie said: “The guys were fantastic and they couldn’t do enough to support and thanks to their cooperation we have been able to add this to the £661 which employees have already generously donated and which has now been handed over to Cash for Kids.”

Forth One attended the event on Friday to show their support for the local children and the Leonardo’s fundraising efforts.

Emma Kemp, Charity Manager, Forth One said: “When I learned that the employees at Leonardo had managed to raise over £6,000 it just blew me away. The money is going to make such a difference to improving the quality of life of so many young people who are really struggling right now. The event on its own was going to be an amazing morale booster for them, but to find out that the extra funds have been gathered too is absolutely fantastic.”

Pictured: Fat Brestovca (DJ Forth One), Emma Kemp (Charity Manager – Radio Forth Cash for Kids), Ruaridh Tait (Radio Borders) and Marie Cooper, PA, Leonardo.

Leonardo Finmeccanica

Volunteering opportunities with Move On

Move On logo

Volunteer Mentors Wanted

Would you like to make a positive difference to a young person in need?

Could you help develop the skills and confidence of a vulnerable young person in Edinburgh?

Do you have 2 hours a week to support young people to identify and achieve their goals?

Move On Edinburgh is currently recruiting volunteer mentors for our next training course, and your skills, knowledge and experience are our most valuable resource in engaging some of Edinburgh’s hardest to reach young people.

Our mentoring service matches young people (including those who are; young carers, looked after, accommodated, attending SEBD schools, lacking confidence, socially isolated, offending, engaged in risk taking behaviour, misusing substances etc.) with a volunteer mentor.

The service aims to improve outcomes for vulnerable young people such as increased self-esteem and social confidence, extended social networks and improved employability. The mentors also encourage the young people to focus on employment, training and education opportunities, identifying aspirations, finding out about different options and accessing suitable opportunities.

Our mentors are drawn from all walks of life and we are particularly keen to recruit mentors who have personal experience of the care system or homelessness. Mentors undergo a thorough recruitment, training and induction process, involving taking up references, a mandatory 5 week training course and membership of the PVG (Protection of Vulnerable Groups) scheme.

If you are interested in this volunteer opportunity, please call 0131 558 3740 or email to request an application pack, or visit our website for more information: